Bad Boy's Secret: Enemies with Benefits Book One (3 page)

Chapter 4- Breaking Status Quo


Paige's POV


Shoving my hair into a bun, I regret
staying at the party for as long as I did. My head isn't as bad as last time, I
didn't drink as much as last time. I remember all the events, including Jake
who was trying to get me to go with him. What a jerk. All he wants from girls
is sex. I leaving grabbing my school stuff, and I see Robbie is outside waiting
for me.

"I can drive myself you know." I
slip into the passenger seat, and shrugs his shoulders, and he puts the car in
drive.  "Thank you though." I add, handing him a piece of gum.

"Awww thanks Paige!" He takes,
and starts obnoxiously smacking it. I just laugh, as he parks his car. We walk
towards the school together gossiping about what happened to Carmen. It's bad
of me I know, but sometime she really gets on my nerves. She knows how Wyatt
can be yet she still went with him. I'm not gonna be there to help put her
together either, I will tell her that she knew what was coming and she
shouldn't have done anything. 

"You get emails about a part
yet?" I ask, walking into the auditorium. Drama is before school, so we
have to come in earlier. We take the two middle seats in the front row, and he
pulls out a deck of cards. 

"No I haven't. Wanna play?" He
asks, and I nod. He shuffles the deck, and I wonder why he carries a random
pack of cards around with him.  As the room fills more we sit still
chatting about classes and what to do over spring break, which is coming here
not next week but the week after that. What will I do for a tutor session? I won't
be here, and I'm assuming he won't either? Why am I thinking about that now?!
Right now I don't even want to do next week's lesson, especially if all he is
gonna do is flirt with me and try and get me in his bed. "Paige it's your

"Oh.. sorry!" I say, looking back
down at my hand of cards.  "Do you have any fives?" I ask, yes
we're playing Go Fish.

"Nope." He smiles, he is very
good at this game and I am not. I think he set the deck or whatever it's
called.  Mrs. Oliver waltz in the hands every one the sheet music to a
chorus song in the play. She hasn't chosen any big parts yet, other than chorus
people and Pegasus. The horse that doesn't ever talk but is actually a big part
of the whole story. She sits at her piano and cracks her fingers, telling
everyone to get ready. She starts playing a warm up for us to warm up our
vocals, and the door to the auditorium swings open.

"Ahhh Mr. Lincoln, I was wondering if
you were going to show up. Welcome to drama, it's so nice to have another
member." Mrs. Oliver, greets Jake as he stand in the doorway looking
slightly miserable. What is he doing here? He can't be in drama now, no way.
Why would he be? What up shop or even art class?!

"Ahh yeah I kinda have to be here now
I'm in the club..." he says, walking down the aisle between the rows of
chairs. Girls in the room erupt into giggles and start whispering. I lay my
arms on the piano, just wanting to get class over with now.  Robbie leans
next to me, and kludges me  looking towards Georgia she is leading Jake
towards the piano now, and sharing sheet music with him.

"So much for a good musical." I
whisper to him, and he shakes his head.

"Mrs. Oliver will put him in his
place." He replies looking up at him again. I know Robbie can't stand Jake
either, and I know why. Robbie last year had a small thing with a girl they
talked and went on a couple dates, and the next thing he knew Jake took her for
one of his one night things. I nod Mrs. Oliver wont deal with his crap. She can
barely stand for Marks crap, and she only keeps him around because he can act
and sing. He is one of those people who is really good at being funny and being
serious. Like he can have his face be dead pan while the audience is laughing
there assess off from a joke that was just said. He is good.

"Oh, Hey Paige!" Jake says and I
look over towards him. He is smiling at me, and waving. Innocently but I can
see what he is trying to do. God what is he doing? This isn't how thing are
supposed to be! He is suppo set to play the sports be the jock and jerk. Not
the drama guy too! There is a status quo that needs followed, this isn't High
School Musical! Besides wont this ruin his reputation?  I don't even reply
to him I just flick my wrist in a small wave.  I look down at the sheet
music in my hand, and ignore Robbie who is now looking at me as well.

