500 Days (24 page)

Read 500 Days Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #new author, #adult, #contemporary, #new adult

I slowly uncrossed my arms and shook it.

Alex,” he repeated.
“Tough name for a tough girl.”

Before I could respond, Casper came out of
the club looking for me. “There you are. I was looking all over for
you. Are you okay?”

That’s my cue to leave.
It was nice meeting you, Alex,” he gave a shy wave and headed

Who was that?” Casper
asked a little defensively.

I shrugged. “Just some guy seeing if I was
alright. What do you want, Casper?”

You looked kind of
spooked in there and you took off. I was worried.”

You were worried about
me?” I raised my brows, teasingly.

He wiped a fresh tear off my cheek with his
thumb. “I was just making sure I didn’t do something I would have
to make up for later,” he winked.

I laughed. “No, this was all me. I’m a
glutton for punishment.”

He frowned. “It’s not about that Colby guy,
is it?” I looked at him a little surprised. “It’s obvious there’s
something going on there.”

Was…but it’s not
important any way. Lesson learned. Come on, let’s go get a drink.”
I took a step to walk back into the club when Casper put a soft
hand on my shoulder. Despite the chill in the air I felt nothing
but heat underneath his touch. I closed my eyes for a second,
trying to control my breathing.

Alex, for what it’s
worth, he wasn’t good enough for you.” My shoulders sagged and he
dropped his hand. The spot he touched was still burning.

I looked at him over my shoulder. “Thanks

He smiled softly and pulled me back into the
club where we rejoined Declan and everyone at the bar.

I sat all alone at the tables while everyone
else danced and had a good time. Not wanting to let stupid boys get
to me, I poured myself another shot and then another. Just as I was
about to pour one more someone capped the bottle. I turned to glare
at the person who dared to ruin my fun. Of course, it was Casper.
“You know, alcohol poisoning is not a fun way to celebrate your

Look, I already have four
dads, I don’t need another,” I snapped. He raised a brow at me and
I tilted my head to where my brothers were standing.

I tried to pull the bottle back but in my
current condition he was stronger and managed to get it away from
me. “One more won’t hurt.” I crossed my arms tightly over my

Alex, I want you to have
fun, but not at the expense of some douchebag.” I looked at him
funny. “Clearly that guy over there has upset you.” I wanted to say
that wasn’t true, but I couldn’t deny it.

He’s not a douchebag,” I
said softly. “And he’s just a friend.”

Oh yeah, then why are you
so upset?”

I’m not, see.” I gave him
my best exaggerated smile.

He chuckled softly. “Let’s dance.” He held
out a hand for me.

With you? No thank

It’s just a dance. What’s
the worst that could happen?”

I could freak out again
because I thought you were some mystery stranger I hooked up with
six months ago,”
I said to myself. Casper
stood there expectantly. I hesitantly slipped my hand into his as
he led me out to the dance floor. Declan cheered as we joined her,
Colton, and Jaxson. I decided to let myself go and just have fun.
We spent the next hour on the dance floor. We all had sweat
dripping down our faces but I didn’t care. I was having a blast. I
was dancing with Declan when someone bumped into me and knocked me
back into Casper. “It’s okay, I got you.” He had no idea how true
that statement was. When I didn’t move, he allowed his hands to
slip around my waist. My whole body started to heat up. I began to
sway my hips back and forth to the music, enjoying being wrapped up
in his strong arms. I ran my hands across his, closed my eyes, and
let my body move with his to the music. I could feel his grip start
to slip and all I wanted was for him to hold me tighter. I slipped
my hands behind me, gripped his waist and pulled him so close he
had no choice but to grind up against me. I heard a small grunt as
I rubbed my behind up and down his thighs.

You need to stop that or
I might get the wrong idea,” he whispered into my ear. His warm
breath brushed across my skin. I thought I was going to lose it. I
turned around to face him. Ours lips were only an inch apart. I
stared into his lovely blue
gray eyes and I nearly lost myself.
My head was clouded with so many emotions. Casper brushed a thumb
across my cheek making my knees wobble.

You okay?”

All this dancing is
starting to take a toll on my feet,” I said, pointing to my

Why don’t we take a break
then,” he smiled, helping me back to the table.

We ended up closing the
bar. Colton and Jacob were the only two who weren’t drunk. Jaxson
had passed out on the bar twenty minutes ago leaving himself
free game. When he woke up in the
morning he was going to learn never to be the first one to pass
out. We all took turns drawing on his face. I gave him a moustache
and mini goatee while Jasper – the artist – drew a very detailed
penis on his cheek in the direction of his mouth. Jacob drew sperm
on his lip and chin while Declan wrote Jackass across his forehead.
We were laughing so hard I was surprised he didn’t wake up. We took
several pictures to send Jack. Despite the few bumps throughout the
night everything ended on a good note.

I was ready to call it a night. It was close
to three in the morning and I knew if I consumed any more liquor I
would look like Jaxson. “You ready Alex?” Declan asked.

I nodded. “I just have to tinkle first.”

I’ll come with you.” She
hopped off her stool and linked her arm in mine. She checked her
makeup in the mirror while I did my business. “Did you have fun

I opened the door of my stall and walked out
to wash my hands. “I had a great time. Thank you. Did I ever tell
you how much I love you and that you’re the bestest cousin

She was sitting on the edge of the sink.
“Yes, but don’t thank me, thank Casper.” I looked at her confused.
“He was the one who planned the party and set everything up. He was
the one who got us reservations at Echo and made it so that
everything was taken care of.”

I had forgotten that Declan had told me all
this in the beginning of the night. I leaned my hip up against the
sink. “You’re kidding, why would he do all that? He can’t stand

Declan rolled her eyes. “You two don’t know
how perfect you are for each other.”

