The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (65 page)

Great Depression, 17, 24, 54, 58

Green, George, 353–54

greenhouse gases, 250

Greenspan, Alan, 27, 28, 52–53, 67, 231

Greenwald, Glenn, 218–19

Greider, William, 56–58

Griffin, G. Edward, 55–56, 58–59, 66, 74, 121

Grigg, William Norman, 120, 262

Grimes-Miles, Ingrid, 236–37

Gross, Adrian, 144

Ground Truth, The
(Farmer), 370

Groves, Robert, 240

growth-hormone-treated foods, 86–88, 90

G-20 London Summit (2009), 69–70

G-20 protests, 224–25

Guantanamo Bay detention camp, 253–55

Guernsey Experiment, 346–48

Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), 173, 179

Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
(Solzhenitsyn), 381–82

Gulf War syndrome, 116–18, 170–72

guns, 381–88

Gurman, Sadie, 225



Haass, Richard, 232

Hachey, Wayne, 180

Hall, G. Stanley, 202

Hall, Melissa, 225

Halliburton, 255

Hamas, 237

Hambali, Yasir al-, 213–14

Hamilton, Alexander, 60–61

Hamilton, Lee, 370

Hammell, John, 97, 98

Hammond, Matthew, 265

Hanafin, Bob, 274–75

Hanni, Kate, 309

Hannity, Sean, 34

Harlow, John, 125

Harper, Mark J., 126

Harriman, Mary Averell, 158

Harriman, W. Averell, 14–15, 158

Harris, Bev, 357

Harris, Eric, 152

Harris, Leslie, 300

Hastings, Alcee, 258

Hatch Act of 1939, 275

hate-crime laws, 277–78, 372

Havelock, Ronald, 202

Hayden, Katharine S., 270

Hayden, Kelley, 332

Hayden, Michael, 283

Hayes, Arthur Hull, 146

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), 85

Healey, David, 134

health-care system, 103–7, 334–38, 363, 376

health insurance, 104–5, 336–38

Health Medicine Forum, 335

Healy, David, 166

Hegel, Georg W. F., 197

Heimbold, Charles, Jr., 137

Help America Vote Act of 2002, 356

hemp, 373–74

heparin, 183

hepatitis B vaccine, 113–14, 123

herbal supplements, 96–99

heroin, 187, 188

Hewitt, Karen, 130

Hightower, Jim, 83–84

Hilleman, Maurice, 112

Hilton, Michael, 262

Hinnen, Todd, 287

Hitler, Adolf, 14, 15, 73, 141, 154–55, 160, 197, 215–16, 379–80

Hitler Youth, 228, 238

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 113, 123, 124, 178, 183

Holbrooke, Richard, 232

Holder, Eric, 316

Holdren, John, 120–21, 246–47

Hollingsworth, Doneen, 181

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 158

Holmes, Steven A., 38

Homeland Security, Department of (DHS), 222–23, 255, 256, 263, 270, 302–6

no-fly lists, 306–10

security abuses, 312–14

Homeland Security Act of 2002, 272, 302, 306

home mortgages.
mortgages homeschooling, 331–34

H1N1 influenza virus.
swine flu

Honig, Doug, 317

Hoover, J. Edgar, 302, 306

Horowitz, Len G., 107–8, 112, 125

House, Edward Mandell, 66

Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 241

housing starts, 41–42

How Capitalism Saved America and Hamilton’s Curse
(DiLorenzo), 359–60

How to Survive the Crisis and Prosper in the Process
(Schoon), 48

How Would a Patriot Act?
(Greenwald), 218–19

Hoxsey, Harry, 129

Hughes, Denis M., 67

human gene patents, 91

Human Rights Campaign, 278

Hurd, Maude, 240

Hussein, Saddam, 114–16

Huxley, Aldous, 132–33

Hyde, Henry, 246



ID (identification) cards, 290–97

I. F. Stone’s Weekly,

I. G. Farben, 99, 100, 108, 143, 185

IGF-1 growth hormone, 95

Illuminati, 14

Immelt, Jeffrey R., 67

immigration, 237, 265, 271–72, 277

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 255

implanted ID chips, 291–97

improprieties and death, 42–43

