The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (378 page)

Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

“Levi you know that I love you. Why so serious all of a sudden?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know. I just felt like you needed to hear it.” He allowed his eyes to rest on the fire and Victoria snuggled back in between his shoulder and neck.

“You can say whatever you want. I don’t mind hearing it.”

He laughed, “Good to know. Thanks.”


he next morning Victoria was surprised to find it drizzling outside. She snuggled further under the quilt but when she reached over for Levi, he wasn’t there. She groggily opened her eyes and started to sit up looking for him, but he wasn’t inside the small cabin. Wrapping the quilt around her body she shuffled over to the window to look out and see Levi rearranging some things in the truck. Victoria opened it slightly and called out to him, “Morning, did you have breakfast yet?”

He waved back at her, there was mud down his jeans but he looked relaxed and almost cheerful. “No not yet. I’m trying to get down to the main house to get us some, it was included with our stay. God damn truck is stuck in the mud.”

Victoria sighed deeply, so much for getting to see the small town that was close by. “Well I packed some snacks.”

He smiled back at her and shrugged his shoulders before walking into the cabin. He took off his muddy boots just before stepping over the threshold. He walked over to Victoria and delivered a light kiss on the cheek, “How did I get so lucky?”

She smiled back at him devilishly, “Can’t tell ya. So what’s the grand plan for today vacation planner?”

He laughed at her teasing, “You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?”

She set her lips into a thin line, she didn’t like surprises very much.

“Don’t worry about it. Just eat your granola bar.”

After they ate and Victoria had gotten dressed Levi led her to the back of the cabin to a small trail. “I think you’re really going to enjoy this.”

They walked through the cool spring air while trees sprinkled light droplets on them. They walked in silence, hand-in-hand over small rocks and twigs, through the mud until Victoria finally heard rushing water. “Is that a waterfall?”

Levi smiled at her. “Nope. I did you one better.”

As they continued to walk they came upon a clearing with a small hot spring receded into the ground. There were rocks set up around it clearly put there by nature while others had been moved by people to keep clothes dry and supplies away from the steam. Victoria smiled and pushed Levi playfully. “You know I didn’t bring a bathing suit!”

Levi kissed Victoria on the lips pushing his body against hers, “Of course I know that.” He quickly began to strip, taking his hoodie and shirt off in a flash. Victoria watched with interested eyes as he turned to her, his tanned muscles rippling beneath the light rain. He walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her body to bring her closer. “You’re going to join me, right?” He whispered hotly in her ear.

She bit her lower lip and raised her lips to his ear. “Why don’t you help me out of these clothes?” He pulled back smiling at her teasing comment and began to undo the buttons on her jacket, one at a time slowly at first but as the tension built so did his speed. As he pushed the jacket from Victoria’s shoulders she stepped out of her flats and pulled off her long sleeved t-shirt. Levi bent down and ran his hands along the curves of her legs slowly pulling down on her jeans as he went. When he stood up Victoria was in nothing but an innocent set of light pink underwear. He went behind her to unfasten the clasps of her bra as her teeth began to chatter. She quickly bent down to remove her remaining clothes and slipped into the steaming water.

It felt like heaven against her skin. Victoria leaned her head back and closed her eyes to enjoy the peace of nature. She didn’t open them until she felt Levi’s strong hands pull her floating body close to him. He rubbed the top of her chest making small circles with his fingertips. It made her feel alive. All Victoria wanted was him. Nothing but Levi touching her skin, making her tremble. It was everything to her, he was everything to her. Victoria wrapped her legs around him as he pulled her hips down on top of him. She faced him, her lips touching the bridge of his nose. His hands searched her dewy skin running his fingers up and down her spine. Victoria reached her hands into his light brown hair pulling on it slightly. She felt the rumble of his moan before it reached her ears. The tension in her body matched his groans. They moved together with the water, allowing it to flow with their bodies.

Victoria pulled back slowly and said, “Why are you so good to me?”

He licked his lips, “Because I love you.”

