The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories (379 page)

Read The XOXO New Adult Collection: 16 Full Length New Adult Stories Online

Authors: Brina Courtney,Raine Thomas,Bethany Lopez,A. O. Peart,Amanda Aksel,Felicia Tatum,Amanda Lance,Wendy Owens,Kimberly Knight,Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemporary romance, #coming of age, #college romance, #coming of age romance, #alpha male romance

“I remember that! I also remember Claire getting her first kiss right over there.” She pointed to a flat area near the water.

“Yeah, I brought Jimmy Davies with me; they hit it off.”

“Yeah,” she paused, “what ever happened to him?”

“I don’t really know, he moved away the next year. Haven’t heard from him since.”

She sighed, “It seems weird, doesn’t it? All the things that have changed since we were younger?”

He nodded and then looked at her. “A lot has changed. And then not so much.”

“What hasn’t changed?”

His answer was simple. “How much I love you.”

Victoria turned back to look out over the dark water. She could see the stars reflected out past the ripples where the water was calmer. Victoria wondered when her life would be like that, calm. Not so much going on, no more ripples.

Victoria looked back at Levi. He was watching the water with a relaxed expression. She moved in and smiled, snuggling closer to him as he put his arm around her. Levi had always had a way with words when it mattered, he knew how to use language to communicate his feelings. It was only ever simple phrases, but it conveyed how he felt. She knew how lucky she was to have a boyfriend who understood those things. One of her friends’ biggest complaints was that their boyfriends didn’t know how to speak to them. Levi never had a problem conveying himself to Victoria, and she cherished that.

“Victoria?” He stirred her out of an almost sleep. She moved groggily against him.

She sat up and looked into his eye. “Yeah?” Levi looked at Victoria with intense emotions. His seductive eyes were reeling her in with every breath.

“I just wanted to...” He didn’t finish his sentence.

She pulled him in to kiss her. She wanted to rip all of Levi’s clothes off and allow him full access to her body. She wanted to taste his sweet mouth on hers. “Levi, stop talking about your feelings and get your ass over here and kiss me.” With that she used both hands to grab his shirt collar and pull him on top of her. Levi fell into her gradually and put his hands on either side of her head. She unbuttoned his shirt as he bit down on her bottom lip, and a small moan escaped her. He sat up to fully remove his shirt and take a breath.

Victoria rubbed her hands over his bare chest, relishing in his athletic build. Years in the gym had blessed him a solid six-pack and rock hard chest. She could feel his heart pounding with anticipation. He pulled her up to him, one arm supporting her from behind. He rocked her gently against him, planting kisses down the side of her neck. She could feel the anticipation growing. Levi slowly leaned down so his back touched to hard stone as he unzipped her dress from the back. He felt the zipper touch her lower back and left his fingers to linger there for a moment. She trembled slightly under his light touch. He pulled the dress from her, revealing delicate lingerie beneath. Victoria had planned for this. She smiled suggestively before removing her own bra and tossing it onto the rocks. The coolness of the air felt good against her hot skin. She pushed herself on top of him as he said her name. “Victoria,” it sounded intoxicating in his husky voice. Steam rose off the two bodies as the night wore on. The waves continued crashing in the distance, as did their bodies on the shore.


evi and Victoria had spent the night together on that rock staring at the stars. It was a beautiful way to end the night. But Victoria hadn’t really thought about the fact that she was lying on rocks for hours, or that they were on the beach and sand could get into places that she didn’t even know existed. The next morning she allowed the hot water run down her body and clear away the soreness from the night before, but her memories remained intact. She admired the plain ring on her left ring finger and thought about his promise.

Claire had texted her a few times during the night to see how things were going with the trip. But with all that had happened, Victoria hadn’t gotten the chance to get back to her. She wrapped in a towel and flopped down on the queen size bed and started texting Claire about the night before. She kept their escapades on the rock a secret. That was just a moment for her and Levi to enjoy. After explaining the incredible situation at the restaurant to Claire, Claire had only one response:

Holy shit, no way! Call me ASAP, I want details!

Victoria laughed at her response. She quickly typed back.

