Wedding Night With the Earl (31 page)

For a long time Katherine lay breathless, fully contented, enjoying the weight of her husband’s body on hers.

Finally, Adam rolled off her and onto his side. He faced her and snuggled her close to his chest.

Katherine gazed into his eyes and whispered with all the love she was feeling, “Thank you for saving Lord Rudyard from having to spend his life with me.”

Adam rose up on his elbow and grinned. “You would have really married him?”

In all seriousness she said, “I would have. I promised my uncle. I felt you were lost to me.”

He raked the backs of his fingers down her cheeks. “I was. I was told no woman would ever be able to have my child, and I believed it without question.”

“And now you don’t?”

“I’ve spoken with several midwives and accoucheurs, and they have all assured me there is no reason to believe you will have trouble bearing my child. The problem was with Annie and her body’s inability to push the babe.”

“I’m sorry for her and for your loss, too.”

Adam nodded once. “And now I’m hopeful, but I will be cautious when your time is due. I may have to call in every midwife and accoucheur within one hundred miles of London to tend you.”

Katherine laughed. “I promise you it will not take that many for me to birth your son, my lord.”

“I believe that, too. I love you, Katherine.”

“And I love you, Adam.”



The sea hath bounds, but deep desire hath none.

—Venus and Adonis,


Something disturbed Adam’s slumber. His eyes popped open. Through the slit in the draperies, he saw a faint tint of pink in the dark sky. Dawn was on the rise. He listened but heard nothing. Perhaps it was Katherine mumbling in her sleep. He smiled to himself and snuggled closer to her warm back and caught the fragrant scent of her hair. Carefully, he pushed aside her auburn tresses and brushed his lips to her nape. Her bare shoulder twitched at his feather-light caress and he smiled.

Perhaps he would wake her and let her know he wanted her.

Then he heard the noise again. It was a soft knock on the door. A knock he recognized. Deciding not to disturb Katherine, he gently threw the covers aside and eased off the bed. He stepped into the trousers he always kept on the nightstand and buttoned them as he padded over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it just a little.

Dixon stood there, holding a candle. He looked up at Adam and said, “They’re crying again.”

Adam rolled his shoulders and sniffed as he stepped out of the room and gently pulled the door around. “The twins?”

Dixon nodded. “They woke me up. Again.”

Adam frowned and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to think about what he should do or say. “Really?” he asked, stalling.

“The third time this week.”

Adam knew. It was becoming an every-other-night occurrence for Dixon to find his way to Adam’s bedchamber in the dark of night and knock on his door to complain. He didn’t know why Dixon just couldn’t sleep through crying. Their whimpers didn’t seem all that loud to Adam.

“Well, they are babies,” he answered, wondering what else he could say. “You know it’s natural. Babies cry a lot. That’s all they know how to do. That and eat.”

“How many more are you going to have?”

The door opened and Adam felt his wife come up behind him and put her gentle hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know. That’s up to Katherine.” He turned, looked at her, and smiled. “But as many as she wants.”

“Thank you, my lord,” she whispered into his ear.

Dixon rolled his eyes.

Katherine smiled at Adam and his heart melted. She was beautiful in her pristine white night rail, with her thick auburn tresses flowing across her shoulders.

She moved from behind him and looked down at Dixon. “Did the girls wake you again?”

Dixon nodded, paused, and then said, “Do you want me to go check on them for you this time?”

She glanced at Adam in surprise. “Would you like to do that for me?” Katherine asked him.

“I might as well. I’m already awake. I’m big enough now that I’m seven. The nanny can’t rock both of them at the same time. I can help her if you want me to.”

“Thank you, Dixon. That’s very nice of you, and it will be a wonderful way for you to help. Tell Mrs. Foster I’ll be along in a few minutes to help out, too.”

Dixon smiled and turned away. Adam called to him and he looked back. “You be careful carrying that candle back to the nursery.”

After Dixon disappeared into the other wing of the house, Adam turned and watched Katherine walk to the foot of the bed. She still had a bit of a limp, but it was hardly noticeable anymore. He closed the door and turned the key.

She picked up her robe and started to put it on, but Adam reached and gently took it out of her hands. He dropped her robe to the bed and slipped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her to him. The girls were almost three months old, and already Katherine’s shape was returning to normal.

He’d worried every day when she was in the family way. All during her confinement, he’d stayed close by her side. And when her time came, it was quick. She’d not only given him one child, she’d given him two. And she’d had no trouble with either birth. She had been amazing.

He looked down into her eyes. “Why am I always searching for something to say to Dixon, but you seem to know exactly what to say to make him happy every time you speak to him?”

“I suppose it comes naturally to me and not to you,” she said with a teasing smile.

“In that case, let me say something that does come naturally to me. I love you, Katherine, and I’m thankful every day that I came to my senses and didn’t let you marry Lord Rudyard.”

