Bad Boy's Secret: Enemies with Benefits Book One (5 page)

"You can dance?" He laughs.

"Ballet." I nod, crumpling up the
wrap to my now finished chocolate bar. It's somewhat embarrassing for me to
talk about it. Everyone thinks ballet is dumb nowadays, it's all about hip hop
and all that stuff. But I love it, I just have to much going on to keep it
going, and I just do it for fun, so I can still just go to a studio when ever
to just mess around.

"Really?" He asks, his interest
peeked. "You've been in it since you were young... and it sounds like
you're gonna miss it so why quit?"

"I guess I'm just not as into as I was
before, but yes I will miss it." I say, and I can't help but like the fact
that we are having a normal conversation. "Anyways... Monday or
Thursday.." I say changing the subject.

"Oh! Right.." He says, "Hmmm
Monday." He says. I nod. Monday it is.

"Is that all?" I ask, he nods. I
stand up, rolling shoulders. It's a beautiful spring day outside. I might just
bring my speech stuff out here and do it! That's a good idea. I'm going to! I
walk with him back to the front of the building, he has his hands in his
pockets, and he is looking at his surroundings. I still can't help but
wonder... we just had a nice civil and normal conversation. He didn't hit on me
or anything. Maybe he was telling the truth about the friend thing.
"Hey... last night.. did you say something as I was leaving?" I ask,
and I stop in front of the stairs, waiting for him to reply.

"What?" He says caught off guard.
The door opens and Rachel and Anne come out.

"Jake!" Anne smiles, and I back
away. I don't want to see any of this shit!

"I'm busy." He says to her, and
she frowns, and I can feel her glare at me. I look him up and down trying to
understand him. "I did." he says and pulls me back to his face. I
make an O shape whit my mouth, now still feeling Anne's raging stare.

"Well, I' guess.. I better get my
speech done." I sigh, then say goodbye. I walk away before he can really
reply. I run into the living room, and peek out the windows. I see Anne interrogating
him, and he looks tired. I close the curtains, and go to my room. Jake didn't
look one bit into her at all. She got friendzoned!

Chapter 7- Soft


Jake's POV


She left before I could even say goodbye. I
send Anne a glare, she is getting on my nerves. She has been all over me, and I
don't like that in a girl. I like being all over the girl, not the other way

"What are you doing talking to
her?" she snips at me, jealously. I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes.
"She won't go for it."

"I'm not in it for that." I say,
"I had some questions about drama." I lie easily. She lets out a
breathe and then she tries in her own weird way to look sexy. It doesn't work
for me. I've never looked at her as good looking. Sluts aren't

"Jake the only reason you ever talk to
a girl is to get something around that area from them." She smiles, and
pulls her friend away with her. I stay there a minute, she is right. I never
just want to be friends with girls. I can see why Paige is the way she is with
me. I want to do her, no doubt about that. But the fact is she won't, and
that's something I've never came across before. She is different with me. She
tells me off, and she isn't afraid to be blunt with me. She is still nervous
around me though, and I've seen her little blushes. I have an effect on her
that's for sure. She is a new thing to me. I for some reason am fascinated with

I get in my car, I head back to my dorm.
Wyatt is there, without Carmen.

"Sup dude! you been with a girl?"
He smirks at me.

"Yeah." I reply,  I've been
talking to Paige.

"That doesn't sound like the I just
fucked Jake." He says, and I shake my head.

"Because I didn't have sex with
her." I inform him and he actually spits out his water. Is it that hard to

"So you were with Anne?" He asks,
not understanding.

"No, I did see her though. I was with
Paige." I say, and he smirks. I grap myself an apple from the fridge, and
sit next to him in the kitchen. He is still smirking.

"Paige..?" He says,
"Carmen's friend?" he sits up. I nod that would be her. 
"Oh come on dude why you even trying, you aren't going to get
anywhere." I  take a bite of my apple. I know that.

" I know." I snap. He doesn't
know about the tutoring stuff. No one but Mr. Parker, Paige, Mr. Wilson, and my
parents know. " I had some questions about drama." I say trying to
get him off my back. He laughs, about me being in drama and I wait for him to
shut up. "How are things with Carmen?" I ask changing the subject.

"Great, she talks about Paige.. and
from the sounds of it Paige doesn't like either of us." He brings it back
to her.  "So... why are you really talking to her?" He asks. I
shake my head.  "You're not getting soft for her are you?" He
asks, and he is smiling like a baboon. I toss the apple core in the garbage.
Getting soft for Paige? I'm not am I? I've never really liked girls. If they're
hot, I have sex with them and that's it.  "Is Jake going soft?!"
He stands up laughing, and I send him a glare.