"Enough talking!" Mrs. Oliver
quiets everyone. "Alright let's start the scales please." Then she
plays the piano, and we all sing. I keep my eyes down and on the piano, feeling
Robbie's look at the side of my face, and Jake's on my forehead. As class drags
on and we start working on the actual songs from the musical. I relax and get
used to Jake staring. But for some reason Robbie is being weird, and I'm not
happy about it. What does he think is going on? When we finish practicing the
song, Mrs. Oliver tells us all to take five before we go again. I pull Robbie
aside, and confront him about whatever is going on.

"What's your problem?" I ask,
turning so we aren't facing Jake at all. That guy is getting on my nerves,

"I don't have a problem." He
says, not looking at me.

"Oh really?" I say, crossing my
arms. "Well, quiet being Mr. Jealous or whatever your being. Jake is
trying to get under my skin that's all. You know I wouldn't go for him."

"You don't go for anyone, Paige."
he reminds me, I nod. Exactly my point!  "What even got him talking
to you?" He asks.

"Ahh, he spotted me at his party last
night." I say not bringing up the tutoring lessons. "I was supposed
to be his girl for the night. I said no. I'm guessing he has decided to pursue
me because of it." I tell him, and he shakes his head.

"Ahhh my Paigey with her will power
being strong!" He drapes an arm around my shoulders.  I giggle,
getting out of it. " I really am proud of you though... don't let him get
to you Paige, he isn't a good guy." He warns.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for looking out
for me." I say, and we do our little hand shake. Then we get called back
in, and we practice the song more. As we finish the bell rings and I say goodbye
to Robbie, and head towards my locker. I stop grabbing, my things for French

"Okay.. so I think I've made the wrong
impression on you." Jake says, and he opens his locker. I role my eyes, is
this how it's gonna be now? Him trying his different techniques. I close my
locker, and just walk away no way I'm going to fally for any of it. 
"Wait... hold up!" He says, and then he is next to me.

"I know all of you little tricks to
hooking girls, Jake. I'm not gonna go for it so you might as well stop
trying." I say and I open the door to the French room.

"Paige." He says laying a hand on
my shoulder, it makes me shiver. His hand is warm, like a sweaty nervous warm.
Jake Lincoln nervous? I turn seeing what he wants, and I see him with a slight
smile and his eyes soft yet intense.

"No, not even that look is going to
catch me." I say, pulling my shoulder away from his hand. I don't look
back I just take my seat and open up my book. I can't believe he tried that on
me, that's his last resort move. At least that's what Carmen said. Why I
remember I don't know. I do remember though, Carmen said that he has a look he
gives girls and they just fall into his arms. I think about it again. It was
really cute. It wasn't his cocky player grin, it looked like a normal boy shy
smile. On him it looked good.




Mr. Parker is right in the middle of his
lesson when everyone gets called to the auditorium for an assembly. I watch as
Mr. Parker rolls his eyes, it's always his class that gets interrupted. It's eighth
period and no one else really has an actual important class other than this
one, so the principle figured that since we're the smart kids it's okay to miss
it. We all head to the auditorium like we were supposed to, and we're gonna be
the last group to get there as well. Since his room is the farthest away... I
hold the door open for everyone, including Mr. Parker. Then I go in myself, and
I role my eyes seeing Jake standing there. I walk past him, but he comes to my
side not saying anything.

I down and make sure there is a spot next
to me because otherwise he might make someone get up so he can sit by me. I
look straight ahead, as does he. What is he doing?  I look around me, to
see if anyone is looking, and no one is that I know of.

"No one is watching us don't
worry." He whispers, and I look ahead again. Oh jeepers! Think of
something snappy to say, Paige you can do it!

"No I just don't want to be seen with
you." I sigh, playing it off cool. I also said what I feel, and that's a

"Ah come on. Don't you remember back
in middle school and we worked on that project together?" He asks, and I
turn my head looking at him. He is looking at me, smiling. I narrow my eyes,
what is he getting at? How will that help him at all with what he is trying to

"I don't think so..." I reply,
looking forward again. Then Mr. Wilson comes out on the stage, and taps the
microphone. Then the assembly begins.

Chapter 5- The Many Faces


Paige's POV


The bell rings signalling school is over,
and I stand up scooching past Jake without a word. I get to my locker and I see
Robbie already there with my locker open. I smile thanking him, and digging to
grab my stuff.

