Traffic Stop (6 page)

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Authors: Tara Wentz

Tags: #Romance, #Thriller, #Glbt

“Thanks, I’ll only be a minute.”

When the bathroom door closed, Tobi stripped off her shirt and sweats and pulled on a nightshirt. Just as she pulled the hem down over her thighs, the bathroom door opened. Ryan looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Tobi glanced down at the T-shirt and couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I guess that T-shirt isn’t as big on you as it is on me. Will that be okay?”

“It’ll be just fine, but next time, I think I’ll bring my own,”

Ryan said, with a start realizing what she had just implied. If Tobi noticed, she didn’t say a word. Instead, she moved to the bathroom as Ryan walked toward the bed.

“I’ll be just a minute,” she said. “Go ahead and get comfortable.”

Tobi closed the door and leaned against it.
Next time? Yes!
hope she didn’t think I picked that shirt intentionally…what a
Pulling herself from her thoughts and away from the door, she brushed her teeth and returned to the bedroom. She walked to the bed, noticing that Ryan was already under the covers on the right side. Ryan looked up and smiled hesitantly.

“Is this all right? I wasn’t sure what side you normally sleep on.”

“I sleep on the left, so this is perfect,” Tobi said, climbing under the covers.

Tobi leaned over, turned off the light, and settled down with the blankets just below her chin. “Good night, Ryan.”

“Night,” Ryan said as she let her mind drift back over the time she spent with Tobi before and after the incident. Aside from that, it was a pretty good day.

Ryan figured Tobi would fall right to sleep, but her constant fidgeting said otherwise.

“Tobi?” Ryan whispered.

“Yeah?” Tobi responded.

Ryan was nervous about what she was going to offer, but knew Tobi needed some comforting. She opened her arms and said, “Come here.”

Tobi didn’t hesitate as she moved in next to Ryan. The warm heat emanating from Ryan seemed to soothe her nerves. With her head on Ryan’s shoulder, she closed her eyes and felt her body relax as Ryan’s arms tightened around her.

Ryan smiled as she felt the tension leave Tobi.

I wonder if it’s too soon to tell her how I feel about this
relationship. I don’t want to see other people.

Like that is even happening.

Shut up, I’m thinking here. I don’t want her to see other
people, either.

Then you know what you need to do.

Didn’t I just tell you to shut up? I know what I need to do, and
I’m going to do it.


Soon, okay? Very soon.

At some point during the night, Ryan awoke to hear Tobi whimpering and thrashing around in her sleep. She wasn’t sure when Tobi had moved back to her own side of the bed, but she scooted next to her and peered over Tobi’s shoulder to see that she had tears running down her cheeks. Ryan tried to wake her up by gently shaking her arm.

“Tobi? C’mon, honey, wake up. It’s just a bad dream.”

Tobi rolled onto her back and Ryan could see that it was taking some effort to pull out of the last remnants of the nightmare. Ryan pulled Tobi into her arms and held her close until the shivering and crying stopped.

“You okay?”

“Yes, I am. It was like I was reliving this afternoon with that woman all over again. Something is just not right with that whole picture. I’m sorry I woke you.”

“Tobi, you have nothing to be sorry for. I’m glad I could be here for you.”

“I’m glad you’re here, too. I’ll call and check on her first thing in the morning,” Tobi said, glancing at the clock on the bedside table. “I guess it is morning,” she said with a small but sigh. “I’ll call when it’s a more reasonable hour.”

She snuggled closer to Ryan and relaxed in her warmth.

Sighing, Tobi let herself drift back to sleep. Ryan smiled when she felt Tobi relax in the circle of her arms.

I would protect her forever, if she’d let me. I hate seeing her upset.

At least I was able to calm her fears and comfort her when she
needed it.

Placing a kiss on the top of Tobi’s head, Ryan let her body relax, as well. As she listened to Tobi’s deep breathing, she felt herself matching her breath for breath, and before she knew it, she also was drifting off to sleep. Tobi let her hand roam over the warm, soft surface and sighed to herself with a small smile. Her bladder was telling her that it was time to get up, but the rest of her body refused to cooperate.

Knowing she couldn’t wait much longer, Tobi opened one eye and peered across her pillow, which happened to be Ryan’s shoulder.

