Bad Boy (4 page)

Read Bad Boy Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Chapter 8



Mindy was at the
designated spot waiting for me. I pulled up next her car and rolled down my
windows. “Just follow me Jackie, this is gonna be so much fun.” She was way too
excited about this if you ask me. Here I was not sure what my life would hold
come morning, because yes the last ten minutes alone in my car I’ve had time to
think about this and…freaking shit I was a goner. I hadn’t thought of how I was
getting back into the house without detection, hadn’t thought of anything at
all except escaping. I followed her cute little roadster that I’m sure her
brother had bought for her when she turned twenty-one a few months after me. I
had been green with envy and hurt at the time but I understood. He couldn’t
contact me in anyway because daddy had threatened his family. It made me wonder
how Mindy was so brave to thwart his position and try to be my friend anyway.
Some days I was so mad at Jake for not coming back, especially the night of my
twenty first
. I’d been so sure he’d be there
to get me but no. Instead I’d spent it with daddy and mom at a quiet dinner in
a stuffy restaurant. I couldn’t even mourn his absence in peace because as soon
as daddy saw me looking anything but upbeat he went on the warpath. That night
has been used as an anvil over my head for three damn years.

We pulled into the packed
parking lot of the club Mindy has been raving about since she became old enough
to drink. She’d let it slip once that Jake had laid down the law about her
drinking and partying before she was old enough, and she’d held true to her
promise not to. Those two were so close it was amazing to me that he hadn’t
returned at least to see her and his mom. Though I knew they’d gone to visit
him more than once but because of my stupid rule not to talk about him I hadn’t
heard any of the details.

I wasn’t sure about
this place, I’ve never stepped foot inside of one and this one looked a bit
crowded if the number of cars and trucks were anything to go by.

“Come on don’t chicken out on me now. You’re not
going to believe it, let’s go inside and get you your first cocktail and then
we’ll talk.” She was jumpier than a bullfrog in a marsh. “What’s with you
anyway? You and Dylan getting hitched or something?” She grinned and hugged my
arm closer to her as she dragged me towards mayhem.

Inside it was loud
and crowded and dark. There were people everywhere and I don’t know how anyone
could see where they were going because there was no space. The music thumped
so hard I felt it in my chest, and we had to press through bodies to get to the
bar. As the seconds went by I felt…free. I actually felt alive in this place
for the first time since Jake had left me. There was a sense of excitement in
the air, maybe Mindy’s was rubbing off on me. She had to yell our orders at the
blonde giant behind the bar who looked like he ate small children and assorted
animals for breakfast. I tried to avoid the leering looks from some of the
patrons as they checked out my ass. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after
all. I have no idea what to do if one of them asked me to dance.

“What did you get
me?” She gave me something that looked like coffee with milk in a glass with
ice. I sniffed it to make sure and the scent of alcohol hit my nose. “A
screaming orgasm.” My mouth almost hit the floor even as my cheeks reddened. I
can’t believe she’d ordered such a thing. “Is that really the name of a

She rolled her eyes and nodded as she took a sip if her matching beverage.
“It’s so good you should taste yours.” I took a tentative sip and she was
right, it was good. Sweet and yummy, my first taste of the forbidden juice. She
was back to dragging me off again and looking around as if searching for
someone. There was enough energy jumping off of her to light up the skyline.
Probably Dylan, she always acts like that when he’s around. We found a corner
that was less crowded and stood back to watch the revelers.

“So what did you
want to tell me?” I had to shout to be heard above the music. She was still
busy looking around and I wondered how she expected to find anyone in this. “In
a minute.” She got to her toes and started looking over shoulders. I decided to
ignore her crazy and enjoy my drink. I could get used to this. She suddenly
screamed like someone was killing her and grabbed onto me while jumping up and
down. I heard a voice say, ‘there she is’ one second before I was crushed up
against a hard chest and lips covered mine. I know that mouth, sweet merciful
heavens…everything inside me went south and I held on tight after dropping my
forgotten drink on the floor. It was a while before my lips were freed and I
looked up into the most beautiful face I’d ever seen.

