Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (139 page)

“Cade,” she breathed, her voice husky. “This song isn’t slow....” She looked around, checking for stares, I was sure.

“I don’t care,” I admitted. “Are you ok?” I questioned, lifting her chin in my fingers.

She nodded, looking over my shoulder, at my nose, anywhere but my eyes.

“ more question,” I said.

She finally connected her gaze, my heart fluttering on impact. “What?” she whispered.

“Did that guy...did he...did he really ask you to mix your eggs with his baby batter?” I chuckled out.

Her eyes widened as her teeth captured her lip. She shook as she laughed, gripping her stomach and almost doubling over. “Yes,” she giggled out, barely catching her breath.

I laughed louder, grasping her hand to guide her off the dance floor. She directed me towards a table filled with women, all gaping at us. Her hand slid out of mine and I felt empty without her touch. She stopped at the edge of the table, fidgeting with the edge of her shirt.

“Hello, Cade,” the pretty brunette said, a knowing look on her face.

Upon further inspection, I saw it was Daphne something or the other, Francesca’s friend from high school.

“Oh, hey...Daphne, right?” I greeted, raising my fingers in a slight wave.

“Mmhmm,” she said, her eyes darting from me to Francesca, over and over again.

“Are you ladies having a good night?” I asked, smiling at each one when I made eye contact.

“It just keeps getting better,” a bright redhead acknowledged.

“Well, Francesca, I think you will be ok left in these ladies’ capable hands, I’m going back to meet up with my friend, Jay.”

She looked almost sad to see me go, but the look passed quickly. “Ok. Thanks again, Cade,” she said, her voice soft as her hand reached out to my arm.

“Anything for you, Francesca.”


woke sprawled on my bed, feet dangling over the side. My face was mushed in the covers. I hadn’t even made it to the pillows. Disoriented, I raised up, rubbing my eyes. My foot hit something that moaned. Namely, a
who moaned. I maneuvered my body around, careful to not fall, to see Jay in the floor. Flat on his back, his mouth was open wide and he snored loudly. Groaning, I sat up. The room spun slightly, but not as much as I expected. After seeing Francesca, I drank half the alcohol in the place. I couldn’t remember what I did after I watched Francesca leave with her friends. My memories were blank. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you how I got home.

“Jay,” I grunted out, poking him with my foot. “Wake up, man.”

He rolled over, away from my prodding, and buried his face in the mass of clothes laying there.

I stood, gaining my balance before I attempted walking, and went to release the contents of last night. Afterwards, I downed a glass of water, chasing it with a shot of whiskey. Checking my phone, I was disappointed to not see anything from Francesca. I don’t know why I expected her to contact me. It was hope more than anything.

Jay stumbled through the hallway, leaning on the wall for balance. He practically fell through the bathroom, landing against the counter with a
. I didn’t stop the laughter from escaping my lips.

“Shut up, asshole,” he called out.

“Nope,” I replied, waltzing back to the kitchen to pour him a class of water. I took another shot as I waited.

He shuffled in, his hands holding the mess of blond hair on his head. “Why did you let me drink so much?” he cried out. His body slumped in the chair, his head falling to the table.

“Drink up, tiger,” I joked, sliding the glass to him. Jay was an old friend I’d met through work. He was a couple of years younger than me and he, apparently, couldn’t hold his alcohol.

Groaning, he sipped the water. “How are you not as messed up as I am?” he questioned, looking envious.

Shrugging, I just smiled, patted him on the back, and headed for a shower.


he rest of the day was a blur. Jay eventually made his way home, though he still whined about his hangover. I drank, ate, and drank some more. Pops called twice, though I didn’t answer, and Cason showed up around 6 p.m.

“What’s going on, bud?” I asked, ushering him in.

“Came to check on the job situation. You found anything yet?” he asked, making himself comfortable on the couch.

Shaking my head, I grabbed two beers from the refrigerator and sat beside him. “Nah, not yet. Haven’t really looked,” I admitted, popping the tab.

“Cade, I don’t think Dad will bail you out anymore,” he said, pushing his beer away.

