Touched By You (The Touch Series) (14 page)

“You don’t have to give Riley any wine, he won’t drink it.” Char says coming into the dining room.

“Okay, good more for me.” I say picking up the glass and downing the few sips I had already poured.

Char laughs at me and shakes her head.

“So how does it feel to have him here?” She asks.

“It’s great. I miss him so much and having you all here for New Year’s is going to be amazing. There are so many things I have planned for us too.”

“I bet you do little miss planner.”

“Don’t make fun of me. Life is so much simpler when you live by a schedule.”

“Yeah okay Chloe. So what’s good for dinner?”

“I’m so nervous. I tried to make some of mom’s recipes so fingers are crossed it all tastes good.”

“Well if it tastes as good as it smells I think we’re all good.” Riley says walking into the kitchen.

“Thanks Riley. Now how about that appropriate greeting?” I say walking over to him and giving him a big hug.

“Watch it now Chloe, don’t be getting all hands here, Char is looking right this way.”

I smack the back of his head and finish pouring the wine.

“I’m ready to eat, it smells great Angel.” Derricks says coming into the dining room.

“Good, well since we’re all out here take a seat and I’ll bring the food out to the table.”

“I’ll help.” Char says following me into the kitchen.

Dinner turns out to be wonderful and everyone raves how good the food tastes. This is not only the first time I’ve used mom’s recipes, it’s the first time I’ve cooked for anyone like this at my apartment.

After we’re all finished eating and the dishes are cleaned we decide to exchange some gifts in the living room. Char and Derrick head back to the bedrooms to grab their gifts while Riley and I grab drinks for the four of us.

The night continues with wrapping paper flying through the air, the guys acting like idiots with their new Red Sox gear and Char and I just sit back and enjoy the company. This is really nice and I love that they are here with me. I’ve made some great friends here in LA, but nothing beats being with family.

I glance over at the clock and see that it’s almost midnight. Looking back toward the mounds of garbage I see that Derrick is watching me. Our eyes lock and he wiggles his eyebrows and shifts his head toward the bedroom. I blush and smile knowing exactly what it is he’s referring to with his silent gestures.

“Well I don’t know about you guys but I’m ready for bed. Is there anything you need before I shut down for the night?”

I stretch my arms above my head and show off a big yawn for emphasis. I don’t know why I’m even trying to act sleepy. Both Riley and Char are looking at me knowing very well what is about to happen anyway.

“Nope, I’m not tired at all.” Riley laughs.

“Stop Riley, let’s give them some alone time. I think we’re going to go for a ride and take a midnight stroll along the beach.” Char says.

“Yeah sure okay, let me get you my keys so that you can let yourselves back in when you come back.”

“Perfect thanks Chloe.” Char says.

I walk on over to my purse and dig out my keys. Char is standing right behind me and I look up to see her smiling.

“Oh stop Char, it grosses me out knowing that you know what is about to happen.”

“Seriously Chloe, I’m not a virgin. I know what sex is all about and if I lived on the opposite side of the country from Riley we’d have been naked by now.”

“Okay great didn’t need to know that or have the visual stuck in my head.”

The two of us walk back into the living room. Riley and Derrick seem to be in an intense conversation.

“Are we interrupting a moment here boys?” Char asks with a giggle.

“Who us? Nope, I was just telling my boy right here the importance of safe sex and to text me when they are done. Come on babe, let’s go make out in the car.”

“What the hell Riley? Who the hell invited this guy?” I ask with a laugh. “Get out of my apartment you sex freak.” I tell them leading both Char and Riley to the door.

I turn around still amused by what Riley just said and I catch site of Derrick watching me. His stare is intense and there’s no expression on his face. He begins to walk over to me putting both hands on either side of my body against the door. My senses go into over load with the closeness to him. His breath is heavy on my neck and I can smell his cologne, the one that he very well knows makes me crazy.

“That was nice of them to leave us alone for a bit. I mean I’m not quite sure why they would have left you did say you were tired. I think I even saw a stretch and yawn a few minutes ago. You must be really exhausted. I think I should help you get into bed.”

His eyes are fixed on mine and he’s so close to me that if I moved just a little bit my lips would touch his.

“Well I do appreciate your generosity Derrick. I’m feeling kind of lazy. Would you mind helping me get out of this dress?”

“Of course, I would love to help you Chloe.”

And then my world collides with Derrick. The bottom hem of my dress is now at my hips and he’s lifting me so that my legs are around his waist. My arms are wrapped around his neck and his mouth is on mine. I have no clue how he’s maneuvering, but somehow he’s walking us to my room. I’m in a trance by his kiss but at the same time I have my eyes open in fear that my back is going to hit a wall. I trust Derrick with my life; however never before has he carried me while walking with his eyes closed in an apartment he just saw today.

Thankfully his skills are better than I gave him credit for and we’re in my room. I’ve missed him so much and now we’re alone. I want to be with Derrick, I need to be with Derrick.

Tonight has been great. Chloe’s cooking skills amazed me yet again and she prepared a wonderful dinner for us. It really felt like Christmas day with my family. Even though everything was perfect there was just one other place I wanted to be…alone with Chloe in her room. All night I imagined being with her and now that dinner is over I need to bust a move and get to the presents part of the night. The quicker I can get this out of the way, the sooner I can get Chloe naked and in her bed.

