500 Days (47 page)

Read 500 Days Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #new author, #adult, #contemporary, #new adult

I didn’t know how much more I could take and
I knew he was far from finished. I ran my hands through his hair as
his tongue caressed my clit. Slowly he slipped in a finger and then
two. My whole body shook as he pressed low on my stomach to keep me
from moving. He picked up speed as his fingers moved in and out and
his tongue slowly gained momentum. I let out a small cry. “Casper,”
I gasped. I tried to pull him back up to me but he pushed my hands

Casper please, I want
you. I need you now,” I begged, but he didn’t stop. I could feel it
building up inside of me and knew I was going to come soon if he
didn’t stop. My heels dug into the bed and my legs shook. He
slipped his fingers out when I was done and pressed a small kiss,
flicking his tongue out once, making me gasp. I yanked him up to me
needing to please him the way he did me. I slipped my hand down the
front of his boxers causing him to moan. I went to sit up but he
pushed me back down shaking his head.

I told you to let me
lead,” he smiled. I complied and laid
down. He pushed his boxers off and climbed on top of me, kissing me
wildly. He sucked on my tongue when I slipped inside his mouth. I
never wanted anyone as much as I wanted him right now. I ran my
finger nails down his back and gripped his behind, trying to pull
him in, but he resisted. Instead he began to tease me by rubbing up
on me. My skin was burning every time his touched mine. I knew if I
moved just enough I could get what I wanted. I was so wet that one
small move and he would slide right in. I felt the tip. My legs
quivered with anticipation. Casper let out a growl and pulled

Casper, I can’t take it

Say it. I want to hear
you say it.”

I want you. I want you
inside me.” I never wanted anything so bad in my life. Without any
more hesitation he slipped himself inside of me. I let out a soft
cry of relief. He still took his time though, moving in and out
slowly. I dug my heels into the back of his thighs and pulled on
his behind pushing him deeper inside me. He slipped his hand behind
my neck, tangling his hand in my hair as he kissed me. I pushed my
hips up into his, needing more. He thrust so hard my body slammed
on the bed making me moan.

Alex,” he warned. “Don’t
make me tie you up.” I raised a brow, that wasn’t a bad idea. “Not
tonight,” he winked. I let go and moved my hands up his back and
dug my nails into his shoulders as he kissed my neck. He was
leaning on his elbows and it took everything I had not to push
myself up into him. I bit my lip as he lowered himself down onto
me. He gripped the iron post so he could easily pull himself in and
out. I could feel his heavy breath on my shoulder. He bit down as I
clamped my legs tighter around his waist. The sweat that glistened
on his chest and my stomach made it easier for him to slide back
and forth. He started to move faster, harder. I knew it wouldn’t be
much longer now. I gripped onto the back of his hair and pulled his
head up wanting to taste those lips. I was shaking from
anticipation. I was just about ready to come again when he

Don’t stop,” I pleaded.
“Almost there.” He wiped a sweat soaked piece of hair off of my
face and caressed my cheek with tenderness. He smiled softly before
he pressed his lips back to mine. He pushed in hard and deep
causing my moan to vibrate against his tongue.

Alex,” he groaned against
my mouth. This time when I pushed up into him he didn’t stop me. I
let out a cry with each final thrust. He grunted with each shove
until he finally shook and let out a long, satisfied moan. He
collapsed on top of me, his head buried in my hair. He turned so he
could kiss my neck. My whole body was tingling. He rolled off me
and lay
on his back for a moment before he
pulled me into him. His thumb gently caressed my cheek as he stared
lovingly into my eyes. I wrapped my arms around him needing to feel
his warm body against mine. He kissed the tip of my nose and closed
his eyes. I waited until his breath was steady until I closed

Don’t leave,” he
whispered. The longing in his eyes scared me. I wasn’t ready for
this. I wasn’t prepared for the aftermath that my actions would
cause. I liked Casper I did but this was all so sudden. I couldn’t
take another heartbreak and I knew without a doubt this is how it
would end. I bit my lip to keep from crying. I wasn’t supposed to
be here. I shouldn’t stay. I knew if I tried to leave now he would
just hold on to me and beg me to stay and I also knew if I let that
happen I wouldn’t have the strength to go. So I lied. “Okay.”
That’s all I could say.

