The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (63 page)

Bush, Prescott, 15, 108, 155, 158–59, 198



caffeine, 84, 85


eugenics legislation, 159

medical marijuana, 362–63

U.S. Bank Tower alleged plot, 213–14

voting machines, 358–59

Cameron, Ewen, 156

Campbell, Kurt M., 232

Camp FEMA, 256–59

cancer, 84, 91, 94–95, 101–2, 112, 127–28, 130

Cancer Cure That Worked!
(Lynes), 130

Cantor, Eric, 241

cap and trade, 249, 250

carbon dioxide (CO
), 250

Carnegie Endowment, 201

Carter, Jimmy, 353

Cartwright, Freeth, 163–64

Cass, Hyla, 134

Castro, Fidel, 242–43

cattle, growth hormones in, 86–87

Celvapan, 185

Census, U.S., 124–25

Census Bureau, U.S., 240

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), 84–85

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 114, 117–18, 122–23, 169, 175–76, 180, 252

Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), 371–72

Centre for Research on Globalization, 36, 92, 321–22, 339

Charter for a Free Press, 325–26

Cheeks, Wesley, Jr., 225

chemtrails, 246–47

Chen, Jeffrey, 317

Cheney, Dick, 314

Chertoff, Michael, 309

children, drugging of, 148–52, 162–66

China, and U.S. Treasuries, 23–24

Chiron Pharmaceutical Company, 184–85

Chisholm, Brock, 156

Cho, Seung-Hui, 151–52

Chossudovsky, Michel, 36, 339–40

chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 112, 114, 117–18

Chrysler, 232

Churchill, Winston, 158

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 15, 108, 114–15, 162, 203, 204, 216, 263, 273, 279, 289, 298, 306

Ciba-Geigy, 143, 185

Cipro, 115

Citibank, 40, 41

Citizen Corps, 242, 243

Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 69, 134, 150, 156, 168, 345

citizenship test, 191

civics, knowledge of, 191–93

civil forfeiture, 245–46, 374–75

“civilian army,” 238–39

Clark, Wesley, 264

Clarke, Richard, 299

classification process, 369–70

Classroom Corps, 238

climate change, 247–51

Clinton, Bill, 27–28, 38–39, 141, 147, 256, 264–65, 283, 306

Clinton, Hillary, 147, 230, 237

Coca-Cola Company, 84

cocaine, 151, 187, 188

Cochrane, John H., 17

Codex Alimentarius Commission, 96–99, 376

Cohn, Perry, 101–2

Coleman, Elizabeth A., 80

Coleman, John, 141

Collins, Chuck, 42

Colonial BancGroup, Inc., 31

Columbia University, 198

Columbine High School massacre, 151, 152

Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), 242–43

Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, 73

Committee on the Cost of Medical Care (CCMC), 142–43

Committee on the Global Financial System, 73

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 26–29, 39

Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs), 343–45, 371

Compton’s Encyclopedia, 199

Congress, firing, 349–55

Conlon, William, 145

Connolly, Everett H., 296

conservatism, psychology of, 161–62

Constitution, U.S., 61, 171, 204, 225, 339, 371, 386

Controlled Substances Act of 1970, 362

“Controlling the World’s Monetary System” (Veon), 71–72, 73

Conway, Jack, 184

Conyers, John, 287

Cooley, Thomas F., 79

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), 15, 32–33, 39, 231, 369

Coutts, Sharona, 233

Cowin, Judith, 296–97

Cox, Tim, 351

Crane, John, 129–30

Crary, JoAnn, 365

Crash Proof
(Schiff), 11

Creature from Jekyll Island, The
(Griffin), 55–56, 58–59, 66, 74, 121

credit default swaps, 41

criminal forfeiture, 245–46, 374–75

critical thinking, 329–30, 375

Crockett, Davy, 62

Crone, Marcia, 312

Cronkite, Walter, 16

Crow, Michael, 204

Crutzen, Paul, 247

CSL Ltd., 133

Cuba, and CDR, 242–43

Cuban missile crisis, 258

Cuomo, Andrew, 140

Cybersecurity Act of 2009, 299–300



DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), 244

DARPA, 279–81

Davenport, Charles B., 158

Davis, Matthew, 174

Davison, Henry P., 64

Dawbarns Law Firm, 163–64

Dean, John, 305

See also
national debt

money for faith and, 56–57

private profit and public, 46–50

debt slaves, 21, 35

Dees, Morris, 277

“Defeat Fascism” pledge, 377–78

Defense, Department of (DOD), 156–57, 171, 179–80, 222, 384–85

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 279–81

deficit spending, 3, 10–11, 52–54, 340

Delaney, James, 89

Delaney clause, 89, 144

Delgado, José M. R., 162

DeLuke, Stacy, 262

DeMint, Jim, 78, 278

depopulation, 118–22

depression, 162–63

DeQuadros, Conrad, 81

deregulation, 26–32

derivatives, 23, 26–29, 39–40, 72

DeSaye, Brad, 383

DeSaye, Joe, 383

designated terrorists, 222–25

Dewey, John, 202

Homeland Security, Department of

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders
(DSM), 149–50

Diebold, 357–59

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 83

dietary supplements, 96–99

Digital Angel, 296

digital media and education, 193–95

DiLorenzo, Thomas J., 359–60

Dimon, James, 67

direct-to-consumer (DTC) drug advertising, 137–43, 376

“disease-mongering,” 135

dissension in the ranks, 17–18

Dock, George, 129

Dr. Strangelove
(movie), 246

Dodd, Norman, 201

Dodge, Cleveland H., 66

Dole, Robert “Bob,” 136, 265

dollar, U.S., 22–23, 49–50, 53–54, 74, 339, 368

Domhoff, G. William, 44–46

Dominion Parasite Laboratory, 114

Donahue, Phil, 327

Donilon, Thomas, 232

Do Not Resuscitate
(Geyman), 337

Dow Chemical, 365

Downing, Wayne, 263–64

downsizing America, 32–35

Doxycycline, 115

Draghi, Mario, 70

drinking water, 100–103

Driver’s License Modernization Act of 2002, 290, 292

driver’s licenses, 290–92

drug advertising, 137–43, 376

drug corporations.
Big Pharm

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 151, 188, 244–45, 362

drugging the population, 132–52

aspartame, 143–48

Big Pharm, 133–38

children and women, 148–52, 162–66

DTC advertising, 137–43

drug patents, 135–37

drug vaccines, 163–65

dTective, 289

Dulles, Allen, 15, 107–8

Dulles, John Foster, 15, 108

dumbed-down education.
See education

Dumbest Generation, The
(Bauerlein), 193, 194–95

Dumbing Us Down
(Gatto), 195, 196

Durbin, Richard J., 254–55

Dutcher, Brandon, 191



Eakman, Beverly K., 156–57, 202, 203, 205

Easterling, Lloyd, 272

Easterling, Scott, 380

Echelon, 297–99

E. coli
Escherichia coli
), 85

economic crisis of 2008.
financial crisis of 2008

economic decline of America, 9–11

economic stimulus package of 2009, 35–37

(Ehrlich), 120

Edgar, Timothy H., 305–6, 307

education, 190–207

back-to-basics, 329–30, 375–76

dangerous teaching, 195–96

history in America, 197–206

homeschooling, 331–34

Oklahoma school study, 191–93

remedies for, 329–30, 375–76

Twixters, 206–7

video generation, 193–95

Eglin Air Force Base, 257

Ehrlich, Paul and Anne, 120

Eicher, Roy, 383–84

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