“I love you, too.” Katherine circled his neck with her arms. “And I’m quite happy about that myself.”

“There’s something else that comes very naturally to me,” Adam said, backing her against the bed.

“That would be many things, my lord, so which one are you referring to right now?”

“This one,” he said, and then swung her up into his arms and laid her down on the bed.

Her gentle laughter filled the room and made him desire her even more. “No, no, you rogue. You know we don’t have time for this. The babies are crying and Mrs. Foster needs my help.”

He lay down beside her and cuddled her in his arms. “And you will help her, but only after I have your help first.”

She gave him a mock look of horror. “You beast. You would leave a baby wailing while you take the time to satisfy yourself?”

“Yes.” He grinned. “But only because I know the babes are in no danger of not being properly cared for.” He pulled her close and snuggled the warmth of her neck. “Now, I hope you have no objections if I kiss you like this, my lovely wife.”

Adam kissed her hungrily, and she responded eagerly.

“But Mrs. Foster is expecting me,” she argued in between his kisses and while her arms twined around his neck.

He kissed her cheek, below her eyes, and her luscious lips again. “I know, and you will join her. Just not for a few more minutes.” He kissed his way down her neck. “Besides, you need to give Dixon time to feel like he is helping her, and…” He stopped and looked down into her sparkling green eyes.

“And what?” she asked with a suspicious expression.

He pulled on the ribbon that held the bodice of her night rail together. “And give me a little time to show you how much I love you.”

She kissed his lips. “I think after almost two years of marriage, I know how much you love me. But I’m always willing to pretend I don’t, so you can show me one more time.”

He smiled. “You could never know. But, yes. Let me try to show you one more time.”

Katherine sighed softy and wrapped her arms around his back and Adam thrilled to her touch.


Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed Adam and Katherine’s story and the conclusion of the Heirs’ Club of Scoundrels Trilogy. I have savored my time with all the characters in these stories. As with all the books I write, I’m always sad to see a story or a series come to an end.

The customs of childbirth that were followed during the Regency were very different from what we follow today. The birthing rooms were dark and hot. In most cases, only females were allowed inside, and husbands were kept away. Generally men knew little or nothing about childbirth. Terminology such as “in the family way,” “with child,” and “confinement” used in my story seems odd and stilted when used in dialogue, but in most cases I tried to keep the wording as accurate to the time period as possible. I do admit to using some literary license in the terminology and customs of the Regency for the sake of the story.

Most women were still using midwives during the Regency, but male midwives, or accoucheurs, were making headway into delivering babies for the aristocracy. It wasn’t uncommon for there to be problems during or shortly after childbirth, where the lives of the mother and the baby were lost. Unfortunately, many women and babies died from the poor sanitary conditions or from overmedicating the mother.

If you haven’t read the first two books in the Heirs’ Club of Scoundrels,
The Duke in My Bed
The Earl Claims a Bride,
both are still available at your favorite bookstore or e-retailer.

I love to hear from readers. Please e-mail me at [email protected], follow me on Facebook at
, or visit my Web site at

Happy reading!

Amelia Grey


Don’t miss the first two novels in the
Heirs’ Club series from
New York Times
bestselling author




From St. Martin’s Paperbacks


Also by
Amelia Grey

The Duke in My Bed

The Earl Claims a Bride


Praise for
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author
and her acclaimed novels …

“Each new
Amelia Grey
tale is a diamond … a master storyteller.”

Affaire de Coeur

“Enchanting romance.”

RT Book Reviews

“Devilishly charming … A touching tale of love.”

Library Journal

“Sensual … witty and clever … Another great story of forbidden love.”

Fresh Fiction

“Grey neatly matched up a sharp-witted heroine with an irresistible sexy hero and let the romantic sparks fly.”


“Delightful … charming and unforgettable.”

The Long and Short of It Reviews

“A beautifully written tale … delicious historical romance.”

Romance Junkies

“Such a tantalizing and funny read, you won’t be able to put it down.”


“Fun, fast-paced, and very sensual.”

A Romance Review

“Well-written and entertaining.”

Night Owl Romance
(Reviewer Top Pick)

“Humor, romance, mystery, and comedy of errors … All of it well done.”

Books Like Breathing

“Delightfully captivating.”



About the Author

New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author
Amelia Grey
read her first romance book when she was thirteen and she’s been a devoted reader of love stories ever since. Her awards include the Booksellers Best, Aspen Gold, and the Golden Quill. Writing as Gloria Dale Skinner, she won the coveted
Romantic Times
Award for Love and Laughter and the prestigious Maggie Award. Her books have sold to many countries in Europe, Indonesia, Turkey, Russia, and most recently to Japan. Several of her books have also been featured in Doubleday and Rhapsody Book Clubs. Amelia is the author of twenty-five books. She’s been happily married to her high school sweetheart for over thirty-five years and she lives on the beautiful gulf coast of Northwest Florida. Visit her at:
. Or sign up for email updates

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