30 Days (10 page)

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Authors: K Larsen


His eyes flutter open leisurely exposing the deep hazel color that captivates me. I don't think I could ever get sick of him, of his eyes. Of what they express wordlessly each time they meet mine.

“Morning babe.” He sighs. I kiss his chest in response before resting my head on it.

“I still can't believe you can play an instrument
sing.” I gush softly.

“Still stuck on that?” He chuckles.

“Well it is pretty amazing you know.” He squeezes me gently into his lean firm frame. Every touch undoes me a little more.

“Hey.” He murmurs into my hair.


“It’s raining.”

“I noticed.”

“It’s on the list. We should take advantage of the rainy day. We don’t have to go in order right?” He playfully asks.

“It’s not in any order specifically...” I trail off smirking. “I’d at least like to brush my teeth and have coffee first.”

“Deal.” He says kissing my temple before rolling out of bed and disappearing into the bathroom.


I hop out of bed stretch and stroll to the kitchen to start the coffee maker before heading back to the bathroom. Colin smacks my butt as we pass each other making me laugh. As I brush my teeth I can’t help but wonder when all this will come crashing down around me. I have no idea if that guy Ryan hired is still looking for me or if Ryan is looking for me. I’ve been careful to use only cash for everything and my prepaid cell phone has only been used to call my lawyer and Colin. Still, if I’m found it would be torture waiting for everything with my lawyer to be set in motion. To be torn away from Colin and all the happiness I’ve found. I push the thoughts down until I don’t feel them anymore, spit and rinse.


“Coffee dear.” Colin has the worst fake English accent ever.

“Brilliant!” I give it a try sounding equally lame. We both fall into a fit of laughter. We sit tucked into each other on the couch, me reading a book, Colin flipping through the paper enjoying our coffee.

“Elle?” Something is off. I can hear it in his tone. I shut the book giving him my full attention.

“What is it?” I question.

He folds the section of the paper in half then hands it to me. My picture, albeit a blonde me, stares back at me.


South Carolina husband pleads for return of wife who went missing over a week ago


A South Carolina husband is pleading for the return of his wife after she vanished without a trace over a week ago. At a candlelight vigil held outside their home Saturday night, Ryan Darling spoke out publicly for this first time since Elle Darling disappeared, the Daily Herald reported.

"Elle, if you can see this, "I want you home. I love you. I miss you." Darling, who was the first to report them missing, said. It’s possible that Darling’s missing wife may be a danger to herself. If seen please contact the local police.



My coffee drops to the ground spilling everywhere and startling me. I immediately drop the paper scrambling to the kitchen for paper towels to clean the mess. I’m trembling violently upon return dropping to my knees trying to sop up the mess I’ve made. Unexpectedly I’m hoisted off the floor, turning and seated on Colin’s lap. His hands come to either side of my face forcing me to look at him.

“It’s ok. I won’t let you go back.” He says in a hushed voice. “I won't let you go back to that.” He says determinedly. His face is strong and firm. I nod once before my head tumbles to his chest and the tears start.

“Elle.” He says softly after a moment. “Why does it say you’re a possible danger to yourself?” I sniffle trying to kill a second.

“I...It’s probably just a ploy he’s using.” I lie. The second the lie is out of my mouth I feel despicable. He continues to rub my back tenderly while guilt washes over me. Why I can't tell him everything I don't know. I just can't. It might change the way he looks at me and I couldn't bear that.

“I’m sorry about the mess.” I grouse.

“Elle, who cares about spilled coffee?”

“Ryan. Ryan would have. He would have screamed and thrown things and expected me to tend to it immediately.” Embarrassment and shame cover my face. He lifts my chin until I’m eye to eye with him.

“I’m. Not. Him.” He says firmly.

“I know! I know Colin. It’s been
though. I can't undo years in a week. I’m trying. Really. I am.” His eyes take in mine and he kisses me sweetly.


Standing abruptly he carries me out the back door onto the deck. The rains pelting down now, the water saturating us almost instantly. He sets me to me feet carefully and watches me silently. I can feel my hair matted to the sides of my face, dripping at the ends. Each drop hitting the tops of my breasts. My breathing erratic. Rivulets of water make unpredictable paths down Colin’s face, darting this way and that. I have to blink rapidly to keep the water out of my eyes as I look up to his face. A streamlet of water cascades down his handsome face pooling at his chin before dripping off. I push up on my toes and catch it with my tongue. He’s rooted to his spot simply watching my every move. His shirt clings to him making me want to mold my soft spots with his hard. When a droplet of rain drips from the end of his nose onto his upper lip I wrap my arms around his neck while on my tip toes and pull him to me. My tongue darts out, capturing the bead of water as I slowly run my tongue over his soft warm lips.


He comes unglued from his spot then. Hands fisting my hair and pulling me impossibly further into him. His kiss is hard, deep and frantic as we desperately try to cling to each other. One hand trails the length of my spine to the top of my ass pushing me into his hardness. I moan against his teeth gasping for air as a shot of heat lands straight between my legs.


He moves his lips to my neck licking and sucking the tributaries from me. I push against him sending us tumbling back into the house, me landing on top of him, a puddle gathering under us. We fight to strip off our wet clothes without breaking contact. Shucking everything away he rolls me under him and plunges in. Pulling out and pushing in, my hips buck wildly needing more. “Come with me Elle.” He thrusts over and over, deeper and deeper making every nerve in my body stand at attention until my legs quiver uncontrollably and I come hard with him. We lay in a wet mess on the living room floor panting for air tangled in each other’s arms.

“I think we covered kissing in the rain pretty well.” My voice is breathy and uneven.