The present portion of the night is taking a lot longer than I anticipated and fucking Riley is being a complete child. He continues to play with all my Red Sox gear from Chloe and if he doesn’t knock it the hell off I’m going to punch him in the head. He knows I’m tied up over Chloe and the fact that I still have yet to touch her has me going nuts.

Then out of the blue I see Chloe looking toward the clock on her wall. I give her a suggestive look once her eyes meet mine and my girl is off and running. She mentions to Char and Riley that she is tired from the day and even throws out a stretch and yawn for good measure, that’s my girl.

After an awkward moment, courtesy of Riley, he and Charlie are out the door to give us some alone time. Thank you Jesus.

Chloe and I are alone, fucking really alone. I stare at her as she closes the door and all I can think about is running my tongue all over her body. She has the sweetest taste in the world and the damn dress is hiding her gorgeous body that is calling my name. I walk closer to her and place a hand on either side of her head against the door. This is our moment and I’m taking in all of her for myself. With a little fun banter I chose to end this fiasco and get her into her bed. Picking her up I walk us back to the bedroom and kick the door shut with my foot. With my obvious ninja coordination I made it back here eyes closed with no injuries.

I lye her down on her bed and hover over her body. Spreading my legs on either side of her hips I use my arms to keep my weight off of her. I trail kisses from the tip of her nose to her chin down along the sides of her jaw and place little licks on both sides of her neck. She squirms under me and let’s out slight moans to let me know what I’m doing to her is driving her mad. There’s no way I plan to take tonight fast with her. It has been way to long that we have been together like this.

I lean back on my feet and pull her into a sitting position. Grabbing the hem of her dress I guide it along her body and over her head. She sits there completely naked, good god this woman is going to kill me.

“Not only are you absolutely beautiful Chloe, but you’re driving me nuts. Had I known you were wearing nothing under this dress I never would have let you escape from me earlier.”

Chloe lets out a giggle and climbs herself into my lap.

“Derrick I have missed you so much and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how hard it’s for us to be apart so much.”

I don’t know where she is going with this, but if she feels half as shitty as I do about our long distance relationship I need to shut her up before we have this conversation.

“Love, let’s not talk about this now. I want to be with you tonight, just us all night.”

I kiss her hard and give her all the emotions that have bottling up over the past few weeks. It kills me that I only get her like this every few months. I have no idea how we will ever make this work, but for fucks sake, I’m not questioning it tonight. I need to be deep inside her pouring out my love to her like only we know how to do.

With her sitting in my lap I spread her legs so that she can straddle my thighs. She puts her arms around my neck and connects her lips to mine. Our kiss starts out slow this time and she moves in just close enough so that her bare breasts are up against my shirt covered chest. I want so badly to be skin to skin with her so I push her back. Starting to undo the buttons on my shirt, she bats my hands away.

“Let me, please.” She says in such a seductive voice.

I nod in approval and watch her as she slowly undoes each button one at a time. Once she has finished she looks up at me through her thick lashes and gives me a killer smile. She pushes the shirt off of my shoulders and runs her hands down my arms. Her light touch is sending warmth through my body and I want to toss her onto this bed and bury myself into her. But I can’t. I want to take this slow.

I smile back at her and allow her to seduce me. I don’t care how long it takes. I’ll patiently wait and just watch her as her hands work their magic along my body.

“Let’s stand you up so that I can get these jeans off.” She says.

I listen and do as she says. I feel like a soldier and she is my drill instructor. I know that I’ll do anything she asks of me, it’s how it has always been with us. She is my obsession and I’ll follow her as she guides me where she wants me.

Standing in front of her she undoes the button to my jeans and pulls down the zipper. Her hands come back up to my chest and while she traces her fingers along my skin she peppers kisses from my collar bone to my chest down to the light trail of hair that leads into my boxer briefs.

“I’ve wanted to do this since you walked into my apartment.”

She sticks her thumbs into my pants near my hips and pulls down my jeans and briefs. She follows them down to the floor and helps me step out one foot at a time. She runs her hands up my calves to my thighs and grabs my balls in her hands. By now my dick is standing at full attention and in a blink of an eye she has me in her mouth.

“Holy fuck Chloe!” I groan.

She giggles and continues on her mission to break my manhood. With a quick pace she sucks me into the back of her throat and then runs her hand up and down my length in a jerking motion. This feels so damn good I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold out before I cum all over her mouth.

“Angel as good as you’re making me feel you have to slow down. We haven’t been together in a few weeks and I’m about to explode.”

Chloe moves from her position and begins to stand in front of me.

“How about you get that sweet ass of yours in bed so I can make love to you?”

“Oh I like that idea, come on lover boy. Help me remember why I love you so much.”

Chloe slides over onto her bed and moves herself up to the pillows. Her dark hair is now like a blanket along the top of her bed and I just stare at all of her beauty.

“You’re so beautiful Chloe, this moment makes the past few weeks worth the wait.”

“I’m glad you think so, now come here and kiss me Derrick.”

“Your wish is my command Angel.”


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