Read The Naked Truth Online

Authors: Natasha Rostova

The Naked Truth (36 page)

‘Callie, you can’t talk like that to this woman,’ she hissed.
‘Why not?’ Callie retorted. ‘I hate her.’
‘I know, but you have to play the game,’ Gloria whispered in annoyance. She herded Callie back to the gangplank. ‘Now, listen. I want you to go home and wait for me there. I’m going to deal with this woman alone.’
‘But, I want –’
‘You want to scratch her eyes out, I know that,’ Gloria replied. ‘But if you want me to handle this, then you’ll stay out of it. Believe me, Callie, I know how to deal with women like her.’
‘I don’t want to leave you alone with her,’ Callie said.
‘I’m going to be fine.’ Gloria shoved her sister gently on to the gangplank and back to land. ‘Now go, all right? I’ll call you as soon as I return.’
She waited until Callie walked back to the car before smoothing down her skirt and returning to the officer’s quarters. Elenore was still waiting, a glass of scotch in her hand. She raised her eyebrows when Gloria returned.
‘I’m so sorry about that,’ Gloria said sweetly as she settled back into her seat. ‘My sister sometimes says things without thinking.’
Elenore shrugged. ‘I dare say she was merely speaking her mind.’
‘That, too,’ Gloria allowed. ‘Nevertheless, she was very rude.’
‘I thought she’d left Logan.’
‘That was only temporary.’ Gloria waved her hand in the air dismissingly. ‘They’re very much together. Logan is quite devoted to Callie.’
She watched with satisfaction as something ugly flashed in Elenore Lawrence’s eyes. Hah. So the other woman didn’t like the idea of Logan being attached to his wife, did she?
‘I’m surprised to hear that,’ Elenore said, recovering her composure quickly. ‘Callie doesn’t seem like Logan’s type.’
The air thickened slightly with acrimony. Gloria sipped her martini and crossed her legs. ‘You, of course, know exactly what his type is.’
‘I like to think so.’
‘Then you’d be wrong, wouldn’t you?’ Gloria asked. ‘And speaking of Logan, I believe you know that he’s the reason I’m here. As Callie rather bluntly put it, she’s not happy with what you’re doing to her husband.’
‘Funny. I’ve been quite happy with what he’s done to me.’
Gloria’s eyes narrowed. ‘Before we go any farther with this, why don’t you tell me exactly what happened between you and Logan? From what I understand, you’re blackmailing him, but I have no idea what you’re blackmailing him with.’
Elenore chuckled. ‘I imagine even little Callie doesn’t know that.’
‘On the contrary. I believe she does.’
‘Really? What does she know?’
Gloria shrugged, unwilling to admit that Callie hadn’t even told her. ‘Why don’t you give me your version of the story?’
Elenore stood and moved over to the bar. She looked at the barman and waved her hand towards the door. He poured her another scotch and left the room, closing the door behind him. Elenore turned back to Gloria.
‘My version is also his version,’ she said. ‘Since we’re being blunt, I’ll simply tell you that he was a gigolo.’
Gloria didn’t even try to hide her shock. She stared at Elenore and reached for her martini. ‘Logan?’
Elenore’s lips curved as she nodded. ‘Shocking, isn’t it? Such a reputable man. Such a sterling character. So righteous and moral. And yet he used to make a living doing something as base as selling his cock for money.’
‘You’re not serious.’
‘I most certainly am. And I can do so much damage to him now because my husband and I paid him to live with us for a year. Of course, we paid him for services well rendered.’ She paused, a dreamy look in her eyes. ‘Very well rendered, I might add.’
Gloria shook her head. If it had been anyone else in the world, and if her sister hadn’t been involved, she would have found the whole story utterly fascinating. As it was, she couldn’t help feeling a mild admiration for Elenore Lawrence. Here was a woman who certainly knew how to get what she wanted.
‘My God,’ Gloria muttered. She could have easily believed Logan’s involvement in illegal financing or any number of white-collar crimes, but a gigolo? And did Callie know all the details about this? An image of Logan’s body entwined with Elenore’s appeared so swiftly in her head that she drew in a breath. Her pussy contracted in response. God, what a sight those two must be in action.
‘As I’m sure you realise, I have Logan . . . shall we say, between a rock and a hard place.’ Elenore chuckled.
