Train Man (10 page)

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Authors: Nakano Hitori

608 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 18/03/04 20:33

I thought that I had forced her to take a quick bath so I apologised profusely but she said ‘Really, my baths are usually this short’

I’m gonna return to my story

She and the older ladies talked about the incident on the train

‘If he hadn’t been there, really, who knows what could have happened’

‘Most people just pretend they don’t see what’s happening so that was an amazing amount of courage it took for him to speak up.’

I don’t remember much else

I said ‘I’m not sure whether I did the right thing or not. That old man may not have done anything if I had stayed silent and if that were the case none of us would have had to spend any time at the police station. I’m really sorry about all that.’

To which she replied

‘You did what was right’

‘I really am grateful’

‘You risked your own life for strangers. That doesn’t happen very often.’

‘I told my parents and friends about it.’

Man, I really don’t remember much else.

652 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 20:58

Being a bachelor myself, I’d like to be your big bro and help you out a bit.

How long has she been working?

What kind of company does she work for?

I’ll give you some tips about clothes and restaurants depending on those answers.


674 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 18/03/04 21:14


Sales. It’s her third year on the job.

I’m withdrawing money from my war chest so I think I should be fine.

Not that I have a fortune to spend . . .

676 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 21:16


got more info about her?

677 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 21:20


tell me your height and body type.

Your outfit will change accordingly . . .


678 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 18/03/04 21:20


I don’t know much other than her name and address . . .

She said she would basically go anywhere

But she lives fairly close so we’ll go somewhere in Tokyo

679 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 18/03/04 21:21


medium height and build suits me perfectly

gotta get to a barber too

680 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 21:22


Hairdresser! Make an appointment immediately!


681 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 18/03/04 21:22


not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

not a barber but a hairdresser

687 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 21:24


You may have already seen it but

lots of sleep

go to hairdresser

clean the brows

clip the nose hairs

clean your ears

day of, shower in the morning (or evening), wash hair

make sure you wash your little willy just in case

xtra mint tablets

packet of tissues and a handkerchief

charge the mobile

keep phone number and address of restaurant on your person


good amount of cash, maybe £100–200

blot oil from face

739 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 21:47


What do you think Train Man should do.

Please answer each of the following.



-How to prepare

-What to take with

-Topics of conversation, day of

812 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 23:06

There’s a fairly inexpensive Italian restaurant in Ginza that has pretty good food.

It’s got a funny name so . . . well, if you want to use it on your follow-up dates, that’d be cool

814 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 23:11


That name is perfect for me

815 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/03/04 23:11

What’s the story behind that name???

853 Name: Mr Anonymous Post Date: 19/03/04 02:53

Preparations Flow Chart

Day Before

Put tomorrow’s outfit on a hanger. From underwear to jacket. All of it.

Febreeze it.

Prepare all personal hygiene items: tissue, handkerchief, mints, oil paper to blot oil.

Can place items in trouser pocket if need be.

charge your mobile (put restaurant number in phone memory)

go to bed early (try to get 8 hours sleep)

Day Of

Wake up, take a shower

Wash body, head, face. Use Men’s Biore for the face. Don’t rub too hard.

Skin gets too red.

If you shave with a razor then this is when you need to shave.

have a light meal

face care

align the brows, clip nose hair, clean the ears, check for eye goop if you use electric shavers, this is when you shave. Don’t forget to use aftershave.

style the hair

change. If you use cologne, this is when you splash some on. Just a bit on the stomach. Don’t go overboard on the wrists and neck.

Ready to go (check that you have your mobile and wallet. Prepare for worst case, memorise her number, know it by heart).

888 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 19/03/04 13:47

here, thinking that denim and a simple Comme Ça top and jacket would be fine. First buy a pair of jeans you plan on wearing to the date (like the one that was recommended earlier) and then go to the shop and say ‘I want a shirt and jacket to match these jeans, nothing too ostentatious’ and I’m sure they’ll give you a few options. You’ll probably go through the same headaches for your follow-up dates so might as well get a couple of tops. You can’t help but prefer one style over the other but I think you should push for something slightly different from your usual style! Sorry to babble. Go Train Go!


114 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 20/03/04 01:12

Sorry I’m late. I was spending some time preparing and doing some research.

By the way, I have not called Lady Miss Hermes today.

I will follow up yesterday’s story a bit later

I’m basically close to forgetting most of it by now . . .

127 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 20/03/04 01:27

In order for me to steer the conversation towards inviting her to dinner I had the mantra ‘dinner in return for the cups’ from this thread running through my mind.

So I said

‘The cups you gave me must have been really expensive. You really shouldn’t have’

‘Don’t worry I have an “in” at work.

It looks like I’ve made you worry about it unnecessarily.

I’m sorry,’ answered Lady Miss Hermes

I thought this was my chance.

‘It sounds weird to say “in return for the cups” but I’d like to invite you to . . . rghfnmmb njioio’

choked big time.


129 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 20/03/04 01:29



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