Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) (45 page)

She whimpered and bit her lip, her clit pulsing fiercely between her thighs. “More,” she whispered.

He was already grabbing the jar and spooning out more fudge. She shivered hard as warm ribbons of chocolate drizzled down, sliding over her breasts and coating her sensitive nipples.

Reid smiled with wicked satisfaction. Then he bent and licked the chocolate off her tits, making her gasp and arch into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around her left nipple and gave it a teasing nip before sucking the hard point between his lips. She moaned with pleasure, her clit throbbing in time with each hot, hungry pull of his mouth.

“God, Nadia.” His voice was rough, needy. “I could devour you whole right now.”

She trembled as he dragged his lips and tongue over her heated flesh, licking every last drop of the sweet confection off her body. Her thighs quivered and her pussy creamed under the deliciously sinful onslaught.

“Reid…oh, God…” She writhed against him, her hand tangling in his hair as he moved downward, licking off the fudge he’d spilled on her thigh. Her back arched and her hips surged off the table to grind against his face, his chest, any part of him she could touch. The need to have him inside her was like a burning fever she couldn’t bear any longer.

He cupped her cheek, the rough skin of his palm inciting shivers. Lifting her face to his, she welcomed his hungry kiss, tasting the sweet chocolate mingled with his hot desire. His other hand slid down to her buttocks and pulled her flush against him. She quivered from the contact, her skin wet and sticky from the chocolate and his tongue.

“I need you,” she whispered desperately. “Oh, God, Reid, I need you so bad.”

His eyes glittered at her. “How bad?”

She bit his lower lip. “Don’t play with me.”

With a husky laugh, he lowered her back down to the table. She eagerly stroked his chest and stomach, caressing rope after rope of hard muscle. Reaching down, he spread her thighs wide and rocked against her slick folds, his cock hard as granite.

She moaned his name, need clawing through her. “Reid…”

“I got you, baby,” he whispered.

She watched in breathless anticipation as his hand went to his groin, strong fingers wrapping around his cock as he guided himself to her drenched opening. Aroused beyond all bearing, she could hardly stand the wait.

His eyes lifted, searing her with his scorching gaze.

She wrapped her legs around him, locking her ankles at the small of his back. He groaned and pushed inside her, his cock so thick and hot she gasped.

He shuddered. “Fuck, Nadia.”

“Yes, please,” she whispered.

A flash of wicked amusement lit his eyes before he began a slow pump into her, the luscious heat of him filling her to swelling.

She raked her hands down his back and cupped his round buttocks. She could feel the tight clenching of his muscles as he pushed deep inside her, then the relaxing of those same muscles as he pulled back out. It was so erotic, the sensations so blisteringly intense. All she could do was hold on and just try to breathe.

Increasing his tempo, he fucked her deep and hard, whispering a litany of words into her ear—guttural, male, explicitly erotic words that had her quivering and moaning. He told her how good she felt, the things he wanted to do to her, what he was already doing and how much deeper and harder he could go.

“Oh, yes,” she whispered between panting breaths, reeling from his words and the steely length of his thrusting cock. “You fuck me so good, baby. So damn good.”

He held her face between his hands, spearing her with his gaze as his hips pounded her in a driving rhythm that left her gasping, hard tremors racing through her body. She was so wet she could hear the slurping sounds their genitals made as he stroked in and out of her, possessing her with enough force to rattle the table beneath her.

She clawed his muscular back and bit his shoulder, causing him to growl and thrust even faster and harder, his heavy balls slapping the curve of her ass.

It wasn’t long before they both started to shake, gripped by an explosive orgasm that had them exultantly shouting each other’s names. Nadia’s thighs clamped tighter around Reid’s hips as he pumped hot jets of semen inside her, making her womb spasm with every throb of his release.

Then they collapsed together on the table, his big body blanketing hers, their sweat-slick limbs trembling and their breath coming in shallow gasps.

Neither of them could speak for several moments.

When Nadia got her voice back, she murmured lazily, “Something tells me your incidental charges are gonna be astronomical. We almost broke the table, and it’s only my first night here.”

A low chuckle rumbled from his throat as his lips nuzzled her ear. “Whatever the charges are, it’ll be money well spent.”

She let out a breathy laugh, running her hand slowly down his back.

He braced himself above her, the muscles in his arms bulging on either side of her head as he scattered kisses along her jaw, throat and collarbone. She arched into him, pure bliss radiating through every part of her body and soul.

Eventually he lifted off her, pulling her up with him. Her lips curved in a hazy smile of contentment as he ran a hand across her cheek and through her damp hair, then kissed her nose. He couldn’t stop touching her, kissing her, and she basked in it, soaking it up like a cat drowsing in a sun-filled window.

He rested his forehead against hers, mesmerizing her with the depths of his searching gaze. “When I held you down and spanked you…I didn’t even think. Was that triggering for you?”

His concern for her caused her heart to swell. God, she loved this man.

“No,” she whispered, shaking her head. “It wasn’t triggering at all.”

Relief flickered in his eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” She reached up and touched his cheek. “I feel completely safe with you, Reid. I know you could never hurt me like that.”

He turned his face into her hand and kissed her palm. Then, holding her tender gaze, he leaned down and slanted his mouth over hers.

She lost herself in the kiss, in the long, slow movement of his mouth against hers.

Without breaking the seal of their lips, he lifted her into his arms and carried her through the doorway into the bedroom.



Sometime later that
night, Reid got the munchies, as he often did after sex. So he rolled quietly out of bed, pulled on a pair of black pajama bottoms and went in search of snacks.