“Of course he will, little brother. He always does,” I shrugged, drinking half the can in one gulp.

“I talked to your boss, Cade.”

“So?” I looked at him like he had three heads. What did that matter?

“She told me what she said to you. About how you could get your job back.”

“Oh, yeah, she seems to think I have a drinking problem,” I laughed, chugging the rest. “You gonna drink that?” I asked, pointing to his unopened can.

He shook his head, leaning back with his arms crossed. “Maybe you do....”

“Do what?” I inquired, turning to face him.

“Have a drinking problem?” he said sharply, pointing to the drink in my hand.

I laughed again, louder this time, “No, I don’t. I can stop at any time I want. I just don’t want to.”

“Cade, I think you need to sober up,” he said, his voice rising.

“What the hell is your problem?” I yelled, slamming the can on the table. “Dammit, you made me spill some!”

He shook his head, taking the can quickly from my grasp and rushing to pour it down the sink. I followed after him, the anger growing. I saw him rustling through my kitchen drawers, then moving back to the living room.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Looking for your keys.”

“Why?” I spat out.

“Because, big brother, I don’t trust you to be here alone, drunk and unable to make decisions, with access to your car. And I need to leave before I get really mad at you. So tell me where they are,” he demanded.

With a curt shake, I said, “No.” The shiny treasure set was lying on top of the TV, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. Nor was I going to give myself away by trying to get them first. My insides were twisting, my skin growing hot. Cason was being ridiculous and it pissed me off.

“Cade,” he said, then turned quicker than I imagined he could, reached out, snatched the keys, and headed towards the door.

I ran after him, grabbing him by the shoulder. “Cason! Give me my damn keys,” I screamed, gripping his arm tightly.

He shook me off in seconds, and I realized the alcohol was making me slightly weaker than he. He simply stared at me, watching as I tried to regain balance, and shook his head. His face was sullen, disappointed, and sad.

“I don’t know how to help you. Maybe...,” he appeared to be lost in his thoughts, his eyes boring a hole in the wall, “maybe she could help you.”

“What? I don’t need help. And who are you talking about?” I replied, growing more and more frustrated with my brother.

One hand grasped the door knob, the other held tightly to the keys. “I love you, Cade. And I’m worried about you. That’s all you need to know. I agree with Ms. Thorpe.” He gave me one last look, his eyes wide and childlike as they filled with his despair.

“Cason,” I said, moving to stop him, but I was too slow. He slammed the door behind him, rattling the few pictures that adorned the walls. I sank to my knees, burying my head in my arms. I didn’t know what was up with my brother, but I had a deepening feeling in my gut that my life was going to change soon. For the better or worse, I didn’t know, but something was coming.

Chapter Fifteen-Francesca

was keeping the secret that I was going out, but not on a date, with Cade on Friday to myself. I could get in a ton of trouble at work, not to mention Daphne would have a field day with it. The week was passing quickly, it was already Wednesday, and the closer I got to the outing, the more nervous I got. Cade saved me after our girl’s night...though I didn’t
him to, I was ecstatic he did. He’d only come back into my life a little over a week ago, and yet everything had been turned upside down.

I parked my car in the spot closest to the cart return. The light seemed to shine more brightly there, so I always felt safer after daylight hours. The walk in was quick, I sped up to ensure I got in securely. I couldn’t tell anyone why, but the dark scared me. A lot. It was an irrational fear. One I wasn’t proud of.

Grabbing the closest cart, I slung my bag in and examined my list. My pen was poised, ready to check items off as I got them. I wasn’t really paying attention or I think I would have recognized her. Sensed her.
Whether it be work, Cade, or the shopping at hand, I was distracted.

Jade Smithson sashayed up, her glaring green eyes squinted as her eyes took me in. Her hair was up, her clothes as trashy as ever. She was the type that had to have her boobs hanging out every day. And I mean,
hanging out.
I’m pretty sure that her outfits could make a prostitute blush. Her lips were painted a bright shade of pink, her eyes a bright green shadow adorning her lids. She reminded me of a clown.

