Angels In Red (28 page)

Read Angels In Red Online

Authors: Adelle Laudan

“Is something wrong? Every time I mention your boss you get pretty uncomfortable.”

She quickly glanced around, as if looking for anyone close enough to overhear. “Charles, I need my job, and I not think I can find more work very easy.”

“If something’s wrong, you can tell me. I promise I won’t get you in trouble. You never know, maybe I can help.”

Please don’t tell me Daniel has harassed you.
There would be no holding back if that were the case.

She sighed resignedly. “It is…I think maybe he is not a nice man like people think he is.”

“Why do you feel that way?” He struggled to keep his anger in check.

Twyla shifted in her seat, scanning the area once again. “Daniel, he likes the ladies. He come to me when I first worked there, but I tell him I…
non sono quel tipo di ragazza
. Oh, I’m sorry, I tell him I am
that kind of girl.”

“What did he do?” Charles grabbed the edge of the table; his knuckles turned white.

She dropped her gaze. “He told me to keep mouth shut or lose my job.”

He put a hand on her arm. “I’m so sorry, Twyla. No woman deserves to be treated that way.”

The scent of garlic and seafood stole their attention before Denise returned with a feast for the eyes. She set down a basket of warm buns and a vessel of whipped butter first.

“This looks amazing, Denise.” Charles made a production of rubbing his hands together in anticipation, rewarded by Twyla’s titter behind her napkin.

The waitress briefly described each dish as she set them on the table: King Prawns marinated with chili and coriander, Grilled Parmesan Oysters, sautéed Lake Superior Whitefish wrapped in bacon and Hot Smoked Salmon in a medley of Beetroot Salad with a sour cream and dill dressing. Baby spinach and watercress nestled small, halved new potatoes.

“And…your choice of Seafood sauce made with fresh horseradish and an orange dill sauce made from lemon zest and juice, dill and mustard.”

“I think I will gain many pounds just looking at all of this.” Twyla’s eyes grew big as she took in the variety of dishes.

Charles’ chuckle brought color to her cheeks. “Thank you, Denise. I’m sure we have everything we need and more.”

A comfortable silence befell them as they tasted and fed each other samples of each dish in turn. He fanned his mouth seconds after she popped in a chunk of Hot Smoked Salmon.

“Wow!” He grabbed his water and took a big drink.

Twyla laughed...a sound he’d remember long after the night ended.

“You think that’s funny, do you?” He narrowed his gaze on her.

.” She dabbed at her eyes, still giggling.

The meal continued with the same sense of playfulness. Never had he enjoyed a woman’s company as much as Twyla’s.

Quite some time later, he leaned back in his chair and patted his belly. “I’m done.”

Twyla wiped her mouth and dipped her fingers in a finger bowl with a slice of lemon. “Me, too. Done.”

On cue, the friendly waitress appeared and cleared the table. “Would you like more wine, or perhaps a coffee?”

“Coffee sounds good.”

“Yes, coffee please.”

In a matter of seconds, they both had a steaming cup in front of them. Denise grinned, a devilish glint to her already bright blue eyes. “You don’t get a choice for dessert. It’s my treat, but have to ask if either of you have any allergy I should know of.”

They both shook their heads, and Charles added, “I don’t know if I can fit more in.” His hand smoothed over the slightly strained buttons of his shirt.

“I think there is much room.” Twyla winked at the waitress.

“I’ll be back shortly.”

Charles sat back and cast his date an inquisitive glance. One minute she seemed like she’d jump at her own shadow...and then she comes out with a zinger like that.

“You’re quite a gal, Ms, Amaro.”

Tiny lines appeared on her otherwise flawless forehead. “I hope this is good thing?”

A slow smile spread across his mouth. “Yes. Yes, it is a very good thing.”

“If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell?”

He clenched his free hand under the table. “Of course, what is it?”

“I don’t like how Mr. Daniel looks at the girls. I think he treats them…ina...inap, not good.  Not the little ones, but like Angel’s age. He touch them like a lover, not a leader.”

He gritted his teeth. “You don’t think he’s...?”

Twyla shook her head. “I not know. Maybe I say too much.”

He took her hand in his. “Look at me.”

She slowly raised her head, her eyes glistening pools.

“Listen, I really like you, and I want to get to know you better.”

The slightest of smiles lifted the corner of her mouth.

“Jenna and I also feel he isn’t the man he appears to be. What you’ve told me only makes me more determined. If you can help us, I promise you will not lose your job. Even if you did, I can make sure you’re okay.”

Denise returned with a mouth-watering dessert. “
Raspberry Cobbler with Bourbon Sauce. I hope you enjoy it.” She handed each a fork. “I hope you don’t mind sharing.” She winked playfully and promptly left them to eat.

Twyla was first to sink her fork into the decadent dish.

She closed her eyes. “Oh, my, goodness.”

Curiosity piqued, Charles took a forkful of raspberries. “It had to be this good, didn’t it?”

Twyla already had another mouthful and simply nodded in response.

I’ll have to remember she has a sweet tooth.

Only half of the cobbler was consumed when Twyla dropped her fork on the plate with a clang and held up two fingers in a T formation.

He laughed and formed the Time Out sign as well.

Denise returned and refilled their coffee before taking the remaining dessert away and tucking the bill under his saucer. “Have a nice rest of the evening, folks. I hope to see you here again real soon.”

“You’re a star, Denise. Thank you.” He waited a few minutes before picking up the conversation where it was left off.

