Antagonize Me (13 page)

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Authors: T.L. Smith

Tags: #General Fiction

“You… in me… now,” I gasp, pausing between breaths. Excitement has taken over, taken control of me. Knowing he will make me orgasm so easily if he pleases.

“I will make you scream my name today,” he breathes with his mouth inches from mine. I want to kiss him. I want him to kiss me. I don’t push it, it’s no use because I know his rule – no lips.

“I will make you kiss me before I leave,” I challenge, neither of us wants to do either.

“The moment you scream my name… ” He inserts a second finger, his thumb still circling me. “I will kiss you.” He leans down and latches onto my breast. I arch up to him, giving him my body, but nothing more. I can’t give him more, it will hurt too much.

He removes his hand and positions himself, looking down at me as he does, his eyes blazing into me. He enters slowly until he’s fully inside. My mouth opens in a gasp and his eyes watch my lips, wanting something we shouldn’t, wanting a kiss. I move, trying to break what’s happening, to get what we both want. He follows and moves inside of me, making me wonder if I would sleep with anyone else while he’s alive. It’s a silly thought, but my brain and heart say otherwise.

He hooks my legs over his shoulders and starts moving faster, so fast I’m gasping from the pressure building, building and wanting to explode.

He drops my legs and leans over me, still moving and touches my clit. My breathing becomes heavier than it was and I gasp as an orgasm hits me hard, making my body shake and muscles tighten. He isn’t long behind me, and when I’m slowly coming down he’s there with me, coming down as well.

He rolls to his side, still with the condom on, and I stand to grab my dress. His eyes stay glued to the ceiling, not watching me. We don’t speak as I dress and walk out the door, no words are needed.

I catch a cab back to Katrina’s and when I arrive, Hillary is there looking at me in shock. “You didn’t, did you?” she asks, shaking her head and already knowing the answer. “Do I need to pull out a bottle of vodka and have a dance marathon with you? Maybe
Dirty Dancing
?” she teases, laughing at her own joke.

“No Hillary, I’m fine,” I say, walking past her to my room. She follows and sits on the bed as I start to undress.

“He was angry last night,” she says, picking up my clothes that I’ve thrown on the floor.

“Who?” I ask, walking to the shower. She comes in and sits on the toilet seat.

“Kyrone. He asked about Tick.” I pull the curtain back to look at her, to see if she’s telling the truth.

“How would he know about that?” I wonder, knowing I wouldn’t have said anything. “Did you tell him?” I shake my head trying to remember. Shit! I must of.

“He wasn’t happy. He picked you up and carried you straight out of the club when he found out. I guess that’s normal, he likes to be all macho and carry you everywhere. It’s like if he puts you down, you might leave.” I pull the curtain back and finish showering, laughing at her suggestion.

“Oh, and word of warning, Kyrone’s bitch is downstairs,” Hillary says before she walks out the door, shutting it on her way. I groan because I don’t want there to be any drama. I guess I won’t have a choice if she knows who I am and I’m pretty sure she was there last night.

Katrina spots me first as I make my way into the kitchen. She’s standing there with a few girls I don’t know and Hillary, of course. Introducing me, I nod to say hello then she introduces me to Chantal,
the redhead
. She doesn’t smile, instead shooting me a death stare and not saying a word.

The girl steps closer to me. I stand still as she stops in front of me, expecting me to move. “Move!” She glares at me. I smile an evil smile at her and take a step to the side. “I bet he hasn’t kissed you, he doesn’t kiss anyone. So don’t go thinking you’re special,” she sneers.

I stop her just as she’s about to leave. “Actually, he has.”

Her head swings back to me so fast she looks like she’s possessed. “Liar,” she hisses. I shake my head and walk past her. Technically he has, even if it was a basic kiss. His lips have definitely touched mine.

“She isn’t starting anything, is she?” Katrina asks as I take a seat next to her. I shake my head and she grabs my hand to give it a small squeeze before she stands and looks at everyone sitting at the table. “Thank you all so much for being here with me this week, it means so much to me and Ben. As you know, we are engaged, but what you don’t know is that we are actually married,” she says and Ben stands next to her, then kisses her cheek as people start clapping and congratulating them. “We eloped, but we didn’t want to tell you all in case you couldn’t make it. We still wanted to have at least a day with you all.”

Now I understand why she always has lunches with everyone, she won’t get one for her wedding. She wants friends around her. I kiss her cheek and congratulate them both. As I do, a hand slips around my waist and pulls me back. I know who it is and I don’t fight him on it.

“You have to cover me,” Kyrone whispers in my ear. I look around the table and see most are looking at us, raising their eyebrows in question. They don’t stare long as they go back to their meals, except for one.
The bitch.

“Why?” I ask, trying to turn around, but he holds tighter on my hips and pulls me closer. I feel something and I try not to laugh too loudly.

“You see, I’m a walking dildo when you’re around. Can’t you dress normally?” he whines, and I look down at my outfit. It’s nothing special, just a skirt and a pink top.

“I’m dressed normally, you horn dog,” I say, making my way around him as he loosens his grip. His hand goes to my bare thigh and runs a finger up and down it.

“I reckon I can bend you over this table right now and slide straight in.” His fingers inch closer. “I bet you’re wet and I bet you have no underwear on, just as I like.” He leans in close and nips my ear.

I shake my head and step back, looking around to make sure we haven’t drawn an audience. People are making toasts around the table, but they stop to look at Kyrone as he walks to stand next to me and starts speaking.