To her surprise, she had not moved an inch after waking from the nightmare and reclaiming her spot next to Ryan. She was still spooned against Ryan’s body, one leg thrown over hers, her arm across Ryan’s waist and her hand seemingly having a life of its own where it rest against Ryan’s breast. Raising her head slightly, she looked at Ryan’s face, and, to her relief, Ryan was still asleep.

She slowly pulled herself away and padded to the bathroom. Tobi glanced back before closing the door and smiled.
She looks
absolutely adorable.
Ryan had one leg outside the covers, her right arm above her head, and her forehead resting against the crook of that arm.

Ryan rolled to her side and brought her hand to the space next to her, only to find it warm but empty. She opened her eyes and realized it was morning. Small shafts of light were making their way through the blinds, promising a sunny day. The weather had been so erratic lately, with very few days that were actually warm, but the sun always helped. Ryan’s gaze roamed about the room before landing on the closed bathroom door. She heard the shower being turned off in the bathroom, and before she could avert her eyes the door opened. Standing there in nothing but a bath towel was Tobi. Ryan could see the curve of her smooth, creamy breasts where they disappeared behind the cotton barrier. Her hair was wrapped, as well, but a few escaping tendrils curled against her cheeks. Ryan watched as water droplets slid gently down Tobi’s slender neck, making her suddenly very thirsty. The towel barely covered everything, and Ryan glimpsed the outline of a shapely hip before her eyes traveled slowly down her long, graceful legs.

As she admired the view she could feel a tightening spasm in her belly. She belatedly sensed that Tobi had quit moving and looked up, falling into amused eyes. Realizing she was caught, Ryan could do nothing but raise an eyebrow and smile.

“I see you’re awake,” said Tobi, blushing profusely.

“I am at that, very awake,” Ryan said, still grinning.

“I’ll just take these clothes and get dressed. The bathroom is all yours,” Tobi said, rolling her eyes at Ryan’s flirtatious response. She rushed to make an exit before Ryan could see her blush any further. She swore she could actually hear Ryan snicker as she left the room.
I guess I don’t have to wonder if she enjoyed
what she saw.
Tobi stopped long enough in the hallway to throw her clothes on before heading to the kitchen to get breakfast started and the coffee brewing.

“Something sure smells good,” Ryan said as she walked into the kitchen, startling Tobi who let out a little yelp of surprise.

“Sorry,” she said, grinning sheepishly.

“I didn’t hear you walk in. You sure are quiet,” Tobi said, smiling and turning back to the stove.

Ryan walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around Tobi’s waist, inhaling her scent. She always smelled so good. Tobi leaned back against her, and Ryan tilted her head to the side to place a kiss on the top of her ear. Hearing her moan, Ryan leaned down farther to kiss the side of her neck. Tobi set the spatula on the counter and turned to wrap her arms around Ryan’s waist. She raised her head and placed her lips upon Ryan’s, her tongue peeking out to taste Ryan’s lower lip. Without much more thought she tightened her arms, pulling Ryan in, and deepened the kiss.

She felt Ryan’s nipples harden against her, causing a pang of desire to rush through her body. The smell of bacon brought her back to her senses, but she lingered for a few seconds longer before breaking the kiss.

“Breakfast, sweetheart,” Tobi said huskily.

“Right,” Ryan said breathlessly.

She kept her arms around Ryan a little longer before giving her a gentle squeeze and turning back to the stove. “Coffee is ready if you want some.”

“Thanks,” Ryan said, pouring a cup. “Would you like some?”

“I fixed a cup already, but thanks. How did you sleep?”

“Like a baby. How are you feeling this morning?”

“Mmm, I’m okay.” Tobi said while taking a sip of coffee. “I called the hospital while you were in the shower. Ryan, Sylvia Hyde, the pregnant woman, didn’t make it.”

Ryan sat in surprised silence. She had a strong desire to take this woman in her arms and just make everything go away. She had no idea what to say. She knew how Tobi felt about the woman.

“I’m sorry, honey.”

“Me, too, I just wish I understood what happened. The baby was stillborn,” she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“They’re going to do an autopsy, but based on her lab work, everything points to an overdose.”

“I know you’re anxious to find out the results.” Sensing Tobi’s need to change the subject, Ryan added, “Do you need any help over there?”

