The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (142 page)

Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

I gripped his torso, feeling the smooth lines of his abs under his shirt. I longed to explore his body. I’d never been ready when we were younger, so we didn’t know each other in that aspect. Not that now was the time, but being so closely pressed to him made my mind wander. He skillfully weaved the bike in and out of the traffic, gaining on our destination. I had a feeling we were going to the same diner we went the day we skipped school all those years ago. He was set to relive all of our important moments. An incredibly romantic and unusual gesture on his part, but it made my heart flutter for him even more.

The wind whipped the hair falling down my back into tangled and knots I would regret in the morning. I cursed myself for not putting all underneath. I couldn’t think straight with Cade being so...real with me. It wasn’t enough for him to wear the sexiest outfit in the world, but he also had to open up the door on all his feelings. An unexpected move. My heart beat intensely, my mind still reeled from his confession.

I’d blamed him for Josie’s death for years.
, and for what? No reason other than the rumors I heard. I mentally kicked myself for believing the lies. I was grieving, lost, and scared. Cade could have helped me. I could have helped him., I couldn’t think of what if’s and other similar scenarios. We were in the here and now. It was time to live. I breathed in his woodsy scent as the bike slowed. We stopped in front of the diner much sooner than I anticipated. I was so lost in my thoughts of Cade I didn’t realize how quickly he’d be driving us.

He eased the bike into a spot, glancing back to give me the cutest grin. Cade could make my heart do things I didn’t know possible. I returned his expression, clicking the helmet snap off. I smoothed my hair, doing my best to detangle the ends. I cringed when my finger got stuck, pulling the roots hard against my scalp.

“You look beautiful, you don’t have to do that,” he said, reaching out and guiding my hand away.

I shrugged him off, working on a twisted section. “It’ll be a nest before morning. I have,
to do it now,” I explained, wincing with each knot.

He swatted my hand away, gently caressing and feeling my hair between his thumb and forefinger. Detangling wasn’t pleasant, but something about him doing it made it an immensely sexy process. His eyes never left mine. When he finished, he squeezed my chin and helped me off. “Do you remember what you ordered that morning?”

I snorted, “Of course, but do you?”

“I remember what we both ordered,” he stated proudly.

“Why?” I laughed beside him.

He moved forward a few steps, opening the diner door for me. “I remember everything about you,” he said like it wasn’t a big deal.

I stopped, unsure of what to say or do. “” I stuttered.

“Yep. Are you coming in?” he asked with an amused grin.

I hurried forward, feeling his warmth on the small of my back. He squeezed my upper arm and leaned in to talk to the hostess. Cade oozed sexuality and charm. The girl blushed and giggled at his nearness, then gave me a once over. She nodded quickly, grabbing two menus and leading us to the booth we sat at once before.

“Milady,” he said in his best British accent, sweeping his arm out like he was on a game show.

I smiled widely, giggling, and slid in the same side I had all those years ago. “Thank you, sir.”

“I’m glad you’re smiling around me again,” his voice all of a sudden rang out.

“This week has been...different for me.”

“How so?

“Well, I found out I blamed you when I shouldn’t, the bench we met at is being destroyed, and I was arrested,” I told him nonchalantly.

He held up his hand to stop me, “Wait,” his expression was serious, hard. “Did you say the bench is being destroyed?”

I chuckled,” Really, Cade? I tell you I was arrested and the bench is more important.” I shook my head, bending to read over the menu.

“That was next question,” he shrugged, sipping his coke.

I grinned at his easy going nature. Nothing really ever fazed him. I wished I knew how to be like that. “Yeah, the bench is being destroyed,” I sadly admitted. “I saw the papers come through our office this morning.”

“ second,” he said, pulling out his phone. He quickly typed out a text, then placed it back in his pocket and gave me his full attention. “Ok, next question. Arrested?” he drawled out, raising his brows.

I pursed my lips, nodding slowly. “I, uh, got in a fight. In the grocery store,” I said, clasping my hands together. “The one on Jackson.”

, Francesca Taymon, got in a fight? I don’t believe it.” His hands went palms up in the air, his face in disbelief. “What was it with? What was it over? An apple?”

