With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 (15 page)

Read With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 Online

Authors: J. L. Langley

Tags: #Romance

Daniel Eagle? Jake thought about it for a second. Daniel was the pack peacemaker and the coordinator, he was as recognizable as any of the betas. He and John were best friends, as were their mates. Jake could remember as a pup it was nearly impossible to get into a fight with the other pups without Daniel breaking them apart.

“He is not, however, my mate like Remi is yours. Lucky you, you don’t have to explain to your jealous mate about claiming your omega.” John patted his shoulder.

They walked further, Jake still concerned about letting Remi out of his sight. “What’s all this mean, John? Just give it to me straight.”

“It is time for you to form your own pack. When you claim your mate, you will be a pack alpha, Jake.”

“My own pack?”

“Think about it. You’ve always been a strong leader. Many of those men in that circle have been following you since you were kids. Your mate being an omega is no accident.”

“You’re asking me to leave the pack?”

“Essentially, yes. This isn’t punishment, Jake, it’s an honor. You shouldn’t think of it as exile, it’s not.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He could not leave the pack. If he left the pack, he’d have to leave the territory. Remi and Jake couldn’t leave Sterling. More to the point, Remi would not leave him. “I can’t, John. Remi can’t leave the area…not yet.”

John held up a hand. “Relax, I’ll give you some time if you need it. You and your pack can hunt on unmarked land. But given that the rest of the pack will eventually figure out why they’re reacting like this, it’s not going to be easy. Your pack is liable to have several fights on their hands. I’ll do my best, but I can’t promise anything. Which is why you and your pack must defend him tonight. Because these men have scented him, you have to make it clear that he is yours and you and your pack will defend him. I don’t expect trouble, but it needs to be made clear what the consequences will be should they decide to mess with Remi.”

Pack? Fuck, Jake’s heart felt like it was in his throat. “John, I don’t have a pack.”

“Don’t you? Those men back there protecting your claim to Remi, even though you have not marked him yet? Jake, they’re defending you and yours against the rest of their own pack.”

“They’re my friends.”

“You will discover that you do not get to choose who will follow you. They choose you, just as your omega has obviously chosen you.” John arched a brow. “You aren’t denying them, are you?”

“No, of course not. I don’t have any choice in this, do I?”

“As with most good men who come to lead, I’m afraid not. Remi being your mate takes that choice away. Unless you are prepared to let another alpha claim your omega as his?”

“Fuck no!”

John laughed. “I didn’t think so.”

“What do I have to do?”

John stopped walking and turned, looking him in the eye, his expression suddenly somber.

Goddamn it.
Why did Jake get the feeling he wasn’t going to like what John had to say? Jake frowned.

“You have to claim your omega, as you will have to every now and again so that others do not. Which shouldn’t be too difficult, since he’s also your mate. It’s why none of you know what Daniel is. As long as an omega has been and continues to be claimed by their alpha, no one, even in the pack, can sense that they are omegas. Which is essential. Otherwise you’d have alphas coming out of the woodwork trying to stake their own claim to your omega.”

“Claim him how?”

“He has to submit to you sexually and you must claim him with a bite.”

“I’ve claimed him as my mate.”
“Can’t I just go bite him?”

John shook his head. “I’m afraid not. The hormones released during sex interact with the ones released during the bite, which is what triggers their scent change. They must also physically submit.”

Jake closed his eyes, feeling damn near sick. Rough sex with others nearby? He could not do this to Remi. This would make him a monster in Remi’s eyes. “And if I don’t?”

“Someone else will.”


Remi’d suddenly inherited his own pack and Jake was now his alpha. And Remi was now an omega…whatever the hell that meant
He didn’t feel any different. Remi groaned and did his damnedest to not start yelling. How could they possibly fight all those men? What if…?

Gadget paced past Remi, shaking his head. “Carter’s holding them off now. Why can’t he tell them to fuck off and leave Remi alone, he’s ours?”

Tank nodded. “They have their own omega, don’t they?”

“Yeah.” Jake nodded.

