Truman (198 page)

Read Truman Online

Authors: David McCullough

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #Historical

Hague, Frank

Haig, Douglas

Haight, Charles T

Halifax, Edward Wood, Lord

Halle, Louis J

Halleck, Charles

Halsey, Edwin

Hampton, Lionel

Handy, Thomas T

Hannegan, Robert E

background of

HST’s Senate reelection campaign and

vice-presidential nomination (1944) and

Harber, W. Elmer

Hardin, Ardelia

Harding, Warren G

Harpie Club (Independence Harmonicon Society)

Harriman, E. H

Harriman, W. Averell

as ambassador to Great Britain

background of

character and appearance of

as HST campaign contributor

Johnson and

Korea and

MacArthur and

Moscow post quit by

at Potsdam Conference

as presidential candidate

as Secretary of Commerce

Harris, Robert E. G

Harrison, Benjamin

Harrison, Earl G

Harrison, George L

Harrison, Pat

Harrison, William Henry

Harry S. Truman
(M. Truman)

Harry S. Truman Library

Harry Truman shirts

Harsch, Joseph

Hartley, Fred Allan, Jr

Harty, Tom

Harvard University

Harvey, Julian

Hassett, Bill

Hatch, Alden

Hatch, Carl

Hauser, Virginia Hill

Havemann, Ernest


statehood of

Truman family’s vacation in

Hawkes, Albert Wahl

Hayden, Carl

Hayes, Elihu

Hayes, Ira

Hayford, James

hydrogen bomb

health care and insurance

Healy, George P. A

Heillman, Lee

Helis, William

Heller, Francis H

Helm, Edith

Helm, William

Henderson, Loy W

Hennings, Thomas Carey, Jr

Henry M. Frost Advertising Agency

Henry V

Hepburn, Katharine

Hersey, John

Herzog, Isaac Halevi

Hickerson, John

Higgins, Marguerite

Higgins landing craft

Hill, Lister

Hillman, Sidney

Hillman, William

Himmler, Heinrich

Hinde, Edgar

Hirohito, Emperor of Japan

Hiroshima, bombing of

Hirth, William

Hiss, Alger

Hiss, Donald

Hitler, Adolf

Stalin’s pact with

see also
Germany, Nazi

Hoban, James

Ho Chi Minh

Hoey, Clyde R

Hoey Committee

Hollywood Bowl

Hollywood Ten

Holmes, Nancy Tyler (great-grandmother)

Holt, Rush

Hoover, Herbert

Hoover, J. Edgar

civil rights movement and

on Communist danger

Dewey aided by

Vaughan’s relationship with

Hopkins, Harry

Hopkins, William J

Home, Lena

Houchens, B. M

Houchens, Fielding

House, Edward

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC):

Dewey campaign and

Hiss case and

Hollywood Ten and

Loyalty Program as response to

House Ways and Means Committee

Householder, Vic


Howard, Roy

How to Predict Elections

Huber, Brownie

Hughes, Charles Evans

Hughes, Thomas

Hull, Cordell

Hume, Paul

Humphrey, Hubert H

Humphrey, Muriel


Hunt, James V

Hurley, Patrick J

hydrogen bomb (H-bomb; superbomb)

debate on

testing of

Ickes, Harold L

resignation of

I. G. Farben

Igoe-Dickmann organization

Independence, Mo.

blacks in

Depression in

Mormons in

Independence and the Opening of the West


Independence Harmonicon Society (Harpie Club)




influenza epidemic (1918-19)

Inland Steel

Interim Committee on S-1

Internal Revenue Bureau

International Acquaintance League

International News Service

Interstate Commerce Commission

Inverchapel, Lord

Investor Pays, The


Ireland, David B., Jr.


“iron curtain,”


see also


Iwo Jima

I Write from Washington


Jackson, Andrew

statue of

Jackson, Robert H

Jackson, Samuel

Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall,”

Jackson County, Mo.

Goat vs. Rabbit Democrats in

HST as eastern judge of

HST as presiding judge of

Mormons in

slavery in

Jacobson, Bluma Rosenbaum

Jacobson, Edward

death of

as HST’s business partner

Palestine issue and

Jacques, Baron

James, Frank

James, Jesse

James, Marquis


atomic bombing of

atrocities committed by

China bombed by

fire bombing of

Korea and

Pearl Harbor attacked by,
Pearl Harbor attack

Potsdam Conference and

proposed invasion of

Soviet Union and

surrender of



Jazz Age

Jefferson, Thomas

Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners

Jefferson Memorial

Jenner, William E

Jennison, “Doc,”

Jessup, Philip

Jester, Beauford

Jewish Agency


as voters

see also
Israel; Palestine; Zionists

John McShain, Inc

Johnson, Alexis

Johnson, Andrew

Johnson, Edwin

Johnson, Louis A

controversy of

HST’s problems with

resignation of

as Secretary of Defense

on Z Committee

Johnson, Lyndon B

Johnston, Alvanley

Johnston, Olin

Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy

Jones, Jesse

Jones, Joseph M

Jones, Thomas E

Judd, Walter

Justice Department, U.S.


Kaiser, Henry J

Kaltenborn, H.V.



Kansas City, Mo

building boom in

“home rule” in

HST’s first presidential visit to

Union Station Massacre in

“wide-open” era in

Kansas City Athletic Club

Kansas City Automobile Club

Kansas City Club

Kansas City

Kansas City

Kansas City

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Kaplan, Charles

Katyn Forest Massacre

Keck, Charles L.

