The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (68 page)

Running Man, The
(movie), 294

Russian Revolution, 3, 11, 14–15

Russo, Aaron, 15

Russo, Michael, 138



St. Louis Tea Party, 240

St. Pierre, Allen, 186, 187

Salk, Jonas, 178


Sanchez, Tomas, 266–67

Sanders, Norman, 289

Sanders, Trooper, 235

Sandoz Laboratories, 143, 185

Sanofi-Pasteur, 133–34, 176

Saputo, Len, 335–36

Sara Lee, 86

Sardi, Bill, 2

Savings and Loan crisis, 24, 25, 26, 32

Sayreville School District, 270

Schacht, Hjalmar, 155

Schiff, Jacob, 14, 64

Schiff, Peter, 11, 23

Schlink, F. J., 88

Schmidt, Howard, 299

Schoeni, Bob, 206

School and Society
(Dewey), 202

school shootings, 151–52

Schoon, Darryl Robert, 48

Schrecker, Ellen, 271

Schreiber, Walter Emil, 108–9

Schroeder, Rockefeller & Company, 108

Schroeder Bank, 15, 141

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 294

Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), 324

Scott, Donald W., 107, 110, 112, 114–15, 116, 118, 125–26

Scott, William L. C., 107, 112, 114–15, 116, 118, 125–26

Scowcroft, Brent, 125, 229

search and seizure, 217–18, 296

Searle, 145–46

Sebelius, Kathleen, 179

Second Amendment, 383

Second Bank of the United States, 62

Secrets of the Federal Reserve
(Mullins), 67, 101, 141–42, 143

Secrets of the Temple
(Greider), 57–58

Section 215, 284–85

seeds, genetically modified, 90–95

Seidel, R. E., 127

Seltzer, Larry, 300

Senate Rule 16, 78

Sennett, Laura, 316

September 11th attacks (2001), 213–14, 215, 262–63, 265–66, 273, 281, 302

Séralini, Gilles-Eric, 94

Serbia, 261

serotonin, 166

Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 240–41

Sessions, Jeff, 278

Shadow Elite
(Wedel), 14

shark liver oil, 171

Sharp, Eric, 383

Shaw, Isabel, 331–32

Shay, Becky, 260

Shepard, Matthew, 278

Sher, Susan, 235

Shipley, Curtis, 384–85

Shiro, Ishii, 109

Shuford, Reginald T., 307

Siegel, Marc, 105

Siemens, 296

Siems, Larry, 325

Silverstein, Ken, 277

Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV-40), 178

Similac, 98

single-payer health insurance, 336–37

Sizer, Theodore, 202

Skilling, Jeffrey, 27

Skinner, B. F., 156

Skinner, Sam, 145

Skousen, Joel, 180–81

Skull and Bones, 155, 356

Smart Choices Program, 83–84

Smith, Charles C., 142–43

Smith, William French, 269

Snider, Britt, 267–68

snooping, 242–45

Snowe, Olympia, 300

Soap Box, 322–38


defined, 11

dichotomy of capitalism and, 349

loss of individuality and, 11–13

Social Security, 105–6, 301, 366, 368

sodium fluoride, 100–103

Soehnge, Walter, 284

solar energy, 364–65

Solmonese, Joe, 278

Solomon, Rebecca, 313

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 251, 381–82

Sommer, Robert, 150–51

Sonoma State Home, 159

Soros, George, 125

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 244, 276–78

Sparapani, Timothy, 306–7

Sparks, 85

Spencer, Herbert, 19

Spencer, Ted, 101, 102

Spiro, Rand, 334

Splenda, 146

squalene, 170–76

Stalin, Joseph, 356, 382

Standard Oil Co., 143

Starkey, Frances M., 235

State Fair of Virginia, 258–59

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), 23

state sovereignty, 359–65, 371

Steinberg, James, 232

Stone, I. F., 328

Strategic Vision, 191

Streeter, Elmer, 175

Strong, Benjamin, 64

Strossen, Nadine, 271, 286

Stutte, Hermann, 150–51

subprime loans, 24–26

sulfanilamide, 143

Summers, Larry, 39, 231

Suniva, 364–65

Supreme Court, term limits for, 369


Echelon and TEMPEST, 297–99

electronic, 282–90

neighborhood snooping, 242–45

surveillance cameras, 316–18

Surviving America’s Depression Epidemic
(Levine), 167

Sweet, Robert W., 91

swine flu, 119, 121, 176–81, 182

vaccinations, 169–76, 179–85, 294

Switzerland, 45, 70

SYColeman Inc., 324

Syntek Technologies, 279



Taft, William Howard, 65–66

Tahoe Truckee High School, 114

tainted foods, 85–86

Tamiflu, 146

Tancredo, Tom, 271

TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 30, 31, 51

Tarullo, Daniel, 67, 68

Tasers, 219–20

Tate, Arthur, Jr., 228

taxes, 10, 39

taxpayer bailouts, 29–33, 35, 39–42, 74–75, 340

Taylor, John, 61

Taylor, Mark, 329–30

Taylor, Maxwell, 119, 124

Taylor, Michael, 90

Teaching as a Subversive Activity
(Postman and Weingartner), 205–6

tea parties, 3, 13–14, 225, 240

Teller, Edward, 246

TEMPEST, 297–99

Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR), 248

Tenth Amendment, 61, 359–65

Tenth Amendment Movement, 360, 364

term limits, 352, 369

Term Securities Lending Facility, 77

Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), 308

Then, Christoph, 91

thimerosal, 164, 172

Thomas, Clarence, 145

Thomas, Norman Mattoon, 13

Thompson, Doug, 214–15

Thompson, Tommy, 294

Thomson-CSF, 297

Thornton, Sean M., 54–55

TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), 242–44

Toxic Psychiatry
(Breggin), 149

trade sanctions, 98–99

Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, 55

Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 265, 303, 308–12, 313

Treatment Center for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 118

Trilateral Commission, 231–33, 369

Trotsky, Leon, 12

Truman, Harry, 102–3

Truman, Michael E., 104–5

Trussell, Tait, 105–6

Truth About the Drug Companies, The
(Angell), 134–35, 136–37

Tubman, Samantha, 236

Tucker, Jeffrey A., 188–90

Tunsky, Gary, 115

Turley, Jonathan, 255

Turner, Ted, 125, 211–12

TV (television), 192–94, 211–12, 323

drug advertising, 137–43

Twain, Mark, 350

Twixters, 206–7

Two Rivers Detention Center, 260–62

Tyler, Ralph, 202



UBS Investment Bank, 29–30, 33, 233–34

unemployment, 9, 51–52

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 275–76

Union Banking Corporation, 15, 108

United Nations (UN)

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 96, 97

Food Safety Agency, 95

Millennium Development Goals, 38

New York City building, 108

Unit 731, 109

Universal Prismatic Microscope, 127–29

University of Chicago, 17, 198, 199

University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU), 249

U.S. Bank Tower (Los Angeles), 213–14

Ussin, Katie, 260

U.S. Term Limits (USTL), 352

usury, 55–56, 59



vaccinations, 116–17, 169–76, 252–53

Valentine, Douglas, 263

vanadium, 97–98

Vanderlip, Frank A., 63–64, 65

Van Gogh, Vincent, 166

Vasella, Daniel, 185

Veon, Joan, 51, 62–63, 71–72, 73

VeriChip, 293–94

Veridan, 295

Veterans Administration, 179–80

video generation, 193–95

Vietnam War, 263, 268, 298, 348

Vietor, Tommy, 226

Villaraigosa, Antonio, 214

Villehuchet, René-Thierry Magon de la, 42

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