The Perfect Woman (16 page)

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Authors: Jesse Abundis

              “ You’re an idiot.” She hid her smile as she moved to take a seat at the dinner table.

              The freshly made lasagna was in the center, tempting those with a delicious smell as they walked by. Scott was placing wine glasses for them, he had a bottle of red wine on the kitchen counter. “ Hope you guys like Cabernet Sauvignon.” He grabbed the bottle from the counter and popped off the cork.

              “ The king of reds, someone likes his wine.” Karen held her glass out first, she was helpless to wine, she couldn’t say no.

              “ I’m just glad someone knows a little something about wine.” He winked at her, before turning his attention to Peewee. “ Some red wine, my good man ?”

              “ Yes, I’m a big fan of wine.” He said to Scott, displaying his insightful intelligence of rare delicacy. “ If anything, I’m too knowledgeable in all wines.”

              Scott mouth dropped. “ I had no clue.”

              “ Yes, you see, I buy mine fantastic wines from a liquor store around the block, that deals with amazing wine in the box, and I can not tell you how rare some of the items are there.” Karen muttered a silent
Fuck me
as Peewee continued. “ I can put a good word in for you, when something new arrives.”

              “ Umm.” Scott poured the drinks quickly, “ Let me think about that.”

              Peewee moaned in pleasure as he held the wine in his cup. “ Such a lovely thing isn’t it?”

              “ Wine gives you the poops, Peewee. ” Karen said before taking sip.

              “ It was one time!” He protested.

              Scott leaned and quietly as he could asked Karen. “ Are you sure he’s not, you know, special ?”

              “ Hell if I know.” Karen said holding her glass up.

              “ Are you a fan of James Harris?” Peewee held up the book.

              “ Not really.” Scott said.

              “ I saw two or three books of his in some of your boxes. That’s an awful lot for a non fan.” Peewee thumbed through the pages as well. “ I’m more of a comic book fan, there’s better stories in that.”

              “ Well, anime porn.” Karen added.

              “ I bought those books by accident, they look exactly like the regular comics.” Peewee shyly hid his face in the book.

              “ So, true. The poon hungry avengers, is just like the avengers.” Karen shoveled on the embarrassment on top of him.

              Scott broke down in laughter. “ You guys are too much.”

              “ Scott here is studying to be a psychologist.” Karen said to him.

              “ No shit!” Peewee held his glass up to salute him, only to have half his drink spill on the carpet, Scott cringed at the stain. “ Bro, don’t worry about that, I know this Mexican guy, he’ll get any stain out, I mean any stain, like one time I was jacking--” A furious kick from under the table by Karen was enough to end such a classic flashback. “ Oh mother—Jesus, Marry, all of them, let’s eat.” The tears ran down his eyes, Scott broke down laughing some more, enjoying the strange, yet normal dynamic of these two.

              The night carried on, with them enjoying their meal, savoring every last bite. Then of course came dessert which only made everything heavenly as could be. Once the trio was too stuff to have another bite, Karen took the time to complement Scott on  the best meal she and Peewee had ever had.

              Scott thanked his mother who had taught him as a young boy how to cook and how she always advise him  that. “ Grown men needed to know how to feed themselves and not rely on others taking care of them.” Also, it helped her from slaving over a hot stove, which allowed enough time for her to play a little poker with the girls each Friday night. 

              “ To Ms…” Karen held her glass of wine in the air, but paused to look at Scott. “ What is your last name?”

              “ Heinrich.” A German name, Karen never pegged him for it, maybe a Dutch.

              “ To Ms. Heinrich, for teaching her baby boy how to cook.” They all toasted.

              “ So, Scott, how do you like New York?” Peewee asked him.

              “ Not bad, really crowded.” He smiled at him.

              “ You’ve been exploring around the city?”

              “ Not really.” Scott took a sip of his wine.

              “ What?” Peewee was tipsy, his voice was becoming squeaky. “ You should hit the night clubs, man, work your mojo on the single ladies of New York. A guy like you, you shouldn’t have any problems scoring with the chicks.” Peewee pointed to Scott’s hands. “ No ring, you’re free to hit anything you want, it‘s how we Alpha dogs roll.” Karen scrunched her nose, knowing that lie stunk to high hell, if anything, Peewee was like the flea that fed off the other Alpha dogs wake.

              Scott adjusted his glasses, smiling politely to Peewee. “ I’m not really a club kind of guy, not my style. I like to sit at home and relax.” He sighed. “ I know, it’s plain and boring, but, it’s what I like.”

              “ That’s a shame.” Peewee shook his head.

              “ What do you guys do?” Scott asked them.

              This was the part Karen was trying to avoid, she hated personal questions, anything else was ok, she wasn’t fond of opening the door into their life, especially to someone they  just barely met. “ We…”

              “ I work in a video store.” Peewee interrupted. “ Been there for a few years, pretty sweet gig.”

              “ I might have to come down their and check it out.” Scott said to Peewee. “ What about you, Karen?”

              “ I’m unemployed at the moment. “ She laughed nervously.

              “ Times are rough all over. “ Scott eased his shoulders, slumping back down in his seat. “ I think my friend may be able to find something for you, she‘s pretty good at hooking people with jobs, I can ask if you want?”

              “ Sure, that would be great.” And the lies returned again.

              “ So, how do you guys know each other,” He pointed to Karen and Peewee. “ Are you guys a couple?”

              “ God no, why the hell would you say that?” Karen wanted to wash that image out of her head. Peewee just stared at her, shocked how fast she answered that. Another blow to his fragile ego. “ We’re just friends.”