“No, not an
, Cade. It was...” I paused, why had I mentioned this? “Jadesmithson,” I mumbled, shoving the straw to my water in my mouth.

“Who?” he questioned, leaning forward.

Sighing loudly, I slammed the glass back on the table. “Jade Smithson,” I stated, rolling my eyes.

His mouth fell open and he stared. For a long time. When it began to get uncomfortable, he erupted in loud laughter. The surrounding tables gave us dirty looks, which I smiled apologetically to, while the staff whispered as if they didn’t know whether to kick us out or tell us to quiet down.

“Cade,” I hissed, “Shh.” I held my finger up to my lips, feeling like I was in grade school again.

“You got in a fight with
Really? Who won?” he choked out.

“Me,” I said proudly, smirking at the revelation.

“What was it over?” he asked, a knowing look adorning his face. He knew he was making me nervous and he was enjoying it.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said, waving his questions off. Luckily, the waiter came at that moment to take our orders.

We placed the same exact order as we had that November morning. We both smiled at the memories we were simultaneously having. We chatted, catching up on each other’s lives. Five years was a long time, and there was no way we would learn everything over one meal. We laughed, stared, and studied one another, reveling in being in company again. I didn’t think the night could get any more amazing.


he ride back to our town was short, but sweet. He kept squeezing my hand with his. I laid my head on his back, feeling tight muscles when he would move a certain way. I expected him to take me home, for the evening to be over, but we ended up at the bus stop. An abandoned truck was parked on the curb, a large Ford with a big enough bed to hold three of his motorcycles. I watched him curiously as he got off, reaching behind the back wheel to grab a key. He apparently knew the owner of this vehicle...or I was about to go to jail again. Maybe prison this time. “Uhh..Cade? What are you doing?” I questioned, pointing to the key.

“We, what are
doing,” he said as he pointed between the two of us. “Get off, please, I gotta load it in the back.”

“Why?” I inquired.

“Because, we can’t take the bench with us on the motorcycle,” he hissed in my ear.

“What? The bench?” I yelled out, staring at him like he’d grew two heads.

“Francesca, doll face, you gotta quiet down before the cops show up. You can’t go shouting out things like that. They’re destroying it anyways. We’re just saving them some time,” he shrugged, like stealing a bench was nothing.

I slid off the seat, watching him heft the heavy bike in the back like it was a sack of potatoes. I didn’t know what to do, where we were going to put it or anything at this point. All I did know was that here I was, following Cade’s lead, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Chapter Twenty-Cade

rancesca’s expression was a cross between shock and delight. She was always safe, the quiet one that didn’t try anything, didn’t rebel. I knew I was a bad influence. My head screamed for me to take her home and stay far away, but my ached for her. Seeing her smile at me, because of me, was the most amazing feeling in the world, and I didn’t want to lose it. I wouldn’t let that go.

So here I was, having her assist me in a robbery, albeit the thing was getting destroyed anyways, but that was beside the point. She was my lawyer, I was already in trouble, and she’d been arrested days ago.
Francesca Taymon was arrested because of you Cade.
She would never have gotten in a fight with the queen bitch if it wasn’t because of me. It gave me hope she still held feelings for me, despite all we’d been through. All the bad I did to her, the hurt I caused her. She continued to stare at me her hair windblown from the ride back, her face flushed a sexy pink, her eyes wide and dancing with the adrenaline rush she was about to experience.

“Cade,” she hissed, taking long strides to me. “I can’t believe this. Ok, I can’t lift it. Do you have any tools?” she questioned, her head turned in all directions, searching for any sort of witnesses.

This woman continued to amaze me. One second she’s terrified, the next she’s barking orders. And through it all, she had no idea how incredibly sexy and appealing she was. “I have a crow bar. It’s just nailed down at the legs. Keep watch,” I commanded.

She stood straighter, her back curving so quickly that my mind quickly forgot the task at hand. Before I could get my mind any deeper into my thoughts, she saluted me. “Yes, sir,” she spat at me like I was her sergeant.

“Really?” I whispered, looking her over.