"Yeah, no problem." He lets out a
breath, now what? I stand tossing my back around my shoulder, and pulling my
locker door from his hand.  "Why were you and Jake sitting
together?" he asks, as I walk away. Then he is  next to me, and
keeping pace with me.  I role my eyes, as we make it towards his car.

"Because, he waited for me." I
say, telling the truth. "I don't know what his problem is Robbie, and I
really don't want to talk about it." I say ending the conversation. I look
back at the school, and I see Carmen walk out with Wyatt an Jake. I haven't
really seen her at all today, my only class she is in is seventh period study
hall and she wasn't there. I get into Robbie's car as does he. 

"I'm just wondering.." He informs
me starting his car. ".. Wanna have that movie marathon 
tonight?" He asks, pinching my side. I jump away as good as I can in the
car and giggle. He knows I hate it when he does that! "What? What's so
funny" he asks and he does it again.

"I'm gonna pee!" I laugh trying
to keep his hand away. He chuckles, and puts the car in drive. Then we leave
the parking lot, he drops me of at my dorm and we talk about me going to his
dorm so we can watch the scary movies. Taking things to my room, I head down to
the kitchen and fill up Fiddle's water and food bowl. I grab a pop tart from the
pantry as well.  I lean against the counter, and watch Fiddle dig into the
food. He is a fat cat, but he is like a healthy fat cat. He is just bigger I
guess. He can still run around like a tornado and do all that so he is

"So Paige." Anne walks in filing
her nails, "I saw Jake and you sat together at the assembly." She
says, looking up at me through her fake lashes. She must've just put them on
right after school. I set down the pop tart, looking at the floor thinking of
what to say? Of course she would see, she can't ever take her eyes off Jake. I
look up at her, wishing that we had different dorms.  That's the only
reason she knows my name I assume, is because she sees me often and live in the
same dorm building as me.

"Jake had a question about drama."
I say, breaking a piece from my pop tart and munching down on it.

"That better be all it is." She
warns me, "It's bad enough he is in that stupid class anyway." She
mumbles leaving the room. I role my eyes looking down at Fiddle who is looking
after Anne who just left. Finishing my pop tart I skip up the stairs, and to my
room grabbing my phone and keys. I'll just go to Robbie's now, I have nothing
better to do. I send him a quick text letting him know I'm coming. I pull up
and park, grabbing my phone, and leaving my keys in the car.

I head in just going straight up the stairs
to his room. Each dorm has four levels, and Robbie is on the third. Lots of
stairs. It keeps me fit though, because my room is also on the third floor! I
make it up without any problems, and I knock first like always, but I don't
hear a reply. I check my phone to see if he opened the message which is something
you can do with Iphones. He hasn't. I open the door slightly, and say his name.
He doesn't reply, but I hear his shower running. That would be why. I go
inside, knocking on the bathroom door. Then I go and look at the movies he's
got. He peeks his head out from the bathroom, and I wave letting him know I'm
here. He waves, and gets back his shower.  I pick out  a bunch of the
chucky movies, and the Paranormal Activity movies. Robbies has a book shelf of
movies, and most of them are scary movies. He also has the Star Wars and Harry
Potter movies. He is something else.

When the bathroom door opens again five
minutes later, he comes out with a towel wrapped around his bottom torso.
Looking at his upper have, I see his arms and chest and stomach. Not bad
looking. He is an shape as well. I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he
grabs the clothes he has sitting out in his bed, then he goes back to the
bathroom.  He comes back out dressed, and running his fingers through his
hair trying to dry it. He plops on his bed next to me, and looks the moves I
picked out. Then we chat about what snack to eat, whenever we have movie marathons
we always run down to the kitchen and hoard all of one food in his room.
Although he doesn't know what they have, so we decide to just go and check what
they have.  We race down to the kitchen, and it's a pretty even race, but
I get to the fridge first.

I grab out the fruit punch and Robbie gives
me a thumbs up. I set it on the table, and grab two glasses. Then he pull two
boxes of Cookie Crisp cereal. I grab the juice again and the two cups and head
up stairs indicating that we have our snacks for the night. Once we're back in
his room, he closes his blinds, and then turns to the light off. Then I press
play and we snuggle under his comforter.

