Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) (44 page)

“It sounds perfect,” he said.

“Great. Can’t wait.” Now she just had to convince Scarlett to lift her ban on dating athletes.

“Thank you,” Viggo told her.

She waved off his gratitude. “No need to thank me. I enjoy playing matchmaker, and I really hope you and Scarlett hit it off.”

“So do I.” His eyes twinkled. “But that’s not actually what I was thanking you for. I mean, yes, I’m very grateful for the hookup. But I was thanking you for another reason.”

Nadia gave him a quizzical smile. “What’s that?”

His expression softened. “Thank you for taking Reid back. He was a miserable son of a bitch without you, Nadia. So on behalf of myself and the rest of the team, thank you for giving him a second chance.”

Nadia laughed warmly, touched by his heartfelt words. “You’re very welcome, Viggo. All of you.” She winked. “I don’t mind taking one for the team.”

They both laughed.

Reid returned at that moment, scowling at the sight of Viggo cozying up to Nadia.

Catching the expression on his face, Avery smiled knowingly and then slipped on her pumps, grabbed her purse and rose from the sofa.

“Well, folks, it’s been fun,” she announced cheerfully. “But I have an early appointment tomorrow, and I’m sure these two lovebirds are dying to be alone. Hint, hint.”

Reid gave her a grateful look, and she winked at him.

As soon as everyone said their goodbyes and left, Reid and Nadia pounced on each other, hugging and kissing feverishly. Their hands were all over each other, releasing buttons and lowering zippers. Clothing was stripped away, desperate hands exploring bare flesh while hungry mouths licked and tasted.

By the time they were down to just their underwear, Nadia was half out of her mind from wanting him, her body trembling with need.

Then Reid threw her a curveball.

“I saw the way you were looking at my teammates,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. “You think they’re hot, don’t you?”

“What?” She pulled away, guilty heat stinging her cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

His eyes narrowed in warning even as his lips twitched. “So you’re just gonna stand there and lie to me?”

She floundered. “I…I—” 

He grabbed her hand and led her over to the sofa. He sat down and then reached for her, pulling her across his lap. “You’ve been a bad girl, Nadia,” he scolded, running his palm over the curve of her buttocks. “I think you need a spanking.”

?” she choked out.

“You heard me. You’ve been naughty, and you need to be punished.”

” She laughed and squirmed on his lap. “Don’t you d—”

His hand came down on her bare ass with a firm, carefully controlled smack.

She gasped, instinctively squeezing her cheeks together. “Are you cr—”

His hand came down again, a little harder this time, the sound echoing around the suite.

She cried out, shocked to feel a hot burst of wetness leaking out of her pussy. “
Oh, God

“What? You thought you could get away with it?” Reid delivered a resounding smack to her other ass cheek, making her cry out again as more juices gushed out of her.

As she wiggled and writhed on his lap, she could feel his cock hardening and lengthening beneath his boxer briefs. He was as turned on as she was. And that knowledge made her even hotter and wetter.

He gently rubbed her buttocks, soothing the sting of his blows. “Are you sorry for misbehaving?” he demanded sternly.

She was panting, breathless with laughter and lust. Some wickedly perverse impulse made her confess, “Actually, I wouldn’t mind having a threesome with you and any of—”

” Reid gave her another hearty swat on her ass.

She let out a long, throaty groan.

“Ahh. I see.” His voice was a dark, sexy rumble. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Nadia closed her eyes and bit her lip, her fingers digging into the sofa cushion. Her bikini panties had gotten wedged between her ass cheeks. Reid ran his fingertips along the strip of lace until he found her wetness, slicking it over her lips and clit. As she writhed and moaned with pleasure, his breathing quickened and his cock grew impossibly harder.

“Answer me,” he growled.

She couldn’t even remember the question. Burying her face in the sofa cushion, she arched her back and lifted her ass into the air. “Spank me, papi!”

Reid brought his hand down hard, delivering another stinging smack.

She climaxed with a quivering scream.

“I knew it,” Reid leaned down to whisper in her ear. “You’re a wicked girl, aren’t you, Nadia? A wicked girl who likes playing wicked games.”

She gave a breathy laugh as hot shivers ran through her body.

Her pussy was still spasming when he lifted her off his lap and set her down on the sofa. Her ass cheeks were burning, but she didn’t care. She’d thoroughly enjoyed getting spanked by her big strapping hockey player. She’d definitely have to misbehave more often.

Licking her lips, she watched through glazed eyes as Reid slid off the sofa to kneel between her thighs. When she lifted her hips, he pulled her panties off and tossed them aside. Then she lay back against the sofa cushion, letting him arrange her legs over his massive shoulders.

She watched as he leaned down and fastened his mouth onto her drenched pussy, caressing her with his tongue and lightly biting her clit. Her body jolted and she cried out, arching against his mouth.

He groaned roughly, the sexy sound vibrating against her tender flesh. “I love the taste of your cum. So fucking hot and sweet.”

She shivered violently, her head rolling back against the sofa. He slid his tongue into her slick folds, nuzzling her clit with the tip. She pulled on his hair, gasping and pushing her hips into his face.

She felt him shudder as he swirled his tongue over and around her swollen clit, the teasing friction making her toes curl.

“Reid…oh, shit, baby,” she whimpered, gripping his hair in one hand and squeezing her breast in the other.

As he ran his tongue up one side of her slit and down the other, her stomach muscles twitched and her thighs tensed. She breathed in and out as his tongue flayed her clit, delivering hot lashes that made her eyes cross. When he wrapped his lips around the sensitive bundle of nerves and began sucking her, she grew hotter and wetter, the pleasure intensifying until she came apart with a hoarse scream, her whole body arching upward. Her orgasm rolled sharply over her like a colossal tidal wave, drowning her in sensations that left her shaking and gasping for breath.

