Touched By You (The Touch Series) (15 page)

“God this week is flying by.” Char shouts as she throws her body onto the couch. “Please tell me you don’t have any other activities planned for us while we’re here.”

I laugh at the dramatic show my sister is putting on even though I know she is having a good time.

“Come on Char, a lot of the things we’ve been doing were on your bucket list. So stop your bitching.” I say as I toss a water bottle in her direction.

“Yeah, I know. I’m just not used to all this activity. I’m an accountant remember not an extreme sports professional.”

“Well I beg to differ baby you sure as hell have the stamina of an extreme sports professional when we’re alone and in the bedroom.” Replies Riley.

“Oh my god, I really didn’t need to hear that.” I screech and run off into my bedroom.

As I strip myself out of my clothes from our rock climbing mission I hear the bedroom door shut. I can only assume it’s Derrick and my heart picks up its pace. I know that I love him with all that I am, but something seems to be off between the two of us this visit. When we’re together the physical chemistry is out of this world, but it’s almost as if our emotional bond is starting to crack. Maybe it’s the fact that we haven’t seen one another for a few weeks, I’m not sure. But I do know that it scares me.

A light knocking sound vibrates the bathroom door.

“Can I come in love?” Derrick asks.

“Do you really need to ask Derrick? Come on in and get in the shower with me.” I shout back while turning on the water.

Steam begins to fill the room and I close the shower curtain as the bathroom door shuts.

I can smell the scent of Derrick and my body starts to tingle. If this feeling is all I get right now I’m going to take it, I’ve missed him too much to miss any opportunity to be with him.

He slides the curtain just enough for him to enter the shower with me.

“Well hello there beautiful.” He says with a big smile on his gorgeous face.

“Hello to you too handsome.” I reply.

“I just wanted to be close to you again so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Let me wash you Chloe, let me love you.” He says.

His lips slowly start to kiss me and warmth spreads throughout my body. He nibbles on my lower lip till I open my mouth for him. His tongue is warm and tastes like mint. I love the way he kisses me. I love the way he takes care of me like this. Derrick’s hands run from my shoulders down to my hands bringing them up to his neck. He grabs my ass and lifts me up, my legs going around his waist. My back is pushed up against the shower wall and our kiss becomes a frenzy of nips, our tongues dancing, and quiet moans of pleasure. I can feel he’s happy to be with me as his erection grows between our bodies.

“I want to be with you now Chloe, not later. I’m tired of waiting to be one with you. This is killing me Angel.” He says looking into my eyes.

Seeing the pain he feels kills me. I wish there was a way for us to be closer, the distance is getting harder and harder every time we have to say see you later.

“Derrick I want you with me now. We’re together now, I need you so bad.” I tell him and then crash my mouth onto his.

“Oh god Chloe I love you so much.”

“I love you too Derrick. Please don’t make me wait another second.”

Derrick takes that as his cue to move this a bit faster. He grabs his length and pushes it into my entrance. The initial response from my body is a hint of pain from his size but as he fully enters my body pleasure kicks into full gear.

“Shit Chloe you’re so warm and tight. It feels to damn good to go slow, this is happening fast love so enjoy the ride.”

“Oh I will.” I respond with a smile.

Our bodies connect and give us an out of this world experience. Pumping himself in and out of my body brings me such pleasure, but nothing sends me over the edge like watching where our bodies meet. We both look down to the connection we’re sharing and within seconds we’re both falling to an unbelievable climax. We look into each other’s eyes and something happens. I’m not quite sure, but in this moment I feel as if our souls just said goodbye.

I am so torn. My heart belongs to this man, why am I feeling like this?

We stay connected for a few moments, both of us realizing something just happened. The relationship we’ve always shared, the bond we swore would never break…just cracked and together we saw the splinter begin to spread.

Eventually, after who knows how long, we pull away from one another and wash our bodies in silence.

The next few days are relaxing while the four of us lay around lazy in the apartment. Char had just about enough activity to last her a few decades while Riley and Derrick agreed it would be nice to live as couch potatoes for the remainder of the trip. Between watching movies and ordering take out, I was getting anxious to go back to my regular routine.

The thought of going back to my daily life is exciting and scary all at the same time. I’m not too worried about the aftermath of Char and Riley going home, it’s the fact that once again I would have to say goodbye to Derrick.

Saturday morning the four of us got up early to see Char and Riley off at the airport. I loved every moment of their visit and can see how much these two love each other. I’m so happy for Char that she has found her soul mate. She deserves it after everything she’s been through.

“So when can we expect to see you in the Boston area?” Char asks before heading through security.

“God, I have no clue. The playoffs are starting soon, Super Bowl is coming up in a few weeks, and then March Madness starts. It’s going to be a busy couple months for me.”

“Okay well don’t be a stranger Chloe, we love you.” She says giving me a tight squeeze.

“I love you guys too. Take care of my baby sister Riley.” I say with a punch to his arm.

“Will do Chloe. Give me a wink next time you’re on the air.” He says with a big grin.

I giggle at his comment and nod my head.

