Train Man (4 page)

Read Train Man Online

Authors: Nakano Hitori

Two cups, just as I thought. So thread it from there. Got it?

678 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:21

There’s no way in hell you can get it on right now so just focus on trying to stay in touch with her.

Sample dialogue

‘Thank you so much for the gift. I just received the cups.

They’re wonderfully designed these cups. But why are there 2?

I’m alone most of the time so I only use one at a time.

By the way, where did you buy them?

I’d love to go to the shop so could you tell me where it is?’

Like that?

Being a Geek myself, that’s all I got

680 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:21

Call to thank her!

n then,

Thank you so much for the cups--! You really didn’t have to.

What a night that was, I couldn’t let him get away with that kind of behaviour.

Promote your knight in shining armour side

687 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:25

Writing a letter is the way to go.

Calling could be too much too soon.

Calling the day the letter arrives, definitely too much too soon.


688 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 16/03/04 20:25


thanks people

I’m taking all you guys’ advice!


age 22

income £20K

family normal

car none

looks techiecutie

am I supposed to use the 2 cups to invite her over for tea? no way Jose

I’m still holding onto my mobile, no f@*%in’ way

Can I call tomorrow?

690 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:25

Is the phone number on the waybill her home or mobile?

695 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:27


if you’re gonna call, you gotta call today!

Good omens abound when you act immediately upon a thought

698 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:27

A call’s too pushy, man.

Better to let that great first impression linger.


707 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 16/03/04 20:30

If I can’t call by 2100 then I won’t call . . .

I’m too worked up anyway . . .

She’d probably hear me breathing heavily or something . . .

709 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:31

I was pushing the call earlier but I’ve got my reasons for that.

If you rely on a letter, there’s the chance that this’ll end after your reply. I don’t think the relationship would go any further.

If you’re looking to explore it further you gotta call and prepare to die an honourable death.


If it was me, I’d definitely call.

710 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:31

I’m a girl and I wouldn’t feel ambushed by a phone call or anything. On the contrary I’d be like ‘great, the cups were delivered safe and sound but boy, what a nice guy to call to thank me for them’.

Excellent impression

724 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:37

I’m also a girl,

And I’d be ok with either letter or call.

I’d pull back if you suddenly stepped over the line and started talking about personal stuff.

Why don’t you call and go with how she reacts?

Whatever, I’d recommend a multi-pronged attack


726 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 16/03/04 20:37

I’ve been watching this thread and checking my phone for the last few minutes.

No can do.

734 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:41

Shit. Why do I have to feel nervous.

736 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:41


You say no now but you’ve got nothing to lose!

You’ve already got the teacups, right?

Rejection is the name of the game!

Go! You’re a man. Put on your gear and go!

737 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:41

Seriously, this is when you call up your courage. This is it.

738 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:42

I can’t work out if Train Man is a ball-o-courage or a ball-o-dung

You can do it dude! Train! Train! Train!

739 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:43


Doh! You are being tested as a man now!

Why would you pull back now?!

Call if it’s the last thing you do before you die! Right now!!!!!!!!

741 Name: 680 Post Date: 16/03/04 20:43

You didn’t make a bad impression on her so she’s going to be completely cool with the phone call.

Same thing with the thank you letter.

But as someone wrote earlier, a thank you letter could be more difficult to follow up on so I agree that you should call while you’re still buzzing.

If not right away, tomorrow should be fine too!

750 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:47

Call today!

If you wait till tomorrow you’ll say ‘I’m kind of busy today’ or ‘Let’s wait another day’ and in the end, I can see you’ll just give up on the call!

You hear me?!?! Today, today, today. Call today!!!!!!!

757 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:50

You’re standing at one of life’s crossroads dude!

Think about it carefully before you act!

762 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 20:53

If you don’t call, she’ll just think of you as what-a-nice-guy-he-was. Very true.

‘I’m so happy that such a nice lady thinks of me that way’

I guess that’s a nice thought to have too.

If Train were me, then yeah, maybe he’d be thinking this.

But you know, that woman went o-u-t o-f h-e-r w-a-y to pick out teacups for you.

763 Name: 680 Post Date: 16/03/04 20:53

Why don’t you just say you’ll call tomorrow and we’ll practise today, you and me and simulate the actual call.

Will advise as well.


782 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 16/03/04 21:01

I used all my will power and tried a lot of times to call

But no way

Far more nerve-wracking than on the train

My hands are tingling, my face is red, my heart’s thumping like mad

I am a loser

The letter I guess isn’t as effective?

783 Name: 680 Post Date: 16/03/04 21:01

I’m here to help. For real.

I’ll wait for Train Man to reply.

If we’re role-playing the phone call, pls start your end.

Or if you need me to I’ll jump in.


832 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 16/03/04 21:18

Thank you so much everybody

But I don’t think I have it in me . . .

My hands are shaking

Let’s go with the letter . . .

836 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 21:19

You really are having a difficult time aren’t you, Train Man.

840 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 21:19


Everybody’s hands shake the first time, yeah.

Mine shook too. But hey, but hey . . .

It’s your first time today and they won’t shake the second time around. You’ll be stepping up to higher ground.

861 Name: ♀ Post Date: 16/03/04 21:26

I think it’s better for you to call.

If you write a letter, I don’t think it’ll lead to the next step.

What’re you thinking could follow the thank you letter?

If she doesn’t reply, end of story, no?

Just think of it this way. You call to thank a relative for sending you gifts, right? So tell yourself it’s only natural to make the call!

864 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 21:28

If you make this call, I think a new Train Man’s bound to step onto stage?

It’s not a matter of going out with her or not,

I think you’ll grab hold of something far deeper.


874 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 16/03/04 21:31

My hands are frozen!

Purleeze give me the courage from that day!

904 Name: 731 aka Train Man Post Date: 16/03/04 21:37

I’m not gonna do it today . . .

I’m gonna read through everybody’s comments again and work myself up for tomorrow . . .

910 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 16/03/04 21:39

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