Reid watched her with blazing satisfaction, his lips and jaw smeared wet with her juices. She sagged back against the sofa, reeling from the indescribable pleasure of his tongue game.

When her spasms died away, he lowered her legs from his shoulders and stood, shoving down his boxer briefs. His massive cock sprang free and slapped against his stomach, the fat crown glistening wetly.

A ripple of lust shot through her pussy.

“My turn.” She was off the sofa and kneeling between his thighs before he could open his mouth. She gripped his jutting cock in her hand and slicked her tongue along the tip, delighting in his low hiss. He was so thick and hard, pulsing and throbbing with need. For her. All for her.

“Such a big, beautiful dick,” she said in a breathy voice. “You’ve seriously ruined me for all other dicks.”

He made a rough noise in his throat, something between a laugh and a groan.

She lifted her eyes from his cock to his face. He was so tall she had to tilt her head back to look into those smoldering blue eyes. He was staring down at her, as powerful and imposing as an ancient Greek god, a mythological ruler who was about to get the blowjob of his life.

Smiling at the thought, she began to pump his cock, stroking the rigid column from base to crown. He shuddered and let out a ragged groan that made her clit tingle with excitement.

She licked the bulging vein that ran the length of his cock, feeling him pulse against her tongue. Staring into his eyes, she took him slowly into her mouth.

His sharp intake of breath thrilled and aroused her beyond belief.

“Mmm,” she purred. “This dick is

“Jesus,” he gasped, bracing his legs apart as if to keep from crumpling to the floor.

She mouthed the thick cap of his cock, curling her tongue around it and nibbling the ridge. He moaned hoarsely and plowed his hands into her hair, his fingers pressing into her scalp. Emboldened by his reaction, she opened her lips wider, taking him deeper inside. His dick seemed to grow impossibly longer, thicker. Harder.

She licked and sucked him until he grabbed the back of her skull and growled a low warning, “You’re gonna make me come so fucking hard.”

Her pussy squeezed. “Please do. I want to swallow your cum.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, his head falling back.

As she worked her lips and tongue along his shaft, his hands tightened in her hair, holding her head close to his groin. His heady male scent filled her nostrils, an intoxicating aphrodisiac that heated her blood. Lifting her mouth from his cock, she cupped his balls, enjoying the heft of them in her palm before leaning in to lick them.

Reid jerked and shuddered, hissing in pleasure.

She suckled and massaged his swollen balls, staring up into his face. His lips were parted, his eyes closed in anguished ecstasy. Aroused by the image, she returned to sucking his dick, savoring the hard pressure of him straining in her mouth.

He moaned gutturally as she flicked her tongue over his cockhead and deepened the suction of her mouth on each downward stroke. She’d never considered herself a pro at giving head. But she was so attuned to this man’s body that she knew just where to lick and nibble, when to pull and suck harder to set his nerve endings on fire.

“Ah, fuck,” he groaned, sounding agonized. “Nadia…baby…

He began thrusting his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of her mouth as he groaned her name over and over.

She felt his skin tightening, felt him growing even thicker and harder. His thigh muscles clenched and his breathing grew harsher, coming in ragged gasps as his hips pistoned faster. Reaching around his body, she squeezed his taut ass cheek as he fucked her mouth.

He came with a wrenching shout, flooding her mouth with hot spurts of cum. She moaned with pleasure as she swallowed every drop, savoring his musky maleness.

By the time he was done, she was so wet and turned on she couldn’t see straight. As she withdrew her mouth from his dick, a string of saliva connected them for a moment and then snapped.

Reid stood above her gasping, his eyes closed, chest heaving up and down. Unable to resist, she reached up and flattened her palm against the hard muscles of his abdomen, feeling them quiver in response to her touch. She licked her lips, staring at the glistening length of his shaft hanging between his legs. She couldn’t wait to have him inside her, pounding her into sweet oblivion.

Slowly he opened his eyes and gazed down at her, stroking her hair. “The things you do to me…”

She smiled up at him. “The things we do to each other.”

A lazy smile of satisfaction curved his mouth. “I’m a lucky son of a bitch.”

“You are.” She licked her lips seductively. “And the night’s still young. Let’s see how much luckier you can get.”

His cock jumped, rising before her eyes.

“Mmm,” she purred. “I think
the lucky one, Mr. Super Stamina.”

Grinning, he reached down and helped her to her feet, then lifted her effortlessly into his arms. She wrapped her thighs around his hips, feeling his cock press against her folds as she kissed and nibbled his neck. He carried her across the suite to the dining table and set her down on the edge. The glossy marble was smooth and cool beneath her naked bottom.

She watched as Reid reached into the gourmet basket behind her and removed a small jar of hot fudge. He unscrewed the lid, his eyes gleaming wickedly as he drawled, “I’m in the mood for double chocolate.”

The jar came with a handy little serving spoon. He scooped out a spoonful of fudge, held it over her chest and tipped the spoon over.

Both of them looked down, watching as a dark ribbon of chocolate trickled slowly down her breast. It dripped off the pointy tip of her nipple, clung there for a moment, and then splashed onto her thigh.

“Oh, fuck, that’s hot,” Reid rasped.

She shivered as he leaned down to lick the melting trail of fudge.

“Mmm,” he rumbled his appreciation against her skin. “Chocolate on chocolate.”

She let out a throaty laugh and arched backward, her eyes closing in ecstasy as his hot tongue laved and sucked her erect nipple. The decadent sensation shot straight down to her pussy, making her throb and ache.

He groaned with pleasure. “Sanders fudge never tasted so damn good.”

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