“Nope, all done,” she said, as she turned with plates in her hand.

Tobi took a chair opposite Ryan at the table. With her hair still damp and her cheeks rosy from the shower, Ryan had an angelic look about her. She was such a beautiful woman, and as Tobi watched her butter a piece of toast, she realized how casual and normal waking up and having breakfast with her felt. It felt right.

“Ryan, I was wondering if you had any plans today. I know it’s the weekend and you probably have things to do…”

“Actually, I really don’t have much going on. I have some laundry that needs to be done, and tomorrow I’m supposed to go to Mom’s for dinner, but that’s it,” she said, while munching on a piece of bacon.

“Would you like to spend the day together? We could go down to the beach for a walk, and maybe afterward, we could get some ice cream.” At that, Ryan immediately perked up. “You like ice cream, huh?”

“Nooo, I don’t like ice cream, Tobi, I absolutely love it! It’s one of my weaknesses, if you must know,” Ryan said with a gleaming smile.

“Any particular flavor or you just like them all?” Tobi asked, laughing.

“Mmm…Mint chocolate chip, but not the green kind. It has to be real mint chip.”

“Ah, well, let’s get a move on so we can hit the beach, and you can get your ice cream fix.” Tobi took one last sip of coffee.

“C’mon! Time’s a wasting,” she said, pulling Ryan to her feet.

Their walk on the beach turned into a playful romp as each tried to avoid the teasing edge of the cool water rushing at their feet. Almost three hours later, they stopped for the promised ice cream. Watching Ryan eat her dessert was more than enough entertainment for Tobi. Ryan was not kidding when she said she loved mint chocolate chip. There was a look of pure delight on her face with each bite. When Tobi reached over to wipe a smudge of ice cream off Ryan’s chin, Ryan grinned wickedly as she grabbed Tobi’s hand and sucked the offending ice cream off her finger.

Tobi inhaled a sharp breath and slowly let it out as Ryan just smiled, winked, and continued eating.

When they both finished, Ryan threw their napkins and papers in the trash and held her hand out for Tobi.

“So, tell me something, Tobi, why is it that you’ve never mentioned any long-term relationships?”

“Well, I had a few girlfriends through college, and medical school really didn’t afford much time for me to sustain anything long-term. I was always so busy studying. It honestly wasn’t as important to me as my career at the time.”

“And after medical school?” Ryan asked as she navigated their walk from the pebbled beach to the tree-lined walkway.

“After medical school came residency. There was a woman I saw for about a year in that time frame, but it was just someone to spend time with, for me anyhow.”

“What do you mean?”

“She wanted more of a commitment, and I couldn’t give her that. I enjoyed being around her and doing things with her, but I didn’t feel that “forever” chemistry.”

“What happened?”

“We stopped seeing each other, and since then, I’ve just had the occasional date here and there. There hasn’t been anyone special.”
Until now.

They walked along the concrete path a little farther before Tobi finally broke the silence.

“What about you, Ryan? Was there anyone before Stacey?”

“I had a few short-term relationships but nothing substantial.”

“Did you and Lauren ever date?”

Ryan laughed easily before responding. “No, Lauren and I never dated. We’ve been best friends since middle school.


“However?” Tobi asked.

“There was a night back in college when Lauren’s girl of the moment stood her up. She was in a pissy mood, so we both stayed in that night. We had stashed some alcohol and pulled it out and started drinking. The more we drank, the more we talked, and the more we talked, the more we drank.”

“And?” Tobi prodded.

“And we ended up kissing. What should have been a long passionate kiss turned out to be a long kiss that left us both with sour looks on our faces,” Ryan said, laughing. “We decided then and there that kissing each other felt like kissing our own sister. I love Lauren, but there have never been any romantic feelings toward her.”

Tobi smiled at the obvious affection Ryan felt for her best friend. They stopped walking and sat on an old wooden bench, watching as couples and families traipsed along the beach and walkway. Tobi could tell by the intense look on Ryan’s face that she had something on her mind.

“Ryan, is there something you want to talk about?”

Ryan turned slightly to look at Tobi. Clearing her throat, she said, “Actually, there is something. I did a lot of thinking last night and…” Ryan saw the panicked look on her face and reached for Tobi’s hand before continuing. “No, it’s nothing bad, honest.

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