Six Chucky movies later, I grab the boxes
of cereal and the jug of juice. I whisper goodbye to Robbie, who fell asleep
during the last movie, and I leave. I have stayed the night at his dorm before,
but only on weekends. Tomorrow is Friday and we have school, probably not a
good idea. I turn towards the kitchen once I'm down the stairs, to throw away
the garbage. We drank all the juice and ate a box and half of cereal. Taking my
time breaking the boxes down so they fit into the recycling bin easier, I lean
against the counter peeling of the box tops from them too.

"Yeah, dad I understand." I hear
Jake's voice, I role my eyes turning so that my back is to the door hopefully
he won't see me. I totally forgot about Jake and Robbie being in the same dorms
as well. What a small fucking world. "Mr. Wilson already assigned me a
tutor anyways, so no need to freak out." He speaks again, I listen now, noticing
his is talking about me. Or at least having a tutor.

"Well, I won't have my son failing
classes. You're Jace was a straight A student, and Jayla is a straight A
student." An obviously older guy replies, and he sounds sophisticated, and
snobby. Jake's father, Mr. Lincoln. He is the owner of the company his family

"I have all A's but one." 
Jake sighs, and I turn around looking towards the entrance. He has all A's, but
in Mr. Parker's class?

"And that one is an F!" Mr.
Lincoln replies, not happy. "Next time I come for a visit, I expect that
grade to be better."  Then I hear a door close, and everything is
quiet. Wow, Jake's got a chip on his shoulder. I didn't realize that his
parents or at least his dad was that ... what's the word I'm looking for stuck
up maybe?

"Goodbye to you too, Dad." I hear
Jake, he sounds disappointed. Gosh, it's 2:43 A.M what kind of visit was that?
I feel bad for Jake, he really does need his grade up. I wonder what else was
all said, Jake doesn't sound happy at all. The whole night must've been bad.
"What are you doing here this late?" Jake's voice floats into the
kitchen. I look up, from the box of cereal checking his posture and his facial
expression. He isn't looking at me. He is slouched against the wall, scratching
back of his head looking at the floor.

"Watched movies with Robbie." I
reply, tossing the jug of juice in the bin. That's all I needed, now I can go.
"Well.. I better get going.." I say and I walk past him.

"Paige," he says, I stop looking
back as I put my sweatshirt on. "I know you heard what he said." He
says turning around and looking at me.

"I won't say anything." I assure
him, no way would I say anything about what I heard. Jake has his own family
issues, and that's none of my business.

"That's not where I was going,"
He says, "I just... I want you to know, I really do appreciate that you
taking the time to tutor me." He  glances up at my face. I'm a little
confused, and I think I'm blushing. Jake is being a good guy. Not a jerk
manwhore. He isn't with a girl right now, he was with his father, and most
likely getting in trouble. He is thanking me, and really meaning it. I smile
happy to see he still has this side to him. I do remember the time we worked on
the project in middle school.

"Yeah, no problem." I smile
slightly, as does he. "By the way, I like this side of you. It's the side
I remember from middle school, when we worked on that project."  I
inform him, heading towards the door again.

"I just wish you weren't the only
one.." I hear him before I close the door. I stand outside on the deck
area, trying to figure out if I really hear that or if that was just me wishing
he would say something like that. Good guy Jake. That Jake is cute. I shake my
head, no matter what Jake he is he isn't cute!


Jake's POV


I watch as she makes her way out of the
school, with Robbie next to her. They talk for a second before they get in the
car, and once they do get in they still talk. Wyatt is busy flirting with his
new girl, apparently she is more than just a one night thing. I sigh looking
back at Robbie's car. I see them laughing, and having a good time. I think I
was wrong before, I was right about him being friendzoned, but I can see he is
trying to break through it. I wonder why he doesn't just kiss her. I look away,
realizing she won't break. She has a set mind, whatever it's set at she isn't veering
off track. She hasn't even cracked once, other than being nervous around me,
but that's almost everyone. I go out to my car, and drive to my dorm. No way do
I want to hang out with Wyatt and Carmen. Robbie pulls up at the same time I
do, but he is alone now. He must've dropped Paige off at her dorm. He walks
right inside, like he normally does. What on Earth is so special about him? Why
is he her best friend? I role my eyes.. Who cares Jake! I go into the dorm, and
I see my Father. I panic, my grade! Oh god I'm in for it!

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