The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (143 page)

Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

Groaning, I bent down to bite at her neck, “You’re trying to kill me,” I growled in her ear before taking the lobe between my teeth.

“Cade,” she gasped, her nails sinking into my upper arms.

I kissed her deeper, my hands sliding higher. Her fingers gripped my back, pulling my shirt to my head. I watched, wide eyed, as her trembling hands pulled it off. Her delicate fingers explored my chest and back. My heart fluttered under her touch, my breathing becoming difficult. Her innocence shone in her eyes, but the desire was stronger. Ever so slowly, she pulled up, resting on one elbow, and lightly left a fiery trail from my jaw to my chest. Her lips scorched my skin. Growling, I leaned down, taking her lips with more aggression. She moaned into me, releasing herself from the shirt that covered the body I so desperately needed. I ravaged her skin, my lips touching every inch of her body. My teeth nibbling her most sensitive areas. Eager fingers tugged and buried into my hair, guiding my face back to hers. Our tongues danced, sending tingles all through my body. When her breath hitched and she made a path to my jeans with her fingers, I knew I couldn’t this now.

My thoughts cleared, and I looked around. I couldn’t take her virginity here in this car, in the middle of nowhere. I bent, kissing her one last time, then sat up. She looked hurt, rejected, and it tore my heart in two.

“Not here, Francesca. You deserve the best. Not this,” I told her, pulling her closer. I didn’t know if she believed me, but we spent the rest of that night talking and enjoying our time together. It was the last time we were alone before the accident.

Present Day

Her pink, full lips parted, ready for mine. I took my time, slowly inching closer to her, my eyes never leaving hers. Her breathing intensified, as did mine, and the anticipation was enough to make us crazy. I kissed her, gentle at first, then letting the passion I felt take over. Her hands found my hair, using it to guide me closer. Francesca Taymon was finally going to be mine.

Chapter Twenty-One-Francesca

y mind was reeling. Cade’s lips were so consuming. I wanted him, and he obviously wanted me, but the rational part of me was screaming to stop and wait until I knew this was for real this time. The rest of me...well it was pressed into every hard muscle on his body. His hands roamed freely, igniting my skin in its path. His lips drew me in, making my head spin, and my knees weak. His teeth nibbled at my neck, causing a rush of need to overtake me.

“Cade,” I moaned into his shoulder, slipping my hands under his shirt to feeling his skin.

He hissed as I scraped my nails up his back, stopping to grip his shoulders. “Dammit, you’re driving me insane,” he said huskily. He stood, taking my hands in his and leading me to the bedroom. His room was a wreck, but I couldn’t let my clean nature get to me at this moment. All I thought of was him.

He gently laid me down, his fingers brushing my hair off my face. His deep sea eyes gazing at me with an intensity I’d only seen from him once before. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. Our breathing was heavy, labored, as we eagerly, yet deliberately, undressed each other. His eyes grew dark with desire while he ravaged me with them. Our hands explored, driving the other wild with longing. We took turns, leaving soft trails up and down necks, chests, and every other sensitive area we possessed. Being with Cade was everything I’d ever wanted, but was better than anything I could have imagined. We came together, over and over again. We were a perfect fit in every aspect. Our hearts grew more in sync as our bodies connected. He drove me to the brink, only to stop and start again, until finally our bodies exploded in bliss together. When we were spent and needed a break, he wrapped his arms around me, leaning his head on my chest and falling fast asleep. I lay there for a long time, my fingers lightly tracing hearts in his hair. He mumbled a few times, though each time was incoherent and I couldn’t coax him to repeat it. I finally drifted off to sleep, having my first night without nightmares since the accident.


he glaring sunlight shone on my face, waking me. I felt something hot and wet against me, and I tried to move away. I looked around, seeing a huge mass of clothing in the corner, and trash littering the floor.
I remembered now, I slept at Cade’s house. Turning my head, I saw his body glistening in sweat. One leg was draped over mine, his arm still around my waist. Now I knew where the wetness was coming from, but I didn’t know why or how to get away without waking him. I stretched my free arm around, checking his forehead for a fever.
Cool. Weird
, I thought. Why would he be sweating so much if he didn’t have a fever? Surely snuggling up to me wouldn’t make him that hot. I slid out from under him, searching his floor for my clothing. I walked to the hall, seeing only one door and assuming it was the bathroom. I made myself presentable, combing through my hair with my fingers, brushing my teeth with my thumb. Satisfied, I went to find his kitchen and get water. His garbage can overflowed with empty liquor bottles which concerned me. His sink was high with dirty dishes, showing how much of a bachelor he truly was. I snuck back to his bedroom door, seeing his body half covered with a sheet, his dark hair sticking in every which direction. He looked adorable. I headed back to the sink, diving head first into cleaning his kitchen.

