The Life of Anna, Part 4: Ensnared (21 page)


By the time she stopped hurting, Anna was
exhausted and had no voice. She dragged herself out of the shower,
wrapped a towel around her and collapsed onto the bed. The sun had
set and she could hear men talking out in the other room. She was
about to fall asleep when Devin came in.

“Feeling better?” he asked with a wicked

Anna nodded.

He sat her up and slapped her face. “You got
the bed wet, you stupid bitch.”

Anna held her cheek and turned to see that
the comforter was slightly damp where she had been laying. She
opened her mouth to apologize but no sound came out.

Devin frowned. “If you hadn’t wasted all that
energy screaming, you’d still be able to speak. Get dressed and
come out to the other room. Dinner will be here soon and then you
have men to attend to.”

Anna could barely keep her eyes open and he
wanted her to go out and tend to the Elders? She tried to protest
but Devin hit her again.

“Do as I say or I will give you another

Anna took a deep breath, stood on shaky legs,
and went to get dressed and brush her hair. She emerged ten minutes
later, not noticing the concerned looks on Tom and Brandon’s faces,
which disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. She kept her
head down and went to sit at Devin’s feet.

She struggled to keep her eyes open as the
men talked around her. When dinner arrived a little while later,
Devin had to hit her in the side of the head to get her

She looked up at him with questioning

“Dinner,” he said, pointing to the table.

Anna stood and followed Devin to the table
and sat next to him. The men talked around her, but she had a hard
time concentrating on any part of the conversation. All she wanted
to do was curl up in bed and go to sleep. Her cheeks throbbed from
being hit and her body ached from the shot.

“Tommy is eager to see you, Anna,” Tom, who
was sitting next to her, said.

Anna nodded. She would like to see him again
too. She liked him.

“Are you not allowed to speak?” he asked,
glancing at Devin.

“She lost her voice this afternoon,” Devin

“Ah,” Tom said.

Anna ate her dinner, trying to stay awake
which became more and more difficult as time went on.


“Devin, she’s obviously exhausted. We’re
fine. Let her sleep.” They had moved to the seating area after
dinner and Devin had pushed Anna into Tom’s arms.

Devin frowned at Tom. “Are you growing soft
towards her, Tom?” he said in a nasty voice. “You needn’t concern
yourself about her comfort. She’ll be fine.” He looked at Anna with
a pointed look. “Won’t you?”

Anna gave him a timid smile and nodded, then
turned to Tom and smiled at him, too.

“Just tell her what you want. She can't

Tom cradled her cheek and kissed her. “I want
to take you to my room,” he murmured against her lips and pulled
her into his lap. Her dress pushed up to her hips and he cupped her
ass. “No panties?” he asked with a grin.

Anna smiled and shook her head. She reached
for his pants and worked at freeing his hardening cock. When it was
free, she stroked him up and down and glanced up at him. She raised
her eyebrows to ask what he wanted.

“Ride me,” he whispered huskily.

Anna smiled and sat up to take him into her

When she had pleased him, she moved onto the
other men. Javier and Brandon were gentle with her. The others were
not. They held her hair and fucked her from behind. Oscar jabbed
his cock unceremoniously into her ass, making her mouth gape open
in silent screams.

When they had finished with her, Devin still
wouldn’t let her go to sleep. Instead, he made her sit at his feet
until the Elders were done talking. By the time the men left, Anna
was delirious and could hardly stand. Devin pulled her into the
bedroom by her hair, pushed her into the bed, and fucked her hard,
but she hardly noticed. When he finished, he pushed her to her side
of the bed and she was able to sleep at last.


Anna giggled and stared adoringly at her
husband. “Alex, what are you doing?” she asked. She was so
unbelievably happy; she could hardly believe it was real. How could
someone like him love someone like her?

Alex kissed her, his bare chest muscles
flexing as he leaned forward. “Kissing you,” he murmured against
her lips. “I want to have a baby with you.”

“I can’t. Alex you know that.” She was
sad that they would never have children.

“Oh, Baby, there is a way. I told you
that, remember?” He kissed her neck and pressed her down into the
bed. “Give yourself to me and we’ll have a child. Just like we
always wanted.”

Anna smiled. “I would love to have a baby
with you,” she whispered and pulled him close. He entered her body
and they moved together, their hips grinding against each other
until she cried out in pleasure and felt him empty himself into her
body. “Oh, Alex!” she cried. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He nuzzled
her neck and they drifted off to sleep in each other’s

The next thing she knew, she was several
months pregnant. She was so happy. Alex kissed her belly and told
her how beautiful she was.

He took her hand and pulled her up on
stage. “Look how beautiful my wife is,” he announced to the

Anna blushed and buried her face in his
chest. He pulled away and led her to a bench.

“Lay down, Baby,” he said softly. He
trailed his fingers up her thighs and caressed her nether

Anna sighed and closed her eyes as he
caressed her. He pressed harder and it started to hurt.

“Ow. Oh, please stop.”

Excruciating pain erupted between her
legs and Anna opened her eyes to see Devin standing there with a
wicked grin on his face.

“Give me your baby, Anna,” he

Anna shook her head and screamed.

She struggled against firm hands that
held her in place. She screamed again as Devin reached inside her
to take the baby.

She struggled even harder and screamed
louder. No, he couldn’t take her baby. It was Alex’s baby. It was
her last link to Alex.

“No!” she screamed. “Alex! Alex!” she
screamed and sobbed at the same time.

The pain and pressure increased, and
Devin moved his hand further in. She continued to struggle and
scream but Devin just laughed. She felt a movement inside her and
Devin pulled his hand out, holding a bloody mass of tissue. Alex’s

“No!” she screamed again. Anna closed her
eyes and turned away, sickened by the sight. She fell back on the
table and sobbed. “Alex,” she whispered before the darkness
consumed her.