              “ God no?” Peewee looked at her. “ Wow, I’m not sure how to take that ?“

              “ How did you two meet?” The curiosity was eating at him.

              “ Old work friends.” Karen refused to tell him the truth, she knew it was nothing shameful to hide, but she had the habit of trying to protect what they did to the outside world. Some people wouldn’t just understand it. “ Really old work friends.” She turn to Peewee smiling, hinting with her eyes to play along.

              “Yeah, old work friends.” He carried the act on as well.

              Scott took another sip from his glass. “ What do you guys do on your free time?.”

              Peewee quickly changed the subject. “ Scott, do you know any neat tricks from your line of work?”

              “ Tricks?” Scott chuckled. “ I’m not a conjure of tricks and illusions.” He finished his sentenced by straightening his back, trying to look as professional as could be, he would be lying if he wasn’t a tad offended by Peewee’s choice of words. “ We’re doctor’s trying to understand the mind, we're here to help people.”

              “ Doctor Phil makes it look easy, I think it’s all in the Southern accent.”

              “ Doctor Phil,” Now Scott was pissed. “ I would never call or even refer to that sell out, day time tv host a psychologist. He’s a complete fool.”

              “ I hear you, Scott, I really do, now did anyone touch you when you were growing up.” Peewee gave his best spot on impersonation of doctor Phil. Karen had to tip her hat, if she closed her eyes and listen to him speak, she might actually believe he was in the room.

              “ Very funny.” He adjusted his glasses, breathing hot tempered as Peewee poke fun as his profession.

              “ Relax, I’m just pulling your leg, but come on, you got to know something cool.” Peewee poked Scott to come clean.

              “ Alright,” He swatted Peewee hands away. “ I know a deep hypnoses technique that some doctor’s use on patients.” Peewee clapped like an enthusiastic child, he knew all that book smart wasn‘t all about reciting old text book knowledge, it had to come with some perks. “I’ve tried it on a few of my friends, it trips them out.”

              Peewee giggled like a maniac. “ That’s so fucking cool, you have to try it on one of us.”

              “ What?” Karen spat out quickly.

              “ Come on Karen, when do you ever get a chance to be put under, let’s see what’s lurking in that mind of ours.” Karen crossed her arms, there was no way she was doing such a dare. “ Come on, dude, let’s do it.”

              “ No.” Karen waved her hands declining the offer.

              “ Come on, are you a badass, or do you just like to act like one.” Peewee’s mouth dropped as Scott threw down the challenge to Karen, he himself would never dare question the balls of steel she dangled around, without wanting to know how his head up his ass would feel like. “ It’s completely harmless, what’s the worst that can happen?”

              “ Please, Karen.” Peewee pleaded with her.

              “ Fine,” She gave in. Both men applauded her braveness. “ Just promise not to molest me.” She stated.

              “ We charge extra for that.” Scott grinned, showing her he could joke around just like them.



Chapter 27

Hold The Mask For One More Night


There were men throwing themselves at her, men other women wouldn’t pass up. But the only thing Caroline could think of was the e-mail, the number, Jacob. She called his cell three times, but there was no answer, only his voice mail. His deceiving message. “ Hi, this is Jacob, I’m not in right now but go ahead and leave your message after the beep, so I can go ahead and ignore your message.”  A hint of humor to his words, all apart of his facade to keep the illusion of normal in the air, but Inside was a person that wanted to scream and shed the mask that was glued to their face for so many years, show that side people kept telling them was deemed unacceptable,  in this modern world filled with clowns with trigger happy hands. 

              She called once more in a panic, straight to voice mail. She wondered if it was a lie, a cruel prank, by a group of people that laughed hysterically at her, mocking the demented girl, who wanted to be cut and abused. Was the e-mail just a design plan, meant for her to interpret it anyway she wanted. If it was, it was well played.

              The loud techno music that blared in the party was tearing into her skull, the laughter, the drunkenness from her peers was just revolting to her, how could these people call themselves normal, what was normal of them drinking themselves blind, only to regret every decision they would make, once awoken. She could lie all her life, but these people would never understand her, she needed to be with her own, she needed to reach to Jacob before this life killed her.

              She locked herself in the bathroom and called once more. The first ring, her heart thumped frantically, the second ring, the fear of a prank played in her mind, the third ring, hope felt like a joke, the fourth ring, the image of never being satisfied looked more like a reality. “ You called, why?” His real voice, not the fake act he put on for the rest. 

              “ I need to be with someone, someone like me.” She whispered into the phone, she didn’t want anyone from the party hearing her conversation. “ I called, why didn’t you answer?”

              “ I was afraid that you were just playing with me, it’s hard to find people like us.” His words rang with truth, which only made her yearn for his touch. “ Can we meet?” He asked.

              How could she say no. “ Yes, where do you want to meet ?” This was the happiest moment for Caroline, it would be a moment in time she would never forget.

Chapter 28

Down Came Alice Through The Rabbit Hole


The lights were dimmed down, almost leaving the entire apartment into darkness for this occasion, Karen sprawled on the checkered couch of Scott’s, as he brought a seat over. Peewee was hovering over head, humming lightly, as though he was chanting to some sort of ancient God. “ Peewee, what the hell are you doing?” She asked.

              “ I’m chanting the spirit world.” He said laughing his ass off.

              “ You're such a little fucker.” She muttered under her breath.

              “ Alright.” Scott sat beside her, clearing his throat, getting ready to put her under. “ Now, Karen, I want you to relax, let your mind go.” Scott stop as Peewee kept murmuring a chant

              “ Oh Ancient dark lord Titty Tiddy BooBoo we hear your call.” Only to be flicked on the ear by Scott. “ Ouch.”

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