Nadia lay there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking until she had to get up and pee. After using the bathroom, she slipped on the black satin Carine Gilson kimono she’d splurged on. Tying the belt of the short robe, she padded from the bedroom to find Reid reclining on the sofa with his bare feet propped up on the coffee table. He was munching on a gourmet pretzel he’d pilfered from the gift basket. The room was dark save for the flickering glow of the large flatscreen television mounted on the wall.

Nadia sat next to him on the sofa, tucking her legs underneath her. He fed her the rest of his pretzel, brushing a crumb from the corner of her mouth and letting his thumb linger on her lips as she chewed.

She gave him a smile.

He smiled back and winked before returning his attention to the television. He was watching
NHL Tonight
on the hockey channel. Highlights and scores from tonight’s games flashed across the screen. A Blackhawks loss had pushed the Rebels into first place in the division, second overall in the Western Conference.

Nadia grinned. “Well, that’s certainly good news.”

“Yup.” Reid leaned his head back against the sofa, folded his hands over his rock-hard stomach and crossed his ankles on the table. His feet were long, broad and masculine with a sprinkling of dark hair and short, clean toenails. Every inch of the man was sexy.

“You should be sleeping,” Nadia told him. “You have to be up early for practice.”

“I know,” he murmured. “But I can’t sleep.”

“Too wired?”

He nodded.

“Mind racing?”

His chest lifted on a soft exhalation of breath. “Yeah.”

Nadia studied him. Flickering lights from the television played across the hard angles of his face, highlighting his thick eyelashes and the dark beard growth on his jaw.

“What’s on your mind?” she gently probed.

When he didn’t respond, she tried not to take it personal. He got like this sometimes. Quiet, withdrawn, brooding. The moods usually passed, but while they lingered, he felt so distant from her. Impenetrable.

She tried a different question. “So how does it feel to be back home?”

“Feels good.” His expression softened. “There’s no place like home.”

She smiled. “I can’t wait to see more of it.”

He nodded. “I’ll take you sightseeing tomorrow after practice. I want to give you a tour of the community center, and I’ll show you some of my old stomping grounds and where I used to live.”

She grinned. “Sounds like a plan,” she said, excited at the prospect of getting visual glimpses into his past.

Her enthusiasm made him smile briefly before he fell silent, his lids at half mast as he stared unseeingly at the television. He looked like he was a million miles away. But when his picture suddenly appeared on the screen, he picked up the remote control and muted the television. He didn’t like hearing about himself, even though the commentary was overwhelmingly positive, littered with superlatives and glowing praise about his dominance and greatness on the ice. It was borderline sycophantic, really.

Still facing Reid, Nadia pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her cheek against the back of the sofa. The muted television had created a vacuum of silence between them. She didn’t mind silences, but this one felt weighted with sadness, and she didn’t know why.


Reid glanced at her.

“Big game coming up, huh?”

He nodded.

She reached over, tunneling her fingers through the thick strands of his hair. “Will you be disappointed if you don’t score your three hundredth goal during Saturday’s game?”

He smiled a little. “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean?”

“On one hand, it would mean a lot to me to reach that milestone right here in my hometown, in front of my family and friends. But on the other hand, I think it would be pretty special to celebrate in my own arena with Rebels fans. So…I guess I’m kinda torn.”

Nadia nodded, smiling. “I can totally understand that.” She paused. “Well, not
since I’ve never played hockey, but—”

Reid’s mouth twitched. “I know what you meant.”

She grinned, stroking his hair and massaging his scalp. She knew how much he loved her gentle caresses. She could already feel some of the tension dissipating from his body.

“So how did you get to be such an offensive scoring machine anyway?” she said teasingly. “You’re a defenseman, and you play with three other guys who are among the top scorers in the league.”

“True.” A small, lazy smile curved his lips. “When Viggo and I got drafted by the Rebels, the team was in pretty bad shape.”

“How bad?”

“We were lackluster on defense and downright abysmal offensively, and the team had never won a Stanley Cup. Frankly, it was embarrassing. Viggo and I were brought on board to help the Rebels become serious contenders, and we welcomed the challenge. It didn’t matter that we were rookies. We put the team on our backs and just did whatever we could, whatever was necessary, to win games. Being a defenseman wasn’t going to stop me from contributing offensively. I wanted to get the puck in the net at all costs, so I took just about every scoring opportunity I could get.”

Nadia smiled. “Hence the record-breaking rookie season you had, which got you selected to the All-Rookie Team. You and Viggo. You were a dynamic duo.”

Reid nodded, his eyes closed. “Once the Rebels traded for Hunter and then drafted Logan, those guys provided the missing pieces we needed. My style of play didn’t necessarily change. Coach still wanted me to put up big offensive numbers. But sharing the ice with three dominant forwards took a lot of pressure off me and allowed me to focus on improving other aspects of my game.”

Nadia nodded slowly. “That makes perfect sense.”

“Does it?” His voice was lazy. “I feel like I’m rambling.”

She laughed softly. “You’re not rambling. I understood everything you said. Knowing your playing history gives me an even greater appreciation and respect for everything you’ve accomplished.”

He nodded but made no comment.

Nadia watched him intently for a few moments. He was relaxed and pliant under her hand. It was the perfect moment to broach the subject he’d been evading almost from the day they met.



She hesitated. “Are you ever going to tell me why you stopped talking to reporters?”

He stilled, instantly tensing under her touch. As his expression darkened, she slowly withdrew her hand from his hair.

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