I sung softly to myself, flittering around wiping counters and throwing trash away. I heard Cade’s feet shuffling through the carpet before I saw him. He stood at the kitchen entrance, his face pale, still sweating.

“Cade, are you ok?” I questioned, moving to stand in front of him.

“Francesca,” he croaked out, his eyes weren’t focused. Something about him was off.

“Yes?” I asked, reaching my hands out to feel for warmth once again.

He flinched away, then his eyes widened as he quickly darted to the bathroom. The retching came through his then walls and I cringed. I leaned against the wall outside the room, patiently waiting for him to recover. He finally stepped out, gingerly taking each step. He wore only boxers, showing how toned and smooth his arms and back were. He kept his body turned away from me, like he didn’t want to see me. I could see his hands trembling when he reached out to the wall for support.

“Cade,” I said hesitantly. He drove me here, so I wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t want me around, whether it was because he was sick or because he regretted it, I didn’t know.

“Cason,” he huffed out, uneasily walking back to his room.

“What about him?” I asked, following him.

“Call him. Tell him I need him. Now,” he said urgently. He finally turned to me. He looked like he’d been to hell and back.

I nodded, moving quickly to find his phone. I searched and found Cason’s number, dialing.

His voice sounded so much like Cade’s on the phone that it was shocking. “Hello? Cade?”

“Uh, no. Sorry, this is Francesca, Cason,” I awkwardly spat out.

“Francesca? Hey, how are you? Is everything ok?”

“I’m not sure, Cason. Cade is sweating and he threw up and he told me to call you, is there any way you could come over?” I asked hopefully.

“Shit. Yeah, I’ll be right there. Don’t leave him, Francesca,” he demanded.

“I won’t,” I said. And I wouldn’t, even if I could.

I paced a hole in his floor, eagerly waiting for Cason to get there. I checked on Cade often, though he lay in the bed with the sweats and he kept clutching his stomach. I didn’t know what to do for him. How to help him. And it killed me inside that he wanted Cason instead of just asking me. I was already here, I could have had him to the hospital by now. A deep pounding on the door brought me from my thoughts. I hurried over, ushering Cason in. He looked so different from Cade, his hair light instead of dark and his build was much wider. He was a tall, muscular man. Cade has muscles in his arms and across his back, but Cason was like that all over.

“It’s good to see you, Francesca,” he said, smiling widely. “Where is he?”

I pointed to his room, “In there.” I chewed my lip for a moment, debating on whether to tell him about last night. “He won’t let me help him,” I said instead.

“It’s ok. He’s stubborn when it comes to you. Let me go check on him,” he gave me a reassuring pat on the arm and headed off.

I waited anxiously, wondering about his comment.
He’s stubborn when it comes to you.
Had he discussed me with his brother? Or did Cason just assume? I couldn’t ponder over it for too long, because he came strutting out, holding Cade in his arms. I gasped at the sight.

“I’ve gotta take him to the hospital. Do you have someone you can call?” he asked, a worried look on his face.

I nodded quickly, opening the door for him. I worriedly watched him move closer to leaving me behind and my heart ached. Seeing Cade like this, after our night together, was almost too much for me.

“He cares about you. Don’t forget that,” Cason said, giving me a knowing look.

I just whispered, “Ok.” I caressed Cade’s hair back from his face, kissing his forehead gently. Cason rushed him out, and I watched until he was down the road. I sat on his couch for a long time, just thinking about him and everything that happened. Finally, I dialed Daphne, giving her the address and asking her to come get me. My head began to pound thinking about all the interrogating that would follow. I tried not to think about Cade and whether or not he was ok. I kicked myself for not giving Cason my phone number to keep me updated, so I added his to my phone and decided I would call him later. I didn’t know what happened, or if Cade would be ok, but I did know that my heart was breaking. I just wanted to curl up and cry. I felt helpless and didn’t know what to do. Walking to the door, I turned and took in all the area Cade lived in. I tried to memorize every last detail. Locking the door, I went outside to wait.

