Wanting Her (Loving Her Series) (20 page)

"Landon's wanted to tell you, but I just couldn't."

"Who else knows?" Preston asks, drinking his beer.

Landon speaks up before I can. "Lacy, Toby, and Sadie and Sydney found out. But Lacy is the only one that your mom has told about the baby."

"I figured Lacy. Toby? That's why he kept trying to get mom naked playing strip poker, to piss you off? Makes sense. What about Sadie, how did she find out?"

"She found Brooklyn's bathing suit by the loungers when I came looking for them and put it together. She told me to date Sydney, and if I did, she wouldn't tell you. I paid off Sydney to keep quiet and to pretend we dated to keep Sadie from talking," Landon responds.

"You both fucked on the patio? Gross." Preston orders another beer. I feel like he's trying to be numb to hear about our new situation.

Landon chuckles as he puts his arm around me. "Dude, you do not want to know where we have fucked."

"Fuck. I don't want to know either." After the boys finish their last beers, we head back to the house. We stay up late watching a movie. I get up to go to bed at midnight, and Landon gets up to follow me. "No spare room now, I see."

"Fuck no, not if I have this to snuggle." He reaches around my waist to hold me.

"Stop. He's trying." I pull away.

"Yeah stop, I don't even want to hear anything about what happens behind her door." Preston shuts off the television and follows us up.  Preston goes his way, and we go ours.

"Things are going better, babe." Landon pulls my shirt off before lowering my shorts.

"I guess." I turn and climb up the bed on my hands and knees from the foot of the bed. I turn around, leaning against my pillow, and Landon is watching me already undressed. He's stroking himself as he stares at me with lust in his eyes. "See something you like?" I say as I giggle.

"Oh, I definitely like something." He practically moans. I crook my finger, urging him to me. He climbs up, and once he's to my waist, he immediately pulls my panties down. "I think I can see our baby bump. He rubs my belly."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I tease.

He kisses my belly. "Not fat at all. Though I do look forward to a little round belly showing off my daughter." He continues his kisses down. He rubs his scruffy face against my inner right thigh before doing the same with the left. The rough feeling combined with his kisses and licks are arousing me more than I am from seeing him stroke himself. I lie there and spread my legs open more, hinting to what I'm craving. He always understands what I need as he lowers even more to stoke my now wet pussy with his tongue. His assault on me with his tongue and now thumb rubbing tight circles on my clit is heightening my desire for my impending release.






Chapter 20- Landon

A few weeks have gone by since finding out that I'm about to be a dad come December. A GIRL! I can't believe it. I need to tell my parents. I've always been responsible, and I'm now about to blow that out of the water with my girlfriend being pregnant. Brooklyn is finally getting an actual baby bump, and she looks amazing. Her small frame body with a small basketball emerging from her torso is so cute. We have another doctor appointment next week, and I can't wait. School starts back in two weeks, and Brooklyn is totally set on me going through Law School. I love how supportive she is. I want to also so I can one day support my family. My parents are expecting me for dinner tonight, and I have no idea how to break the news to them. Brooklyn is so nervous. She wants to be there also but is afraid that it will be too much on my parents. Her plan is to wait out in the car until I give her a thumbs up to come in. If I don't, she's prepared to go back home.

She walks down the stairs in a cute dress that shows off her small bump. It's a pale yellow cotton sundress with her jeweled flip flops. Her hair is pulled over into a long braid. Her makeup is light, giving her a natural look. She forces a smile. I hold out my hand, and she accepts. I pull her into my arms. "You look beautiful. Everything will be fine. I'll text you to let you know how it's going."

"I know. I just hope they don't end up hating me." I kiss her glossed lips.

"They won't. Let's go." We decide to take her Escalade so if they don't take the news well, she can drive back.


              "Hey, Mom," I holler when I walk into the kitchen. I hate knowing Brooklyn is waiting outside in the car, but I don't want her feelings hurt if they blow up over the news.

"Hey, Landon, just about done with dinner. Ariel should be home soon and Dad's in the back." She pulls out her famous meatloaf from the oven.

"Okay, great. Mom, can I talk to you and Dad on the back patio before dinner?"

"Of course, dear." She sets everything down to cool before following me out to the patio where Dad is currently sitting at the table with his laptop and a glass of wine.

"Hey, Dad." Mom and I sit down with him. He looks up, curious at us. "I need to talk to you and Mom."

"Okay, Son, What's going on? I'm so proud of you starting Law School in a few weeks." He pulls off his glasses, setting them down on his laptop.

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited. What I'm about to tell you is difficult. This is hard to explain to you both. I've been seeing someone, and we found out that she's pregnant." I hold up my hands to keep them from talking yet. "Now, before you get too upset, just know that she supports me one hundred percent on school, and the baby won't interfere. I'm totally excited about this also. I understand that I'm young, but people do this all the time, and I can too." I stop because both of them are staring at me in shock. "Say something."

Mom speaks first. "Okay, why haven't we met her yet?"

"It's a different situation than most, and not many people realized that we were seeing one another." I swallow hard, waiting on Mom to ask who it is.

"Son, what happened to wearing protection?" Dad rubs his temples as he closes his eyes.

