Truman (199 page)

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Authors: David McCullough

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #Historical

maritime strike (1946)

Marks, Ted

Marshall, George C.

atomic bomb and

background of

Berlin crisis and

character and appearance of

China mission of

confidence and morale inspired by

death and funeral of

Eisenhower and

Europe and

Harvard commencement speech of

on HST

HST on

Japan and

Korean War and

MacArthur’s firing and

McCarthy’s attack on

Palestine issue and

at Potsdam

retirement of

as Secretary of Defense

as Secretary of State

Vinson mission and

in World War I

World War II and

Marshall, John

Marshall Plan (European Recovery Program; ERP)

authorship and naming of

conception of

congressional approval of

cost of

Harvard commencement speech on

Kennan’s role in

1948 campaign and

partition of Palestine and

Progressive Party’s denunciation of

Martin, Glenn

Martin, Joseph

background of

and firing of MacArthur

as presidential candidate

as Speaker of the House

Masaryk, Jan


HST’s membership in

Matheus, Elijah “Cap”

Mathias, Bob

Matthews, Francis P.

Matthews, T. S.

Mayerberg, Samuel S.

Mays, John

Mead, James

Meader, George

meatpackers’ strike (1946)

meat prices

meat shortages

medical care,
health care and insurance


Médicis, Catherine de

Meisburger, Edward

Mellon, Andrew

Melton, Thomas


Mencken, H. L.

Menefee, Walter

Menninger, William C.

Merchant of Venice, The

Merman, Ethel

Messall, Victor

Mesta, Perle

Meuse-Argonne offensive

Mexican-American War


HST’s visit to

water treaty with

Meyer, Agnes

Daily News

Middle East

see also specific countries

Miles, John


civilian control of

discrimination in

NSC-68 report on

strength of

unification of forces in

universal training for

see also
defense spending; draft, military

Miller, Merle

Miller, Verne

Milligan, Jacob L. “Tuck”

Milligan, Maurice


minimum wage

mink coats

Minton, Sherman

Mission to Moscow


congressional districts in

Depression in

General Order No. 11 and

migration to

slavery in

see also
Jackson County, Mo.;
specific cities and towns

Missouri Compromise

Missouri River

Mitchell, Richard

Mitchell, Samuel

Mitchell, Stephen A.

Molotov, Vyacheslav M.

Monroe, Elizabeth Kortright

Monroe, James

Monroe Doctrine

Monroney, A. S. Mike

Montgomery, Emmett

Moore, Charles H.

Moore, Elizabeth

Moran, Lord

Morgan, David

Morgan Oil and Refining Company

Morgenthau, Henry

Morison, Samuel Eliot


Morris, Newbold

Mostyn-Owen, Willy

Mount Palomar

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Mr. Citizen

Mr. President

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Muccio, John

Müller-Grote, Gustav

Mundt, Karl Earl

Murphy, Charles

Murphy, Harry

Murphy, Robert

Murphy, Tom

Murray, Matthew S.

Murray, Phil

Murrow, Edward R.

Mussolini, Benito

Myers, Hank

Mylander, William


Nagasaki, bombing of

Nagoya, bombing of

Napoleon I, Emperor of France

Nash, Frank “Jelly”


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Bank of Commerce

National Conference of City Planning

National Defense Advisory Commission

National Defense Mediation Board (NDMB)

National Guard

National Old Trails Association

National Security Act (1947)

National Security Council (NSC)

Korea and

military strength report (NSC-68) of

Z Committee of

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

natural resources

Navy, U.S.

contracts for,
defense spending

Navy Bureau of Ships

Germany, Nazi

NDMB (National Defense Mediation Board)


Neild, Edward F.

Nelson, Donald M.

Nesbitt, Henrietta

Neutrality Act (1936)

Nevins, Allan

New Deal

Communists and

Second Hundred Days of

New Republic


election poll in

New Yorker

New York

New York

New York

New York Times

see also
Krock, Arthur

New York Times Book Review

New York Times Magazine

Nicholson, Henry

Niles, David K.

Nimitz, Chester A.

Niños Héroes, Los

Nitze, Paul

Nixon, Pat

Nixon, Richard M.

Nixon, Robert

Noland, Ella Truman (aunt)

Noland, Ethel (cousin)

Noland, Joseph (uncle)

Noland, Nellie (cousin)

Noland House

Norman, Lloyd

Norris, George W.

Norstad, Lauris

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

North Attleboro

Noyes, David M.

National Security Council

NSC-68 report

nuclear weapons,
atomic bomb, atomic energy

Nude Descending a Staircase


Nye, Gerald P.

Nye Committee


Odlum, Floyd B.

Odum, Reathel

O’Dwyer, William

Office of Defense Mobilization

Office of Economic Stabilization

Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

Office of Facts and Figures

Office of Production Management (OPM)

Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion

Ogburn, Charlton, Jr.

Ogden, Betty

Ogden, Sue

O’Hara John

O’Hare, William


oil industry

Middle East and


Oliphant, Charles

Olympic Games (1948)

Morning World Herald

O’Malley, R. Emmett

OPM (Office of Production Management)

Oppenheimer, J. Robert

Order No. 11

Oregon Journal

organized crime

Osborne, John

Osmeña, Sergio

Ott, Natalie

Oxford University


Pace, Frank, Jr.

