The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (67 page)

Operation Cable Splicer, 267–68

Operation Cure All, 130

Operation Diomedes, 267

Operation Garden Plot, 267–68

Operation Last Dance, 266–67

Operation Paperclip, 100, 108–11, 113–14, 149

Operation Shamrock, 298

Operation TIPS, 242–44

Orwell, George, 243, 301

osteosarcoma, 102

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 370

Ott, A. True, 177–78

Otter, C. L. “Butch,” 284–85

outsourcing policies, 372

overpopulation, 119–20, 124–26

over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.

(Brownlee), 104

Owens, Wilbur, 12

Oz, Mehmet, 167



Pakistan, 222

Palestinians, 237

Pan Am Flight 103, 312

Pandremix, 172

paper ballots, 355–59

Parks, Lawrence, 52–53

Parry, Nigel, 225

Patman, Wright, 350

PATRIOT Act, 215–19, 282–86, 370

Patterson, Robert P., 113

Patton State Hospital, 159

Paul, Ron, 76–79, 216, 217–18, 284, 288, 371–72

Paulson, Henry “Hank,” 29–33, 70

Pavlov, Ivan, 156

Paxil, 139, 150, 152, 168

Peace Corps, 238

Peerwani, Nizam, 220

Pellegrini, Frank, 290–91, 292

Pelosi, Nancy, 250

PEN American Center, 325

Pennock, Paul, 179

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. (PBGC), 37

pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), 309–10

perception management (PM), 156–58, 324

Perkins, Charles Eliot, 82, 100

Perot, Ross, 66

Persian Gulf War, 116–17, 170–71

pesticides, 89

Pfizer Inc., 133, 139–40

pharmaceutical corporations.
Big Pharm

phenylalanine, 144

Philip, prince of England, 119

Phillips, Larry, 295–96

Phoenix Program, 263

Phoenix Program, The
(Valentine), 263

photographers under fire, 314–16

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 89

Physicians for a National Health Program, 337

Pierce, Chester M., 200

Pierson, Melanie, 130–31

Pittinger, Elizabeth, 225

Plan, The: Big Ideas for America
(Emanuel), 239

Planned Parenthood, 160–61

Pledge of Allegiance, 369

“plutocracy,” 44–46

Poindexter, John, 279

police state, 251–318

American Police Force, 259–62

Border Patrol, 271–72

Camp FEMA, 256–59

Cybersecurity Act of 2009, 299–300

DARPA, 279–81

designated terrorists, 222–25

Echelon and TEMPEST, 297–99

electronic surveillance, 282–90

full-body scanners, 309–12

government camps, 253–55

hate crimes, 277–78

Homeland Security, 302–6

microchipped ID cards, 291–97

Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, 252–53

National ID Act, 290–91

no-fly lists, 306–10

Oath Keepers, 274–76

OSI, 273–74

PATRIOT Act, 215–19, 284–86

photographers under fire, 314–16

Posse Comitatus Act, 262–71

surveillance cameras, 316–18

police tactics and FEMA, 220–22

polio vaccines, 178

political bias in news reporting, 212–13

political conservatism, psychology of, 161–62

poll watchers, 355–59

Popenoe, Paul, 159

Popular Mechanics,
297, 298–99

population control, 118–22

Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 224, 262–71, 372

Postal Service, U.S., 242, 365–66

Postman, Neil, 205–6

postpartum depression, 162–63

Postpartum Mood Disorders Prevention Act of 2007, 162–63

Potok, Mark, 276

Poulsen, Kevin, 288–89

Pound, Ezra, 198

Powell, Colin, 215

Premier Election Solutions, Inc. (PES), 357–59

Presidential Decision Directive (PDD), 25, 267

