The Dark King's Bride (9 page)

Read The Dark King's Bride Online

Authors: Janessa Anderson

Lily attempted to ease the tension away due to her conscience’s plea. She knew that he didn’t seem the type to go back on his words to her. He had been honest to her this whole time, and didn’t seem like the kind to turn on her now when he has won her trust.

Slowly, her body started to detect a faint draft from behind, informing her that Daniel had already started to undo the upper part of the back of her dress. Her muscles tightened up on the spot out of nervousness from his hands working her gown’s binds free. Lily drew in a breath of air, and brought her hands to lie across her midsection, one on top of the other, as she released it out of her mouth.

I am going to be okay…There is no reason why I should be so nervous right now. Daniel is very trustworthy and not the type of man to betray me.

She found herself brought out of her train of thought by a new sensation: the tips of Daniel’s fingers moving down the center of her back as more of her gown was being opened up and pushed to the side. Lily struggled to keep her breathing patterns from being too loud or fast due to a warmth resonating from him she had not anticipated to expect.

Dear god…His fingers feel majestic dancing down the middle of my back like they are. Even though he is not doing it deliberately…I love how his fingers are caressing against my back right now.

The same urges she had for him in his royal carriage returned with a vengeance, and showed her no mercy. The muscles in her inner thighs tightened as the ones in her vagina had begun to clench at the same time. She eased her eyes shut, and, mentally, attempted to sway the desires burning inside of her body to stop.

Calm yourself down, Lily…You can regain control of your body this very moment before it is too late, and…and…

She found herself faltering a bit due to the sensation of Daniel’s strong hands moving more of her gown away from her back to expose her bare flesh from the base of her slender neck all the way down to the small of her back that was positioned right above her round, tight rump. Lily struggled to get back on track with her thoughts while the warmth from his fingers were moving all throughout her body, ravaging every fiber of her being.

If I can’t control my body and ease these conflicting emotions away or at least to a level I can manage to deal with, I am fearful of what will come to pass the moment he removes my gown away to show every part of my naked form to his piercing gaze…I can’t look away from those emerald eyes once I look upon them…I just can’t…

Before she could finish the thought, Lily sensed his strong hands sliding the shoulders of her dress to the sides to where their soft, fair complexion could be seen out in the open, and move his palms onto the balls of them, pressing his fingers into them. She drew in a breath of air as a last attempt to silence the urges she was experiencing, but found it failing, tremendously, due to the heat rising inside of her body and emerging on the surface of her face, slowly.

Give into it, Lily.
Her lust whispered to her, speaking in a highly tempting tone.
Give into what Daniel has to offer you.

I…I can’t…
Lily spoke with absolute desperation to the part of her conscience that was invading and assaulting her thoughts with its own.
It is not proper for me to do such a thing with a man I have only met-

You have no room to talk about doing something ‘improper’ when you were on the verge of doing something ‘improper’ in his carriage with him not very long ago.

The skin on her cheeks flushed with embarrassment from her being called out by the lustful side of herself. She had indeed bordered on the point of having sex on the way to the very castle she was in at the moment. Lily couldn’t deny that to her conscience, but it didn’t change her wish to not do something ‘improper’ so quickly.

I know what you are talking about to me…but I don’t wish to give into it so quickly.

Lily, you don’t have forever to be doing this with him. You can’t hold this back, or keep him back from progressing further with you forever.

You listen-

Lily abruptly stopped the conversation with her conscience upon the fabric sliding down and off of her body in a slow, teasing gesture. She moved her eyes, and noticed Daniel’s strong hands moving the dress of off of her arms before sliding it towards her feet, revealing that she had no undergarments on to hide her round, firm breasts, the curves of her tight ass, or the very area on her body where her virginity was nestled and still intact. Quickly, her hands moved down to try and hide the little mound between her tight legs and firm thighs out of desperation and nervousness.

Oh my god…What am I going to do…What am I going to-

“Don’t fear me, Lily.”

Daniel’s deep voice brought her out of her thoughts before she could finish the thought she had formed in her mind. She turned her head, and found him to be moving around to the front of her body to face her. Her eyes gazed into his piercing stare only to find it looking at her with a tender and gentle side to them that matched the sound to his voice.

“I only wish to take care of you,” Daniel said, “and show you how a woman like you needs to be treated.” Extending his hand to her, he kept his gaze upon her eyes never letting them drift over her nude form for a single moment as he spoke to her. “Allow me…”

Lily found it to be a surprise that he was keeping his word since most men in his situation would have looked upon her body, and, probably, would be trying to take her and claim her by force. However, Daniel seemed to be different from the other men she had heard tales of.

She drew in a breath of air, and slipped one of her hands into one of his strong palms. Lily maintained the eye contact with him as she moved over towards the large tube, and proceeded to ease one of her feet inside of the hot water that was waiting for her inside of it.