Will do! Hugs!

She twirled the white gold band around her left ring finger a few more times just to make sure it was real. And it was. It hadn’t been a dream. She and Levi couldn’t wait to get started on their own version of forever.

They packed up after her shower and set off back to campus. The truck chugged along while spring had finally arrived. Victoria put her window down to feel the warm breeze on her face.


Levi smiled, looking at her for a moment before returning his eyes to the road. “Nice, isn’t it?”

“Smells like spring. I love it. I can’t wait for summer to arrive. The beach is calling my name.”

“You were always such a fish when we were kids. Why don’t you swim anymore?”

“I still like to swim, just not in the open water. The ocean is too big, too many unknowns.”

“You really like every moment planned out, don’t you?”

“You make me sound crazy,” she said impatiently.

“No, I just know how you are. I know who you are. It’s part of your personality and it’s not a bad thing.”

“Well, speaking of plans, I guess I should tell you we’re going next weekend for Claire’s twenty-first birthday.”

He rolled his eyes. “Seriously? You know I hate those sticky clubs. They’re so hot and disgusting. Why can’t we just take her to dinner?”

“I don't know, maybe it's because every time we promise to take her to dinner you're always almost an hour late.” She knew it stung his ego a bit, but she also knew she was right. Levi had the tendency to put work and other commitments before fun and friends and occasionally that got on Victoria's nerves.

He rolled his eyes again, “Well, I can guess what she wants for her birthday... Which disgusting hole in the wall are going to this time?”

“Club Xcess. The one right downtown. It's only a short walk from campus. She's coming to stay for the whole weekend. I think it will be good for her to get out from her all girl school for a bit.”

Victoria's best childhood friend, Claire, had been sent to Stern College for Women by her parents in order to keep her away from boys with bad habits. But what they hadn't expected was their daughter to rebel and spend more time in Victoria's dorm than her own on the weekends.

“Oh, right, because she’s never here visiting you.”

She laughed, “Yeah, I know. I think next semester when I get my own place I’ll get a two bedroom just so she has her own space.”

“I love how you consider her feelings above yours.”

Victoria shook her head, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means,” he paused, “that you are always putting other people before yourself. It’s something I really love about you. But, anyway, when do you think you’ll start looking for new place?”

She shrugged looking out the window, she watched the sun peak from around two clouds and closed her eyes feeling the warmth on her face. When she didn’t answer he pressed on, “You know you’ll have to secure a place before summer begins. That’s only a few weeks away, if you’re really thinking of looking for a place you should start soon.”

She scoffed, “This coming from you is almost laughable.”

He sighed, “Don’t start this again. I’ll look when I’m ready, but you’re on a time crunch.”

“Well, maybe after I see Claire this weekend I’ll start looking at a few places. I don’t think she’s going back to Stern in the fall. She’s even talking about graduating early, this semester. Maybe while I’m at Yale she’ll find something to do around there—we’ll be roommates permanently.”

There was silence. When Levi didn’t respond she looked over at him to watch his eyes focused on the road. He suddenly didn’t seem so interested in the conversation anymore. Victoria turned up the radio and watched the landscape pass her as they made their way back to her campus.

When they arrived at her dorm, Levi opened the side door for her and carried her bag. It was only mid-afternoon but she had homework to do and needed to focus on getting it done before classes the next day. He stopped at her door, “Victoria, I’m sorry I got so defensive in the car. There’s just a lot going on right now. I’m sure next weekend will be great.”

She saw the apologetic look in his eyes and she knew he was being honest. “It’s fine. I just keep hoping...” She shook her head, “Never mind.”

He cocked his head at her, “What?”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I wish you would stop me and say that we’re going to look at apartments together.” She chewed on her lower lip not making eye contact.

He lifted her chin up so that her eyes would match his own. She admired his chocolaty brown waves and stared almost unwillingly into his eyes as if they were magnetic. “Babe, I love you. We’ll figure this out. I just need a little bit more time.”

She nodded, “I know.”

He kissed her softly on the lips, when he broke away he said, “I’ll see later.”

“Sure, later.” She whispered as he walked away.