“Jake?” My voice was
barely above a whisper, it’s all I could muster right now, but somehow he heard

“It’s me baby.” He
grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back, staring down at me for
the longest while. And then a smile broke out across his gorgeous face.

Chapter 9



He pulled me in
close and hugged me so tight. My heart beat hard against my ribs and my knees
turned to liquid. And though it felt like my bones were being crushed to
powder, it was the sweetest, most precious hug in the world. No one had ever
felt the way I did right now, they couldn’t. There’s no way another human being
had ever felt this intense love, it was not to be borne. I buried my nose in
his chest inhaling his scent. He was a wild mix of leather, his own natural
scent and something spicy that all blended together to make the most potent
ovary stimulating concoction. My Jake was here, he was really here; I returned
his hug the best I could. The crowded room had ceased to exist the moment he
pulled me into his arms, there was only the two of us and nothing else
mattered, nothing. Above the thump, thump, thump, of my heart I felt his, and
then it happened, that’s when I did it. The one thing I’d always promised
myself I would never do if and when we met again. I cried like a newborn babe.
Clutching at him I let the past three years of fear and frustration and
loneliness pour forth. He hugged me around the shoulders with one arm while
running the other up and down my back soothingly while whispering softly in my
ear. “I’m taking her out of here Mindy, you good?” I lifted my head and looked
back at the forgotten Mindy who had her hands clasped in front of her mouth as
if in prayer as tears streamed down her face. She nodded yes to her brother
just as Dylan appeared at her side and put his arms around her. “I’ve got her
Jake you guys go on.”

Jake released me
long enough to grab my hand and pull us through the crowd. Who he didn’t push
out of the way automatically parted to let us through. Did I forget to mention
that Jake is a giant? Okay that’s a bit of an exaggeration but he is at least
six four. I’m sure the leather jacket over the tank with the tattoos on his
neck and some of the ones on his chest peeping through added to the visage of a
badass. People just automatically got out of the way and pretty soon we were in
the cool night air. His grip on my hand was tight and sure and gave me
strength. I don’t know what was coming next but I knew this time I was going to
fight. “Let’s go baby we’ll take my bike and come back for your car later.” He
pulled me over to this monstrosity of black and chrome. I’m not an expert but I
do believe it’s what people in the know might call a sweet ride.




“Where’re we going?”
I led her over to my bike and helped her put on the custom made helmet I’d
brought for her. “You’ll see.” I helped her on behind me and we peeled out of
the parking lot heading even farther away from our hometown. Ten minutes later
we were checking into the only hotel this place had which I’d booked way in
advance. No words were spoken as I led her up the stairs to the room on the
second floor and flung the door open. “We have to be somewhere in an hour but I
can’t wait to have you…fuck.” I pulled her to me again and attacked her sweet
mouth. She tasted better than my fading memory recalled. It had been too long.
I pushed her down on the bed and tackled the buckle of her belt before tearing
at her jeans to get them off. I got them down but her boots thwarted me as her
jeans got caught up. Calm down Jake shit. I had to take a deep breath before I
could go on. Taking my time though it was killing me I lifted first one foot
then the other so I could pull her boots off. With that done I pulled her pants
off the rest of the way. I didn’t allow myself to look just yet. I went after
the top next. I wanted to rip it off of her but she wouldn’t have anything to
wear out of here if I did that. Tomorrow we’ll have a discussion as to why she
wasn’t allowed to wear that shit ever again, too much of what’s mine on display