A sharp pain erupted from Anna’s cheek and
she opened her eyes. She was outside. The sky above her was dark,
but a large eagle glowed in the firelight above her.

“It’s time to wake, Mistress.” Devin walked
into her line of vision with a wicked smile. “The men want

Anna blinked and sat up. She was on the
platform on a table. She gasped and looked down at her body. Her
stomach was flat once again. “Ma—Master?” she asked in a weak

“Did you like your dream?” he asked.

She stared at him for a long moment. “A...a
dream?” She could almost still feel Alex’s presence.

Devin pulled her to sit up and then stand.
Down in the grass below, men and women were naked and fucking in a
giant orgy. She winced when she heard screams of young girls.

“They want you, too,” he murmured and took
her down the stairs. She saw the president standing there looking
at her. “Especially him.” Devin pushed her into his arms and the
president grabbed her by her hair and tossed her down to the
ground. “Enjoy.”

She tried to get away, but the president held
her by her hair and pushed her face into the ground. She felt him
behind her and then a ripping pain in her ass tore through her body
and she screamed as he fucked her into the ground.

When he finished he sat her up and pushed her
forward into another man’s arms. She was pushed and pulled from man
to man all night long.

Near dawn a familiar voice and presence was
near and she felt gentle arms around her. “Anna. C’mon.”


He pulled her to her feet and led her away on
shaky legs from the mass of humanity writhing on the ground. He
took her to a pavilion and closed the curtains. He helped her lie
down in a soft bed and wrapped his arms around her.

“You’re safe,” he whispered.

Anna smiled weakly and fell asleep.

** ~ ~ ** ~ ~ **

“...’s gotten progressively worse each
year.” A familiar voice in a hushed tone.

“Why?” Another familiar voice with a
slight accent.

“I don’t know. I don’t understand him.
He’s changed.” A sigh. “She was such a sweet thing. Dad said he was
awful to her on Thursday night. That she was really fucked up. I
didn’t get to see her until she was up there. Normally Devin lets
me be with her before things start.”

“You fuck her too?” he sounded

“No. I make love to her. I make sure she
knows how much I care about her. When we were in DC, she begged me
to. She said it would be the last gentle touch she’d have.” A
pause. “It was true.”

“I wish there was something we could do,”
a third voice chimed in.

“How does your dad feel about all this?”
the accented voice asked.

There was a long pause. “It’s dangerous
to dissent.”

“Why do you ask?” the third voice

“Others have begun to take notice of what
he’s doing. Yes, to her, but also politically. Your president
literally worships him. That’s not a good thing.”

“There was only one person who could stop
him. He’s dead.”

A pause. “He needs to be

“She’s where he gets his power.”

“Then she needs to be removed from his

“She’ll get sick.”


“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying....”

Darkness crept in and captured her once

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Where the hell is she?”

Devin’s angry voice brought her wide-awake at

“I brought her in here because she wasn’t
well,” Peter said.

“Of course she wasn’t well. She’d been raped
all night. It’s not your concern what I do with her. Your concern
is to keep her sane the rest of the time.” Devin grabbed Anna by
the hair and pulled her out of bed. “Go clean up. I need you in my
pavilion in twenty minutes.”

Anna looked up at Devin. “I—I don’t know
where to go, Master.”

Devin’s eye narrowed. He pulled her out into
the sunlight and across the field to a path. “Go down this path to
the dorm. Clean up and come right back. You don’t need clothes to
wear, so don’t worry about that.”

Anna hurried to the dorm and did as Devin


When she returned to the pavilion, the
curtains were closed. Anna hesitated at the entrance, wondering if
she should go in.

“Come in, Anna,” she heard Devin call.

Anna searched for the opening and entered.
The room inside was dimly lit, warm and smelled of sex. It took a
moment for Anna’s eyes to adjust, but when they did, she was very
surprised to see Devin sitting naked on the couch with the
president between his legs, sucking on his cock.

“Ah, there you are,” Devin said with a smile.
The president looked up and smiled at Anna as well, his dark hands
stroking Devin’s cock. His own dark cock was hard and glistened in
the dim light.

The president’s hand snaked out and grabbed
Anna around the waist, pulling her down to her knees. He grabbed a
handful of hair and pushed her face down to his cock. She opened
her mouth and he pushed her head down until he was in her throat.
He held her head and fucked her mouth as he returned his own mouth
to Devin.

“Anna,” Devin said. “Use your pussy to lube
and stretch his ass for me.”

Anna hesitated for a minute, trying to
understand what Devin was asking of her, and then understood. She
dipped her fingers between her legs and then began working them
around and into the other man’s tight hole. He groaned as she
invaded his body and sucked on his cock. When her fingers dried,
she re-moistened them and continued pressing her fingers in and out
until he began to relax and moan softly.

Devin stood and the president pulled her back
by her hair. Devin led her to the bed and pushed her down on her
back. “Open your legs, Anna.”

Anna felt a little dizzy as she spread her
thighs apart. The president knelt between them and pushed himself
in with one swift thrust. Anna gasped. She was still sore from the
night before.

She felt the bed move and saw Devin over the
other man’s shoulder. He was looking down and murmuring to himself,
and then the president groaned, his neck muscles bulging as if he
were in pain. His dark eyes widened and then rolled back into his
head. Devin took Anna’s ankles and wrapped her legs around the
president’s waist, holding them in place as he slowly began to fuck
the president’s ass.

The weight of both men pressed Anna into the
bed and she struggled for breath. The president didn’t brace
himself for Devin’s thrusts and his body moved with Devin’s
movements. The president groaned and raised his head back. Anna
wasn’t sure if it was in pain or pleasure. He seemed...out of

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