Traffic Stop (14 page)

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Authors: Tara Wentz

Tags: #Romance, #Thriller, #Glbt

“Maybe you need to give Lauren a call. There’s got to be something somewhere that ties this guy to Tobi. If anyone can find it, Lauren can.”

“I think you may be right. It certainly can’t hurt, and who knows what she might be able to come up with? I’ll give her a call tomorrow.”

“Are you going to be at work tomorrow?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I?”

“Don’t be so mule-headed, Ryan. You know why.”

“I already told you that I’m fine. Besides, I don’t think I’m going to get very far from the couch today if Tobi has anything to say about it.”

“Ah, I see who’s boss,” he said, laughing.

Tossing a pillow at him, Ryan said, “There is no boss. I’m simply appeasing her by following her wishes.”

“It’s that way, is it?” he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a smirk.

“Jake…shut up!”

Jake gasped in mock surprise as he placed a hand over his mouth. “Rude!”

Ryan smiled with mild humor. “Thanks for caring. I don’t know what I would do without you and Tim.”

“Don’t thank me. You know how we feel about you. That will never change. Just take care of yourself because it’s not just about you anymore.”

“I know.”

“It’s very evident how she feels about you. Seeing the two of you together is so incredibly awesome. I just can’t think of a better word for it. Without flaunting it, you two ooze more love and compassion and sexual heat than any couple I’ve ever met. Aside from Tim and me, that is,” he said with a grin.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard a nicer compliment come out of your mouth. Thank you, and I truly mean that.”

“You, my dear friend, are more than welcome.” He stood and walked over to stand beside her. Laying his large hand against the side of her head, he smiled. “Take care, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a warm caress to her cheek, he chucked her under the chin and left.

Ryan, realizing how tired she felt, scooted down to a reclining position and closed her eyes.

When she entered the house, Tobi saw Ryan lying on the couch with her eyes closed. She quietly pushed the door shut and engaged the lock. Crouching beside the couch, she examined Ryan’s face. The laceration above her left brow was a little swollen under the Steri-Strips, but otherwise it looked good. There was a fair amount of bruising already, and it would become quite colorful over the next few days. She placed her hand against Ryan’s cheek, rubbed her thumb gently across the surface, and watched as Ryan’s eyelids fluttered open. She appeared to be somewhat disoriented for a moment before she looked into Tobi’s eyes and smiled.

“Hi,” she said groggily.

“Hi. Looks like you got a little rest while I was gone.”

Ryan moved her hips back into the couch and patted the cushion beside her. Sitting down, Tobi felt Ryan’s warm hand enclose her forearm. “I slept a little. Jake came by for a visit; he can assure you I stayed on the couch the whole time he was here.”

“I’m sure you did, honey. Are you hungry?”

“Mmm, I could eat,” she said, scrubbing her closed lids with her fingertips.

“I’ll go fix you something. Do you want to watch TV? We could put a movie on if you want.”

“TV sounds good.”

Tobi handed her the remote and headed to the kitchen. “Okay, you find something to watch, and I’ll be right back.”

Ryan could hear cabinets opening and dishes clinking as Tobi rummaged around in the kitchen. The sounds of domesticity brought a smile to her face. When Tobi returned, she handed Ryan her plate and set her drink on the coffee table.

“Here ya go.”

“Thanks. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble, but I do appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome, and it wasn’t any trouble at all. So, what did you find to watch?”

Pulling her feet up closer to her body, Ryan made room for Tobi to sit on the couch with her. “Doesn’t seem to be much on this time of day,” she said between bites of her sandwich. “Why don’t you see if there is a movie on you’d like to watch?”

Tobi flipped through the channels until she came across a Jackie Chan movie. “Have you seen this one?”

“Ummph,” she mumbled while swallowing her bite and taking a drink. “No, this looks good.”

Part way through the movie, Tobi glanced over and saw Ryan’s eyelids drooping. Tugging at Ryan’s sock, she said, “Why don’t you stretch out here,”



her legs, “and get

comfortable.” Ryan unfolded her legs and lay down. Tobi could hear her sigh as she started kneading the muscles in Ryan’s calves.

Within minutes Ryan’s breathing had become deeper. Satisfied, Tobi turned to finish watching the movie.