“Why if it isn’t the slut, Francesca Taymon,” she cackled, her voice like nails on a chalkboard. Being here in front of her reminded me of the time she cornered me after school.

7 Years Prior-August

It was hot. The kind of hot that made your skin stick to everything and your clothes feel like they needed to be spun through the washer one more time. I was driving around, all the windows down, and the air on high. A little counterproductive, now that I thought about it.

I didn’t see her old, white beat up truck get on the road behind me until it was too late. School had ended not twenty minutes before. People were still all around town, talking, laughing, and hanging out. Jade wasn’t in school anymore, she had supposedly graduated the year before. It was still a little difficult for me to believe considering she never showed up and when she did, she was sneaking around with some boy or another while ditching class. Being the hopeless case she was she still came to hang out on school grounds after hours. Pathetic, I know.

The consistent honking jarred me from my concentration. Glancing in the rear view mirror, I saw her hag-like face conforming into awful expressions and mouthing words I couldn’t understand. My heartbeat quickened. Jade was crazy, it was well known, and her following me down the road couldn’t be a good sign. Sighing when I saw the school parking lot come into view, I made the hasty decision to pull in and have witnesses for whatever was about to happen. I parked near other vehicles, seeing the football team running around on the baseball field. My school was odd, the football players worked out there instead of their own field.

A door slammed behind me, an unladylike voice increasingly rising as it drew closer. The working out ceased. The kids hanging out and talking all stopped. It seemed all eyes were on me and Jade. She gripped the window seal, bending to get eye level.

“What the hell, you little whore! You stay away from my man!” she screamed, spitting on my face.

I saw Cason, Cade’s little brother, inching off the field towards us. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I stated as calmly as I could while swiping the spit off of me.

“Like hell you don’t. I know all about your little date with him. He’s mine! Stay away or you will be very, very sorry. He doesn’t like you anyway. He was just drunk and we were fighting. He loves me, little girl. You think you’re woman enough for a man like Cade? Think again,” she ranted. Her voice was screechy and ugly. How could Cade stand her?

“I don’t want him, don’t worry,” I told her, moving the gearshift to reverse. I backed the car out, not even looking to see if anyone was behind me. She jumped back seconds before I ran over her feet. I hid my tears until I got home, but then they fell freely. The slutty girlfriend was right. I wasn’t enough for Cade. And the fact that he was still with her was more than enough proof.

Present Day

“Jade,” I spat out, my voice full of hatred.

She looked me over, smirking like she knew a secret I didn’t. “Seen our boy Cade lately? He still calls me up, ya know,” she leaned forward, like she was letting me on this
, “he likes the things I do to him.”

I don’t know if it was because she was so close to me, the stress I was under, or the thought of Cade putting his hands on her body, but anger took over. My fist clenched and before I knew what I was doing, it collided with her nose. I heard a crack and her eyes widened. She gripped her face, groaning slightly, before anger got the best of her.

“You bitch!” she screamed, lunging for me.

I flung my hands out to protect myself from her, but she was too quick. Her small hands pulled and squeezed my hair, turning my head every which way. I kicked my leg out, desperate for her to let go. I could hear people shouting at us to stop, but I didn’t care. This was my chance to get back at her for what she did all those years ago, and I was taking it.

“You’re the bitch,” I grunted out, finally getting her to release my hair by squeezing her wrists until she had to let go. I kicked her knee hard enough to make her fall, then once again for good measure. Her nose was smeared with blood, but I didn’t think I broke it. She peered up at me helplessly and for a split second I felt bad for her. But that feeling was fleeting. I couldn’t celebrate my victory for long, because just then, the cops strolled in.


’d never been in a jail cell, or a fight for that matter. Both of those things changed tonight. The cot was hard, rough, and gross. Jade sat on the other side, glaring at me like she was contemplating going for round two. I prayed she didn’t. I doubted I’d win again. I heard footsteps coming closer, so I stood up, straight and proud. The policeman, Officer Max Rogers, stepped forward, his eyes widening at the sight of me.

“Francesca Taymon? Lawyer at J & B Firm?” he questioned, sounding astonished.

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