500 Days (27 page)

Read 500 Days Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #new author, #adult, #contemporary, #new adult

Did you have fun last
night?” I almost choked on my eggs. “I meant at your party,” he

Oh, yes. I had a great
time, thank you.” He creased his brows. “Declan told me you planned
the whole thing. You didn’t have to do that.”

I owed you.”

Consider your debt paid
in full.” He blushed slightly. “I think you might be Jaxson’s new
best friend.”

He chuckled. “How mad are you going to be if
I told you I hooked your brother up with one of my friends?”

I almost dropped my fork. “Which one?”

Which friend or which

Both,” I

He tried to hide his smile. “Jaxson. I
figured everyone should get some on their birthday.” I eyed him
suspiciously. He smiled slyly while piling more pancakes on his
plate. I just shook my head and finished my breakfast.

It must have been hard
being the only girl growing up with three brothers.”

Four, remember. I have
another brother, Jack. He’s in the marines and currently stationed
in Iraq.”

Sorry he had to miss your

I shrugged. “I’m used to it. Besides, I got
to see him in June. He was able to make it home for Jacob’s

I’m sure your parents are
proud of Jack.” I put down my fork, no longer hungry.

He sat up straight. “I’m sorry, I

I fidgeted with my hair trying to think of a
way to get around the subject. “It’s okay. I’m used to it.”

You want to talk about
it?” I shook my head no. Sensing my unease, he switched topics. He
gave me a small smile. I felt a flutter in my stomach and I
instinctively placed my hand over my belly. “You okay?” he asked,
noticing my slight discomfort.

I think I just ate too
much.” I pounded my chest and let out a loud burp. “Excuse me,” I
said sweetly. He looked at me eyes wide, not believing that manly
burp actually came out of me. “Four brothers,” I reminded

That was kind of weak,”
he teased. I looked at him strange. “You forget our first

I wouldn’t exactly call
that a date.”

Oh, no? What would you
call it then?”

A horrible

Oh come on. It wasn’t
that bad.” I raised a brow at him. “It paved the way for our new
found friendship.”

I laughed, making my side hurt. He scooped
up Lucky and then came around the other side of the breakfast bar
and held out his hand. He pulled me down the hall and into his
bedroom. Kicking off his shoes, he sat on the bed and placed Lucky
beside him. He took off his shirt and then his pants; he pulled
back the blanket and slipped his legs in.

Come on,” he patted the
spot next to him. My body stilled, not understanding what he was
trying to do. I thought we had established we were going to try the
friend thing, but clearly he thought maybe he could try to push for
friends with benefits.

What…are you

Taking a nap. You said
you didn’t feel good so I thought you would like to lie down for a
while and I thought you would be more comfortable in here
on the couch.”

Why don’t you sleep on
the couch then?” I crossed my arms and waited for him to try to use
an excuse out of this one.

Because this is my bed.
You should be thankful I’m being nice enough to share.” I rolled my
eyes and walked over to join him. I felt a small tingle when I
climbed into the bed next to him. It was like my body was excited
with the prospect of just lying next to him.
Traitor body.

I pulled the covers up to my shoulder and
turned on my side. He rolled over and did the same, allowing Lucky
to squeeze his way in between us. His eyes turned dark, just the
way they did right before he kissed me last night. I felt that
flutter in my stomach again and I swallowed. “So, um, you have any
brothers or sisters?” I asked, needing a distraction.

I have two sisters and
two brothers and my dad just informed me he and the babysitter will
be delivering another one.” I looked at him funny. “My dad’s wife.
She’s only three years older than me.”

Oh.” It was obvious from
his tone he wasn’t a fan of his stepmother so I knew I needed to
tread lightly. “Tell me about your brothers and

Candice is the oldest.
She’s married and a stay at home mom with a five year daughter who
happens to adore her uncle Cas.”

I’m sure she does. You
probably fill her up with sugar.”

Only on the weekends,” he

Are you the

No, I’m the middle child.
I have a younger sister Cecelia who is seventeen – same age as my
half-brother Cayden. He was a product of an affair my dad had on my
mom. He knocked up his mistress a month after he did my

Wow, no wonder you’re so
messed up,” I teased. He pinched me. “Hey,” I said, smacking him.
He chuckled softly. His eyes lit up and I could feel goose bumps
all over my skin. He reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind my
ear. The skin burned where his fingers brushed. I cleared my
throat. “You said you have two brothers?”

Yeah, Colton.” I looked
at him strange. “He’s not really my brother. His parents were good
friends with mine and when they died in a plane crash my dad took
Colton in and adopted him. We grew up together and Colton was
always there for me
so blood or not I will always consider him a

I understand. That’s how
I feel about Declan even though we actually
related. She helped me through a
lot of hard times.”

You two are really close,
aren’t you?”

I nodded. “We all are. Growing up in a house
with all boys, Declan really came to the rescue when I needed girl
advice or just a break from the overload of testosterone.”

That would explain all
the pent up anger.”

I don’t have pent up
anger,” I growled.

The corners of his lips started to twitch
into a grin. “Oh no? So you just pummel random guys for the hell of

Hey, every one of them
deserved it. It’s not my fault you pigs can’t keep your hands to
yourselves.” He chuckled and I punched him.