That was it and it was enough.


nce they arrived back the cabin and dried off, Levi pulled out a button up shirt and some dark jeans. “I thought we would go get some dinner by the lake.”

Victoria was surprised, “Oh?” She thought of the one nice dress she had packed and how it would look covered in mud.

“Don’t worry I think the mud has dried up some and we can go out now. It’s probably best to just try it.”

She shrugged, “Okay, whatever you think.”

As Levi got dressed Victoria went to the bathroom to take a shower. Allowing the hot water to run down her skin reminding her of the intimate moment she and Levi had just shared in the hot spring. Closing her eyes she relived his touch on skin. The way her blood rushed like lava beneath his fingertips. When she turned the water off she waited for the steam to subside so she could look at herself in the mirror. She slipped into the dark burgundy dress and piled her light blonde hair in a bun on her head. She applied her makeup taking time to put on red lipstick generously.

Levi stood as she walked out into the main room. “You look...” He was speechless, the exact result she was looking for.

“I think the term you’re looking for is awesome.” She laughed and did a little twirl as she walked toward him.

He took her hands, “Awesomely sexy is more like it.” Placing his hands on her cheeks he pulled her in for a strong kiss. He bit her lip playfully when she moved to take a breath. “I’m not even sure I want to take you out anymore.”

“Oh no you don’t,” she said wagging a finger at him. “You promised dinner. And I’m famished.” She moved away from him and grabbed her coat. “Let’s go.”

“All right,” Levi conceded.

After starting the truck, twice, they were finally enroute to their destination. Victoria was so excited about their date but she didn’t ask where they were going. She knew that Levi had planned this whole weekend to impress her and she wasn’t going to ruin that for him. Not to mention with her class schedule and his work, they hardly had time for a romantic evening anymore. It almost made her nervous to be going out with him. The butterflies from the beginning of their relationship still existed.

She had her hands in her lap, but was moving them constantly. As Levi looked over to her he must have noticed her anxiety because he put his hand on hers to help calm her nerves.

“You okay? You seem, I don’t know...jumpy?”

She smiled. “Yes, I’m fine.” She squeezed his hand for emphasis.

“Great, because we’re almost there.”

They pulled up to a quaint little dwelling right on the water. The lake was so large that Victoria couldn’t see across it in the fading light. She wrapped her coat around her as she watched the sunset. The yellow flowing into the oranges and red made her feel calm and serene.

“You ready?” Levi asked as he offered her his arm.

“Sure,” she smiled.

Upon entering the little cottage they were offered a table near the window. A roaring fire was behind Levi keeping them both warm. A single rose adorned the table and they perused the menu looking for the perfect meal. They both ordered shrimp scampi, Victoria’s favorite.

After the waiter left them, Victoria continued to take in her surroundings. “This really is a cute little place.”

“I thought you would like it here.”

“I do, it’s nice. How did you find it?”

“Online,” he put his napkin in his lap. “It was a suggestion on the B&B’s website.”

“Well it smells amazing in here.”

He laughed, “I have always loved your appetite.” When she didn’t respond he added, “How are classes going?”

“Good, I think I’ll be ready for the LSAT next spring. I still can’t decide between Yale and Harvard though. I really think Yale is a great school, but I’m not sure that they’re going to have everything that I’m looking for. I really want to be active on campus with clubs and everything. All around I just think Harvard is a better choice for me, what do you think, Levi?” When he didn’t answer she followed up with, “Levi? Are you listening to me?”

She watched his brow furrow. It was clear Levi hadn’t really been listening to her, he’d heard the argument between Harvard and Yale a million times before and Harvard had always won out. She couldn’t figure out why she was constantly still in disagreement with herself. She thought the decision would just come to her. Secretly she was hoping Levi would make the decision for her.

“Have you thought more about getting an apartment?” Victoria was anxious for Levi to get his own place. Even though she knew money was tight, Levi was going to be twenty-three soon and she thought it was time to move out of his dad’s house. She also knew this was a touchy subject since his older sister, Tyne, still lived at home. But she had stayed at home in order to take care of Levi, and Victoria had always felt that if Levi moved out, Tyne would be able to get on with her life. And now she was focused on the two of them starting their own life together.