income inequality, 42, 44–46

Inconvenient Truth, An
(documentary), 248

individualism (individuality), 11–13, 203

IndyMac, 25, 33

inflation, 24, 50, 57, 68, 76

avian flu; flu fears; flu vaccines; swine flu

Informants and Undercover Investigations
(Fitzgerald), 245

Information Awareness Office (IAO), 279–80

In-Q-Tel Inc., 204

Institute for Cooperation in Space, 250

Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), 279

interest, 55–56, 69

interest rates, 52, 57, 340

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 75, 233, 301, 361, 367

International Congress of Eugenics, 158–59

International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977, 55

International Federation of Eugenics Societies, 159

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 34

Internet Eyes, 318

Iran-Contra affair, 304–5

Iraq war, 13, 179, 213, 222, 230, 261, 265, 324

Isaac, William M., 47–48

Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), 237

Israel, 59, 237

iWATCH, 244



Jackson, Andrew, 62

Jackson, Deilia A., 236

Jackson Medical Society, 176–78

Japanese American internment, during World War II, 253, 280

Japanese biological warfare, 109

Jarvis, Kristen E., 236

Jefferson, Thomas, 1, 60–62, 199, 334, 381

Jeffrey, Terence P., 272

Jekyll Island Hunt Club, 63–64, 65

Jesus, 55

Jiminez, Joe, 294

Johnson, Cheryl, 310–11

Johnson, Jennifer J., 81

Johnson, Lyndon B., 15, 46, 298, 323

Johnson, Milbank, 129

Johnson, Robert, 308

Johnston, Camille Y., 235

Jones, Alex, 262

Jones, James L., 125, 229, 231

Joyner, James, 303

JP Morgan Chase, 37, 40–41, 67



Kalambuka, Angeyo, 123

Kallet, Arthur, 88

Kansas City Pandemic of 1921, 176–78

Kaufmann, Fritz, 154

Kazman, Sam, 249

KBR, Inc., 255

Kellermann, David, 42–43

Kendall, Arthur I., 129

Kennedy, Edward, 307

Kennedy, John F., 15, 62, 258, 322, 355, 370, 382

Kennedy, Patrick F., 308–9

Kentucky Medicaid, 183–84

Kerry, John, 356

Kettenring, Brian, 240

Key, Charles, 361

Key, Francis Scott, 62

key loggers, 288–89

Khan, Shahrukh, 312

Khazar Empire, 59

Kick, Russ, 289–90

Kick Them All Out, 350–51

King, Rachel, 243

King, Steve, 278

Kingsville, Texas attack, 266–67

Kissinger, Henry, 39, 108, 119, 124, 229

Klein-Schmidt, Rufus, 129

Klicka, Chris, 332–33

Kohn, Stephen, 233, 234

Kraemer, Harry, 184

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 154

Krugman, Paul, 17–18, 28

Kubillus, Volker, 154

Kubrick, Stanley, 246



Ladner, Matthew, 191, 334

laissez-faire capitalism, 340–41

Lambert, Alexander, 142

Lanzendorfer, Nathan, 225

LaRouche, Lyndon, 43

Larson, Alan, 149

laser system, 219–20

Laursen, Anders Bruun, 171, 172–73

Lawrence, Richard, 62

Lay, Kenneth, 27

leader control, 228–51

League of Nations, 15

Leahy, William, 297

Lechtenberg, Tyler A., 236

Lectures on the Mind of Humans and Animals
(Wundt), 153

Lee, Doug, 268

LeFever, Gretchen, 148–49

Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 78

Leipzig Connection, The
(Lionni), 199–201

Lelyveld, Catherine M., 235

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 11, 64

Lerner, Martin, 118

Levin, Joseph J., Jr., 277

Levine, Bruce, 167

Levine, Sharon, 135

Levitt, Arthur, 28

Lewin, Kurt, 156

Lewis, Dana M., 236

Lewis, Robert Lee, 312–13

liars’ loans, 24–26

Liberty herbicide, 90–91

libido, 166

Liddy, Edward M., 30

Lieberman, Joe, 218

Liman, Arthur, 304

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