"No I'm not!" I tell him,
"I've just gotta focus on grades for a second." I say. He studies me,
and I let out a breath. Me going soft no way! I shake my head, and go to my
room. For him even ask means I am going soft for her. Well, no more. I need a
girl this weekend.


I pause, what just happened. I think about
it. I don't need a girl. I just want one. I know who I want as well, but that
so far doesn't sound like it's going to happen.

Chapter 8- Slutty Brownies


Paige's POV


I finish tying my shoe, and stand up
leaving the dorm and stretching out my arms. It's six in the morning on Sunday,
no one else will be up so I will be able to run in piece. Every Sunday I
actually get up at six and go for a run. It calms me, and gets me back into
focus for school. Tomorrow I have to tutor Jake as well, I'm gonna need to be
calm for that.  I jog from my dorm to the horse barn, which is a mile
there and back. So two miles. I pass by all of the girl dorms, on my way
towards the horses, and once I get to the barn  I stop and look out at all
the horses. Some are grazing and others are doing nothing. When I decide to
head, back I jog again. Three fourths of the way there my shoe comes on tied,
so I stop, putting foot up against a tree to retie it.  I start up again
at slower pace, I look over at the dorms, everything is so peaceful. No lights
on, no loud noises. It sounds and looks like it was a calm night. I see the
dorm next time mine, and I see the door open. I wonder who else is up there
early? When Jake slips out, I stop jogging. He pulls his sweat shirt on and
I  take a breath, turning up my iPod. God, of course it wasn't a calm
night. Jake had to have a girl! I  slip over to the other side of the
street, no way do I want him to see me. I continue running. I'm now mad, and nowhere
close to calm. But why am I mad?

I thought better of him. But why? It's not
like he is going to change for me, why would he since we're aren't even really
friends. I wonder who it was.. I know that's Carmen's dorm, I wonder who else
is all in there. Then I see the door open again and Wyatt comes out. Oh god Carmen.
I role my eyes, and cross the street again. I'm at my dorm, I go inside and
shower getting ready for the day. What will I do?

"Thanks for calling." I say to
Robbie, as we leave the restaurant. He called me around two o'clock asking if I
would like to go out to eat with him and then practice play lines.

"No problem, so... who's place?"
he asks, and I shrug I could care less.  "Do you have your book
even?" he asks. I nod, pulling it out. "Well, then.. how about
mine."  I nod sounds good. He pulls in and we go up to his room
together, we practice lines for a good two hours and then we lose focus.
"Well that was a good practice while it lasted!" he sighs, tossing
his book on his desk. I laugh agreeing with him.

"How are you songs coming along?"
I ask, wondering if he has practiced them at all. I know I haven't. I only have
one song anyways, but I haven't even listened to the recording Mrs. Oliver
emailed me.

" I've listened to the recordings, but
that's about it. I have a private lesson with her, tomorrow after school so she
can work on them with me. I nod that sounds like a good idea. "I love how
you say that line introducing yourself to Her! You do it perfectly." He

"Megera, my friends call me Meg, at
least they would if I had any friends. So did they give a name along with all
those rippling pectorals?" I quote my line. It's the only I have

"Perfect!" He sighs, and messes
up my hair. I get up laughing and going to his bathroom to fix my hair. I come
out checking the clock, it's nine now.  "What to do on a Sunday
night.." He sighs, and I nod. Now what? "Oh I know! I have all the ingredients
for you two make those brownie things, you should make them for me!" He

"Fine."I say and we head down to
the kitchen. I seen this recipe called Slutty Brownies on the web a while ago
and decided to make them. They are so good! All you do is take chocolate chip
cookie dough, and put it in the bottom of the brownie pan, then put one layer
of Oreos on it, and then the brownie batter. Cook it for however long the
brownie batter calls for and then it's done!

As I spread out the cookie dough, which is
the hardest part to do, I listen to Robbie practicing his line. His dorm is
kind of dead tonight, everyone's trying to get their homework done I'm guessing.
I take the package of Oreos away from him, scolding him for eating them, and I
lay out the Oreos one by one. Then I mix up the brownie mix.

"Hey, so what time do I need to be
there Tuesday?" He asks, dipping his finger in the batter. I take the bowl
away then, I always let him have the bowl once I get most of the batter out
anyways. I spread the batter, and then pop it in the oven. Robbie always pre
heats it for me, I forget. "Hmm I'll be right back. Potty break!"

"To much information." I reply,
as he leaves the room. I set the bowl down on the table, and start cleaning up
and putting things away.