Huh?” I asked.

She hopped off the sink. “He claims he did
all of that to make up for the fact that he was an asshole to you
and for giving you a black eye.”

I sunk down pressing my palms on the cool,
pink tile. “He really did all that because he felt bad?” She
nodded. I wasn’t sure what to say or how I should take it.

She slipped an arm behind my back. “Let’s go
home.” I smiled and followed her out the door. When we got back to
the bar, Gus was mopping something foul off the floor and my
brothers were missing.

Where’s Jax, Jas and

Gus leaned on the long wooden pole. “Jaxson
finally woke up. I suggested they take him home.” When I looked
down at the floor again I understood why.

Oh Gus, I’m

Don’t worry. I’ll just
dock a few bucks from your pay to make up for it,” he said as he
went back to pushing the mop back and forth. Jaxson so owed

How am I going to get
home now? Jacob was my ride.”

I can drop you off. I
didn’t drink tonight,” Colton offered.

You don’t want to go home
now. The party just started,” Casper said, grabbing a six pack to

Cas, I’m sure she wants
to go home.” Colton gave Casper a suspicious look.

But she can’t,” he
blurted out.

Why not?” I

Because I haven’t given
you your present yet. So you can’t go home because it’s at our

I’m sure she can get it
tomorrow,” Declan protested.

No,” Colton and Casper
both said with a little desperation in their voices.

Curious I said, “What the hell? I’m not
tired. You mind?” Of course Declan wouldn’t mind because that meant
she got to spend more time with Colton. All four of us piled into
Colton’s truck.


Chapter 11



On the way back to our place, Alex had sat
in the back with me and it took everything I had not to pull her
against my side. From the moment I saw her tonight I knew Declan
and Colton were right. I liked this girl and I liked her a lot. She
looked absolutely stunning in that red dress and heels and all
night I kept imagining taking it off her. I knew she was only
dancing with me to make that Colby guy jealous, but I didn’t care.
I got to touch her, hold her, and just be with her. At first it
didn’t bother me that she was thinking of someone else, but when I
found her outside and I knew she was crying – I hated it. I wanted
to run back inside and beat the shit out of the schmuck who made
her cry. Instead I kept my cool, because Alex was finally warming
up to me and I didn’t want to do something to screw that up

I somehow found a way for her to come back
to my house voluntarily. Now was my chance to show her I cared. I
knew the only reason Colton agreed to bring her back was because he
was ready to get rid of that cat. Apparently he’s allergic.

When we arrived, I opened the door for Alex,
and helped her out. She gave me the sweetest smile and linked her
arm through mine while she rested her head on my shoulder. I had a
feeling she drank more than what she was letting on. If she only
knew what this was doing to me. I helped her take off her shoes
before we went up the steps. I was afraid if she fell I wouldn’t be
steady enough to catch her. I convinced Colton and Declan to have a
beer with us before they retreated to Colton’s room. I was scared I
wouldn’t be able to control myself if I was left alone with

Alex suggested we play cards. We played
until we finished the six pack. Declan and Colton were more than
ready for bed and so was Alex and I was running out of ideas to
keep them here. “Oh hey, where’s my present?” Alex asked, suddenly
remembering through her drunken stupor.

It’s in my

Declan gave me a nasty look and was about to
open her mouth, but Colton put a hand on her knee to stop her.
“It’s not what you think. Come on.” Colton tried to pull Declan to
bed but she was too concerned about Alex.

I’m tired,” Alex slurred,
resting her head on her hand.

How about after I give
you your present you can sleep in my bed and I’ll crash on the

Her hand dropped. “Fine, but you have to
change the sheets first. I’m not sleeping in other peoples’ bodily

Alex, I’m the only one
who sleeps in that bed.”

Yeah okay, next you’re
going to tell me you being a ladies’ man is just an act because
you’re really gay.” Declan snorted at Alex’s comment making Alex

I stifled my groan. “I’m telling the truth.
That’s my personal space. I don’t bring girls back here.”

Alex blinked slowly, her heavy eyes
searching an answer from Declan. “It’s true. He doesn’t.”

Alright,” she conceded. I
did a little victory cheer in my head. “But no funny business. I’m
still healing from the last time.” She pointed and almost poked
herself in the eye. Too out of it to even keep her head up, she
laid it down on her arms.

I’m telling you right
now, if you try anything I will castrate you,” Declan warned. “She
is too drunk to make any logical decisions.”

I promise Declan. You
have my word. I wouldn’t do that to her.” And that was the

You know I can hear you,”
Alex mumbled through her arms.

Colton chuckled and pulled a reluctant
Declan to his room. I nudged Alex softly. “Alex…Alex…” She peeked
up at me. “Come on.”

She moaned. “I don’t want to get up.” Okay,
maybe the few extras beers weren’t such a great idea. I brought her
up into a sitting position, keeping a gentle hold on her while I
pulled out her chair. Slipping an arm under her legs and one around
her back, I picked her up and carried her to my room. This was more
of a challenge then I thought it would be. I tried my best not to
stumble or drop her. A small struggle with the doorknob and I got
the door open and laid her down on the bed.

Alex,” I whispered,
pushing her hair out of her face. She blinked a few times before
she opened her eyes. She smiled and dear god didn’t that smile take
my breath away. “Do you want your present now or tomorrow when you
wake up?”

She pushed herself up into a sitting
position. “No, now.” She held out her hands. I smiled and went into
the bathroom to retrieve the kitty and instantly groaned when I saw
it had destroyed the toilet paper again. I should have known
better. I scooped him up and walked back out into the bedroom.

Close your eyes,” I told

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