Acres, Natalie - Sex Club [Cowboy Sex 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (20 page)

“You didn’t listen,” she whispered.

“I’ve heard every limited sentence you’ve spoken. You don’t want to fuck a jackass. You don’t want or need love.”

“I didn’t say that,” she assured him, leaning back and gazing at him with questioning eyes. A few seconds later, she said, “Or if I did, I must’ve been delusional.”

“What did you say? Or better yet, what did you mean? What do you really want, Ansley? And if you want a man in your life, do you really think you can handle me, the dark desires I have, the certain expectations I need fulfilled from one woman, one lover?”

She smiled, and her face lit up with sweetness as much as mischief. Still, without question, both existed there. Her eyes sparkled like blue diamonds. There was a rare softness in her gaze, too, and a true calm seemingly washed over her. She completely relaxed in his arms. “I’m here for you as much as you’re here for me,” she admitted. “You decide where this goes. Who knows? Maybe I’ll play along. Maybe we can teach one another. Show each other what we expect, enjoy, and…even demand.”

The final word she bit out further seduced and intrigued him. Using his forefinger, he tilted her chin. His lips stole hers, and their mouths came together for much more than a kiss. Oh yes, this was more than a lover’s beginning. This was a claiming.

Ansley tasted better than he’d imagined. Her breath was hot and spicy, sweet and tantalizing. Her kiss was succulent and addictive, enough to assure a man he’d keep coming back for more.

She grabbed hold of his collar and pulled him to her as her tongue glided over his, and their kiss only deepened. His tongue fluttered inside her mouth, and he reveled in her taste, marveled at how easy it was to kiss her. It felt as if their kiss was practiced, well rehearsed, and already perfected.

This moment would lead somewhere special, someplace intimate.

As their tongues dueled, Tristan tried to take his heart out of the equation, but saving himself wasn’t an option. He’d known where they were headed right from the start. He’d understood their fated meeting from the beginning, recognized he’d never be able to walk away.

Bailey had warned him before his arrival. Ansley was his type. She was exactly the kind of woman they both enjoyed, only she possessed staying power. Ansley was the very reason why Bailey almost left the area and the excuse Tristan used when he moved there.

Tristan came to Asheville to protect his baby brother. Bailey was happy there. He had expressed how much he wanted to remain in North Carolina but knew living there would come with personal sacrifice, at an unbelievable cost.

If he pursued Ansley, he could later put her in danger. If he left her alone, he would potentially live all the days of his life with a broken heart.

Tristan moved there to play devil’s advocate, to place a needed barrier between Ansley and his brother, saving Bailey from the woman he’d already sworn he halfway loved. Bailey had cautioned him, too. He’d sent pictures, talked about how her spunk drove him crazy, her sexiness tempted him, and her confidence was his undoing.

Even with the warning, Tristan couldn’t stay away.

He’d actually thought by moving to the area, he could protect his brother and harden his heart. What a foolish man he’d been.

Tristan held her tighter as his lips moved with hers. He drew her closer, and she tossed her arms over his shoulders, allowing him to take control but at the same time becoming the aggressor as well. She thrust her tongue inside his mouth as he tangled his hands in her soft golden hair.

Good God, he could kiss away the night, hold her until morning, and save her from the outside world by keeping her well protected, locked away in his arms.

Like his brother, Tristan knew right away, he would lose his heart to one special lady. In fact, maybe he already had. No, there wasn’t a maybe, there wasn’t a debate.

Ansley Cartwell owned his heart.

* * * *

Bailey stood inside the doorway. Tristan and Ansley were so lost in their kiss that they hadn’t acknowledged him. He was glad. He didn’t want to interrupt their moment, and at the same time, he couldn’t turn away.

He’d never watched Tristan enjoy a woman so much, and he knew why. Tristan was a man in love.

Ansley and Tristan had chemistry. Their bodies moved in rhythm as each gave and received ravenous kisses bound to lead somewhere.

They looked like familiar lovers and were impossibly sexy, but that didn’t set off alarms. When Bailey was with Ansley, he enjoyed that same strong connection as well.

Aware of someone standing behind him, Bailey braced for the Killians, expecting them to impose. Instead, they, too, stood there and gaped.

When the kiss broke, Ansley slowly backed away from Tristan. Her fingertips raked across her lips as if he’d kissed her into an unusual state of shock. She brushed the back of her hand across her mouth and said, “That was—”

“Sensational,” Tristan said, completing her sentence.

“Yeah,” she agreed quietly, though loud enough for Bailey to hear her.

A creak in the floor made the announcement, and Bailey started to turn around and flee, if for no other reason than to save her the embarrassment or the need to utter excuses. Then again, he should’ve known better.

“Don’t go,” Ansley rasped.

Bailey’s mouth went dry as he eased inside the room. He was immediately followed by Graham and Elliott.

Did her request mean what he thought? Was she prepared to give herself to men she didn’t know intimately while enjoying the two fellows who’d frequented her bed in the past?

“Does that go for all of us?” Elliott asked, acting as if he already realized how she’d respond.

Perhaps he did. Bailey knew from talking to Kimberly that the Killian brothers were a constant in Ansley’s life. She cared about them.