"Awww Paige cooking for me?"
Jake's voice chuckles behind me. I turn and see him swipe his finger through
the bowl. "I do love brownies." he adds, smirking at me.

"Cooking yes. For you specifically
no." I sigh, unsure if I should take the bowl away. Robbie won't be happy,
but I guess he is just out of luck. Besides, he doesn't need to eat a bunch of
sweets now. He needs to keep figure for the musical anyways.

"Oh. You wound me!" he says
placing a hand over his heart. I laugh, grabbing an Oreo from the package
before putting them away. I sit down across from Jake, who is now sitting, and
I break it so I can lick the cream off first. "Oh my god what are you doing
to that poor cookie?" He asks, setting the bowl down.

"Eating it." I reply, and he
shakes his head. "This is the correct way to eat an Oreo, nutball."
I  smile and so does he.

"You don't look like you eating it
though. More like...  trying to get into its pants." He says, looking
down at his phone.

"You're just jealous this cookie is
getting more action from me then you are." I sigh, and he nods.

"Yes, that's sadly true. I congratulate
the cookie."  He smirks at me, my cheeks heat, and I look away. "Don't
worry, I'm not gonna try anything." He adds, and I stand checking the
brownies in the oven. "So what are you making that needs Oreos and brownie

"Slutty  Brownies." I smile
at him. Ironic. He should like this. "Ever had one?" He now narrows
his eyes at me seeing I'm making a joke of him.

"Nope. I'll gladly try one." He
sits up and crosses his arms, in a business like way.

"They're not done yet." I sigh.
"You're gonna have to wait... something I'm sure you aren't used to."
I say wiping of the counter, and I hear him scoff. 

"I'm a patient man when I want to be,
Ms. Easton." he says, I turn meeting his eyes. We lock our gazes and my
stomach clenches in a good way. He is giving me butterflies! Jake Lincoln
giving me butterflies?! I turn away, and finish the counter, mentally yelling
at myself. Don't show him any interest, or he'll get mixed signals.

"I highly doubt that." I reply
clearing my throat. Although, what on Earth does he have to be patient for? If
he asks for something I'm sure almost everyone around him will stop at nothing
until he gets it.

"Well, maybe you should get know me
better.. then you will know for yourself." He says quietly losing his
cocky edge. I take a drink from my water, totally confused. What's going on
right now? Is this just playful banter, or are we actually flirting?

"I think I know you pretty good
already." I say, still purposely not facing him. I remember this morning.
He left the girls dorm.

"Oh?" he questions. "What
exactly do you think you know?" He whispers, and it sends shivers up my
spine. Now he is doing this on purpose.

"I know, you come from a rich
family." I start. "And your one of the schools top athletes. I also
happen to know you're fai-"

"What do you really know about me
though." He whispers right behind me now. I take a deep breath. How did I
not hear him move? I want to see exactly how close he is, I want to know what
he is doing! Does he think he will break me like this?

"I know you use girls, and don't ever
consider their feelings." I reply, turning so I'm facing him. He is right
there behind me. We are maybe two or three inches apart. He is looking down at
me, his expression blank. We stand like this for what seems like years, staring
at each other unmoving.

"What if that isn't really me?"
He asks, lifting a hand and tucking some of my hair behind me ear. I can't tell
if he is serious or not!

"Why are you asking." I reply,
and the kitchen fills with tension and the smell of brownies. They're probably
done now. I gain my confidence and brush past him, taking the brownies out.

"Reasons." He whispers. At that
moment Robbie walks in, and he looks from Jake to me. "Well, I'll get
going.." Jake says, and leaves the kitchen. I can feel myself relax, god
that was intense.

"You let him lick the bowl.."
Robbie takes notice to the bowl in the sink, "What did he want?" he

"Just some advice on drama." I
sigh, "Here dig in." I hand him a small desert plate with a brownie
on it. I sit thinking about Robbie's question. What did Jake want. I don't know
for sure myself. I haven't figured out if I was flirting with him yet. I
must've been. If I have to think about it,  must've. I scratch my
forehead. I'm giving him total mixed signals. Well, no I'm not.  Because I
assume he know I won't just sleep with him. So if he  ever wants to go
there we'll have to date or something- DATE? Jake doesn't do the dating thing,
hence why he uses girls!

"You sure?" Robbie asks before he
takes a bite. "You look pretty distracted."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say.
"But I'm tired. See ya tomorrow?" He nods. I grab my things from his
room, and go back to my dorm. Not wanting tomorrow. I don't understand anything
that just happened. I need to sleep and get a clear mind about everything.

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