Derrick and I walk out to my car once again in silence. Ever since our moment in the shower the other day things have been different between us. I hate to mention anything and have it blow up in my face while he is here, but the anxiety is eating at me.

When we get back to my apartment I head into the guest room and try to busy myself cleaning up after Char and Riley. This is how I calm myself when I don’t want to think about the present, I keep myself busy with chores.

I walk through the living room to get to the laundry and see Derrick sitting on the couch watching a movie.

“Are you going to clean today or come and talk to me about what’s going on Chloe? I know you and can tell what you’re doing.” He says as I walk past him.

“I just want to get this stuff started so I don’t have to worry about it later.” I reply keeping on my mission to avoid a conversation I don’t want to have.

Derrick follows me into the laundry room and takes the basket from my hands.

“Chloe we need to talk. We should have talked about this the other day. It can’t wait any longer. I’m breaking the silence before it eats us both alive.”

The look on his face is the same look I saw years ago before I left for college. But this time it feels like we’re saying goodbye…not see you later.

The visit to LA has been both an adventure and lazy…if those two things are even possible together. Chloe has slammed so many sightseeing and extreme sporting activities into this week I think we all deserve to be lazy for the rest of the vacation.

After we get back from rock climbing Charlie and Riley pass out on the couches while I follow Chloe back to her bedroom to take a shower. She seems to be a bit off when we’re alone together, but I know that if I can connect with her physically we’ll both remember why we mean so much to one another. It’s not just about the sex, which is always great, but about the actual way our bodies connect like a puzzle.

The past has been a challenge for us, but this distance is almost too much to bear. I need to be with her as much as possible and get my fill of Chloe when I can.

I knock on the bathroom door and ask, “Can I come in love?”

Chloe responds and I don’t hesitate to open the door and strip myself of my clothes. I open the shower curtain and stare at Chloe as the water cascades down her body. Chloe is fortunate that she doesn’t have to do much to keep up with her sexy physique. She has a tone belly, perky tits, and a set of legs that I wish were attached to my waist at all times.  

Our kiss starts off slow while her and my body come against one another. Immediately I feel like I’m on fire from her touch. I nibble her lower lip waiting for her to open her lips and welcome my kiss a little deeper. I run my hands from the top of her shoulders down to her hands locking them behind my neck for support. I grab her sweet little ass and lift her up so that her legs are around my waist. I push her back up against the shower wall and kiss her like it’s the last time we’ll be like this together.

“I want to be with you now Chloe, not later. I’m tired of waiting to be one with you. This is killing me angel.” I say looking into her eyes.

“Derrick I want you with me now. We’re together now, I need you so bad.” She tells me and then crashes her mouth onto mine.

We share our love for one another like only we know how. I grab onto my cock and push into her heat. Her body tenses to the sudden push, but once I’m fully inside of her she picks up a rhythm of her own.

She is warm and tight, I know I won’t last long like this.

I pump myself in and out of her body bringing myself closer to my breaking point. The sounds of Chloe’s moans encourage me to move faster. I look down at her and see she is watching my movements sliding in and out of her body. We both watch the connection we’re sharing in this moment and with a loud groan I let myself fall to pieces inside of my angel. She looks up into my eyes and I see something I never thought I would experience with her…goodbye.

The silence and the lack of the connection we always shared. Something is happening and I’m scared to find out what’s going on between us. Since the shower the other day we really haven’t spoken more than a few words to each other. We haven’t even touched each other more than holding hands or a kiss to the cheek.

We’ve just taken Charlie and Riley back to the airport and the first thing she does when we get back is start cleaning. I can’t deal with this anymore, one of us has to start this conversation and at this point no matter what the outcome I’ve got to get these feelings off my chest.

She walks past me through the living room into the laundry. I get up off the couch and follow her, it’s now or never. We need to talk.

I grab the wash basket from her hands and set it on the washing machine.

Lifting her hands to my lips I give them a kiss and tell her, “Chloe we need to talk. We should’ve done this the other day. I can’t wait any longer. One of has to break the silence before it kills us both.”

A tear falls from her eyes onto my hand. I take her into my arms and hold her.

“Derrick I can’t live without you in my life. You’re my soul mate; we have to make this work.”

“Chloe I want nothing more than to be with you forever, but we can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much to be away from you. I respect your choice to move here for your career and I’m so proud of you for how far you’ve come.”

“But….” She says in response.

“It’s not fair Chloe. We have two separate lives hundreds of miles apart from each other. I want to marry you. I want to start a family with you. How can we do that living on opposite sides of the country?”

“Derrick, I want those things too.”

“No Chloe. You may think you want them, but not as much as I do. I’m sorry Angel, but I just can’t be with you and still be apart from one another like this.”

I can feel Chloe’s body become limp against mine and I ease her back into the living room.

Holding hands we sit on the couch and stare into space. The only sound that can be heard is our breathing and the cries that come from both our hearts.

Sobbing she looks at me and asks. “What does this all mean Derrick? Where does this leave us?”

I look back over at her and into her big brown eyes as a tear falls down my cheek.

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