Unnaturals (24 page)

Read Unnaturals Online

Authors: Dean J. Anderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #Adult

She looked at him, ignoring the flames. `I have to be with you tonight. Please,' she said touching his face, tears in her eyes.

Mason ached to hold her. `We will.' The fire waned. `But we have to be careful.'

`Are you okay?' Nikki appeared through the dying fire. `We couldn't see you.'

Renee pulled away from him, face tinged with sadness. `No, I'm not okay. We can't touch each other without destroying everything. It's not fair.' She struck out at the charred wall.

Mason sighed. His hardness had not waned, nor his desire.

`Fire's out,' Ruth said, voice transformed by Gaia's gift. She slapped her hands together, brushing off soot.

`Great.' Renee turned away.

Mason climbed in through the charred window. `Renee,' he said. `Don't let this spoil tonight.'

`You're kidding, right?' She spun around, eyes wet. `I've waited decades for this and now...' She waved her hands at the charred wall of the lake house. `Now I can't even kiss you.'

He touched a tear. `Then what's wrong with waiting until we understand it more?'

`It's driving me insane.' She sank to her knees and Mason went with her, holding her arms. `We're here. You want me, I want you. Everything is meant to be better now,' she said. `You have no idea what it's like to wait so long for someone to share yourself with.'

Mason struggled to speak. He did not know her pain. He'd always had Ruth. Even when she shared her bed with other women, Ruth always came back to him.

`I have an idea.'

Mason held Renee, feeling the smile coming. He recognised the tone in Ruth's voice. He recognised the sexual goddess in her. `Ruth has an idea,' he said, turning. Renee looked past him at her.

`But you have to trust me, Renee.'

Mason read Ruth. She was like this in the bedroom, in control. He saw it in the stance, the raised eyebrow, the forward thrust of her hips. He had seen what Ruth could do when she was like this. A tremor of expectation ran though him.

Renee squeezed his hand.

`Say you trust me. No ifs or buts.' Ruth said, her hands onto her hips. Nikki edged closer, eyes glittering.

She can sense it too, Mason thought.


`Without trust we can't move forward. Ask him; he knows.'

`Mason?' Renee touched his arm.

`Ruth has the,' he began, but gave up trying to explain. `Best just to trust her.' He grinned. `She'll have an idea to get us together.'

Renee bit her lip and looked at Ruth. `All right. I trust you.'

`Then get on that monstrous bed, girl,' Ruth ordered. `Get your gear off, Mason, but don't touch her.'

She turned to Nikki. `Sweetie, find me a sheet.'

Renee lay on the bed. The aroma of wood smoke lingered under Mason's scent. `You're still hard,' she said, excitement replaced her bitterness.

`Of course.'

She squirmed as his eyes roamed down her body towards her sex. Blood surged and her belly fluttered. `Am I beautiful?' she asked. Renee moved her legs and cool air touched her sex. Mason made a sound and climbed onto the bed, desire hot in his eyes.

`Yes, everything about you is beautiful.' He moved closer; she could feel the heat radiating off him. `Make sure we don't touch.' He lay on his stomach between her legs. `A bit further.'

She grinned as he wriggled closer. `What are you… Oh.'

His hot breath brushed her sex and she dug her nails into the bed.

`Again.' She bit her lip as his breath caressed her.

`Careful,' Ruth appeared, sheet in hand.

`What are you going to do?' Renee asked.

`Well, girl,' Ruth sat beside them, `I'm going to fuck your sister tonight. I'll begin by exploring every part of her.'

She leaned closer and Renee smelt Nikki's scent on her. `Then I'm going to taste her, kiss her all over and make her scream in pleasure. I
going to fuck Nikki tonight. Here in this bed. You can stay or you can leave,' Renee squirmed as Mason's breath touched her again.

`I'll stay,' Renee whispered, grabbing Ruth's hand. `I think it's good,' she paused, enjoying the tingle of pleasure across her sex. `I don't have the urge to claw your eyes out. That's good, isn't it?'

Mason snorted. Ruth squeezed her hand. `It's a start. Mason, move.'

`If I must,' he muttered, wriggling back. Renee grinned at the look on his face. He wanted her, that much she could see.

`Instead of standing there ogling her, why don't you help?' Ruth threw a sheet at him.

`He can ogle all he wants.' Renee didn't move while Mason fumbled with the sheet.

`Don't give him ideas, Renee,' Ruth said, taking a corner of the sheet from Mason. `You ready?'