After she had awakened from a three-hour nap, she and Tobi talked more about everything that had happened.

“Ryan, I know that this is your job, and I respect what the job entails. I was just really scared.” Tobi dropped a hand on Ryan’s arm before continuing. “Please understand and know that I love you, regardless of your job.”

“I’m trying; it’s just that my own insecurities get the better of me sometimes.” Ryan gave a shy smile and placed her hand over Tobi’s. She ran her thumb lightly over the smooth surface and licked her dry lips.

Tobi squeezed Ryan’s hand, giving a firm reassurance. She tilted her head to capture Ryan’s gaze and smiled in return.

Tobi’s eyes sparkled, and the longer Ryan peered into them the more she understood.
Sometimes, actions really do speak
louder than words.
Ryan nodded, but said nothing.

“Let’s get something to eat, then we can get our showers and get to bed,” Tobi said, climbing up off the couch.

Ryan took a shower before the last of her energy was expended. Careful to avoid the knot on her head while washing her hair, Ryan gently kneaded her fingers across her sore scalp.

She toweled off and slipped into a T-shirt and boxers. Having brushed her teeth, she opened the door to find Tobi waiting on the other side.

“I wanted to be here in case you needed something.”

Ryan leaned down and kissed her softly before releasing her lips and smiling. “Thank you.”

Ryan dropped Tobi off at the hospital and drove to the station.

She figured she’d make that call to Lauren before she and Jake had to go on duty. She climbed the steps to the precinct and then glanced at her watch before going in.
A little over an hour, that
should be plenty of time.
She made her way through the throng of people, sat down, and pulled the phone closer.

“Hey, Thomas, glad to see your mug.”

Ryan glanced up at the portly desk clerk before replying,

“Likewise, Likowski.”

Clapping her on the shoulder as he walked by, he leaned down. “Really, I’m glad you’re okay, colorful but okay,” he said with a grin.

“Thanks, Franklin,” she said, smiling back.

Ryan cradled the phone to her ear and punched in Lauren’s number. Lauren, aside from being her best friend, was one of the premier lawyers in town. Mondays were iffy as to whether she would be available. It usually depended on what happened over the weekend. Hopefully, it was a quiet weekend, at least for her.

“Bassett and Jones, Attorneys at Law, may I help you?”

“Lauren Bassett, please.”

“May I tell her who’s calling?”

“Ryan Thomas.”

“One moment, please.”


Ryan listened patiently to the typical elevator music and was surprised when the phone was picked up again almost instantly.

“Ms. Bassett is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold or leave a message?”

“I’ll hold, thank you.”

“Certainly, I’ll let her know.” Before Ryan could respond, she was back on hold. With an elbow on the desk, she leaned the right side of her forehead against an open palm and closed her eyes.

The soft sounds of the music quelled her jangled nerves.

Ryan heard the music stop suddenly, so she opened her eyes and sat up straight.


“Hi, Lauren. Is this a bad time?”

“No, not at all. I was just on a conference call. Is everything okay?”

“Well, not exactly.” Relaying everything that had happened, Ryan waited for her to respond. When Lauren didn’t say anything for almost a full minute, Ryan finally said, “Lauren?”

“I’m here, sorry. It took me a little bit to get past the part of your getting hurt. You are okay, right?”

Exasperated, Ryan said, “I’m fine.”

“Listen, you, don’t take that tone with me. You’re my best friend, and I have the right to be concerned.” Ryan learned a long time ago that Lauren was not somebody you wanted to argue with, so she kept quiet. Whether you were right or wrong, by the time she finished explaining to you why she was right, you believed wholeheartedly that you were wrong. Ryan would never forget a comment Lauren once made. She said, “You have to finesse things for most judges, so you are not telling them what an idiotic ruling they have made and why they need to correct it. And, of course, juries want to think they have reached their decisions on their own, so you need to lead them to the right decision without making it appear that you have.” That’s why she was so good at being a trial lawyer.

“Do you want me to look into things? See if I can come up with some sort of explanation for what is going on?”

“I’m at the end of my rope here, Lauren. I can’t figure it out and as of yet haven’t been able to come up with any type of lead.”