“I think you’re right.” He chuckles then sobers. His eyes glimmering with truth. “I’m never letting you go, Elle.” The sincerity and warmth emulating from him sucks the air from my lungs and I’m sure my eyes bug out. “I don't want you to.” I admit. We lay knotted together on the hard floor just being.

DAY 10


“Faster Elle. Jab, cross hook. Move your feet.” Colin pushes. We’re in the ring sparri
ng together. He’s quick and skilled and my attempts barely make contact. Sweat drips down my chest and back. My breath comes in short bursts as I try land a good one on him. Someone walks by the ring and in Colin’s moment of distraction I implement his teachings catching him with a hook and sending him stumbling backwards a few steps. The moment it happens my arms fall to my sides and panic sweeps through me as I rush to his side.

“I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” I pant at him. He shakes it off smiling at me.

“That was great! You’re getting much better.” He encourages. A slow smile spreads over my face and warms my belly.


“Yeah. Now come on, let’s go again.” And then we’re back at it. I’ve been learning how to block, dodge and keep control of myself until I can land a winning shot. It’s a great workout but Colin’s also doing this for a reason outside the list now, so I can protect myself if needed or at least put up a fight. Our second time around I land a couple of good jabs but mostly dart around the ring blocking. I know Colin goes easy on me with the force of his hits but he doesn't go easy in any other way and ends up kicking my butt. I’m spent and in desperate need of a shower.

“Go shower. You did great today.” He affirms.

“You still kicked my ass.” I jest.

“You’re still seven inches shorter and ninety pounds lighter. You did good.” He says firmly as if he’s willing me to believe it, in myself. I climb between the ropes, hopping down to the mats and head for my much needed shower.

“So I’ll see you at one?” I ask freshly showered.

“Yeah, I’ll pick you up.” Colin replies before leaning in and stealing a kiss and my breath.



The sun beats down on me as I make the short walk to my cottage.
Jenny I’m missing you like crazy today. I wish you could know Colin. I wish you could see my smile. The way he treats me.
I blow out a breath and smile up to the clouds as if she can see me.

I walk around the cottage and following the path to the beach. The wind whips my hair around my face as I sink into the sand and lean back. I close my eyes, listening to the waves crashing at the shore and let the sun warm me. I have a feeling it’s going to be a good day.


“Elle?” A deep voice carries over the wind. “Elle!” My eyes drift open and I’m briefly confused as I take in my surroundings. Pushing up onto my elbows I realize I’ve fallen asleep on the beach. “Elle!!” Colin’s voice carries with the wind, now worried and frantic.

“Down here!” I shout towards the cottage. His large frame appears at the crest of the dune his face troubled until he sees me.

“Crap. You scared me. You weren't at home and didn't answer your cell.” He says plopping down next to me and brushing a wild strand of hair out of my face.

“Sorry.” I yawn. “I fell asleep out here.”

“Late night?” He winks.

“One could say that.” I flirt back.

“Tommy’s expecting us at the shelter in half an hour.”

“Well then, let’s go!” I brush the sand off my hands and take Colin’s outreached hand letting him pull me up. His fingers tangle in my hair and he tousles it around playfully.

“Sand.” He explains when I duck and squeal at him. I grab his hand twining our fingers together and tug him towards the path chuckling. Ben’s friend Tommy runs an animal shelter just outside of town and happily agreed to let Colin and I volunteer for the afternoon. I adore animals. We always had dogs or cats growing up. Ryan detests pets and would never allow us one so I’m excited to spend a the afternoon showering attention on the abandoned animals at the shelter.


Because of my unexpected nap on the beach we’re a smidge late arriving at the Fontaine Animal Shelter. A tall thin man approaches us with a warm smile in the lobby.

“Colin! Good to see you again.” He says.

“You too Tommy. Thanks for having us today.” Colin takes his hand shaking it firmly.

“This is Elle. Elle, this is Tommy, the man in charge.”

“Nice to meet you Tommy.”

“Likewise.” He claps his hands together smiling. “Shall I put you two to work?”

Colin and I nod our heads and follow Tommy’s lead through a set of double doors. Rows and rows of cages line a long hallway. Dogs of all shapes, sizes and ages bark and wag their tails at our approach.

“We have fifty dogs right now and we’re perpetually short staffed. Generally we have the volunteers
feed, bathe and walk them. They’ve already been fed this morning though so you can skip that.” He shows Colin and I to the bathing station and where the supplies are before showing us where to find the leashes. Once we’re comfortable with what we’ve been tasked with Tommy leaves us returning to his office.


“Well... let’s get started.”  I prompt. Colin and I fall effortlessly into an easy routine. I bring the dogs one at a time while he washes them. I dry and bring them back. Colin is drenched after the first five dogs making us both roll with laughter every time another one shakes sending water flying. At four we stop washing, letting Tommy know which dog we stopped at. I grab two leashes and pick the two most pathetic looking dogs to start with. I couldn't resist their big sad eyes and wagging tails.

“I think more water hit you than the dogs.” I giggle to Colin as we walk around the block.

“It feels that way.” He chuckles glancing down at his water logged shirt and back to me.

“You should have washed.” He waggles his brows at me and stares at my white tee shirt.

“Perv.” I smack him playfully on the arm.

“Yup.” He grins.


We manage to walk eight dogs by the time the shelter is closing. The five hours spent together today were wonderful. There’s’ something about giving selflessly that makes me feel good about myself. Colin was a champ too, never complaining and more than happy to be at my side. It’s easy being with him, almost too easy. A tiny part of my brain is still waiting for his true colors to come flying out when I least expect it. My gut though,
tells me that I’ve found something rare and shouldn't hold back. I can’t ignore the inexplicable draw I feel to him so I shove all my doubt away as best I can.

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