She swallowed. Ruth stood watching her. Mason couldn't take his eyes of her. `If he doesn't touch me soon, I'm going to explode.'

Mason stood, radiating waves of pheromones. Ruth had locked onto him, her body responding to his need.

`Focus!' Renee snapped.

`Right. Cover her up.'

Renee didn't move as the soft sheet floated down across her hot skin. Ruth peeled it back to look at her.

`Nikki has a surprise. Just relax.'

The sheet hummed with her sister's energy. It became softer and lighter until it became clear, like liquid on her skin.

`Touch her,' Ruth whispered to Mason. `See if it works.'

Renee bit her lip as Mason climbed onto the bed. Would it work? He ran his hand up the inside of her thigh. Goosebumps exploded across her.

`Mason!' She grabbed his hand, pressed it against her sex, wanting more.

`Careful, don't tear it. You can't have penetration.'

Renee glanced up, catching Ruth's eyes on Mason as his fingers traced her sex.

Ruth cleared her throat. `But you will be able to be together.'

`Is this what you want?' Mason's question came to her in a hoarse whisper, fingers pressed against her.

`It'll do, don't stop.' His finger brushed over her sweet spot, hard and sensitive to his touch. She arched as he brushed it again. `Goddess!'

Bodies joined them on the bed. `Kiss me, Ruth,' Nikki said.

Colours flashed as Mason kissed Renee through the sheet. A cry escaped. Mason kissed her again and she wrapped her legs around him, gripping his hair through the sheet. `Don't stop. Make it happen. Bring me there.'

His lips retreated and she felt his fingers again, then his teeth bit down onto her thigh. `Harder,' she whispered. Renee moaned as his teeth pressed hard. `Don't stop.'

Pleasure swept through her as his fingers moved faster. He kissed her thighs through the sheet.

A soft cry came from beside her, her sister's voice sweet with own pleasure.

Renee curled her hips towards Mason, her desire for him to be in her washed away, while he brought her closer to a place she had never been with another. Light bloomed in her mind and she let her voice sing. Mason's touch didn't slow as she let her voice fill the room. His free hand wrapped around her back and he held her.

`Sing your Song, my Huntress,' she heard him whisper as her Song grew.

She bucked. Muscles contracted. She felt like she was burning up. His touch didn't falter as she arched, singing a single note that grew louder with the tsunami building in her.

`You're beautiful,' he growled, arm tight around her.

She spasmed, her orgasm forcing the air from her lungs in a single final note. `You're amazing.' He kissed her through the sheet

She felt him go as small waves of pleasure rippled through her, the sheet seeming to gather and prolong. She gasped for air. `Come here and hold me.'

He slipped away from her, pushing her legs back down to the bed. `I won't be able to control myself if we hold together. That sheet would not stop me from being with you.' He knelt on the bed, eyes intense.

`Beside me, then. Please.'

He lay beside her, close but not touching. She could see him struggling not to tear the sheet off her. She rolled onto her side. `Put your leg here.' She pulled his thigh between her legs, moving so his thigh rested against her sex. She shuddered.

`Careful,' Mason moaned.

His erection pressed against her and she smiled, taking it in her hand.

`My turn.' She moved her hand, amazed at how hard he was. `I've never held a man.'

Mason bit his lip, eyes closed. She studied him as she teased him like he'd teased her. Here, with her, he seemed so human, his scent earthy.

`Careful.' His hand touched hers.

`Can I watch?' Ruth asked, head resting on Mason's shoulder. `It's weird, I know, but I like to watch, and I've never seen him, you know.'

`Hold his arm so he can't touch me,' Renee said, letting Ruth see her eyes, to let her know who was in control.

Ruth pulled his arm away from Renee and knelt on his hand.

Mason grinned. `Nice.'

`Touch him, here,' Ruth suggested, and leaned across to trail a finger along the underside, upwards toward the head of his erection.

Renee watched as she did it again. Mason arched, pressing himself against her, biting down on his lip. `Like this then?' She ran her fingers, protected by the sheet, at the same spot and was rewarded with a low rumble of pleasure as Mason shuddered. She laughed in delight.

`Jesus,' he moaned, eyes still closed. `That's torture.'

`Good,' she whispered. `Now you know what it's like for me.' Fingers danced up his erection.

`Cor, hell, girl.' He squirmed and Ruth grinned, working to keep his arm pinned down.