“I’ve been looking. But I don’t know what I would do without Tyne. After all these years I kind of like living there. There’s my dad, you know. I don’t know that I want him to be alone just yet, especially since it’s not his fault.”

Levi always blamed himself for his mother’s leaving, it really wasn’t anyone’s fault though. She had a lot of issues with drugs. She’d been the talk of the town right after she left, abandoning her children like she had. Victoria knew that Levi would never forgive her for leaving. His father had always been so good to her, even helping her get into rehab, but she just couldn’t stay clean. Levi had realized that her leaving was probably what was best for the family. She was trying to protect them from her insanity. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt to grow up without a mother. Victoria struggled with how much her family
support her when she watched the hurt in Levi’s eyes whenever he talked about his own family. Her parents had loved Levi since they first met him, but they weren’t really his family. Not yet anyway. Victoria hoped he would remedy that soon.

“But don’t you think it’s time you grew up a bit? I mean, I’m sure Tyne is ready for you to get out on your own.”

“I don’t think so. I don’t know, I’ll keep looking I guess.” He looked away, out over the water and Victoria sensed his loss of interest in their conversation. She shrugged as she cleared her plate, she wasn’t going to push the subject with Levi. But as she started to think about her future she didn’t want to leave Levi behind, stuck in his past.

During dessert Victoria felt that Levi seemed distracted. He kept fussing with something in his hands while she was babbling on about her classes and finding a new roommate for her final semester. She was spooning up the last of her chocolate mousse as she watched Levi. His eyes were hidden by his bangs as he looked down to his hands.

“Levi? Are you all right? You’ve been so distracted all night.” She put down her spoon and made a heart shape with her hands. It was their secret message, to say “I love you” in a private way, even in the most public of places.

Levi looked up at her, his eyes gleaming by the candlelight, and he smiled. “Victoria, I have something for you.”

She stopped dabbing her mouth with a napkin and laid it on her lap. “You do?” She was shocked. Levi wasn’t really one for surprises or gifts. He’d given her flowers a few times, and chocolate for her birthday, but that had been it. She never expected anything more from him than his attention. Levi continued to surprise her when he pulled out a small black box and opened it to display the beautiful small, white-gold ring. Her eyes widened as she picked it up. “Are you ...” she faltered, “... are you proposing to me?”

Levi laughed lightly. “A proposal seems like a choice, and I never had a choice in loving you. This is just always the way it’s been for you and me, Victoria. So no, this isn’t a proposal. This is a promise. A promise that I will never stop loving you, and I hope you’ll make the same promise to me.”

Victoria released her breath, realizing she had been holding it the whole time he had been speaking. She couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. Tears brimmed her eyes as she nodded at him.

“I promise,” she choked out in a whisper. She meant it; she knew in her heart that she would never feel anything but a strong love for Levi. Nothing would ever change that for her. He was the one.

Levi rose from his chair and cupped her face in his hands. He held her there for just a second, looking into her eyes. And then he kissed her, their lips mashing in mysteriously beautiful ways. Victoria felt nothing but pure joy knowing finally that he felt the same way about her as she felt about him.

After dinner Levi and Victoria abandoned their vehicle and went for a walk on the rocks near the lake. It was finally warming up a bit and they could walk without their shoes. They walked hand-in-hand, leaving wet footprints in the rough sand. It was getting cold and Levi wrapped his arm around Victoria in order to keep her warmer. He led her to a spot where the rocks met the water and they sat down for a moment to enjoy the warm breeze.

While Victoria sat overlooking the water she realized where they were. “I’ve been here before.” She said simply.

Levi squeezed her hand, “Yes you have.”

“But when?” She recognized the view but couldn’t recall when she had last seen it.

“The summer you and Claire went camping. Her family brought you here. And then I met up with you two. We shared a few secrets on this rock.” Freshmen year of high school. It had been so long ago, but now it seemed like only moments had passed.

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