“Ben, you sure have found a lucky one here. Katrina is as beautiful inside as well as out. Trust me I know,” he adds with a wink, making everyone laugh. “I’m so happy, Kat, that you found the one person you’re looking for in life. Not many people can say they’ve found that one person that makes their soul sing just for them and I’m glad I’ve been here to witness it.” He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. “One day, when I’m ready, I hope to have what you both have. Someone to make me smile and that will love me for me, faults and all, even if I do annoy the shit out of them. So cheers to you both. May you fuck every day,” he adds, being the true Kyrone with his smart ass comment at the end.

People go around the table and make a toast each. When it comes to me, I’m lost for words. Everyone has said something so perfect. I don’t even know Ben. I don’t know about their relationship, but all I can see is the love he has for her. I silently raise a glass and everyone cheers. I stand to leave after the toast because I need to sleep. I’m so tired from last night and this morning. As I make my way up the stairs, I look behind me and see Kyrone following me. I stop and look at him.

“I’m going to sleep, Kyrone,” I tell him, then turn back to head toward my room. A hand stops me from shutting my door and Kyrone walks in. I don’t say anything else as I remove my clothes and climb into bed. “No fucking, I’m tired,” I mumble into the pillow.

“That’s just mean. You’re just mean,” he complains, climbing in after me.

“Why did you follow?” I ask as he stares at me.

“I was hoping to get some,” he laughs. I shake my head and lay it in his lap. “You really tired?” he asks. I yawn and nod my head. “Okay, we can fuck when you wake up,” he says, pulling me up closer so we are snuggling.

“You’re still the only girl I’ve ever brought to my room,” he whispers into my hair. “It just doesn’t seem right any other way,” he continues, answering my hidden question. “Why is that, Christina? Why are you the only one I let get close? I don’t understand it.” I don’t answer him. I let him think I’m asleep. He sounds like he’s fighting with himself over someone he only fucks. “You know, I know when you’re sleeping, right? I always know,” he laughs, pulling me tighter. I smile, knowing he can’t see it.




He’s gone when I finally wake up. I hear my phone ringing and look for it, finding it on the end of the bed. I notice that I have four missed calls from work. I listen to the voice mails and hear my boss freaking out, asking me if I can cut my week short and come back as soon as possible. She has to interview a big celebrity and wants me there with her. I type an email to her and she sends one straight back to me, saying she’s booked my flight for later tonight. I climb out of bed and walk downstairs to see all the boys watching football and drinking. I don’t see the girls anywhere. Tanner looks up and smiles brightly at me.

“You’re awake,” Kyrone’s voice booms from behind me. I turn to see him carrying a glass of water. He hands it to me and I take it. “I just left you to get a drink. Seems you can’t sleep without me,” he says while reaching for me.

“Where are the girls?” I ask, looking around.

“They’ll be back any minute. They went shopping when we went to sleep, been gone all day. Just about how long you slept for,” Tanner answers from behind me. Just then, Hillary and Katrina enter.

“I have to fly home tonight. Work has called and they need me back home,” I tell them, as they stand in front of me. Hillary purses her lips and Katrina cuddles me.

“Thanks so much for coming,” she says and walks off over to Ben. Hillary looks behind me and then at me. Her eyes go wide and she heads in the other direction. I turn to see Kyrone walking up the stairs.

I follow Kyrone to the bedroom, not saying a word. He strips naked and walks over to me and proceeds to strip me, leaving just my skirt on. His kisses over my body are frantic as he traces my skin. He doesn’t waste anytime placing a condom on and hiking my skirt up. He enters me fast and I almost scream from the pain, then the pleasure overtakes me. He doesn’t speak or look at me. Instead, he turns me around and I place my hands on the bed. He fucks me hard until we both come and I collapse down onto the bed, him lying down next to me. After a good hour has passed without either of us speaking, I think he’s gone to sleep. I get up and start getting dressed.

“You’re leaving again, aren’t you?” he asks from the bed. I don’t lie. There’s no point, but I wonder how many times I can walk away from him and try to keep my heart intact. I simply nod my head and pull on my skirt. His eyes follow my every movement. “It’s going to be another year before I see you again. Hell, it could be even longer. Can’t you just stay another day?” he asks nicely but never pleading.

“I can’t Kyrone, I have work to do. So do you. This could never work. We live too far apart from each other and sex is the only thing we’re good at. Don’t mess that up,” I say, knowing it’s a lie. The feelings are there and it’s becoming harder to do this.

“Don’t lie to yourself Christina, and I won’t lie to you. It’s there, we’re just too stubborn to admit it or act on it. This time I’m going to try,” he says, standing up from the bed, the bed sheet falling from his naked body. I watch as he makes his way toward me. My knees start to buckle. I want to lay back down with him and I want him to hold me, but that’s not the man he is. I know what type of man he is, he’s a playboy who likes to get between my legs. Maybe likes me a little more, but I don’t think enough for me to give up my career.

“We can’t. What will we do? See each other once a month? Maybe more if our schedules allow it? We’re both so busy, Kyrone. It’s hard trying to find
time, let alone
time,” I whine, when I know I’d make time for him in a heartbeat, but I know his needs and they’re greater than mine.

“Just… next time, call me straight away. I will drop everything to see you. Hell, next time I’m in New York, I’m coming to you,” he says placing his hands on my ass and pulling me to him. I lay my head on his chest and nod. It might happen, but I won’t expect anything.

“Come on then, let’s get you dressed and off to the airport. Going to see you off and say goodbye this time,” he says, stepping away and reaching for his clothes. I finish getting dressed and pack the rest of my stuff with him watching, thinking about the “what ifs?”

“I can’t believe you have to leave early,” Hillary whines while cuddling me. I break her embrace and cuddle Katrina, then say my goodbyes to Ben and the boys.

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