Truman (195 page)

Read Truman Online

Authors: David McCullough

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #Historical

——. “The Story of Truman and His Father,”
Parents Magazine,
March 1951.

La Cossitt, Henry. “He Takes the President on Tour,”
Saturday Evening Post,
June 16, 1951.

Lahey, Edwin A. “Good-bye, Mr. Truman!”
December 1952.

Larkin, Lew. “The Other Side of Tom Pendergast,”
Missouri Life,
April 11, 1978.

Laurence, William L. “The Truth About the Hydrogen Bomb,”
Saturday Evening Post,
June 24, 1950.

Lee, R. Alton. “Rebuilding the White House.”
American History Illustrated,
February 1978.

Lehman, Milton. “The White House Shudders,”
November 13, 1948.

Leuchtenburg, William E. “Give ‘Em Harry,”
The New Republic,
May 21, 1984.

Leviero, Anthony. “Harry Truman: Musician and Music Lover,”
The New York Times Magazine,
june 18, 1950.

Lewis, Anthony. “Shadow on the Stone,”
The New York Times,
August 5, 1985.

Littlefield, Dr. Duncan E. “The President Versus the General” (sermon delivered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on April 15, 1951).

Lubell, Samuel. “What You Don’t Know About Truman,”
Saturday Evening Post,
March 15, 1952.

——. “Who Really Elected Truman?”
Saturday Evening Post,
January 22, 1949.

Macdonald, Rear Admiral Donald J., U.S. Navy (Retired). “President Truman’s Yacht,”
Naval History,
Winter 1990.

MacKaye, Milton. “He’ll Sink or Swim with Harry,”
Saturday Evening
Post, May 29, 1948.

——. “Things Are Different in the White House,”
Saturday Evening Post,
April 20, 1946.

Markel, Lester. “After Four Years: Portrait of Harry Truman,”
The New York Times Magazine,
April 10, 1949.

——_. “Truman as the Crucial Third Year Opens,”
The New York Times Magazine,
March 16, 1947.

Mayerberg, Samuel S. “Edward Jacobson: President Truman’s Buddy.”
Liberal Judaism,
August 1945.

McCarthy, Joe. “A Walk Through History with Harry Truman.”
November/December 1963.

McCormick, Anne O’Hare. “Abroad: The Promethean Role of the United States,”
The New York Times,
August 8, 1945.

McCoy, Donald R. “Harry S. Truman: Personality, Politics and Presidency,”
Presidential Studies Quarterly,
Spring 1982.

McCune, Wesley, and John R. Beal. “The Job That Made Truman President,”
June 1945.

Means, Marianne. “What Three Presidents Say About Their Wives,”
Good Housekeeping,
August 1963.

Michener, James. “A Tough Man for a Tough Job,”
May 12, 1952.

Miles, Rufus E., Jr., “Hiroshima: The Strange Myth of Half a Million American Lives Saved,”
International Security,
Fall 1985.

Miller, M. F. “A Century of Missouri Agriculture,”
University of Missouri Bulletin,
May 1958.

Miller, Merle. “Mr. Truman’s Hometown,”
May 1970.

Miner, Paul V. “Boss Tom Pendergast’s Wide Open Town,”
Kansas City Star Magazine,
July 4, 1976.

Miscamble, Wilson D. “Anthony Eden and the Truman-Molotov Conversations, April 1945,”
Diplomatic History,
Spring 1978.

——. “Harry S Truman, The Berlin Blockade and the 1948 Election,”
Presidential Studies Quarterly,
Summer 1980.

——. “The Evolution of an Internationalist: Harry S. Truman and American Foreign Policy,”
The Australian Journal of Politics and History,
August 1977.

Mixson, James M., D.M.D. “The Two Crises That Faced President Truman: Korean and Dental,”
Bulletin of the History of Dentistry,
October 1988.

Mumford, F. B. “A Century of Missouri Agriculture,”
Missouri Historical Review
January 1921.

Nelson, Anna Kasten. “President Truman and the Evolution of the National Security Council,”
The Journal of American History.
September 1985.

Oberdorfer, Don. “Ex-Democrat, Ex-Dixiecrat, Today’s Nixiecrat,”
The New York Times Magazine.
October 6, 1968.

O’Brien, Pat. “Old Rail Depots in Independence Represent Important Era of History.”
Jackson County Historical Society,
April–June 1982.

