Accidentally on Purpose (8 page)

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Authors: L. D. Davis

Tags: #General Fiction

me about olives. I must have looked at him as if he were nuts because he stopped talking about it in mid-sentence, sighed and then stared at his


Kyle's mother sat on the other side of me. I was nervous about it, because despite what Kyle had said about her, I stil had the impression that

she was a little snobby and cold. However, I noticed her husband barely spoke to her and even Kyle tended to forget she was there. Jess was so

fake to her, it was obvious and so shameful. She rarely left the table to go socialize or anything. I real y believed she didn't want to be there. Maybe

she was Walter Sterling's eye candy.

I was getting bored, sitting at the table watching everyone else. Kyle and Jess were across the room talking to some people I knew, but didn't

care for. I wanted to stay as far away from my mother as possible, and she was surrounded by a large group of women, and admiring men, as

usual. I made my way over to the bar and started taking some shots. After my fourth one, I looked up and found Jess squeezed in next to me,

ordering a cosmopolitan.

"Wel , you do look like you're enjoying yourself," she said with her fake smile.

I hated talking to Jess, for obvious reasons, but also because she always talked to me as if she was some kind of princess and I was a lowly

servant, even though we both came from wealthy families. I didn't know what her problem was with me.

"Actual y, I'm bored," I said, not bothering to return the smile, fake or otherwise.

"I suppose this crowd is just a little too sophisticated for some," she tapped her manicured nails on the bar.

"Gosh, maybe you're right. I may not be sophisticated enough for this crowd." I threw back another shot and wiped my mouth with the back of

my hand, showing her I didn't care how unsophisticated I was.

"Your dress is very nice," she said. "It is a little too...suggestive for my tastes, but it is nice."

Jess was wearing a red Gucci dress that was flattering, but not fantastic.

"Maybe it is a little suggestive," I said, throwing money on the bar for my drinks. "Kyle real y likes it."

I walked away, but not before seeing the startled expression on her face.

Take that, Bitch.

A little while later, we al ended up back at the table again. Jess kept throwing me curious looks, wondering about what I said. I probably shouldn't have said it, but it was an easy way to get back at her for being an ass.

After a long boring hour, Kyle stood up and offered me his hand.

"Let's dance," he said.

I looked at Jess and she shrugged and forced a big smile.

"Jess doesn't like to dance at these things," Kyle sighed.

"I don't like to get al sweaty and yucky, but you don't seem to mind at al ." She said, with so much sweetness I was getting a toothache.

"You're right. I don't mind getting sweaty and yucky," I stood up and offered Kyle my hand.

As we walked to the dance floor I said to him "She has no idea how sweaty and yucky I've been with you before."

He tried to hide his smile, because I was clearly angry. We danced for two fast songs. When the band began to play
by Oasis, I

started to walk off the floor, but Kyle held my arm. Instead of causing even a minor scene, I reluctantly gave in. He held me as close as he dared in

front of al of these people and under the watchful eyes of Jess. He had his hand on my bare back, which I knew he real y liked.

I wasn't prepared for the emotions that this very slow dance to this awesome song elicited. My heart pounded so fast I would be surprised if he

didn't hear it. A large lump formed in my throat and I was finding it hard to breathe. It felt like any feelings I have had for him during or after that long

weekend that I had buried were coming to the surface. They sat in my chest like a bomb, threatening to explode out of me into the light for everyone

to see.

Not very long ago I had hated him. Now trying to deny that I cared for him was useless. Was it love? Was it infatuation? Either way, it wasn't

something that could flourish from here.

When the song ended, I turned away and left the dance floor as quickly as possible. As fast as I could, I navigated out of the bal room. I barely

made it to a stal before vomiting up al of the contents of my stomach. As I flushed the toilet, I hoped I had also thrown up al of those emotions for


I rinsed my mouth out thoroughly for a few minutes and bummed a couple of mints from an acquaintance. When I returned to the bal room, I

discovered my parents had deserted me. They wrongly assumed that I had wanted to stay longer. I had made some mention of staying late earlier,

but I was angry that they had not checked with me before taking

"I told them I would take you home," Kyle said, searching my face for what I didn't know. It was kind of annoying.

"I'l be at the bar," I grumbled, and that's where I stayed until Kyle and Jess were ready to go.

"I have a four a.m. flight to catch," Jess reminded him on our way out. "I stil have to pack." She nodded in my direction. "And you have to take your assistant home."

I stretched out across the backseat while Jess took the front. For the first few minutes, she berated various guests of the gala, people I had

seen her hanging out with.

"Where are you going?" Jess asked Kyle after a few minutes.

"I'm taking you home. You have to pack for your flight, you've made that clear."

"I thought you were taking her home first."

"Does that even make sense? You want me to drive across the bridge, come back across, and then back
to go home myself?"

"Wel ..."

"I'm exhausted, Jess. I'm taking you home first."

"Okay." She said grudgingly.

They spoke in low tones for the rest of the ride to the Main Line. If I wanted to pay attention, I could have eavesdropped on their entire conversation, but I tuned them out and stared out of the window the entire time. I felt like I was imposing on them anyway.

When we pul ed into the driveway of Jess's parents' enormous home, she turned in her seat, smiled a fake smile.

"Have a nice night, Emmy. Oh," her face scrunched up. "Your hair's messed up from al of that dancing."

So is your face.

"Thanks for noticing," I gave her a fake smile also.

"Sorry. I am so used to keeping every hair in place and looking good at al times, especial y for my man." She whispered the last part. As she

was saying this, Kyle had got out of the car.

As he made his way around the car I smiled broadly and said "Kyle's seen me in much worse condition and didn't seem to have a problem with

it at al . Quite the opposite actual y. I real y don't think he's that superficial." I laughed lightly.