"She got sick and was taking medicine so it interfered with her birth control.  I should have worn protection, but we just weren't thinking about it. I'm sorry I've disappointed you, but I love her, and we're super excited about having a baby."

"When can we meet her?" Mom asks, as her eyes begin to water.

"Depends." I grab Mom's hand. "This is fine. You love babies."

"What do you mean, depends?" Dad asks just as Ariel walks through the sliding back door.

"What's Brooklyn out in the driveway for?" She looks at me, assuming I would know since she knows that there is something there between us.

Mom gasps as Dad's eyes grow twice their normal size. "BROOKLYN?" Dad says a little louder than necessary.

I squeeze Mom's hand. "Yeah, Brooklyn. I love her, Dad. It's not her fault, I pursued her, and she finally caved." I look at Mom, and she has a tear falling down her cheek.

"What's going on?" Ariel asks when she realizes Mom is crying.

I look at Ariel. "Brooklyn's pregnant. I'm going to be a Dad."

Ariel has a shocked but excited look on her face. "That's awesome, she's the coolest."

"Ariel," Dad says looking over at Mom.

She wipes her eyes. "Tell her to come in, she doesn’t need to be sitting out in the car."

"Are you sure? Are you okay with us?" I get up and stand next to Mom.

"Whether I am or not, I'm going to be a grandma, I guess. She's a little older than I was expecting your girlfriend to be, but I've always liked her." I bend and hug her.

I stand up. "I'll go get her.  She's super nervous. Thanks." I run through the house straight to the door. She climbs out as I open her car door.

"They're a little shocked but took it a lot better than I expected. They want you to come in. Ariel announced you were out here." I kiss her lightly as I grab her hand, walking her into the house.

As soon as we walk into the kitchen, Mom gasps again as she covers her mouth with her hands at the sight of Brooklyn. "You're so beautiful. How far along are you?" Mom walks around the island and hugs Brooklyn. I think Brooklyn is just as shocked as they are, but for the reason that they aren't hating her.

"We're about twenty-one weeks. We go back to the doctor next week." Brooklyn smiles as Mom holds her small baby bump.

Ariel rushes in and hugs Brooklyn. "I'm super excited to be an aunt." Brooklyn laughs.

Dad walks in from the back room after putting his laptop away. He grins as he sees Mom holding Brooklyn's belly. "Well, I guess congratulations." He chuckles.

"Thank you. I'm so happy you both can support this. It won't interfere with his school at all." Mom grabs her hand and pulls her to the kitchen table.

"You said that your next appointment is next week, so you've already been to one?" Mom sits down next to Brooklyn.

"Mom, it was so cool. I got to see her and hear her heartbeat. I have pictures too." I pull them out of my pocket. I usually carry them around in my truck but grabbed them, knowing I was leaving my truck at Brooklyn's.

"Her? It's a girl?" Mom takes my pictures and starts to cry. Brooklyn leans over and hugs her again. The pictures are passed around to Dad and Ariel too. Luckily Mom doesn't ask too much about our relationship. We all sit down and eat dinner. Mom continues to talk about the baby. I think she is actually excited. It will be good for her since Ariel is getting older now. Mom misses us being younger. Mom asks us to stay later after dinner for a movie. We do, and it feels nice to have people knowing we are officially together.

"When is she due?" Mom still asking question after question as they walk back in the living room with glasses of sweet iced tea.

"December 16
," Brooklyn replies as previews start for the movie they had put in. I pull her down onto my lap. She turns around, giving me a serious look. I chuckle and see Mom actually smiling at me.

"I'll be honest, the age difference will take some getting used to. How old are you again?" Mom asks as I rub circles on Brooklyn's belly bump.

"I know it does sound bad. I'm about to be thirty-six." Brooklyn tenses on my lap.

"You both realize that is a huge age difference. I realize looking at you now, you look to be maybe late twenties or even right at thirty, but you're not," Mom says to us.

"Mom, we know our ages." I hug Brooklyn to me. "Love doesn't know age."

"I know, Landon. I watched you during dinner and how you are now. I see the affection you both have. I'm actually thrilled because you've never brought home a girl before." I laugh.

About halfway through the movie, Brooklyn gets up to go to the bathroom. Mom continues to quiz me on everything possible without getting too personal. It's about nine o'clock, and I notice how tired Brooklyn is when she walks back from the bathroom so I get up to take her home. "We're going to head home," I tell everyone. Dad pauses the movie, and everyone hugs and congratulates us again before we head out. I thank my parents for being great and understanding. I think knowing Brooklyn supports my schooling and has a good head on her shoulders with a good business herself really helps.

Once we get home, I walk Brooklyn straight to the bed and help her out of her dress. We lie together and talk briefly about how well my parents took our news before making love.


              I wake to an empty bed and an even emptier bedroom. I smell her homemade biscuits and know she’s busy making a wonderful breakfast. I hop into the shower, enjoying the beating of the current on my back. I hear the door slide open, and Brooklyn is standing there in her cute little pink short shorts and tank top that allows her small baby bump to be seen.  I shake my head and splash her with the water. "Come in with me." I motion for her.

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