Ow,” he whined, rubbing
his shoulder. “So violent.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

We spent the next hour talking. We talked
about everything and anything until I could no longer keep my eyes
open. I yawned, covering my mouth. “Close your eyes,” Casper
whispered. “Get some sleep.”

I did as he told me and relaxed into the
smooth sheets. “Casper?”

Mm?” he

I’m really glad we
decided to do this friend thing.”

Me too,” he smiled


The next two weeks flew by
and before I knew it school was just around the corner. Casper and
I went back to our old routine of slinging insults, but with a
little less insulting and more teasing and he only used his little
pet names for me when he thought I was being a bitch – so he says.
We hung out almost every other day which made Declan happy because
she was spending so much time with Colton she felt bad for me being
all alone. I told Casper he didn’t have to babysit me and I would
hate to keep him from his
. He assured me he didn’t
mind. He too was getting sick of watching Declan and Colton swap
spit and listening to them have sex in the next room. Apparently
Declan wasn’t as quiet as she thought she was and when I teased her
about it she said it was Colton not her.

Casper and I continued to
‘the friend thing’
. We went to the movies, hung out, and played cards. We went
out to bars together and I even let him beat me at pool a few
times. As much as I actually enjoyed hanging out with Casper, I
needed some girl time. So Declan and I made plans to go out the
weekend before school started.

After spending half the day moving Jacob’s
stuff into Jasper and Jax’s and the other half into his dorm room I
was ready to have a night out. “So why is Jacob living in the dorms
again?” Declan asked as we both crashed on the couch.

He said he wants to get
the full college experience.” I rolled my eyes. “I give it a month
before he realizes dorm life isn’t what it’s all cracked up to

You’d think he wouldn’t
want to live in the dorms after spending most of his life in one at

I shrugged. “Maybe it’s just what he’s used

So, where do you want to
go tonight?”

I don’t care. Anywhere
but Angels and Demons.”

Deal,” she

I was about to lie down for a nap when my
phone rang. I groaned and sat up to see who it was. The display
showed a picture of Casper and Lucky in a stare off. “Hello,” I

Hello to you too,

I bit back the insult on my tongue. “What do
you want Casper?”

My fraternity is having a
party tonight. Kind of a welcome back party and introduction for
new students who want to pledge and I want you to come.”


What do you mean

Declan and I are having a
girl’s night which does not involve spending the night with a bunch
of frat brothers.”

Oh, come on. There will
be other girls there. It will be fun. Jaxson is coming and he’s
even bringing Jacob.”

I sat up. “What?” His silence told me he
didn’t anticipate my disapproval of my brothers attending the
party. “Why is Jacob going?”

I told you it’s an
introduction party. Jaxson told me Jacob was interested in joining
a fraternity and asked if it was okay if he brought him by. I
didn’t think you would care.”

I sighed, frustrated. “I don’t…I just…I
don’t like the idea of my little brother in a fraternity. He’s only
eighteen Cas.”

I promise you, you have
nothing to worry about. Our fraternity isn’t like the others. We
don’t haze and everyone here looks out for each other. Why don’t
you and Declan go out and do your girlie thing,” I rolled my eyes
even though he couldn’t see me. “And when you’re done you can stop
by here and check it out for yourself.”

I’m not making any
promises, but I’ll talk to Declan.”

It’ll be fun. I promise.
I’ll see you later.”

Hey Cas?”


If anything happens to
Jacob or Jaxson I will skin you alive.”

Got it.” I hung up the
phone and fell back on the bed. So much for girls’ night


Chapter 13



I did a celebratory fist pump when I hung up
with Alex. Once she said she’d talk to Declan about it I knew it
was a done deal. Colton had already told me Declan promised Alex a
girl’s night out, but I knew all I had to do was dangle the
prospect of Declan getting the chance to hang out with Colton while
hanging with Alex and she would take the bait. I also secretly knew
if I mentioned about her brothers being there Alex’s protective
instinct would kick in and she would feel she had to be there to
make sure nothing happened to them. It was a bonus that Jaxson just
happened to call me and ask me about the party tonight.

I had already spent a few
days with Alex this week, but that wasn’t enough. Ever since we
slept together on her birthday I felt more distance from her.
Instead of getting closer we grew further apart. There was still
that awkward
that hung in the air. We both tried to play it
off but knew it was inevitable. I tried to avoid Alex at first,
knowing I needed to clear my head and figure these feelings out. I
was successful, until Declan called me and said she didn’t want
Alex to be alone and asked if I could hang out with her. I should
have said no. I should have said I was busy but I knew Declan would
be able to see right through my bullshit.

A few hours turned into a day. That day
turned into the next and then the next day after that. I couldn’t
get enough of her and eventually we both relaxed enough to put that
night behind us. It was never forgotten, but never mentioned and
the weirdness in the atmosphere eventually subsided allowing us
both to act normal around each other.

I shouldn’t have tried to home in on her
time with Declan, but I just wanted to see her. Call me selfish,
but I felt better when she was around. I’m not sure what it was
about her, but she just made me feel good. As long as I was hanging
with Alex I was okay not hooking up with girls. She kept me
distracted so I wouldn’t think about the fact that I haven’t had
sex with anyone since her. I couldn’t. After I found out she was my
dream girl, literally, I knew no one would compare. They wouldn’t
be good enough. The hard part about being around her was that I
still thought about sex, but I thought about having it with

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