“Original Landowner Map of the City of Grandview,”
Jackson County Advocate
November 6, 1975.

Osborne, John. “Happy Days for Harry,”
July 7, 1958.

Pearson, Drew. “The Man Who Didn’t Want to Be President,” April 16, 1945.

Perry, George Sessions. “Independence, Missouri,”
Saturday Evening Post,
September 2, 1950.

Phillips, Cabell. “How the President Does His Job.”
The New York Times Magazine,
January 4, 1948.

——. “Truman at 75,”
The New York Times Magazine,
May 3, 1959.

——. “Truman Likes These,”
The New York Times Magazine,
June 17, 1951.

——. “Truman’s Home Town Is ‘Smalltown, U.S.A.’ ”
The New York Times Magazine
July 1, 1945.

Potts, Edward W. “The President’s Mother: Martha Ellen Truman,”
The Christian Advocate

Renshaw, Bill. “President Truman. His Missouri Neighbors Tell of His Farm Years,”
The Prairie Farmer,
May 12, 1945.

Reston, James. “Dawn of the Atom Era Perplexes Washington,”
The New York Times,
August 12, 1945.

Rigdon, Commander William, U.S.N. “We Kept Truman’s Big Secret,”
July 4, 1953.

Robbins, Jhan and June. “Six Great Turning Points of American History,”
This Week,
February 22, 1959.

Roper, Elmo, and Louis Harris. “The Press and the Great Debate,”
The Saturday Review of Literature,
July 14, 1951.

Rosenberg, David Alan. “The U.S. Nuclear Stockpile, 1945–1950,”
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,
May 1982.

Rosenberg, J. Philip. “The Belief System of Harry S. Truman and Its Effect on Foreign Policy Decision-Making During His Administration,”
Presidential Studies Quarterly,
Spring 1982.

Ross, Charles G. “How Truman Did It,”
December 25, 1948.

Rothe, Albert J., as told to Beverly Smith. “Pst! Truman’s Got a Cowlick,”
Saturday Evening Post,
November 12, 1949.

Rovere, Richard H. “Letter from the Campaign Train,”
The New Yorker,
October 9, 1948.

——. “Letter from the Campaign Train,”
The New Yorker,
October 16, 1948.

——. “Letter from Washington,”
The New Yorker,
July 28, 1975.

——. “President Harry,”
July 1948.

——. “Profiles: Nothing Much to It,”
The New Yorker,
September 8, 1945.

——. “The Last Days of Joe McCarthy,”
December 1958.

——. “The Most Gifted and Successful Demagogue This Country Has Ever Known,”
The New York Times Magazine,
April 1967.

Safly, Elizabeth. “Truman’s Books. The Post-Presidential Years,”
Whistle Stop,
Winter 1979.

——. “Truman’s Books. Part II,”
Whistle Stop,
Spring 1979.

Schnell, J. Christopher, Richard J. Collings, and David W. Dillard. “The Political Impact of the Depression on Missouri, 1929–1940,”
Missouri Historical Review,
January 1991.

Schumach, Murray. “The Education of Matthew Ridgway,”
The New York Times Magazine,
May 4, 1952.

Sevareid, Eric. “A Truly Great Man,”
March 1973.

——. “The Human Truman,” Vertical file, HSTL

Severo, Richard, and Lewis Milford. “Sweet Wine at Last,”
Military History Quarterly,
Winter 1989.

Sheley, O.C. “James Peacock and ‘Jim Crow’ Chiles,”
Frontier Times,
May 1963.

Shogan, Robert. “1948 Election,”
American Heritage,
June 1968.

Slichter, Sumner H. “The Past Year and the Next in Our Economy,”
The New York Times Magazine,
June 10, 1951.

Slomovitz, Philip. “Harry S. Truman: The Modern Cyrus,”
The American Jewish Outlook,
January 23, 1953.

Smith, Beverly. “The Curious Case of the President’s Bathtub,”
Saturday Evening Post,
August 23, 1952.

——. “Washington’s Greatest Storyteller,”
Saturday Evening Post,
July 2, 1949.

——. “What a Spanking He Gave Truman!”
Saturday Evening Post,
August 2, 1952.

——. “Why We Went to War in Korea,”
Saturday Evening Post,
November 11, 1951.

Smith, Gaddis. “The Acheson Papers,”
Whistle Stop,
Spring 1973.

