The Naked Truth (32 page)

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Authors: Natasha Rostova

‘You do get off on this kind of edgy behaviour, don’t you?’ he said roughly. ‘Making men want to fuck you, dancing at voodoo ceremonies, getting spanked . . .’
His voice trailed off into a husky whisper. Callie stared at him as his words sank into her skin. God, he was right. She did love that sensation of doing something beyond the ordinary, something that society decreed should be forbidden. It stimulated her nerves, firing parts of herself that she hadn’t known existed. She squeezed her legs together as her sex quivered.
‘You like me that way,’ she said, trying to stop her voice from trembling. ‘You’ve treated me completely differently since I left you.’
‘Then does this excite you, too?’ His mouth curved into a slight smile. He released her arms and placed his hands on either side of her head. ‘Knowing I could do anything I want to you and that you’d be helpless to stop me?’
Callie’s body quickened at the idea. She was beginning to wonder if Logan didn’t know her better than she once thought.
‘I know you wouldn’t,’ she said hoarsely, only realising as she said the words that they were true.
His eyebrows lifted. ‘And how do you know that?’
Callie didn’t reply. She squirmed and tried to push him off. ‘Logan, get off me.’ When he didn’t move, she glowered at him. ‘Don’t deny this arouses you, too,’ she snapped.
‘I’m denying nothing of the kind.’ He eased back a bit and lowered his lips to her forehead. His gentle kiss was a surprising contrast to the rock-hard erection throbbing against her belly. Callie strained against the handcuffs.
‘Logan –’
‘I’m not letting you go.’
Callie wondered if he meant in this particular situation or
. A wave of confusion and growing need rose in her chest. Logan’s hand skimmed down her chest, undoing the buttons of her dress. With a quick motion of his wrist, he unsnapped the front clasp of her bra and bared her breasts. Callie closed her eyes as a flush painted her skin a rosy pink. She had never felt so totally exposed and defenceless. Sensations swirled in her belly as the slightest hint of fear edged her confusion. She had never feared Logan before, but then he’d never physically restrained her. Logan placed his palm flat against her pussy. Callie flushed, even as her hips pushed slightly upwards. Logan’s mouth touched hers.
‘What do you want me to do to you?’ he murmured.
She opened her eyes. ‘Unlock me and I’ll tell you.’
‘No deal. I guess I’ll just have to figure it out for myself, then.’ He slipped his fingers into the waistband of her knickers and down to her pussy. Callie drew in a sharp breath when his forefinger eased into her slick folds. God, his fingers worked magic on her. Her clit pulsed. She stared at her husband and wondered what kind of person he was becoming. Or had he always been this way? Was he just now letting some innate need break free? Something that had been dormant for too long?
She watched as he worked the buttons on his shorts. A waterfall of want spilled through her as she decided she could continue yelling at him later. At least, after he’d pumped her full of that gorgeous cock. Her arms ached, but somehow the pain began to mesh with the other feelings that twined through her body. She squirmed, painfully aware of how she must look, splayed out on the bed like a captive slave. Bewilderment gripped her as she wondered how she could be so aroused by this situation when he had tricked her into this, but suddenly that no longer mattered. Her skin was hot with sweat, her pussy throbbing with moisture, and all she wanted right now was to feel the weight of Logan’s body on hers. And the power of his body in hers.
He didn’t fuck her immediately. Instead, he pushed her moist thighs apart and delved his tongue into her slick folds. Callie’s body went rigid with pleasure, her back arching as she thrust her pelvis towards him. His tongue plunged into her juicy slit, licking up pearls of moisture as if he had done this hundreds of times before. His lips and tongue moved with delicate precision, swirling around her aching clit as he pushed a finger into her. Callie gasped, her arms straining against the handcuffs as he continued working at her. In the three years that she’d lived with Logan, he had never exhibited such passion towards her, such want. She’d felt more desired by him in the past month than she had in the past three years.