Remi stood there amazed. They were arguing over him. He’d started feeling a connection to all of them when they’d first met, but it was getting stronger. It was hard to explain, and given how few people Remi actually considered friends, it made him feel better about the situation.

This whole thing was something right out of a movie. Gadget was right, John Carter was holding the rest of the pack off, or was he? Maybe it was their pack omega. Jake had said omegas could calm a pack. Remi glanced out over the pack, trying to figure out who the omega was. No one appeared to be doing anything to control them, yet they were definitely more composed than earlier. Then John Carter had shouted a command in a strange tone and everyone had frozen instantly, like they were under a spell or something. Now they all waited patiently, talking, almost like nothing had happened. It was eerie as hell and unnerving, since Remi now knew they were waiting for John Carter to allow them to challenge Jake.

“He’s giving us time to talk.” Rhys stood a few feet away from Jake, being his typical calm, cool and collected self.

Jake had been reluctant to tell them what was going on. The look on his face was pinched, uptight. He didn’t want to do this. Hell, neither did Remi, but they really didn’t have a choice.

Dago groaned, his fist clenching and unclenching. Tank kept fidgeting, and Gadget was about to wear a groove in the hard-packed dirt from pacing. Nick could not stop staring and growling at the crowd.

Remi went to Jake, needing his strength.

Placing his hands on Remi’s shoulders, Jake stared into Remi’s eyes. Like always, the muscles in Remi’s shoulders eased without his permission. His body was Jake’s to command. How did Jake do that? Remi was mad and scared, but it was like he could suddenly think clearly. He knew what he had to do. “It will be okay.”

Jake touched his cheek.

Remi stared into the big brown eyes and melted. Whenever Jake touched him his whole body came alive, sensitized. Remi had no choice but to follow willingly or be swept away. Changing into a wolf was similar, but not nearly as exciting. He closed his eyes, leaning into Jake’s hand, taking what he needed, willing Jake to do the same.

“Amazing.” Jake’s tone was soft, barely a whisper.

At the awe in Jake’s voice, Remi opened his eyes.

Jake stared past Remi. Running his thumb over Remi’s cheek, he jerked his head.

Remi turned.

Gadget had stopped pacing and was glaring out toward the other pack. Dago’s hands were no longer fisted. Zack, Nick and Tank were watching Remi and Jake. All of them were alert, but at ease. Like they were awaiting a command. How? Why?

“We’re theirs as much as they are ours.”

Remi didn’t quite understand it, but the sense of belonging was there nonetheless. They had a bond, all of them.

Jake kissed Remi, acting more like himself. When Jake pulled back, his brown eyes had shifted. He stared at Remi for several seconds, caressing his cheek, then abruptly stepped away. “Everyone, get rid of your clothes.” His voice had that same weird cadence to it that John Carter’s had earlier. Remi noticed the others seemed compelled to act. Instantly, their pack began to strip.

Remi stood frozen, amazed at this new development. “Jake?”

“Trust me. If they shift in clothes, they’ll get tangled and not be able to defend themselves.” Jake tossed his shirt away and reached for Remi again.

Damn it, Remi really hated this werewolf-culture shit. Glancing around, he noticed the guys were naked and fanning out around them, prepared to defend them, to fight for them.

Taking a deep breath, Remi let Jake’s scent invade his senses. A feeling of warmth filled him. His gums stung, his cock hardened. He could do this.

As the men talked, Jake undressed Remi. When Remi opened his eyes, his vision had changed. He watched in a daze as the other pack fought his friends. Some of them had already shifted.

Jake pulled Remi back into the trees, concealing them from view. His mouth slammed over Remi’s and his hot strong body melded against him.

Remi forgot about everything else. Need coursed through him, making him moan into Jake’s mouth. God, he needed Jake. It was like this every time he got close to Jake. Every time they touched or kissed. Remi couldn’t think beyond Jake, he wanted Jake.

Jake drew back until only the wet tip of his cock touched Remi’s stomach. “On your hands and knees, pup.”