Chapter Twenty-Two-Cade

et me go,” I growled at Cason, pushing him away. “I can walk, dammit. I’m not an invalid.”

“You were passed out, sweating like a pig, and mumbling about God knows what. Chill, I’ll let you walk,” he snapped, backing away with a glare.

“You couldn’t have gotten me clothes?” I asked him harshly. Why was I being so mean? I couldn’t even stop the words from coming out.

“You’re right. Next time I think my brother is dying or something, I’ll just stop for clothes. And if the girl that’s head over heels for him tries to stop me, I’ll just kick her out or something,” he mocked, rolling his eyes at me.

I wanted to punch him but something he said reminded me of the previous night. “Francesca.”

“Yeah, bro, you don’t want to screw that up. Now get out of the car so we can go inside,” he commanded.

We sat outside the emergency entrance of the medical center. I knew something was wrong, but I also thought I knew how to fix it. This happened once before, a few years ago, and all I needed was a drink. Or two. I couldn’t tell Cason that, though. He was already on my ass about drinking. If I went in there...they’d know. The doctors would tell him and he’d tell Pops. Closing my eyes, I rubbed my temples.
Think, Cade
. “Bro, it’s probably just a virus. It’s cool. Just take me home,” I said, hoping and praying I was convincing.

“Why did you tell her to call me?” he prodded.

“I...didn’t,” I stammered, turning to face him.

“Yeah, you did. I know what’s going on here. You’re having withdrawals, aren’t you?” he accused, bending in the door of the car to get in my face.

“Back off, Cason. It’s probably food poisoning,” I lied.

“When was the last time you drank?” he quizzed.

“Cason, lay off me. Just take me home,” I demanded.

Folding his arms across his chest, he stared at me. “Either you talk to me and tell me the truth, or I’ll drag you in there and let the doctors tell me. Which one will it be, big bro?”

I leaned my head back against the headrest and sighed loudly. “Fine. Yes, I am. Happy?” I couldn’t look him in the eyes. I couldn’t see the disappointment that would be there. “I told Francesca I wouldn’t drink for our date and haven’t had anything since yesterday morning. Well, besides a swig of vodka to rid myself of a headache.”

“You’ve had headaches too?” he asked. He actually sounded concerned this time.

I nodded, “Yeah, and I threw up. Can we please just go back to my place?”

“Cade, I think you need help. Like rehab or AA or something,” he said.

“What?!” I bellowed out, jumping from the car. “I’m not a damn alcoholic. Why won’t you just leave it alone?” I was in his face. I wanted to hit him, but I knew I was weak. He would have me down in no time.

“You aren’t?’re having withdrawals. You lost your job. You drink
every day
. Would you at least talk to someone?”

“I’m talking to you,” I smarted back.

“You know what I mean. Either agree or I’m throwing you over my arm and taking you in there,” he threatened.

“Fine. Whatever. Can we
” I pleaded. My baby brother was pissing me off.

“Monday. You have to talk to someone on Monday,” he said, not budging from his position.

Now what? How do I get out of this? Groaning, I shook my head in compliance. I would find a way out of it later. I needed to get home, shower, and get something in me. He finally walked around, slamming his door shut. He kept looking at me, but I ignored him. I couldn’t do this right now.

My thoughts went back to Francesca as he drove. Her soft skin against mine, the sexy way she moaned in my ear, and her eyes as we made love. She was amazing. She had no idea how much she meant to me, and I hadn’t even gotten to tell her because once again, I screwed it all up. I couldn’t fully remember everything that happened this morning. After we tired ourselves out, I’d laid in her arms and feel into a deep sleep. I hadn’t slept that well in years. Her heartbeat lulled me to sleep in minutes. I wanted her there with me every night. Forever. After what had happened, I didn’t know if I stood a chance with her.

“She was really worried about you,” Cason’s voice broke through.

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