“I’ll want her approval before I start digging into her personal life and background. After I get her consent, I’ll have my PI look into it.”

“All right, I’ll talk to her tonight. Thanks. I really appreciate this.”

“You don’t need to thank me; you know I’d do anything for you. So, how are things going with you two anyhow?”

“They’re good…actually, they’re great. She’s a remarkable woman.”

“When exactly do you think I’m going to get to meet this remarkable woman in person?”

“Soon, Lauren, very soon…she’s different from anybody I have ever been with in a relationship. She’s beautiful, intelligent, funny, romantic—”

“I get the picture,” she said, laughing. “I’m very happy for you. From the sounds of it, she’s perfect.”

“I think so.” Ryan added wistfully, “I just hope I don’t manage to screw it up somehow. It’s never mattered as much as it does this time.”

“I don’t think you have much to worry about. From everything you’ve told me, she’s been there when you needed her, which is more than Stacey ever was. Just relax and let it happen.”

“I’m trying. I’m just so damned afraid,” Ryan admitted quietly.

“Ryan,” Lauren started. She hesitated and then spoke in a firm voice. “Quit thinking so much. You have a lot to offer somebody.

It’s just a shame that the one time you really opened yourself up, it had to be to that bitch.”

Ryan laughed. “You never did like her. I should have taken that as a clue from the start.”

“Yeah, well…I need to go now, honey. Discuss it with Tobi and then give me a call. I’ll start the ball rolling at looking into things and get back to you as soon as I can.”

“Thanks, Lauren. I’ll talk to her tonight, and if it’s not too late, we’ll give you a call afterward.”

“Sounds good. I’ll chat with you later.”

Ryan hung up the phone, hopped up with newfound hope, and headed to the locker room.

Tobi hung up her lab coat and walked over to her chair, collapsing into it. She kicked off her shoes and groaned at the instant tingle of relief. The day had gone nonstop from the moment she walked in the door. Tobi couldn’t wait to get back to Ryan’s and take a nice, long bath in her large oval tub with massaging jet streams. After the break-in, they both decided it would be better to stay at Ryan’s house for a while.

Tobi thought Ryan looked so much better this morning. The circles under her eyes had faded, and aside from the bruising, her color was much better.

Tobi heard the knock at the open door and swiveled around to see Marcy holding some papers.

“I just have a few more reports for you to sign then you can get out of here. Busy day, huh?” she said, walking toward Tobi.

“Busy is putting it mildly. Thanks for all your help, Marcy.

You made this day bearable.”

Tobi handed back the signed reports, slipped her shoes on, and headed out the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“That you will. Good night, Tobi.”

Tobi waved and headed to the elevator. She loved this time of day; the anticipation of seeing Ryan always made her stomach flutter. She stepped off the elevator and headed out the automatic doors toward the Jeep. Every time she saw Ryan’s beautiful smile, it never failed to send her heart racing.

Just as she pulled the car door open, she had an odd sense of being watched. She took a step to get into the Jeep and glanced across the hood of the vehicle. There, leaning against a beat-up van, was a man looking in her direction. He had a half-eaten sandwich dangling from one hand and a brown paper sack in the other. She had seen this man on the elevator and in the gift shop and it was making her feel really creepy because he was always staring at her.


Startled out of her observation, Tobi slid into the seat and closed the door. “Sorry.”

“Everything okay?”

“It is now,” Tobi said, smiling.


“Hey, Ryan. Have you ever seen that man before?” Tobi asked with a nod of her head toward the man.

“He doesn’t look familiar to me. Should he?”

“Not necessarily. I’ve just noticed him around lately.”

“Hmm,” Ryan commented while staring out the window at him.

Tobi watched Ryan pull at her lower lip and knew there was something on her mind.

“Spill it, honey.”

“What?” Ryan asked surprised.

“I know there’s something on your mind, so go ahead and say it.”

Darting a quick glance in Tobi’s direction, she turned her eyes back to the road before saying, “Tobi, we need to talk.”

Chapter Twelve

’m assuming that there’s something specific you want to talk about.”

I Ryan didn’t think Tobi would be angry that she talked to somebody else about the calls and break-in; however, she wasn’t sure how Tobi felt about that person reviewing her personal affairs.

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