She nodded quickly, a small smile playing at her lips. She really tried to not laugh, I had to give her credit there. I chuckled, shaking my head at her. I lifted the crowbar out of the truck bed, briskly jogging up and down the sidewalk to look for any signs of life. Satisfied we were alone I worked quickly and smoothly, removing the heavy nails from the base of the bench. It wasn’t heavy, and the years had worn on the wood. I knew why the city was set to destroy it...I just couldn’t bear the thought. In mere minutes it was loose and I had it situated in Jay’s truck. Francesca paced under the streetlamp, chewing at her nails. It was obvious she was a nervous wreck, convinced we would get caught and that would be it. I couldn’t stop myself from staring. Her hair looked darker in the moonlight, her eyes peered at me from under her thick, long lashes. She was mesmerizing.

“We’re ready,” I said, ushering her forward. I opened the door, helping her in.

“Thanks,” she said, her eyes still darting all over the area. “Where are we taking it?”

“My place,” I said, starting the engine with shaky hands.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, nodding to where they were.

“I dunno, I have a headache. I just need some Tylenol or something,” I said, shrugging her worry off.

“Cade, are you sure?” She reached a cold hand out and caressed my forearm.

“Yes,” I snapped, “I’m sure.”
Why did I snap at her
, I thought. A beautiful girl is worried about me and here I am being mean. “I’m just gonna get home. I’ll be ok,” I explained, my voice slightly less harsh. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I needed to pull it together before I lost her again.


he fidgeted with the hem of her shirt all the way back to my apartment. Things were different, they’d changed...probably because I was a total asshole to her moments ago. I rushed around to her door, being gentlemanly and opening it. She smiled and said a small thanks as I inwardly kicked and cursed myself. I led her to the door, pushing it enough for her to step in.

“Make yourself at home, I’m gonna go grab that Tylenol real quick,” I told her, heading towards the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, reached under the sink, and pulled out a small bottle of vodka. Opening the cabinet, I took out four Tylenols and downed them with a big swig. It burned going down. It’d been hours since I had a drink. I’d promised her I would be sober, but I had to take the pills with something.

“Ok, much better,” I said, coming in to see her seated on my old, black couch. “Do you want something to drink?” I asked, suddenly feeling very nervous.

“Water please?” she asked, her voice showing obvious uneasiness.

“Sure,” I said, going to the kitchen. I poured her a water, adding a few pieces of ice, and fixed myself a coke, adding some of the vodka I’d stuffed in my pocket. Walking back in, I saw her twisting and pulling at her hair. “You ok, doll face?”

She peered up, looking scared and unsure. “Cade...I’m sorry I blamed you,” she sniffled, a tear rolling down her face.

I swiped it away, cupping her cheeks and making her face me. “It’s ok. It’s just as much my fault,” I whispered, my eyes fixated on hers, then moving to her lips. I asked her with my intense stare if it was ok. She whimpered as my thumb traced her bottom lip and I knew. This wasn’t going to be last time. Nothing would stop us.

6 years prior-June

Francesca’s head lay on my shoulder, her hair cascading around me coating me with a lavender blanket. Her body was snuggled close to mine, giving off more heat than I’d like, but I didn’t care. She was here, laying in the backseat with me as we watched the glow of the stars around us. I ached for her, longed for her, wanted her to be mine, but it hadn’t happened. I was technically still with Jade, though I hadn’t seen her in days. I kept telling her it was over, but every time she would show up with my favorite drink and we’d end up in bed together. It was a bad habit. I needed to break it.

“Cade,” her soft voice said.

“Yes?” I replied. My hand reached up and smoothed her hair.

She wiggled closer, peering up at me. “Kiss me.”

It was so unexpected, so sexy, that I couldn’t say no. My lips found hers, my tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. She moaned into me, moving her body so her leg draped over mine. I needed her closer. My hand found her waist, my fingers digging deep into her hips. She pulled back, her eyes wide and full of desire. I knew she couldn’t be experienced. She bit her lip while she stared at me, then straddled me. One move and she undid my whole being. I gripped her tighter, feeling her skin hot under her shirt. I moved my hands underneath, her silky body shivering at my touch. I leaned her back, throwing our stuff in the floor, and guided her body to the seat. Hovering over her, I stared down into her beautiful face. She reached her tender hand up, caressing my cheek, then arched her body against mine.

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