Remi wanted to feel the soft skin of Jake’s balls on his nose, his cheek. He wanted that smell, the weight of Jake in his mouth, but he did as he was told. “Yes, sir.” Remi dropped to all fours, the title slipping easily from his lips. Remi’s ass clenched and unclenched as he thought back to the other day. The cool night breeze blew over his skin. His belly contracted. Damn, had he ever been this turned on? It was like waking from a wet dream in the middle of climax—it took his breath away. His cock throbbed in anticipation and his balls were so tight they were nearing pain. He could feel Jake’s heat behind him. Why wasn’t Jake hurrying? Remi whimpered, pushing back toward his mate. “Please…”

Jake growled, his hand touching the middle of Remi’s back.

Remi obeyed the unspoken command to be still. A chill ran down his spine and his neck began to itch. He wanted Jake’s cock inside him very badly.

Now that Remi knew what awaited him, he could almost imagine the feeling. He moaned and shivered, remembering how it felt when Jake pulled almost all the way out and then pushed in.

Suddenly, Jake’s fingers were in his crease, wet and slippery. Jake speared two fingers into him.

“Oh fuck.” Remi moved back, his ass squeezing those fingers. His cock felt like it was about to burst. His stomach tensed and he could think of nothing but getting Jake inside of him.

Groaning, Jake lined his prick up and pushed right in.

Remi gasped for air, his ass swallowing Jake and milking his cock. The burning feeling shot through him. A tingle raced over his spine, making his arms and legs feel almost heavy. Within seconds the twinge of pain was gone. Panting and pushing, Remi fucked himself on Jake’s prick.

After a few seconds, Jake drew back. Then, gripping Remi’s hips, Jake pounded into him over and over, making his balls slap hard against Remi’s ass.

The sound of men fighting just beyond the trees seemed miles away. Remi let out a low keening sound, dropped his head and further exposed his nape. It felt so good, the cool air on the tip of his prick, Jake’s cock sliding in and out of his hole. He didn’t want it to ever stop.

Jake fell forward on one hand, his fingers digging into Remi’s hip with the other. Rooting his face against Remi’s neck, Jake growled. The sound was low, deep and possessive, stating better than words that Remi was his.

The skin on the back of Remi’s neck crawled, feeling hot and itchy, just as it had this afternoon. Remi whimpered. “Bite me. Please bite me.” He needed Jake’s teeth. If Jake would claim him, mark him, Remi could come. He didn’t know how he knew that but he did. Oh God, he wanted to come.

If Jake didn’t bite him soon, he was going to go crazy.

Jake’s teeth clamped down on Remi’s neck where it met his shoulder. The fangs pierced his flesh and Remi yelled. His body stiffened, his ass clenched around Jake’s cock and he came. The pain morphed into pleasure, racking his body.

Jake thrust forward once again. “Mine!” He came, filling Remi’s ass.

Remi’s hands and knees hurt, rocks and twigs digging into them. Funny he hadn’t felt that before. His muscles were so loose…tired.

Jake let go of Remi’s neck and Remi collapsed. He gasped as his body gave out, unable to even hold his head up.

Jake slid his hand off Remi’s hip and wrapped an arm around Remi’s chest, tugging Remi backward against his chest. “Mmm…” Jake’s nose tickled Remi’s neck, nuzzling.

Remi sighed and snuggled into his mate’s warm body. Something tickled, trailing over his shoulder, making him open his eyes. Blood. The red drop trickled down his chest, pooling in the crease of his leg where it joined his body.

Swiping the wound with his tongue, Jake held Remi closer.

Remi moaned. The feeling of Jake’s tongue radiated out, making his cock threaten to rise again. Oh he could so get used to submitting. If this was what it felt like to give in, to please his mate… He wanted to do it again.

“Holy shit,” someone murmured.

Remi realized they had an audience. How had he forgotten?

Every one of their gang stood just inside the tree line watching them, bloody and bruised with shifted eyes and teeth. The clearing was nearly empty. Only their family remained.

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