“Hurry Jake…” She
attacked my jacket, pushing it down off my shoulders before she latched onto my
neck with her teeth. She remembered and so did my dick. I was trying to block
him out because his impatient ass would only hurt her if I gave into his needs
before making sure she was ready. I helped her shed the rest of my clothes
after she was naked. “Jake what’s that?” I looked down at where she was
pointing at my cock. “What my cock piercing?” I looked up in time to see the
look of hurt and jealousy flash across her face. “No baby it’s not what you’re
thinking. I got this when I was at a very low point, I figured the pain from
having this done would save me from doing something very stupid.” She looked up
at me with her innocent eyes and my heart turned over in my chest. “Something
like what?” I took her cheek in my hand as our eyes held, so precious, so
fucking unbelievably sweet. “Like fucking someone else. I didn’t want to do
that, so when my need for you got to be too much and I was ready to climb the
fucking walls I went and let some asshole do this to my dick. It worked too,
shit took weeks to heal, by then I was used to it, I kinda like it, you will
too I promise.” She knelt in the middle of the bed and reached for me trying to
take me into her mouth. “Oh no baby if you suck on me right now I’ll go off
like a shot, I haven’t even stroked my cock in three months in anticipation of
this moment, no way I’m spilling in your mouth.” She pouted her sweet pout,
which drew me to her mouth for another kiss before she pulled away.

“So you didn’t…you
know…with anyone else?” Cool, I guess we needed to have this little convo first
though my dick was leaking pre cum like a son of a bitch. “Babe didn’t you hear
anything I said to you that night?” She bit her lip and lowered her head. “I
know Jake but that was a long time ago and…” I lifted her chin again so I could
see into her eyes. “That’s just time baby, time doesn’t change love, love is
forever.” She flew into my arms and wrapped her arms and legs around me. “I
love you so much Jake.” She was back to crying and peppering my face with
kisses. “Fuck baby I’ve waited so long to hear you say that, say it again.” She
repeated it over and over as I laid her back on the bed and spread her open for
my eyes to feast. “Stand up babe I want to see that ass.”




I stood at the side
of the bed as he inspected me, my body shaking in need. He slapped one cheek
and bit the other making me squeal in surprise. “Jake what’re you doing?” I
laughed down at him as he continued to cover my ass with little love nips.
“Marking you.” His hand cupped my pussy and his fingers teased with feather
light touches. There was a heat there and I wasn’t sure if it was from me, or
him but it felt amazing. “Bend over baby.” He had me lean over the bed while he
moved around behind me and…sweet mercy he was licking me from behind. I gripped
the sheets as he held my hips steady for the onslaught of his tongue. “Oh…Jake
feels so good.” He moved his head form side to side as he pushed his tongue
deeper inside me. I couldn’t help it, I might smother the poor man with my need
but I pushed back against his tongue begging for more. “I want to fuck you so
bad from behind baby but not this time. This time I want you beneath me.”

He laid me across
the bed himself which was good because I’d lost all movement in my limbs, I was
a limp mess. I noticed for the first time the diamond stud he now sported in
his left ear. As if he needed to add anything more to his devastatingly
handsome self. It was hot and sexy and made me want to do all manner of
lascivious things to him. He ran the piercing in his cock over my tummy making
me tremble before he and it went after my clit. Shock waves ran through my body
at the feel of the cold metal against my warm flesh. Then he pressed down and
in and I felt that remembered fullness. “Hold on sweetheart.” I had no time to
contemplate his meaning before I was being torn in two. My loud screech could
be heard I’m sure by the other guests it was that loud. The pleasure pain was
unlike anything I’d ever known. There was a burning and a heat and yet a need
that was too strong for me to comprehend.




There was a touch of pain in her voice that brought me up short.

"What? Am I hurting you?" I looked
down at her body. Her legs were opened around my hips, her body laid bare for
my eyes, hands and mouth to feast on.

"Just a little, I don't remember you being
this...big." She blushed prettily as she tried to hide her face in the
pillow beneath her head.

"Babe when I took your cherry I only used
about seven of my ten inches." I pulled back a little to ease her

"Oh..." She looked at me almost in
wonder as I slid back in. I cautioned myself to go easy even though my cock was
like a bull at the rodeo gate. One sniff of her and he was ready to break out,
like me he knew her, knew who she was, and what she meant to us. “I’ll go easy
baby just lift your leg a little. Good girl.” I kept her leg over my bent arm
as I once again stroked in and out of her sweet pussy. That tight grip I
remembered, that had been the cause of many a sleepless night was still there
only better. I felt the most intense rush of possession as her body gave in to
me. “Mine…” She arched her back and cried out at my loud growl, this time in
pleasure. I felt her give way to me inside, felt her body stretch to accept my
length and I let go.

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