`Can I show you more?' Ruth licked her lips and Renee teased Mason again.

`You're enjoying this,' Renee said.

Ruth grinned and pinched Mason's nipple. `I've never shared him. I mean he's never liked another and this… It's so erotic.'

`You approve?' Renee asked, not caring if it was wrong, her hand tight around Mason's shaft.

`I'm getting there,' Ruth winked and squeezed Mason's nipple again.

`Keep it up and you'll pay for it,' he rumbled.

Renee enjoyed the idea of him punishing her and Ruth. `Show me more.'

`Here, like this. Hold him firm but move slow,' Ruth showed her. `You can keep him close to the edge for ages, but when you feel him build to come, stop. Let it pass. Then you can start all over again.'

`You're going to kill me,' Mason said, grinning, pressing his leg harder against her sex.

`Sounds like fun trying,' Renee said. She followed Ruth's instructions, pressing herself into his knee with each stroke.

`Wild,' Mason mumbled.

`Uh-huh,' Renee whispered, feeling her own ripples of pleasure sharpen. His erection pulsed in her hand.

`Stop,' Ruth said touching her hand. `Wait. Then again.'

`No,' Renee moaned, her own climax pushing at her. `I want him to come with me.'

`God!' Mason tensed.

She held him tighter. `You mean Goddess,' she whispered riding his leg, wanting to feel him climax with her.

`Yes!' Mason arched. Renee looked down, realising Ruth's hand hovered near hers, as the wave of her own orgasm washed through her. She was barely aware of Ruth's hand joining hers on Mason as he bucked beneath them.

She howled, Mason hot against her. He spasmed with her, and she rode each wave of delight with him.

`God, that nearly hurt,' he moaned.

She still held him. Ruth had moved away leaving just the two of them together.

Mason touched her face. `Enough, please.'

`Maybe,' she grinned. `It is still hours before dawn.'

`Maybe so.' He reached down and held her hand with the sheet between them. `But I'm not much fun to be around when I've had no sleep and I don't think I can handle any more teasing. The house wouldn't survive.' He yawned and Renee shook her head.

`So it is true, you just fall a—' Her own yawn caught her by surprise. `Where did that come from?'

`Sex does that,' he winked and ripped the sheet off her. `Get into bed. I'll sleep on top of the covers if you keep them between us.'

She wriggled under the covers. `You can get in too, just leave the sheet. I want to be able to feel you.'

`In a sec. Nature calls.' He rolled off the bed and wandered towards the bathroom, his buttocks holding her attention until Nikki moaned.

`We'll be a while,' Ruth said, looking up from Nikki's breast. `Lucky it's a big bed.'

Renee let her gaze slip down to Ruth's fingers caressing Nikki's sex. `Won't be the first time.'

`It never appealed?'

`No,' Renee said. `But it doesn't bother me. Many Darkells prefer female lovers.'

`Less talk.' Nikki pulled at Ruth's hair. `She's fine. Focus, please.' Ruth grinned and leant down to kiss Nikki.

Renee watched for a second, glad to see her sister so alive again, then lay back and let the sounds of Nikki and Ruth's pleasure fade away.

Mason padded back towards the bed and slipped in beside her. The sheet separated them, but without losing the warmth and scent of his arms encasing her.

He did not speak, just held her as she nestled against him. Memories of Ruth's hand joining hers to bring him faded.

She had Mason.


Something tickled Wilson's nose. He rubbed it but the tickle persisted. Filtered grey light seeped in as he cracked an eye open. Flowers rose above him, the cool moss of the flower hutch soft against his back.

Blonde hair covered his chest. He brushed away the wayward strand tickling his face.

She stirred. `Morning,' Lilly muttered on his chest, her lips brushing against him.

`Just. The sun's coming up.' He glanced up at the orange glow in the sky. `Er, Lilly.' He let her go, aware of her body pressed against him and her hand low on him. `Your hand.'

`Oh,' she said, sitting up, her blush real. `Sorry. I didn't mean to do that.'

`It's okay,' he said, watching her run long fingers through her hair. `Last night was nice.'

She stopped and looked down at him. `Nice as in you would do it again, or it's what you say to a girl you're dying to run from?'

`Stop that,' he said, sitting up. `Look, I like you. A lot.' He studied his hand, not looking at her while he considered what to say.

She touched him, her hand retreating when he didn't move. He turned and found her eyes. `This is new for me, us.'

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