Logan came up over her then, shoving her damp thighs apart as he thrust into her. His mouth descended on hers, the salty taste of her juices stimulating Callie’s every nerve. She gave a muffled cry and wrapped her legs around his back, her entire body reacting to the sensation of his cock pumping inside her. His breath rasped against her breasts as he took her nipples between his lips and sucked. Pleasure travelled along every nerve. Thoughts flitted through Callie’s mind: memories of the restrained, dispassionate husband she’d lived with for so long. Now, he’d been replaced by this driving, potent man who electrified her with his unpredictable behaviour and the passionate lust that inevitably followed.
‘Wider.’ The rough command broke through Callie’s haze. She writhed underneath him as he hooked her legs over his shoulders, spreading her fully open.
‘Oh, God.’ Callie closed her eyes and gripped the chains of her handcuffs, thrusting her hips upwards to impale herself on his oiled shaft. She moaned and worked herself into an increasing frenzy, feeling her bones begin to weaken as pleasure swelled. Just as she was about to explode, Logan pulled out of her. Callie’s eyes flew open.
‘What –?’
‘Turn around.’
The chains of the handcuffs were long enough to allow her to turn. Logan stripped off her dress and bra, leaving her naked. A new wave of excitement began to spread in her belly as she felt Logan’s hands grip her hips and pull them upwards. He shoved a pillow underneath her pelvis, making her arse jut towards him. Callie buried her face in the bedcovers and trembled as she felt his finger probe gently at her arsehole. Her muscles clenched around him, quivers travelling up her spine. She felt the flexing muscles of his chest on her back as he lowered himself over her. His warm lips touched the back of her neck.
‘OK?’ he whispered.
Callie nodded. Oddly enough, she felt as if her restrained position had liberated her in some manner to give herself to him in ways she never had before. And she suspected that he knew it. His hand spread her buttocks apart, his fingers forcing her tight muscles to relax. Sweat broke out on Callie’s forehead when she felt the knob of his penis pushing at the closed aperture, lubricating it with his own fluids. She gasped, suddenly uncertain that she could do this, but Logan stopped and waited for her to get used to the pressure. His other hand slipped underneath her to caress her breasts, his fingers toying deliciously with her nipples.
Callie bit down on a corner of a pillow as her body reacted to the simultaneous sensation. She spread her legs further apart as she felt Logan begin to ease into her. She could feel the tension in his body, and it occurred to her fogged mind that they were both battling two different forms of restraint. The thought created an intense wave of feeling and arousal, even as Logan’s cock pressed painfully against her hole.
Alongside the pain, however, came shudders of pleasure that spread outwards from the juncture of their union and through Callie’s entire body. She moaned into the pillow and thrust her bottom up towards him, wanting him to fill her completely. Logan drew in a sharp breath at her movement, then thrust into her like a cork into a bottle. Callie gasped with a mixture of pleasure and pain, realising she had never felt so wholly possessed by her husband. Or by anyone.
‘Oh, fuck, Callie.’ Logan’s voice was tight with restraint. His pelvis pressed against her moist buttocks, his hands gripping her hips tightly. ‘Are you OK?’
‘Y-yes.’ Callie’s thoughts swam in such an ocean of sensation that she could barely get the word out.
She shifted her hips to signal that she was all right, and then Logan’s hand slipped underneath to her soaked pussy. Relieved, Callie felt him start to manipulate her clit as he began easing his cock back and forth gently. His breath rasped hotly against her back. He didn’t try and force himself into her beyond what she could take, but the stimulation evoked by the movement of his cock in her tight channel had Callie moaning and writhing underneath him. Every nerve reacted to the erotic friction as Logan rubbed her slippery clit with increasing force. The double pressure was unbelievable, thrilling Callie on multiple levels. She squirmed against Logan’s hand as the tension built.
‘Come on, baby,’ Logan whispered huskily in her ear. His forefinger thrust into her wet pussy as his thumb continued working at her clit. ‘Come for me. All over my hand.’