I laid with him like that for an hour. I
fought my sleep deprived eyes and managed to keep them open. When I
knew for sure Casper was sound asleep, I slipped out, running into
Colton on the way out. The surprised look on his face said I was
the last person he expected to be tiptoeing out of Casper’s room.
“Don’t do this Alex.”

I can’t stay

Alex, I’m begging you.
You have no idea how much he cares about you. I don’t think he
could handle it again if you slipped out on him.”

Colton please,” I begged,
fighting the tears. “I just need time to think, okay?” He nodded
and stepped aside, letting me pass. I walked out to my car and
drove away, my heart already breaking.

Chapter 19



I stretched, feeling an
empty bed next to me. I didn’t panic, at first. I peeled my eyes
open, one at a time. She wasn’t there, she was gone. I spread my
palm wide on the unoccupied space. The sheet was cold. She had been
gone for a while. I fumbled with the sheets and reached for any
clean thing I could find and threw it on. I wasn’t going to let her
walk away this time. I blew my chances before
but I’d be damned if I didn’t grow
some fucking balls and tell her how I really felt. I had nothing
left to loose. I grabbed my keys and tore out of there.

Where are you going Cas?”
Colton asked, scaring the crap out of me.

I’m going to do what I
should have done in the first place.”

Alright then,” he said,
trying to hide his smile. I bolted out the door. I was on a

I made it to Alex’s in record time. I took
the steps to her apartment two at a time. I hammered my fist on the
door. I knew she was home. I saw her car outside. “Alex! Open up.”
I pounded again and again. “Alex, I know you’re in there. Please,
talk to me.” My disturbance had alerted one of the neighbors. An
elderly woman with gray hair peered out the crack in her door.

I ignored her and continued to knock until
my fist turned red. “Hey, some of us are trying to sleep,” the old
woman grumbled.

I looked at my watch. “It’s one o’clock in
the afternoon.” She narrowed her eyes at me and closed the door. I
went back to my begging Alex to let me in. “Alex, please. I just
need to talk to you…I just need to see you. I need…I need you.”
When I still got no response I kicked the door, ready to kick it in
if I had to. “Alex! I’m not leaving until you talk to me.” I
pressed my body close to the door, listening for any sign of life.
I heard footsteps and my heartbeat picked up.


Casper, go

I clenched my fist by my side. “Let me in so
I can talk to you.”

Casper, I’m sorry but
it’s just too much. I can’t deal with this right now.”

Bullshit!” I slammed my
hand on the door. “You have any idea what it’s like to feel this
way about someone? To feel so much it hurts to be without them.” I
slammed both hands on the door, frustrated. “God dammit Alex I’m in
love with you,” I yelled, pressing my forehead to the door,
defeated. “I love you,” I said softly, rolling over and resting my
back on the hard wood. When she still didn’t answer, I kicked the
door with my heel, frustrated.

I heard the locks click and I stood up. I
turned around and was face to face with a tall, angry man who stood
with his arms crossed. His hair was shaved close to his head and he
had tattoos up and down his arms. He stood at least a foot taller
than me and was built like a linebacker. Any other day I would walk
away, not even attempting to take on someone his size, but I wasn’t
going to let anything stand in the way of Alex and me, not anymore.
“Who the hell are you?” I asked, staring down the beast in front of
me. He sized me, his green eyes burning holes in my head. Eyes that
were so familiar, eyes just like Alex’s.

That’s none of your
concern. I suggest you leave, now,” he said in a deep and
commanding voice.

Sorry, I can’t do that.
Not until I talk to Alex.”

She doesn’t want to talk
to you. Last warning.”

I bowed my head defeated and he shut the
door on me. I walked away. I only made it to the stairs before I
heard the locks click again. I spun around to see Alex, leaning up
against the door.

