Where I Wanna Be (25 page)

Read Where I Wanna Be Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

I could if you would let me,” Pepper stood and straightened out her suit. “The problem is, my dear, you don’t want me to work with him because you want to.” She began to leave.


It’s better I handle the bigger accounts,” Simone reasoned.


Pepper turned around and smiled at her boss. “That’s one way of putting it. Look, Moni, I’ve known you for three years and I know where your heart is. But be careful here.” She then left.


Simone knew Pepper was right. Her schoolgirl crush was growing into something bigger and uncontrollable. If she wanted to keep everything professional and kosher with Eli, it meant she needed to set some boundaries.


She was going have to stop seeing Eli.


It was something odd. It was strange. It had never happened in the history of the D’Amato Sunday night dinner.


For the first time in the history of Sunday night dinners, Nicola had a guest.


Nick and Zerrin sat together, slowly chewing their food and occasionally playing referee. Eli was helping Nathan feed himself while Faith ate her food. But Joey and Tony weren’t sure about what they were seeing at the end of the table. It was their mother, eating a plate of lasagna, but she had a guest. Not just any guest.


Her boyfriend, Art.


Although Nick and Eli assured the brothers that Art was a cool guy and he wouldn’t do any harm to their mother, Joey and Tony weren’t too sure. It didn’t help matters that Kieran also wasn’t sure about Art, though he lived in Los Angeles and wasn’t able to get to know Art as well as he wanted to.


Yo, I’m not feeling this,” Tony commented. “I’m not feeling this at all, man.”


Nick knew he shouldn’t entertain his brother’s color-commentary but he felt compelled. “Out with it, Tony.”


Dude, I don’t know that fool.” Tony quietly remarked to his brother. “And he’s NYPD.”


Your point?” Nick asked.


The NYPD don’t like anyone who’s not NYPD,” Tony replied. “Tell me I’m not speaking the truth.”


Nick wanted to argue with his brother but he did make a point. “You haven’t gotten to know Art. He’s a cool dude.”


You’re just saying that because he saved your ass,” Joey smarted.


And that’s a bad thing?” Nick shrugged.


You know he’s just a few feet away, guys,” Zerrin chimed in. “I’m sure if you were to
ask nicely
he would answer any questions you may have.”


” Eli emphasized.


All right,” Tony quickly chewed his food and washed it down with wine. “Yo, Art. I gotta question for you.”


The smile immediately dropped from Nicola’s face upon hearing her son’s question. She loved Tony with all of her heart but there were days she wondered if he was seriously trying to make her go into cardiac arrest. “Antonio…” Nicola warned.


No, it’s okay, Nic,” Art swallowed his portion and wiped his mouth. “Go ahead.”


Tony took another bite of food and twirled his fork around. “Driving while Black…what’s your take on it?”


The brothers looked amongst themselves and were surprised by how intelligent and thought-out their brother’s question was. They anxiously awaited a response by Art. “I don’t agree with racial profiling of any kind. It doesn’t matter if the person is African-American, of Hispanic descent, or any other ethnic group. Under my watch, they all get fair treatment and I take all accusations of police misconduct and discrimination seriously.” Art answered.


Everyone was satisfied with Art’s answer. Joey decided to have a turn. “What do you like to do when you’re not at work?”


I love the opera and going to Broadway shows. I’m a huge Yankees and Giants fan. I got season tickets to both teams if anyone ever wants to join me. I love to travel and I’ve been to about ten countries already. But I really love taking a special lady out salsa dancing,” he smiled and leaned closer to Nicola, who giggled. “Any other questions?”


I’m good,” Joey looked around to his siblings. “Are y’all?”


I’m good.” Eli answered.


Me too,” Nick replied.


I’m good, too,” Tony replied. “I’m also just putting it out there—I hope you’re prepared to sign a pre-nup, because I’ll be damned if you’re getting any of my damn money!”


Eli let out a quiet breath and took a sip of his beer. “Can somebody please…?”


Joey reached over and slapped the back of Tony’s head. “
Che cazzo
?” Tony rubbed his head. “That was an honest concern, damn it!”




After dinner, Faith and Eli stayed behind to help Nicola clean the kitchen and put away the dishes. “So Ms. Faith, long time no see?” Nicola rinsed off a plate and set it on the drying rack.


Faith thought about her last appearance. It wasn’t that long ago but Nicola made it a point to have big family dinners every two weeks. “It’s only been a few weeks.”


A few weeks too long,” Nicola added. “I wondered if I did something wrong to make you upset.”


What?” Faith scrunched her nose. “Don’t be silly. I see you all the time.”