‘I have to admit I rather admire you for that,’ Gloria said, trying to compose herself. ‘I suspect you’re the first person to have Logan in that position.’
‘I imagine I am.’ Her gaze slid over Gloria’s figure. ‘So, what is your role in this entire venture?’
‘I’m standing in for Logan. I’ll give you the money you want on the condition that you leave both him and my sister alone.’
Suspicion sparked in Elenore’s eyes as she considered Gloria’s statement. ‘And what’s in it for you?’
‘I have my reasons.’
‘Quite a noble thing to do, sacrificing yourself for your brother-in-law.’
Gloria shrugged. ‘You’re welcome to think of me as noble if you like, but I’m hardly a sacrificial lamb.’
‘What makes you think I’d be willing to give up the control I have over Logan?’ Elenore asked.
‘Because you want the money more,’ Gloria replied. She gave the other woman a sly look. ‘I know women like you, Elenore. And you know that if you fuck with Logan now, he’ll spend the rest of his days seeking out ways to get back at you. Are you certain you want to live with that for the rest of your life?’
For the first time, a hint of trepidation appeared in Elenore’s expression. Then she drew herself up and took another swallow of scotch. ‘You know, Logan and I had another little condition to our agreement.’
Gloria had no doubt as to what that condition was. ‘And what might that be?’
‘He fucked me when I wanted him to.’ Elenore levelled her dark gaze on Gloria. ‘What do you intend to do about that part of the agreement?’
‘What do you want me to do?’ Gloria watched as Elenore’s eyes went to the exposed skin of her cleavage. Her heartbeat quickened. She’d been with women before, but none with the kind of determined hardness that Elenore Lawrence possessed. ‘I don’t have a prick to fuck you with.’
Elenore’s eyes gleamed as she pulled open the drawer of a side-table. ‘No. But perhaps we can remedy that.’
Gloria stared as Elenore removed a double-sided dildo – two rubber penises attached by the balls – from the drawer. Her mouth went dry. Elenore tossed it in Gloria’s direction with a challenging look.
‘Well? You seem like a woman of substance. Just how far are you willing to go?’
‘As far as it takes.’ Arousal skipped over Gloria’s nerves. Her lips curved into a smile as she bent to pick up the dildo, tracing her fingers over the plastic ribbing on the shaft. Power had always been a heady aphrodisiac for her. And Elenore Lawrence had power. She radiated it. Gloria lifted her gaze as she caressed the two phalluses. ‘I want our agreement in writing first.’
Something resembling respect appeared in Elenore’s eyes. ‘Smart woman.’ She walked to a desk and removed a sheet of paper. After writing the conditions down, she signed the paper and handed it to Gloria. ‘It’s not notarised, but I hope this will do.’
‘We’ll work out the legal aspect tomorrow,’ Gloria assured her.
‘Then come here.’ Elenore stood there with her hands on her hips, every inch the woman who expected everyone around her to do her bidding.
Gloria made a mental note to try to cultivate Elenore’s regal behaviour. Such an attitude could prove to be very beneficial. She rose and approached her, aware of a slight trembling in her hands and the rapid beating of her heart. Gloria was so often the one in command of her sexual situations that this encounter had a wholly different feel to it. She was startled when Elenore reached out to rip the buttons from her suit, tugging them off to expose the globes of her breasts covered by a flimsy lace bra.
‘Nice,’ Elenore murmured approvingly. She pinched one of Gloria’s nipples between her long fingers, causing a spark of pain.
Gloria winced, even as her cunt responded with a swell of moisture. She didn’t move when Elenore walked around her, tugging off her jacket and unzipping her skirt. She knew instinctively that the other woman wanted to control this situation, and Gloria was more than willing to let her. The edge of animosity in the air only served to increase her desire. Within seconds, she was standing there in only her bra and knickers, while Elenore scrutinised her fleshy curves.
‘You have a body that was made for fucking,’ Elenore remarked, giving Gloria a slap on the arse. ‘I suspect you know that, don’t you?’
‘I’ve been told,’ Gloria agreed.