I wanted to run to her, but I was afraid of
scaring her off. I took a slow, steady step forward. I wasn’t sure
what I should say. My feet moved like they had a mind of their own
and before I knew I it was in front of Alex. Her eyes searched
mine, telling me things her voice couldn’t. I lifted both arms,
pausing. She gave me a barely noticeable nod, granting me
permission. My hands slid across the warm, smooth skin of her
cheeks. I tilted her head up just the slightest bit so our lips
could meet. I brushed my lips against hers softly. The small gasp
from her mouth told me how much she wanted me. Her arms dropped by
her sides. I pulled back just enough so I could look into her eyes.
My hands dropped to her shoulders. Alex’s body fell into my arms,
relaxing almost instantly. I let out a sigh of relief, kissing the
top of her head.

Don’t break me,” she said

I smiled. “That’s what I was going to tell

She pulled back, giving me a faint smile.
The old lady from earlier was back. “If you don’t quit all this
racket I’m calling the cops.”

Alex leaned to look over my shoulder. “Shut
it you old bat. Go back inside and watch your stupid soaps.” The
elderly woman narrowed her eyes at Alex, slamming the door. Alex
turned back to me.

God, do I love

She laughed. It was music to my ears. Taking
my hand, she led me into the apartment. I paused in front of the
large man who first opened the door. “Can you give me a minute?”
she asked him.

I’ll be at Jasper’s. Call
me if you need me,” he said, never taking his eyes off of me. I
stood in the middle of the living room as she walked him to the
door. They exchanged a few words. The only thing I heard was bat,
body, and shovel. I swallowed the lump in my throat as Alex shoved
the large man out the door. She returned to me, pulling me in the
direction of her room. “Alex, wait…that’s not what I’m here for.”
She raised a brow at me. “Okay, not totally. I think we should
maybe talk first.”

Talking is overrated,”
she winked, walking into her bedroom. I had only now noticed what
she was wearing. She had on a skimpy tank top that was practically
see-through and a pair of short, spandex shorts that hugged her
curves perfectly. She had one killer body and I was about to devour
every inch of it. My dick jumped as she crawled on the bed on her
hands and knees. She threw me a playful smile over her shoulder and
then fell onto her back, gesturing with her finger for me to join
her. I kicked off my boots and tore at my shirt like it was on
fire. Alex giggled as I flew onto the bed and tackled her. She
kissed me fervently. It was almost as if she couldn’t get enough. I
pulled back, but her lips followed.

Alex,” I mumbled through
the kissing. Soft lips caressed my jaw and neck, making it hard to
concentrate on anything else. “Alex,” I tried again. “What are we

I thought we were
kissing?” Pressing the sweetest kiss to my lips, she

I grazed her cheek with the back of my hand,
she closed her eyes and her mouth made the slightest humming noise.
Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, I rested my forehead on
hers. “Alex, I need to know what’s going to happen next.”

I thought you didn’t make
plans,” she teased, jutting her chin forward, her tongue snaking
out to taste my lips.

I pulled away, needing to focus, which she
was making hard to do. “Alex, you know what I mean. I don’t want to
wake up and find you gone again.”

Casper, we’re in my
apartment. Why would I leave?”

Can you be serious for a
second?” I snapped.

Someone forget to take
their Midol today?” I shot her a warning look. “Okay, sorry. Last
one, promise.”

I waited a beat before I started. “Before we
continue. I need to know this is it. That there’s no one else from
now on. Just you and me.”

She bit her lip, contemplating. It was only
a few seconds before she agreed but those few seconds were the
longest in my life. I pushed her down on the bed softly, leaving a
trail of kisses along her jaw before connecting with her lips. “I
need to hear you say it Alex. That you’re mine. I won’t continue
until I hear it from your lips. I don’t want anyone else. I only
want you, but if we’re not on the same page then I can’t –”

She pressed two, long fingers to my lips. “I
don’t want anyone else either.” I took those fingers in my mouth
and sucked, running my teeth over them as she slowly pulled them
out, making the humming noise again.

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