His words were her undoing. With a cry, Callie came with a violent force that caused her entire body to shudder and clench around his fingers and his cock. Logan made a guttural noise in the back of his throat before he pushed into her with a final movement, pulling her against him as he shot deep inside her.
For a moment, they didn’t move. Logan slipped out of her, his hand stroking her bottom as he eased away. The sound of panting filled the air. Callie twisted around and opened her eyes to look at Logan, stunned by the expression in his eyes. He reached out and brushed his forefinger against her lips before pulling himself away from her. Callie watched him dress, aware of a throbbing, but rather delicious, ache in her arse. She tugged futilely at the cuffs again.
‘Logan, unlock me.’
He looked at her for a long moment. Then, to her complete surprise, he picked up the key and unlocked the cuffs. Callie groaned as her muscles loosened. She rubbed her wrists and reached for her clothing.
‘I don’t want you to call the coastguard,’ Logan said.
She shot him a glare. ‘Was that why you fucked me? To keep me quiet?’
His expression darkened. ‘You figure that one out.’
He left the room, closing the door behind him. Callie waited to hear the click of the lock, but it didn’t come. She felt completely ravished and taken, her body both sore and sated.
After a moment, she went cautiously to the door and turned the knob. She stepped outside and climbed the stairs to the navigation room. Logan wasn’t there. Callie eyed the radio. She could easily call for help now, but she couldn’t help wondering what good that would do. Would it solve her and Logan’s problems? Hardly. In fact, it would probably create more of them. And she was suddenly in no mood to deal with anyone other than her husband right now.
Logan stood at the railing of the boat and stared at the Savannah skyline. He knew he was a bastard for abducting Callie, but he’d become desperate. Still, he supposed it would serve him right when she called the police. His need to talk to her alone would be a flimsy defence. He turned when he heard her footsteps on the deck.
Callie came towards him, her hair still tousled and her skin flushed with lingering heat. Logan’s body tightened. She had been right when she said that they’d never reacted to each other the way they had during their estrangement.
‘Don’t worry,’ Callie said. ‘I didn’t call anyone. Not yet, anyway,’ she added.
Logan leant his hips against the railing and looked at her. Now, more than ever, he didn’t want to let her go. ‘So, what’s it going to take, Callie? I made you come here because I want to have this out once and for all. Alone, for a change.’
‘And kidnapping me was the way to do that?’ Callie shook her head in disbelief. ‘You know, Logan, if you’d ever given me one smidgen of an idea that you understood why I left you, then maybe we might have had a chance. But you are so bull-headed and dictatorial that you couldn’t even fathom that you might be at fault.’
Logan tensed. ‘And leaving me in the middle of the night without a word or explanation keeps you in the clear?’
‘OK, I admit that maybe I should have said something,’ Callie conceded. ‘But, dammit, you know very well I tried to talk to you about our problems! I wear a short dress and you tell me I look sluttish, I visit my sister and you tell me to avoid her, I ask you why you married me and you tell me I’m being silly. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be on the receiving end of all your disapproval?’
Logan considered her words. He remembered saying those things to her, of course, but only because she’d pushed him.
Callie stared at him for a minute, her hand gripping the railing. When she spoke again, her voice was lower.
‘Do you get it, Logan? Are you actually thinking about what I said? And don’t tell me I didn’t try and discuss this with you, because I did.’
‘All right,’ Logan finally said. ‘Maybe I’ve been too disapproving, but you know very well that you deliberately provoked me.’
‘Only because I wanted to get some kind of response from you. You acted like such a statue that sometimes I wondered if you even had emotions.’
‘Despite that, I recall you telling me you weren’t unhappy.’
‘Well, do you think I would have left you if I wasn’t?’ Callie replied.
Logan frowned. ‘I gave you everything you wanted.’
‘You did not.’ Callie sagged against the railing, looking suddenly defeated. ‘You never gave me yourself.’
Wasn’t marriage enough? he thought. ‘I don’t even know what you mean by that.’

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