Keenan, Sergeant

Kefauver, Estes

Kefauver Committee

Kelley, Harry

Kelly, Edward J.

Kelly, Gene

Kem, James P.

Kemper, William T.

Kempton, Greta

Kennan, George F.

atomic bomb and

“Long Telegram” of

on Marshall

Marshall Plan role of

Palestine issue and

Policy Planning Staff of

Kennan Report

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John F.

assassination of

Kennedy, Joseph, Jr.

Kennedy, Joseph Patrick

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kent, Frank

Kentuckian, The


Kern, Jerome

Kerr, Robert

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kilgore, Harley

Killilae, Mrs. Walter

Kim Il-sung

King, Cecil Rhodes

King, Ernest J.

King David Hotel, bombing of

Kinnaman, Edna

Kinsey, Alfred

Kirkpatrick, Helen

Kistiakowsky, Dr.

Klemm, Karl D.

Knebel, Fletcher

Knowland, William

Knox, Frank

Knudsen, William S

Knutson, Harold

Konoye, Prince Fumimaro


Korean War

atomic bomb and

Battle of Taejon in

casualties in

cease-fire proposal in

Chinese intervention in

Congress and

Eisenhower and

end of

fighting conditions in

Inchon landing in

MacArthur in

North Korean prisoners in

as “police action,”

press conference on

Ridgway in

Soviet Union and

steel crisis and

38th parallel in

as U.N. action

U.S. responsibility in

U.S. troops committed to

Krimminger, Charles E.

Krock, Arthur

Kronheim, Milton S., Sr.

Krueger, Karl

Krug, Julius

Ku Klux Klan

Chinese Nationalists

Kurchatov, Igor V.



labor, labor unions

Taft-Hartley Act and

see also

Labor Department, U.S.

LaCapra, Michael James “Jimmy Needles,”

LaGuardia, Fiorello

Lane, James Henry

Langer, William

Lascelles, Alan

Lasker, Morris

Latta, Maurice C.

Lattimore, Owen J.

Lausche, Frank

Lawrence, David

Lawrence, Ernest O.

Lawrence, William

Lawrence Massacre

Lazia, Johnny

League of Nations

Leahy, William

death of

at Potsdam

Lee, Dr.

Lee, Jay

Lee, Robert E.

Lee’s Summit

Leigh, Vere

Lelyveld, Arthur J.

Lend-lease’ Act (1941)

Lenin, V.I.


Lerner, Max

LeRoy (White House leaf-raker)

Leschetizky, Theodore

Lesseps, Ferdinand de

Leviero, Tony

Lewis, J. Hamilton “Ham,”

Lewis, John L

Truman Committee appearance of

Lewis, Sinclair

Lhévinne, Josef


Lie, Trygve


Churchill’s book in

HST’s memoirs in

Lilienthal, David E.

atomic bomb and

on Atomic Energy Commission

communism and

on Z Committee


Lincoln, Abraham

Gettysburg Address of

McClellan and

Lindbergh, Charles

Lindbergh kidnapping

Lippmann, Walter

List, Eugene

Littlefair, Duncan E.

Lloyd, David

“Locksley Hall” (Tennyson)

Lockwood, Paul

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Sr.

Long, Earl

Long, Huey

Long, Tania

“Long Telegram,”

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt


Los Alamos

Los Angeles

“Lost Battalion,”


Lovett, Robert A

Lowe, Frank

Lowenthal, Max

Loyalty Program

Lubell, Samuel

Lucas, Scott

Luce, Clare Boothe

Luce, Henry R

Ludendorff, Erich

Lykins, Johnston



McAdams, Clark

MacArthur, Douglas

Chiang and

death of

divided-forces tactic of

end-the-war offensive of

farewell speech of

heroic standing of

HST’s firing of

HST’s opinion of

HST’s Wake Island meeting with

Inchon victory of

insubordination of

in Korean War

letter to Martin from


Senate investigation on firing of

speaking tour of

VFW statement of

McCann, Gerard

McCarran, Pat

McCarthy, Joseph R.

death of

Eisenhower and

Marshall attacked by


McClellan, George B.

McClintock, Robert

McCloy, John J.

McCluer, Franc L.

McCormack, James

McCormack, John

McCormick, Anne O’Hare

McCormick, Ken

McCormick, Robert “Bertie,”

MacDonald, Donald J.

MacDonald, Jeanette

McElroy, Henry

McElroy, Mary

Macfadden, Bernarr

McFarland, Ernest

McGarrity, W. F.

McGowan, Carl

McGrath, J. Howard

firing of

McGrory, Mary

McKellar, Kenneth “Old Mack,”

McKim, Charles

McKim, Edward

McKim, Mead, & White

McKinley, William

McKinney, Frank E.

McMahon, Alphonse

McMahon, Brien

McNaughton, Frank

MacVeigh, Lincoln

Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum

Madison, Dolley

Madison, James

magnesium production

Malenkov, Georgi M.

Malik, Jacob

Maloney, James J.

Manchester, William

Manchester Guardian


Japan’s invasion of

in Korean War

Soviet Union and

Manhattan Project (S-1)

see also
atomic bomb, atomic energy


Mann, Betsie

Mann, Christopher

Mansfield, Mike

Mao Tse-tung

Map Room

Maragon, “Mysterious” John

Marcantonio, Vito

Marcelle, Joseph P.

March, Fredric

“March of Time, The”

Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome

Marine Corps

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