She watched with hungry eyes as Elenore returned to stand in front of her. She unbuttoned her diaphanous gown and let it fall to the floor. She wore nothing underneath it, and the sight of her breasts and peaked nipples made Gloria’s mouth fairly water. She looked lower at Elenore’s mons, her blood surging as the sight of the delectable, shorn apex that concealed nothing.
Elenore smiled and sat down on the leather couch, spreading her legs apart. ‘Go on, then, you shameless whore. Do what you’re best at.’
Gloria approached her and knelt as if she were worshipping a queen. She parted Elenore’s legs and thrust her tongue eagerly inside, licking her way around the perimeter as she sank two fingers into the wetness of Elenore’s slit. Her fluids tasted tangy and slightly sweet. Gloria dug in deeper with her tongue, suddenly wanting to prove to this woman that she could provide infinite amounts of pleasure. She clutched Elenore’s thighs, feeling the heat of her skin burning into her palms.
Elenore’s hand stroked through Gloria’s hair. Her body tensed with growing need as Gloria continued working at her cunt. Gloria reached up to cup Elenore’s breasts in her hands, plucking at her gorgeous, hard nipples. She loved the sensation of Elenore writhing and panting, knowing that she had the other woman’s pleasure entirely in her hands. And in her mouth. She captured Elenore’s swollen clitoris gently between her lips and sucked at it lightly, drawing sensations from her until Elenore bucked underneath her. Her body jerked violently as she shrieked out her ecstasy. Gloria soothed Elenore with her tongue, drinking up the final rush of moisture as Elenore’s body shuddered through her climax. Elenore sucked in a breath of air and gazed down at Gloria.
‘And now I want you to turn around.’
Ropes of tension constricted in Gloria’s lower body. Her pussy fairly ached with need for her own release, but she obeyed Elenore’s command. Excitement licking at her nerves, Gloria turned around, bracing her hands on the plush carpet as she presented her rounded buttocks and spread vulva to the other woman. Her body quivered when she felt Elenore’s hands skimming over her arse and exploring the dark crevice between them. Then Elenore moved around to stand in front of her. She held the dildo in her hand, and with a swift movement, she inserted one of the phalluses into her cunt. Gloria stared at her in utter rapture, captivated by the sight of a woman with a cock.
‘Do you want me to fuck you?’ Elenore asked huskily.
‘God, yes.’
Elenore pointed to a mirror across the room. ‘Watch yourself in that.’
Gloria stared at the mirror in fascination, loving the sight of herself on her hands and knees, her juicy breasts topped by hard nipples. Elenore smiled and moved behind Gloria again. She was all womanly curves and breasts but, then, after what seemed like an eternity, Gloria felt the head of the phallus teasing the wet folds of her pussy. She drew in a sharp breath of pleasure as Elenore turned the dildo to a low vibration and began to push the second penis into her.
Gloria gave an unmistakable groan of delight as the dildo filled her. The vibrations beat heavily against her inner walls, evoking such intense delight that Gloria had the sudden thought that men might not be terribly necessary after all. Her lips parted on another moan as Elenore began working the phallus back and forth slowly. The glorious friction made Gloria’s clitoris throb with the need for release, and she couldn’t stop herself from sliding her fingers down to her sex.
‘No!’ Elenore’s sharp voice stopped Gloria’s movement.
With a mutter of frustration, Gloria leant on her elbows, closing her eyes against the intensity of sensations created by the dildo. The vibrations seemed to ricochet through her entire body, inflaming her ache to an extreme level. Her fingers clutched tightly at the carpet as she fought to retain control. She was unable to prevent herself from thrusting her hips backwards in an attempt to impale herself on the phallus.
Elenore gave a husky laugh. ‘You little slut.’
She began working the phallus faster, her fingers digging into Gloria’s arse as she drove herself towards another climax. Gloria stared at the incredible sight of Elenore in the mirror. Her breasts swayed as her hips thrust back and forth like a man’s, working herself on one phallus while pleasuring Gloria with the other. Her eyes were half closed, her skin damp with sweat as her thrusting increased. Urgency built in Gloria’s body with all the power of a freight train. And then she could stand it no longer; her body couldn’t take any more of this delicious assault, and her climax burst over her in waves of rapture so intense that her world became subsumed in pure feeling. She heard Elenore’s cry of pleasure as the other woman continued pumping the dildo until she was fully satisfied.

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