She stared at me, started to smile but it faltered and then just faded. She wasn't sure what to make of what I just said. She didn't know whether

to shrug it off as nonsense or to be worried, especial y after the comment I had made earlier in the night about Kyle liking my dress.

Even after Kyle had opened her door, she stared back at me for another moment. She final y got out only because I got out first so I could take

the front seat for the ride home. Jess had recovered quickly. She gave me a quick hug and told me to make sure Kyle picks her up from the airport

next week. She didn't view me as any kind of real competition, not that I was even competing, I think. He was al hers, but it bothered me that she felt

she was somehow above me.

"I wil be out in a minute," Kyle said and closed my door. They walked inside with her arm linked tightly through his.

I waited for Kyle for almost five minutes. I didn't real y mind, but I was getting pretty sleepy. I looked in the mirror at my hair. A few strands broke

free of the french rol it was in, but nothing to get upset about.

"Do you want to go get some coffee and pie at the diner?" He asked as we drove away.

"I'm pretty tired and I have to take my parents to the airport in the morning." I wasn't lying, but the main reason I declined was because I was stil

trying to deal with the churning mass of emotions that struck me earlier.

"Em, it's only pie and coffee. Seriously."

feeling a little hungry considering I had puked up my dinner a couple hours before, but my mouth felt icky and I was dying to brush my teeth

and rinse with some strong mouthwash.

"My mom made a cake yesterday." I had forgotten about it. She had made it especial y for me. Sometimes she wasn't so horrible. "It's chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting, but it has white chocolate between the three layers."

He grinned, which made me smile. Stupid mouth.

My mom was stil up when we walked through the door. She was in flannel pajamas and Phineas and Ferb slippers (thanks to my nieces and

nephews, she was a big fan of the cartoon). Her hair was pul ed back in a ponytail and she was sitting at the kitchen table painting her nails and

reading Vogue. She looked like an over grown teenager.

"Your hair is looking a little bent out of shape," she said immediately, and she had barely looked up.

Kyle stepped in before I could respond and her attitude changed. She smiled at him with her beauty queen mouth.

"Thank you so much for bringing Esmeralda home safely. I hope she wasn't too much trouble." She waved her hands, trying to dry the paint on

her nails.

"I'm not a toddler, Mom. He wasn't babysitting me." I struggled to get out of my coat until Kyle gently eased it off of me. "Thank you."

"I'm going to bed now that you're home. Don't stay up too late." She smiled that ridiculous smile at Kyle again and patted his arm as she left.

"I understand now why some children throw their parents away to rot in nursing homes." I said, taking my shoes off of my sore feet.

"That's a horrible thing to say." Kyle took off his tie and jacket and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt.

"Yeah," I admitted. "Maybe it is."

"She did bake you this cake," he said, uncovering the cake with a flourish.

There wasn't even one slice taken. When I urged my parents to eat some, my dad reminded me he wasn't a big chocolate fan and my mom

insisted that since it was made for me, I should have the first slice. I didn't feel like eating it until Kyle started talking about pie.

"I suppose I can try to be a little nicer. Sometimes." I shrugged. "Only a little though."

I excused myself and quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed. My mouth felt much better and my stomach rumbled just thinking about my mom's


It was delicious. My mom was the biggest pain in the ass, but she can cook and bake better than anyone I knew. I've chosen her food over that

of five star restaurants and world famous chefs. Even though she gave me ideas of suffocating her while she slept, she cooked banging meals

almost every day.

I told Kyle about my mom's cooking and how she even prepared several meals for me and froze them.

"I wil be here every night to help you eat it al ." He said, dabbing my nose with frosting.

"Hey!" I scooped up some on my finger and slabbed it onto his cheek.

"I real y want to get you back for that, but I don't want to waste good cake."

"It would be like sacrilege." I said with a mouth ful of cake. I washed it down with some coffee.

We sat and talked for over an hour. It was nice because we didn't discuss work or anything sensitive. We talked about embarrassing moments,

our favorite artists and old cartoons.

Like before, he helped me clean up and wash our few dishes. When I dried the last dish and turned around, Kyle put an arm on either side of

me, trapping me between him and the counter. His face was only a few short inches from mine.

My heart sped up again. Stupid heart.

"Did I tel you that you look amazing tonight?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice." He had mentioned it

I moved my hand towards one of my stray hairs, suddenly self-conscious, but he stopped me.

"No, I like it. It's sexy."

His lips brushed mine but then he pul ed back some and then did it again, but then restrained himself once more. He was having some kind of

internal struggle. He gripped the counter behind me and looked down at the floor between us. I couldn't help myself. I ran my fingers through his hair.

He looked at me, searching my face for permission. As an answer, I locked my hands around his neck, bringing him closer. He responded quickly,

kissing me deeply and slowly.

He nibbled on my earlobe, occasional y flicking his tongue across it, driving me a little crazy. When he started to kiss my neck, I got al jel y-like

in the knees.

He had one hand on my back, pressing me to him. His other hand was entwined in my hair. I knew we weren't high school kids, and hickies

were general y unattractive on a thirty something woman, but it felt
damn good as he nibbled and sucked on my neck. I moaned softly, in total


His lips found mine again, but more aggressively than before. He pul ed away again and kneeled before me. While staring up into my eyes, he

slowly eased my dress up over my thighs. He tugged on my panties and I stepped out of them. His fingers found me moist and wil ing and ready.

Without much trying on his part, I had an orgasm that almost made me fal over.

I thought he would stand up then, but when I felt his tongue on me I thought I was going to lose my mind. When he final y stood up he kissed me

deeply. Without taking his lips from mine, he pul ed my dress up again. While he held it up, I undid his pants and reached inside. He moaned into

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