“So, what do you say?”

Twyla cast him a sideways glance. “I say I am happy you come to find coffee at my work. I will help you.”

Charles brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Thank you. You do know what this means, don’t you?”

“No?” She furrowed her brow as her cheeks stained pink.

“You’ll be seeing a lot more of me.”

A smile erased the lines on her face. “

hapter Twenty-Nine


Ribbons of fog whispered through the boughs of the mighty oak trees that flanked either side of the roadway leading to the ranch. Jenna shivered, not able to shake disarray at what the meeting with the doctor might entail.

John parked the limo and hurried around the front of the car to open her door. After closing the door behind her, he offered his arm, of which she gladly accepted.

At the front doors, she paused to close her eyes and summon the courage to move forward.

“Are you okay, Ms Jenna?”

She smiled at her driver, touched by his concern. “I’m just a little apprehensive.”

“Understandably so.” He opened the door and stepped aside for her to enter.

The halls were eerily quiet, adding to her unease. She glanced at her watch.
Lunch hour is almost over.

John stepped in beside her and once again offered his arm.

She eyed him curiously. “You really don’t have to, John. I’ll be okay from here.”

He shook his head as he took her hand and tucked it in the bend of his arm. “I have specific instructions to stick close by in case you need me.”


“Yes, Ms Jenna.”

She chuckled quietly, but couldn’t help wishing it was Jack’s arm offered to her.

No, don’t go there. Concentrate on Angel, and only Angel right now.

Jenna sighed resignedly and led him to a set of chairs against the wall directly across from the main office. “We can wait here. Lunch hour is almost over.”

Within seconds of being seated, the door to the office opened, and Daniel stepped out. He eyed each of them in turn before settling on Jenna. “Good afternoon. I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”

“I got a call from Doctor Gilmore. He’s arranged a session with Angel in just a few minutes.”

Daniel shook his head, seemingly annoyed. “This is the first I’ve heard of it. I’ll give him a call and tell him you’re here.”

He didn’t wait for a response before turning on his heel and ducking back into his office. Apparently the “big man” in charge didn’t like things happening without his knowledge. 

The click of shoes against the polished tile brought a small man with sparse hair and an ill-fitting suit walking toward them.

He smiled warmly and offered his hand. “I take it you’re Jenna Blackburn? You’re the spitting image of your mother.” He shook hers heartily. “Why don’t we go in my office and have a little chat before your sibling finishes her lunch.”

Jenna smiled and followed the friendly man’s lead.
Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.

The psychiatrist’s office was very small in comparison to Daniel’s, but it was a hundred times more comfortable. Knowing John was only a few feet away brought her comfort. Coupled with the doctor’s pleasantness, her nerves began to settle.

“So, from what I understand, you had no knowledge of Angel’s existence until recently?”

“That is correct. I learned I had a sister after my father passed. I was going through my mother’s things when I came across some old letters.”

“Your mother came here once a month faithfully up until her death. Didn’t you ever question her time away from home?”

Jenna shrugged. “I guess not. My mother did lots of charity work. I guess I assumed she was off on one of her crusades.” She chuckled lightly.

“I see.” He closed the open file in front of him. “Angel learned about you not too long ago, after a photograph of you and your mother fell out of your purse?”

“Actually, my purse fell off my lap accidentally. That’s when she saw it.”

A light rap on the door set her heart racing. The door creaked open to reveal her Angel.  Jenna clamped her hands on the arms of her chair to stop from jumping and hugging her tight. She opted for a friendly smile in hopes of calming her sister. Aside from her arm still being in a sling, she looked so much better than the last time.

“Come in, Angel. We were just getting to know each other while waiting for you to have lunch. I trust you enjoyed your meal?”

Her eyes remained downcast as she nodded her head. “Yes.”

Doctor Gilmore got up from behind his desk and guided her to an empty chair beside Jenna.  “You remember Jenna?”

She scowled. “Of course I do.”

“Hello, Angel. It’s lovely to see you again.” She put her hand over her sister’s, only to have her pull it away and clench it to her chest.

The doctor gave her a reassuring wink before settling against his desk. “Angel, can you tell me why you took your hand away from your sister’s?”

Her gaze narrowed as she scrutinized Jenna. “How do you know she really
my sister?”

“You saw the photograph?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean she’s my sister.”

“Do you trust me, Angel?” The doctor squatted to her level.


“I have looked into it and she truly is your sibling. I’ve seen the records.”  He cupped the side of her face and looked directly at her. “Do you like Jenna?”

Angel’s shoulders rose and fell. “Yes, I think so.” She shook her head. “I’m confused.”

“Would you like to see some pictures?” Jenna rifled through her purse for the small stack of snapshots.

Angel peered out the corner of her eye and shrugged.

“I think that’s a great idea.” The doctor took the photos from her and quickly flipped through them before handing them back. “I think you’ll like these pictures, Angel.”

The first one Angel turned to was of her mother and Jenna when she was only two or three years old. She pointed to the little girl in the frilly white dress. “That’s me.”

Her sister traced the outline of her face with a trembling fingertip. “Mother.” She slowly straightened in her chair and seemed to be enjoying the photographs as they were presented to her.  Every now and then, she’d give her a sideways glance when given a childhood photo of Jenna.

“You look like my mother.”

The statement instilled hope in her. Was she finally putting two and two together? She wasn’t sure because Angel still referred to their mom as ‘

“How about if Jenna lets you keep those?”

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