The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (62 page)


Representatives have sold us out:


Uncle Sam posters:


Get Out of Our House:


Three million pink slips to Congress:


Fire Congress website:


De facto term limits on Congress:


U.S. term limits:


Billboards on firing Congress:


Paul Volcker on controlling both parties:


Harvey Wasserman on turning from both Republican and Democratic parties:

Poll Watchers and Paper Ballots


Average voter turnout in other nations:


Ralph Nader on serious undermining effects: lkl.nader/index.html


Bev Harris on vote-counting secrecy:


Diebold abused copyrights:


Miami Herald


Harvey Wasserman on need for paper ballots:


Diebold software decertified in 2009:; also see


Kim Alexander on worst fears confirmed:


Paper ballot plans fails in the House:

Enforce the Tenth Amendment


Thomas J. DiLorenzo and on federal powers:


Charles Key and a definite follow-up:


San Francisco Examiner


Virginia prohibits mandatory federal health care and Senator Frederick M. Quayle:


Michigan solar manufacturing plant:


Dow Chemical solar shingles:

Thirty-six Remedies for a Broken Society


Ron Paul on WTO:


National Commission on Marihuana:


FEAR on asset forfeiture:

Defeat Fascism


Plan to defeat fascism:


Chris Martenson’s lifestyle change:


Officer challenges Obama’s qualifications:


Others challenge Obama: &pageId=90574



One firearm for every adult American:


IRS purchasing 12-gauge shotguns: index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=8d3b076bd4de14bbda5aba699e80621d& tab=core&_cview=1&cck=1&au=&ck=


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on halting the cursed machine:


Enough weaponry to arm both the Chinese and Indian armies:

Gun and Ammo Sales Booming


Obama on belief in Second Amendment:


Brad DeSaye and his unprecedented business:


Roy Eicher on fear of no ammo:


John Woniewski on whether gun and ammo demand would continue:


Sheriff Darren White on his ammo back order: please_save_some_bullets_for_the_cops/C530/L37/


Curtis Shipley and rescinded Pentagon directive:

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Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, 308–9

abortion, 120, 121

Abu Ghraib Prison, 254

academics, and Big Pharm, 136–37, 168

Acinetobacter baumannii,

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), 216, 243, 271, 286, 295, 305, 306, 307, 317, 325

ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), 240–41

Adams, Mike, 99, 163, 165, 169, 183, 188

Adams, Samuel, 319, 388

Adderall, 2

adjuvants, 169–76

Advertiser’s Protective Bureau, 176–78

advertising, DTC drug, 137–43, 376

Afghanistan war, 13, 213, 222, 230

Afghan National Army, 222

Agriculture, U.S. Department of (USDA), 85–86, 88, 89, 90–91, 94

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), 113, 122–26

AIG (American International Group), 29–30, 33, 41

Airbus Industries, 297

air travel

full-body scanners, 309–12

no-fly lists, 306–10

Akre, Jane, 95

Alcoa, 102–3

alcohol prohibition, 187

Aldrich, Nelson W., 64–65

Aldrich, Winthrop W., 142

Aldrich Plan, 65

Alexander, Kim, 359

Alexander, Lamar, 265

Alexandrov, Boian, 310

Allen, Gary, 68

All Our Children Learning
(Bloom), 202–3

al Qaeda, 213–14, 222, 253–55, 281, 297, 309

Alzheimer’s disease, 101, 112

American Academy of Pediatrics, 87

American Banker’s Association, 65

American Clean Air and Security Act, 249, 250

American College Test (ACT), 331–32

American Dental Association (ADA), 102

American Gulf War Veterans Association, 117

American Medical Association (AMA), 128–29, 142, 178

American Monetary Institute (AMI), 68, 342–43

American Police Force (APF), 259–62

American Psychiatric Association (APA), 150, 167

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 35–37

American Society of Microbiology, 118

AmeriCorps, 238

Amis, Kingsley, 327

Ammo Box, 381–88


Anderson, John B., 66

Andreas, Judy, 277

Andrew, Abraham Piatt, 64

Angell, Marcia, 134–35, 136–37, 147–48

Anheuser-Busch, 85

Anslinger, Harry, 187

Antarctica, 247–48

anthrax attacks, 252

anthrax vaccine, 171

antidepressants, 145–46, 150, 151–52

anti-intellectualism, 194–95

antitax movement, 367

Applied Digital Solutions, Inc., 293–94

Arendt, Hannah, 190

Argentina, 9–10

Armbruster, Sally M., 236

arms exports, 374

Aronson, Elliot, 156

Arthur Andersen, 27

Artic ice, 247–48

Ashcroft, John, 255

aspartame, 143–48

Aspartame Disease
(Roberts), 145

asset forfeiture, 245–46, 374–75

Asset Forfeiture Fund (AFF), 245–46

AstraZeneca, 133, 172–73

AT&T, 281, 283

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 2, 148–49, 168

Attkisson, Sharyl, 175–76

Auerbach, Robert, 31–32

Auerswald, Beth, 228

autism, 163–65

Aventis, 133

AVIAN Act, 182

avian flu, 119, 169, 182



back-to-basics education, 329–30, 375–76

Baldwin, Chuck, 66

Balfour, Alfred, 59

Balfour Declaration, 59

Ballot Box, 338–81

Bamford, James, 280–81

Banach, David, 219

bank deposit insurance, 46–48

Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 69, 71–74, 77, 345

Bank of America, 40–41

Bank of England, 60, 63, 72

bankruptcies, and medical bills, 104

banks (banking industry).
See also specific banks

bailout of, 29–33, 35, 39–42, 74–75, 340

Gramm and deregulation, 26–32

runs during Great Depression, 58

stress tests, 40–42

surveillance regulation, 283–84

“banksters,” 26

Bankston, Kevin, 287–88

Barofsky, Neil, 30

Barr, Bob, 246

Barton, Joe, 248–49

Baruch, Bernard, 354

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 73

Base Re-Alignment and Closing (BRAC), 256

Batalion, Nathan, 94–95

Batts, Rebecca Anne, 37

Bauerlein, Mark, 193, 194–95

Bavarian Illuminati, 14

Baxter Healthcare Corporation, 183–84

Baxter International, 182–85

Bayer CropScience AG, 90–91

Bayh, Birch “Evan,” 136

Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, 136

Bazhanov, Boris, 356

B. Bernice Young School, 225–26, 228

beef, growth hormones in, 86–87

Benton, William, 198–99

Berger, Sandy, 125, 229

BerkShares, 348

Bernanke, Ben, 18, 41, 67, 80

Bertlesmann AG, 211–12

Bextra, 140

Bible, 55

Biden, Joseph, 78, 230

Big Pharm, 133–37, 167–68

big government relationship with, 144–48, 169

drug advertising, 137–43

remedies for, 376

Bilderberg Group (Bilderbergers), 67, 369

biological warfare, 107–10

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), 172

bipolar disorder, 165–66

Birch, Toby, 346–48

Birkenfeld, Bradley, 233–34

birth control, 160–61

bisphenol-A, 87

Black, Edwin, 159–60

Black, William K., 24–26, 29, 30–33, 80–81, 340

Black Box Voting Inc., 357

Black-Rock Inc., 37

Blackwater, 260, 262

Blair, Dennis C., 232

Blair, Tony, 42

Blaylock, Russell, 170, 184–85

blogosphere, 329

Blome, Kurt, 109

Bloom, Benjamin, 202–3

Bloomberg, Michael, 81, 125

Bloomberg News, 81

body scanners, 309–12

Boetcker, William J. H., 228–29

Bogart, Leo, 212

Bollinger, Lee C., 67

Bona, Christopher, 182–83

bonds, and foreign trade, 22–24

Bookey, Natalie, 236

Border Patrol, 265, 271–72

Bormann, Martin, 107

Born, Brooksley, 26, 28

Boston Tea Party, 13

Boswell, Joseph J., 236

Bounds, Tucker, 287

bovine growth hormone (BGH), 88, 90, 95

Bowen, Debra, 358

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, 361

Bramley, William, 57

Bratton, William, 244

Breggin, Peter R., 134, 149, 152

Bretton Woods Agreements (1945), 345

Brewer, Clint, 315

Brinkerhoff, John, 272

Bristol-Myers Squibb, 133, 137

Brookhaven National Laboratory, 151

Brookings Institution, 41, 201

Brown, David B., 240

Brown, Matthew, 260

Brownlee, Shannon, 104

Brownlee, Steven W., 152

(Brucellosis), 109–16

Brucellosis Triangle, The
(Scott), 107, 112, 114–15, 116, 118, 125–26

Bryan, William Jennings, 338–39

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 231

Buffett, Warren, 28, 125

Bullock, Steve, 261–62

Burgener, Sinclair Walter “Clair,” 268

Burien, Walter, 343–45

Burk, Dean, 101

Burnough, Erinn J., 235

Burroughs Wellcome & Company, 140–41

Burson-Marsteller, 146

Burwell, Anthony, 154

Bush, George H. W., 14–17, 114–15, 134, 312, 349, 383

Bush, George W.

electronic surveillance and, 282–86, 287

fearmongering of, 213–15, 244

financial crisis and, 33, 38, 39

Guantanamo prisoners and, 254–55

Homeland Security and, 302–3, 304–5

Internet security and, 299

liars’ loans and, 25, 26

National Socialism of, 3, 18

Operation TIPS and, 242, 243

PATRIOT Act and, 215–16

Posse Comitatus Act and, 265–66, 267

presidential election of 2000, 239

presidential election of 2004, 355–56

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