Train Man (34 page)

Read Train Man Online

Authors: Nakano Hitori

I think you’re ready to go


502 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:49


I got lots I want to say but first off, thanks for the report.

You must be exhausted. I really appreciate you filling us in.


530 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 03:53

I’m going to bed.

Thanks again, as alwayzzzzzz-


535 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:53


Good night.


536 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:53

Thankzzz Train--!


538 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:54


good job. Best to come clean quickly.


539 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:54


you’ve done another amazing job today. Chill. Laters

541 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:54

Good job Train!


542 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:54

>>530 laters. Sleep well!

544 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:54

good night . . .

at this point, your time belongs to Hermes.

Get the fuck to bed . . .

546 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:54


good job


547 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:54

how many are we!!!!!

548 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:55



can you let us hang out in your dark shadow for just a while longer . . .

549 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:55


550 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:49

Laters. Dude, there’s a lot of us.

567 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 03:58

Train’s definitely got a chance . . . all that’s left is the timing for when he comes clean.

Can’t do it over the phone or e-mail. Has to be during a date.

570 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 04:00

Best if it happened on the train, you know, where they met.

577 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 04:01

If this doesn’t lead to coupledom then

Hermes is ultimately an alien and

I will swear off pussies for real

580 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 04:02


the best man at the wedding, of course, will be the drunken old fart from the train.

What a story, to have a drunken old fart play cupid . . .

581 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 04:03

lastly, I’d like to offer some words of advice to Train . . .

Women are strange creatures . . .

When you’re told to never come round it means that you need to get your ass over to her even during a typhoon or when a nuclear bomb is about to drop, and when you’re told you don’t need to walk her back, you need to hold her hand even tighter and insist on walking her back.

When you take the words at face value then they complain and pout that you don’t ‘understand women.’

And when you try to push through something they seriously don’t want to do, then they will consider you weird.

This is the way of the woman . . . and I tell ya, it took me a while to figure it out.


Most agreed that things were flowing smoothly and that Hermes was going to be an easy catch. The Geeks were now on the offense after a long period of constantly being under attack but what they were lacking was the final bomb aimed at Hermes. Was Hermes really going to fall? Were they all going to quickly withdraw without planning the final blow?

The Time for the Cups have Arrived


‘She softly reached for my hand and pulled me towards the door’ – a major offensive on Train Man. The words ‘Haven’t decided on our next date’ open the floodgates and lead to an amazing turn of events for the netizens.


656 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 12:09

Good morning.

Damn, I slept well.

The good kind of tired really makes for a good night’s rest, huh. (´—`)

658 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:13


when are you getting back out there?


660 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 12:18

Haven’t decided on our next date yet.

We just left it that we’d get in touch. That’s how it goes.

661 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:18


mornin. What nice weather today.


665 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 12:26

A few posts sounded like I shouldn’t tell her how I feel just yet but since last night, I guess there’s been a shift! So now I’m supposed to own up . . .

671 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:37


Well we haven’t got a clue what you guys are on about in your e-mails . . .

Sounds like you’ve got a good thing going.

You should just work out the timing on your own and take it from there.

672 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:39

The timing should be up to Train Man himself. Don’t listen to the opinions in the thread. This is just my opinion but judging from your report yesterday, you guys are seriously clicking which means the opportunity is ripe. By the way, did Hermes’ friend ever give her feedback about Train Man?


675 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 12:45

I see . . .

I had no idea . . . 9


Didn’t get much feedback about her feedback . . .

676 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:47

The fact that you can’t work out the best time to tell her how you feel . . . is kinda Geek-like . . .


679 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 12:52

Whoa, I got an e-mail.

Looks like she’s reading the printout about fighting off the train pervs.

She says she’s going to try some of it out from early tomorrow morning.

I’m still definitely a Geek . . . ..

680 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:52


When you say you had no idea . . . are you saying you had no idea you guys were clicking? If so, you are seriously thick.

I thought Hermes decided to get up close and personal because her friend said it was ok.

685 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:55

You know, I was here till 3am last night, and I’ve been following this from two previous threads and well, I live with my girlfriend and she caught me typing away in the middle of the night and basically accused me of cheating on her . . . and then she kept thinking I
cheating on her . . . and the situation escalated into a discussion about splitting up . . . anyway, we haven’t split up yet but she did leave a while ago . . . what do you think, is she making me suffer? . . . . . .because I was jealous of Hermes and Train . . .

I’ve been blown to bits for real with this bomb.


686 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 12:55

Recently I’ve been dying to tell her she’s cute.

688 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:56


. . . . . .

689 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 18/04/04 12:56


Bring her to the thread.

Us Geeks will convince her of the truth.


690 Name: Train Man ♦ SgHguKHEFY Post Date: 18/04/04 12:57


what the . . .

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