When Parents Text: So Much Said...So Little Understood (21 page)



Disgusted face



Harry Potter


(o)(o) & milk

1. Donuts and milk


2. Breast milk



A pile of shit



Sadness-distorted facial features












BlackBerry Messenger



“I love you” in sign language




Tenderloin Sliders

: How’s the bar?

: Yes cool iron sculptures around the TVs

: Has tenderloin sliders with horseradish sauce




Piece of Paper

: Can we go to yoga tonight?

: Maybe - I really have to find a piece of paper on my desk, though, tonight . . .


We have a lot of thanks and <3 to give. There are so many who have made our website and book possible.

First and foremost, to the thousands of people who read and submit to our site, thank you for sharing your texts with us. Your love for your families has made our website and this book amazing.

To our own families—thank you for your support and good humor. Thank you for making us laugh at texts and ourselves. To the Fraiolis (Eve, Tom, and Olivia) and the Kaelins (Marti, Mark, Matt, and Kristen)—thank you.

To our friends—the original fans, publicists, and critics of
When Parents Text.

A special thank you to Julia, our dear friend, who coded the original five-star rating system while watching
Dante’s Peak
in her attic.

To Zack, the best Web designer and coolest nerd we could ask for.

Thank you to both Jen and Amy, for your expertise and helping us keep it business casual.

To Judie, for being our advocate.

Thank you Bruce for your patience and editing wisdom; you have been an absolute delight to work with.

And to Brian, our wonderful agent and real-life bowtie man, thank you for making this book a reality. We would be lost without you.



Lauren Kaelin
(right) and
Sophia Fraioli
(left) grew up in Montclair, New Jersey, and have been best friends since sixth grade. After graduating from Smith (Lauren) and the University of Vermont (Sophia), they moved back to Montclair and created the hugely popular website, whenparentstext.com. The two have since moved out of their childhood homes, but they still text their parents. They currently live in Brooklyn and make their own tacos.

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