Graham approached her first. Taking a seat on the bed, he patted his knee. “Come here, honey.”

Her face beamed. Arousal was evident but not one drop of humiliation. In fact, she looked more confident than Bailey had ever seen her as she pursued Graham.

Sitting on his lap, she curled her arm around his neck. Immediately, her lips skimmed across his. Tristan visibly jerked.

Oh boy, Bailey should’ve warned him about the Killians. He’d casually mentioned them in conversation but failed to bring up what he’d most feared. If Ansley had a place in their lives, a future with them, the Killian brothers likely had their spot there, too.

Cupping the side of her face, Graham initiated the start of a more lingering smooch. Bracketing his arm around her waist, he secured her against him. Bailey’s cock twitched in his jeans as he focused on Ansley’s breasts, pinned against Graham’s chest.

Graham was taunting them, Bailey decided, and kicked up the heat another notch when the kiss became spontaneous, reckless. His large hand disappeared down the front of her top. A second later, Ansley drew back. She stared down on him with notable lust in her eyes. The desire oozed from her hazy gaze as she watched him.

Admiration, adoration, and maybe even love stamped a lingering expression across her face. She guided his arm, tossed her head back, and moaned as he clearly reached his destination.

Tristan appeared more agonized by the show than anyone else. Still, Bailey couldn’t help but notice how Elliott shifted and his stance continually changed.

If Graham didn’t slow his pursuit or if Ansley didn’t stop him, the evening was bound to end with all four of them taking the sexy seductress to bed.

He gasped then as Graham slid his free hand under Ansley’s skirt. “There,” she rasped.

Graham’s position was awkward after his left arm disappeared underneath her. To ease the tension, or perhaps block their view, she straddled him. Facing Graham, she cupped his face with splayed fingers and kissed him. Her tongue skimmed across his lips before she drew him into a more passionate meeting of mouths.

In a matter of seconds, there wasn’t a doubt in Bailey’s mind. Graham had his fingers stuffed inside her pussy.

Ansley’s body rose and fell. Her hips rotated forward and back. Her pace quickened. Her blonde mane fell in ringlets as she stared up at the ceiling.

She rode his hand faster and faster, moaning and groaning, putting on quite the erotic show.

“There you go, sweetheart. Get ’cha some.”

Light laughter filled the room as Ansley gripped Graham’s shoulder and acted as if that was precisely what she planned to do—ride out an orgasm she wanted, a climax she deserved. If that happened, she must’ve been fully aware of the consequences. She was already teasing the hell out of the rest of them. If she found her release and vocalized her pleasure, it was certain to drive the rest of them wild.

Tristan gritted his teeth, and Bailey witnessed his true discomfort as he shifted from one foot to the other, situated the problem in his jeans, and set his jaw as if he couldn’t bear to watch much more. Bailey understood. He was imprisoned by the show, unable to walk away, but at the same time longing to join them, unsure of whether or not Ansley realized what she’d practically invited.

As her body undulated, Tristan inched forward. The sly bastard was trying to gain a better vantage point, but Graham wasn’t about to give him a free pass. To Ansley’s obvious disappointment, he withdrew his hand, slapped her on the hip, and slid his fingers between his lips. “Mmm, sweetheart, your pussy still tastes finger-lickin’ good.”

Tristan gulped. Graham’s declaration was his brother’s undoing. “We didn’t need the finale to know where your hand had been,” Tristan informed him. “Just because the curtain was drawn doesn’t mean the audience was kept in the dark.”

Graham chuckled. “Jealous, are ya?”

Tristan grunted. He and Ansley shared a moment of silence, their gazes coming together like a force of nature, driven by a current so strong, Bailey was actually shocked Tristan didn’t stalk across the room, sweep her into his arms, and carry her away to another room, somewhere private, where he’d lock the door and keep her to himself all night long.

“Tell me what’s on your mind, sweet thing,” Graham said, helping her straighten her skirt.

Ansley tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I think you have a good idea now.”

Tristan smirked. “She’s right. You stood over there in the hallway long enough. You should’ve been able to put two and two together without the need for feeling around for proof.”

Graham laughed. Then, he cupped her ear and whispered something private, rudely shutting the rest of them out.

“Yes,” she replied to whatever he said.

“Want me to work this out for you?”

“No,” she answered him, staring at Tristan and then averting her gaze suddenly. Once her eyes met Bailey’s, she said, “Give me an hour. Then, we’ll talk.”

Graham winked. “That’s my girl.”

“Always will be,” she promised, leaving his lap.

Graham smacked her bottom as she deserted him. “Come on, boys, let’s have a drink.”

Tristan followed her into the bathroom, and Bailey heard him say, “Make yourself at home. If you need anything, you’ll let me know?”

Apparently, he was hoping for an invitation the rest of them wouldn’t receive. Bailey knew better. Ansley had shown a face full of determination. If she took one to bed, she was evidently prepared to fuck them all.

“I brought shampoo and conditioner from the house. I shouldn’t have to go prowling through your drawers.”

“Darlin’, you can rummage through my drawers anytime,” Tristan teased.

“Maybe I’ll do that.”

“After that kiss, I sure hope so.”

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