Smith, H. Allen. “A Friend of Ours Named Harry,”
This Week,
April 5, 1964.

Snyder, John W. “Unforgettable Harry Truman,”
Reader’s Digest,
November 1980.

Staley, J. W. “Eyes Across the DMZ,”
Army Digest,
October 1969.

Steinberg, Alfred. “How Harry Truman Does His Job,”
Saturday Evening Post,
March 3, 10, 1951.

——. “Mr. Truman’s Mystery Man,”
Saturday Evening Post,
December 24, 1949.

Sutton, Horace. “Key West, The Living End,”
Saturday Review,
January 7, 1978.

Tammeus, William D. “He Plowed a Straight Furrow,”
Whistle Stop,
Vol. 12, no. 4, 1984.

Thierman, Sue McClelland. “A Church with Roots in History.” Louisville
June 3, 1945.

Truman, Harry S. “My First Eighty Years,”
Saturday Evening Post,
June 13, 1964.

——. “The Most Mistreated of Presidents,”
The North Carolina Historical Review,
April 1959.

Truman, Margaret. “Memories of a Cherished Home,”
The New York Times,
April 22, 1984.

Tucker, Captain Frank C. III, USAR. “Reserve Duty Means Adventure for HST,”
The Officer,
May 1984.

“Two Presidents and a Haberdasher—1948,”
American Jewish Archives,
April 1968.

Vaccaro, Ernest B. “Harry Truman and the Press,”
The Quill,
February 1973.

Waugh, Alfred S. “Desultory Wanderings in the Years 1845–46,” edited by John Francis McDermott.
Missouri Historical Society,
April and October 1950.

White, Hollis L. “Champ Clark, The ‘Leather-Bound’ Orator,”
Missouri Historical Review,
October 1961–July 1962.

White, Theodore H. “‘Wise Man’ in Quest of Security,”
The New York Times Magazine,
March 16, 1952.

Whitman, Walter. “Take a Tip from Harry Truman. ‘Wake Up and Walk!’ ”
This Week,
June 4, 1961.

Williams, Herbert Lee. “I Was Truman’s Ghost,”
Presidential Studies Quarterly,
Spring 1982.

Wills, Garry. “I’m Not Wild About Harry,”
January 1976.

Wilson, Richard. “Truman Brings Back Boss Pendergast,”
October 29, 1946.

Wiltz, John Edward. “Truman and MacArthur: The Wake Island Meeting,”
Military Affairs,
December 1978.

Woolf, S. J. “President Truman Talks About His Job,”
The New York Times Magazine,
July 15, 1945.

Wyden, Peter. “The Sudden Dawn,”
The Washingtonian,
July 1985.

Yancey, Noel. “The Day Truman Dropped In,”
August 1, 1985.

Yergin, Daniel. “Harry Truman—Revived and Revised.”
The New York Times Magazine,
October 24, 1976..


American Heritage, eds.
The American Heritage Pictorial History of the Presidents of the United States.
Vols. 1 and 2. New York: American Heritage Publ. Co., 1968.


Bartlett’s Quotations.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1980.


Boorstin, Daniel J., and Brooks Mather Kelley, with Ruth Frankel Boorstin.
A History of the United States.
Lexington, Massachusetts: Ginn and Co., 1981.

Britannica Book of the Year 1949.
Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1949.

Britannica Book of the Year 1951.
Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1951.

Britannica Book of the Year 1952.
Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952.

Britannica Book of the Year 1953.
Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1953.

Cohen, J. M. and M. J.
The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations.
New York: Penguin Books, 1978.

Conrad, Howard L., ed.
Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri. A Compendium of History and Biography for Ready Reference.
Vol. III, Vol. VI. New York: Southern History, 1901.


Current Biography


Daniel, Clifton, ed.
Chronicle of the 20th Century.
Mount Kisco, New York: Chronicle Publications, 1987.

Foner, Eric and John A. Garraty, eds.
The Reader’s Companion to American History.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991.

Gordon, Lois, and Alan Gordon.
American Chronicle. Six Decades in American Life
1920–1980. New York: Atheneum, 1987.

Information Please Almanac
1949. New York: Farrar, Straus. 1949.

Irvine, E. Eastman, ed.
The World Almanac and Book of Facts for 1945.
New York: New York World-Telegram, 1945.

Morison, Samuel Eliot, Henry Steele Commager, and William E. Leuchtenburg.
Concise History of the American Republic.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

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