*                            *                            *




              Daniel watched her move inside the tub that his maid, Magdalene, had prepared for her from where he remained. Slowly, he watched her slip her body down into the water, and managed to catch a glimpse of her other hand still trying to hide where her small mound was nestled during her descent into the water as her firm. His eyes remained on her body as he watched her firm, round breasts slip down underneath the surface of the water to where they were hidden just a few inches from the surface due to the sitting position that she had moved herself into in the tub.

Take a look at her body, Daniel.
His desires whispered to him in an alluring tone of voice, flooding his mind.
Have you ever seen such a more perfect body in all of your life?

No…I haven’t…
Despite knowing his passions were trying to get him to cave in to them, he spoke to them with his voice shaky, slightly, due to the intense emotions that had started to build up inside of him with no mercy.
Her body is something so angelic and majestic that only the angels of old could have created her.

Lily is perfect for you, Daniel, but yet you hold back from claiming her for yourself.

I don’t want to move so fast with her that I leave her feeling rushed into it with me.

Daniel, you can’t keep up this demeanor you are using as a shield to keep you from letting out your true emotions for her.

If you are expecting me to have my way with her, you are not thinking clearly.


It is not in my nature to do such a vile thing, especially to a woman as lovely and angelic like Lily.

You may say that now, but mark my words…You will give into the very feelings you are trying to suppress, and finally release all of your unbridled passions in a sexual frenzy in bed with her curvaceous frame beneath your tall and muscular one.

He chose to not respond back to his conscience from where he was at the moment. Daniel didn’t want to believe he would do all the things that his lustful side was wanting from him. He was sure he was able to ignore it, and not cave in.

Focusing his eyes towards a stool made out of gray and white marble, Daniel locked his gaze onto where a soft, white cloth had been left out for Lily’s bath. He picked it up after his hands had pushed the sleeves of his top up to his elbows in order to keep the water from being soaked up into them. His right hand dipped it down into the water, soaking it in the warm water, and lifted it up to her back. He moved it up and down in gentle strokes across the fair complexion of her back, but didn’t move too quickly about it. He wanted to take his time with what he was doing, and enjoy it. Just a few moments into washing her back, however, Daniel noticed how her body had begun to shiver, slightly, like a leaf hanging onto a branch for its life while the early autumn air is blowing against it in an attempt to knock it off.

Looks like you might need to do something ‘special’ in order to stop her shaking, and calm the inner turmoil in her body.

He took heed of what his conscience suggested, and found it to be the absolute truth. If he was to have a chance of getting close to her and win over her heart and soul, Daniel needed to do something order to erase the feelings of nervousness away from her.

Slowly, Daniel started to move the rag over a side of her neck above her left shoulder while he leaned his mouth towards her right ear, and spoke to her in a soft, sensual tone in his deep voice.

“Why are you shaking like this, Lily?” Daniel asked, making sure to keep his voice low. “Is the way that I am washing displeasing you?”

“N-No Daniel,” Lily replied, “You are not displeasing me at all.” Her voice had started to not only possess a shaky sound to it but also one of hidden pleasure due to the change in his own voice towards her. “You are doing a fine job at washing me like you are at the current moment.”

“They why are you trembling like a leaf?”

“I…I…I don’t know…”

He found himself becoming overwhelmed with an all-powerful emotion from the intense sound of desire slipping into her own voice at the same time the skin of her body had started to become hot with need for him. Moving his face in closer to her neck, Daniel’s hand that had been washing the other side of it started to move down towards the top of her chest, and started to run the wash rag against it in a stroke that would only heighten her desires and lusts. He had his mouth hovering a few inches from the nape of her throat as his breath danced across it with his voice at the same instance.

“Perhaps…This will help you…Relax…”

Daniel wasted little time in letting go of the rag, and moved his hand underneath the water to cup one of her luscious breasts, and proceeded to massage it within his grasp. He listened to a soft moan escaping her mouth in almost a whine-like sound while his fingers could sense the tension that had been in her body starting to leave it with only her own pleasure and need residing within it.

Listen to her, Daniel…She is enjoying what you are doing at the moment…and she wants more.

Unable to ignore his own desires whispering to him and the own urges his body craved at that exact moment, he moved his lips against her neck, and begun to passionately kiss its tender flesh. His ears picked up on not only the sound of her whimpering in pleasure but the rapid speed of her blood traveling beneath the surface of her neck.

Bite her…Bite her, Daniel…

The vampire part of him craved for him to taste her blood due to it catching the sound of it rushing through her mortal body, as well as the smell of it. However, he managed to suppress the bloodlust from coming out, and kept his fangs from forming inside of his mouth, preventing him from biting down into her skin, while he replied back to the beast within him in a firm tone.

I will not bite her…tonight.

When will you do it then?

Tomorrow night at the ceremony in order for her to not only become like myself, but to also spend all of her life at my side as the queen over these territories.

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