PACs (Political Action Committees)

Paderewski, Ignace Jan

Palawan Massacre


Arabs in

Forrestal and

Great Britain and

partitioning of

U.N. and

Zionists and

see also

Palmer, Ardelia Hardin

Palmer, W. L. C.

Parent, Thomas

Park, Guy B.

Parkman, Francis

Parks, Lillian

Paterson, Newell

Patterson, Robert

Patterson, Roscoe Conkling

Patton, George S.

Patton, Melvin

Pauley, Ed

Pavlov, V.N.

Paxton, Mary

Payne, Robert

Peabody, Endicott

Peacock, James

Peale, Rembrandt

Pearl Harbor attack

Pearson, Drew

Forrestal and

Vaughan and

Pegler, Westbrook

Pendergast, James “Alderman Jim”

Pendergast, James M.

Pendergast, John

Pendergast, Kathleen

Pendergast, Michael

Pendergast, Mrs. Thomas

Pendergast, Robert

Pendergast, Thomas Joseph “T.J.,”

Benton and

character and appearance of

death of

downfall of

HST’s first meeting with

HST’s relationship with

HST’s Senate campaign and

illness of

Lazia and

Pendergast, T. J., Jr.

Pendergast political machine

as stigma on HST


see also
Defense Department, U.S.

Pepper, Claude

Perkins, Frances

Perlman, Philip B.

Perón, Juan

Perry, J. Lester

Perching, John J.

Pétain, Henri Philippe

Peters, Mize

Petrillo, James C.

Petroleum Administration

Phelps, Margaret



Phillips, Cabell


Pierce, Franklin


Pine, David A.

Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company




Pius XII, Pope

Plain Speaking

Plunkett, J. P.



Point Four Program


Potsdam Conference and

Soviet occupation of

Policy Planning Staff

Political Action Committees (PACs)

“Politics of 1948, The” (Rowe)

Polk, James Knox

poll taxes

Potsdam Conference (1945

atomic bomb and

central issues at

HST’s quarters at

results of

Potsdam Declaration

Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.

Powell, Hettie

Powell, Jane



presidential flag and seal, redesigning of

President’s Economic Council

press conferences, SIS-819

press photographers

Prettyman, Arthur

Progressive Citizens of America


Proxmire, William

Pruden, Edward

Public Utility Holding Company Act (1935)

Puerto Rico

Pugh, Conley

Pugh, Noah E.

Purcell, E. T. “Buck,”

Pye, John

Quantrill, William

Rabaut, Louis C.

racial prejudice

HST and

in military

see also
civil rights

Radford, Arthur


Railway Labor Act (1934)

railway strike (1946)

Randall, Clarence

Rash, Bryson

Rayburn, Sam

funeral of

HST’s reelection campaign and

1948 Democratic Convention chaired by

Truman Doctrine supported by

as vice-presidential candidate

Reagan, Ronald

Reason Why, The

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Reddig, William

Redding, Jack

Red Legs

Reece, Carroll

Reed, Clyde Martin

Reed, James A. “Fighting Jim,”

Reed, Nell Donnelly

Reed, Stanley F.

Regan, Phil

Remington, Frederic


rent control

Republican National Committee

Republican National Conventions:

of 1944

of 1948

of 1952

Republican Party

Jewish votes and

1946 congressional elections won by

1950 congressional elections won by

see also
election of 1948; elections;
specific individuals


Reston, James

Results of County Planning

Reuben James

Reuther, Walter

Reynolds, Frank A.

RFC (Reconstruction Finance Corporation)

Rhee, Syngman

Rice, John

“Richard Cory” (Robinson)

Richardson, Seth

Richetti, Adam

Rickenbacker, Eddie

Ricketts, Floyd

Ridge, Albert

Ridgway, Matthew

in Korean War

Riedel, Richard

Rigdon, William

Roberts, Roy

Robeson, Paul

Robinson, Edwin Arlington

Robinson, Harold

Robinson, Joseph T.

Robinson, S. M.

Rockefeller, John D.

Rogers, Ginger

Rogers, Will


Roosevelt, Alice

Roosevelt, Eleanor

HST endorsed by

husband’s death and

Roosevelt, Elliott

Roosevelt, Franklin Jr.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

“arsenal of democracy” speech of

background of

Barkley and

blacks and

bombing and

Byrnes and

Churchill and

Clark and

Congress and

Court-packing plan of

death of

declining health of

Dewey and

dog of

electronic surveillance and

Ferdinand Magellan

Flynn’s influence on

Four Freedoms of

fourth term of

funeral of

Good Neighbor Policy of

health of

Herbert Hoover and

Other books

The Warrior Sheep Go West by Christopher Russell
Murder of a Barbie and Ken by Denise Swanson
Darkest Before Dawn by Stevie J. Cole
The Friends of Meager Fortune by David Adams Richards
The Key to Rebecca by Ken Follett
Rat Poison by Margaret Duffy
Make No Mistake by Carolyn Keene
The Coldest Night by Robert Olmstead