Presidential Determination No. 2009-15, 237

President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, 233

Preska, Loretta, 82

Price, Madelon, 144

Prilosec, 135, 139

Primary Dealer Credit Facility, 77

Pringle, Evelyn, 163

printing press, 60

prions and mycoplasmas, 109–15

prison systems, 373

private profit, and public debt, 46–50

private security contractors, 259–60

Proctor, Paul, 271

Proeber, David, 315

Prohibition, 187

Project Day Lily
(Nicolson), 110–13

Prompt Corrective Action Law, 32

Prozac, 100, 135, 139, 148, 150

Prusiner, Stanley B., 110

Psychiatrists—The Men Behind Hitler
(Röder), 154

psychiatry, history of, 153–57

puberty, and food hormones, 87–88, 90

Public Information Requests (PIRs), 371

Puleo, Joseph S., 112

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, 88

Puzzle Palace, The
(Bamford), 280–81

Pyle, Christopher H., 280

Pyle, David McAlpine, 142



Quayle, Frederick M., 363

Queenan, Joe, 296

Quigley, Carroll, 72–73, 141



radio frequencies, and diseases, 127–28

Raines, Franklin D., 38

Rapiscan Systems, 309

Ravaglia, Raymond, 333

Ready Reserve, 239

Reagan, Ronald, 3–4, 17, 134, 161, 279, 304–5

REAL ID Act of 2005, 291–92, 363–64

Reclaiming Our Children
(Breggin), 152

recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH), 88, 95

Redden, Jim, 244

Rees, John Rawlings, 155–56

Regan, Don, 47–48

regulation, and Gramm, 26–32

Reid, Harry, 250

Reider, Jon, 331

Reilly, Tim, 312

Reinstein, Joseph B., 235

Remschmidt, Helmut, 150–51

Reno, Janet, 253

Rense, Jeff, 128, 129

Return to Healing, A
(Saputo), 335

Revolutionary War, 60

“Rewards for Justice” (program), 245

Rex, Jim, 181

Reynolds, Diana, 268–69

Rhodes, Cecil, 141

Rhodes, Stewart, 276

Rhodes Trust, 141

Rice, Susan, 231, 232

Richardson, Bill, 231

Ridenhour, Ron, 268

Ridge, Tom, 243, 262–64, 302, 307

Riegle, Donald W., Jr., 116–17

Rife, Royal Raymond, 127–32

Rife-type devices, 127–32

“Rise of the National Security State, The” (Reynolds), 268–69

Ritalin, 148–51

Rivers, Thomas, 128

Roberts, Craig, 257–58

Roberts, H. J., 144–45

Roberts, Paul Craig, 11–12

Rocca, Patrick, 42

Rockefeller, David, Jr., 125

Rockefeller, David, Sr., 231

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 64, 142

Rockefeller, John D. “Jay,” IV, 299–300

Rockefeller, John D., Sr., 108, 143, 197–98, 200, 204–5

Rockefeller, Nick, 15

Rockefeller, William, 64, 143

Rockefeller family, 141–43, 197–201

Rockefeller Foundation, 126, 141, 159–60, 198, 199–201

Rockwell, Llewellyn H., Jr., 98–99

Röder, Thomas, 154

Roeder, Thomas, 134

Roe v. Wade,

Rogers, Desiree G., 235

Romer, Bruce, 313

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 178, 209, 354, 356

Roosevelt, Theodore, 66

Rorem, C. Rufus, 142

Rosenow, Edward C., 129

Rosin, Carol, 250

Ross, Dennis, 232

Rotenberg, Marc, 311

Rothschild, Amschel Mayer, 35

Rothschild, Walter, 59

Rothschild family, 59–60, 64

Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty
(Wilson), 60

Round Table Groups, 141

Rowley, Charles K., 9–10, 340–41

Royal Rife Research Society, 130

Rubin, Robert, 28

Rubinstein, Ethan, 174

Ruby Ridge, 253, 321

Rüdin, Ernst, 155, 159

Rumsfeld, Donald, 145–46, 271, 273–74

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