It wasn’t the way she wanted to weekend to end, but sometimes you can’t plan out life the way you want it to go.


ictoria was still in her pajamas when Levi showed up the next Saturday to have some alone time before Claire’s birthday celebration. Victoria was holding up various outfits for him to choose from; she appreciated getting his input. There is only one guy she wanted to look good for and she knew that Levi liked getting a say in what she put on.

After trying on multiple outfits she said, “It’s not fair that you get to watch me have a fashion show, and I don’t get to see your sexy butt in some jeans.”

Levi smirked at her and moved behind her so she could see him in the mirror. He whispered, “I’d rather see you out of those jeans.” She laughed before moving to the attached bathroom and stood behind the bathroom door fanning herself. That boy sure did know how to make her feel good.

She was brushing her teeth as he said, “So what’s the plan for tonight? Like what time are people getting together?”

She stood up to turn off the running water in the sink when she said, “Claire should be here in a couple hours and then I guess we’re meeting her friends at nine.”

She emerged from the bathroom to see him sitting on the bed, “Friends of hers from school?”

Leaning on the doorframe she said, “Yeah, I think so. Just a few girls and their boyfriends. It might be kind of weird though; Claire is the only one who doesn’t have a steady boyfriend right now.”

Levi laughed, “Does she ever?” He looked smug.

“You shut up. That was me for a long time, remember? Before I found you.”

He stood up slowly, the bed creaking with his release, and approached her. Placing his hand on the side of her neck he kissed her opposite cheek. Lingering, he continued to lay sweet kisses along her neck until he reached the top of her camisole. He took a single finger and pushed the thin strap slowly off of her shoulder allowing his lips to continue down to her collarbone. Whispering against her skin he said, “Aren’t you glad you found me?”

Victoria could feel her heart thumping within her chest. This was when Levi’s love could get dangerous.

She tossed her head back, “Yes.”

“Show me,” he said, daring her.

For the next hour Victoria put all of her effort into proving to Levi how much she appreciated him. The tension had faded away from the weekend before and she began thinking more about their future and the promise she had made him. Lying on his bare chest tangled up in the sheets she thought about how this would feel if it were every day.

“What time is it?” Levi asked shaking her out of her beautiful thoughts.

She sat up slightly, “I don’t know, why?”

Levi reached over to the bedside table and grabbed his watch, “I have an appointment before we go out tonight.”

Victoria pulled the sheets up around her body and sat up completely, “An appointment? On my best friend’s birthday?”

Levi hopped out of bed and started to pull his pants on. “It won’t take me long, I promise.”

“Is this something for work? On a Saturday?”

Levi turned away from her, “Uh, yeah, I have to go in to the office and get something quickly. Chat with a client, shouldn’t be more than a couple hours.”

“So are you coming back here first, or meeting us there?”

“Uh,” he turned back to face her while buttoning up his shirt, “I’ll send you a text. I’m really sorry to run off like this, I had no idea how late it was! Claire is going to be here any minute.”

He quickly kissed her on the cheek and let himself out the door.

She raised her hand to tell them that she loved him before he left but he was already gone. It wasn’t like him to plan something on the weekend for work, especially when he knew they had plans. Victoria tried not to read too much into it as she grabbed the outfit she had picked out for that evening and started to get ready. Only a few minutes later Claire called and told her she was waiting downstairs. Victoria bounced down the steps eager to see her best friend after a few weeks apart. The petite blonde stood next to the door waving. Quickly Victoria forgot her concerns about Levi and put all her focus into her friend’s birthday.

Victoria and Claire caught up in what had been going on in each other’s lives for an hour or so before leaving for the club. She had texted Levi a few times but he hadn’t responded yet, and she was getting impatient.

“I don’t understand his problem lately. I feel like he’s being so secretive all the sudden. Like last weekend didn’t even mean anything.”

Claire looked at her from beneath her highlighted bangs. She flipped them off her face as she did whenever she was nervous. “I don’t know, I think you need to give him a little bit more time.”

Victoria sighed, “But last weekend... I mean don’t you feel like that propelled us into a new level of our relationship?”

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