You used to.” Nicola rinsed off another plate. “Is everything okay between you and Eli?”


Everything’s fine,” Faith packed up some food and set it aside to cool down, “we’re just busy right now with the wedding season. It seems like we only see each other a couple of times during the week and on Sundays.”


It’s just a phase. It’ll calm down soon enough. Come September you’ll be wishing for the business again.” Nicola warmly smiled.


I know. I just… I would like to see my husband more than just fleeting mornings and once during the weekend.” Faith tried to hide the worry in her voice. Even when she and Eli were really busy, she never had to wonder when she’d see him again. They had always made time for each other. They would send each other little text messages throughout the day just to check in with one another.


Now it was barely a kiss in the mornings and maybe a little conversation in the evenings. If it wasn’t for the fact their sex life had picked up recently, she would wonder if there was another woman. She couldn’t quite put a finger on it but something wasn’t right.


How’s your sex life?” Nicola asked.


Nicola’s question sent Faith back down to a stark reality. “Excuse you?”


I’m not trying to be nosy with what you and my son are doing in the bedroom. I’m just wondering if your sex life is healthy and active.” Nicola smiled.


It’s fine,” Faith said with hasten.


Nicola slightly shrugged in self-defense. “I’m just checking, that’s all.” She began to put the food away. “You two have always had a solid marriage, and if anything is wrong, I would like to know so I could help. I have friends who are marriage and family therapists.”


Thank you for your assistance, Nicola, but we’re fine.” Faith couldn’t quite believe what she’d just said. Even though it was the truth, it felt like she was hiding a secret. “But I’ll let you know about the therapy.”


You’re welcome.” Nicola smiled. “Besides there was something else I wanted to talk to you about privately, since Eli doesn’t like to hear this kind of stuff.”


Oh?” Faith became intrigued. “What is it?”


I had a dream about another rainbow!” Nicola beamed.


Four-year-old Nathan D’Amato sat at the family dining table, playing with the strawberries and raspberries on his breakfast plate. The strawberries were attacking the raspberries and there was no help insight. It wasn’t until the blueberries and blackberries came to help the raspberries, did they save the day.


And the crowd goes wild! Rahhhhhhh!” Nathan mimicked.


Hey, warrior,” Eli put down his morning paper and took a sip of his cappuccino. “Eat your pancakes.”


Nathan took a bite of his pancakes and slowly chewed them. “Daddy?” His small voice echoed in the townhome.




I know what I want for my birthday.” He took another bite of food.


Chew your food, then swallow it.” Eli instructed. “Don’t get into the habit of talking with your mouth full. That’s rude. I’m teaching you how to be a gentleman.”


A what?” Nathan repeated.


A gentleman. A man with class like your dad and your uncles.” Eli smiled. “Now, chew and swallow. Then ask me what you want.”


Nathan quickly swallowed his food and took a sip of orange juice. “I know what I want for my birthday.”


Oh?” Eli folded his paper. Even though Nathan just celebrated his fourth birthday not too long ago, he was already planning ahead to his next birthday. Eli couldn’t knock his son’s ambitions; he simply took after his father. “And what does little man want for his birthday?”


I want pizza and ice cream!” He giggled.


Ooh, that’s a lot for you, little man. That’s all you want? No toys?”


I want toys! I want toys!” Nathan nodded.


Okay, what about this?” Eli leaned closer to his son. “Let’s talk about your next birthday when it gets closer to it? Deal?” He held out a hand.


Deal!” Nathan slapped his father’s hand.


All right,” Eli smiled and gathered Nathan’s plate. He was happy that he ate just about all of his fruits. “Go potty and wash up. Then I’m going to drop you off at daycare.”


Eli cleared the dishes and set them in the dishwasher. He then briefly wiped down the counter to make it look presentable. Growing up, he was always responsible for chores and became a perfectionist on making the kitchen spotless. He loathed how his brothers would always come in and leave a mess as if he never cleaned it at all. He always vowed to do the same at their respective residences.


Good morning, my king,” Faith walked over to her husband and kissed him.


Good morning, my queen,” Eli glanced at his watch, “you just barely caught me. Little man and I are getting ready to leave. That reminds me, I need to check on him to make sure he didn’t get piss everywhere.”


I thought you were using Cheerios?” Faith asked.


Each time I bring out the Cheerios, he wants to eat them instead trying to aim for them in the toilet.” Eli laughed. “I’ll think of something. Anyway, the coffee is made and I have some leftover pancakes and bacon in the microwave.” He began to leave.


Um, baby? Aren’t you forgetting something?” Faith asked, with her arms folded.

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