Bad Boy's Secret: Enemies with Benefits Book One (6 page)

Chapter 9- Warning.


Jake's POV


I'm so screwed. That's all I got. I'm going
soft and it's all her. I don't think about girls anymore it's just her. I don't
want any girl now just her. I do however want to punch Robbie, multiple times.
Paige and I were having some kind of moment, and he walked in and ruined it. 
I'm so screwed. I'm jealous of her relationship with him, and I'm mad at myself
for all of my shenanigans with girls. She is right, I do use girls, and I
haven't ever even thought about their feelings. I just cared about my own

As I lay in my bed, replying what went down
in the kitchen, I know I'm in for a bunch of shit. This morning, when I went to
find Wyatt,  and tell him that I was going to go out and spend the day
with my sister, he just laughed. I of course found him at his girlfriends dorm,
and I woke them both up at 7:43 this morning. Jayla called me last night
(Saturday night) and wanted to know if I would spend the day with her. I took
her up on the offer, not wanting to sit in my room and sulk. I had a great day
with her, and when I got back to school, it got even better. Cause when I walk
in and I go the kitchen and see Paige it made me smile. Then we started
talking. It was nice. Playful banter, and she kept with it, never once did she faultier.
She wasn't scared to say any of it. Sleep I need sleep.

I wake up and do my normal morning routine,
showering and all the works. Then I walk out the door grabbing a frozen
Smuckers peanut butter and Jelly sandwich things. I eat them frozen, I think
they're better that way. Driving to the school, I get to drama just on time! As
I walk in Mrs. Oliver tells everyone to get on stage where they need to be from
the beginning. They skip the songs this morning, and the practice continues
going through the play up to the part where Paige comes in. They stop before
she actually comes on.  I look for her, and I don't see her is she even

"Mr. Schroeder, where is Ms.
Easton?" Mrs. Oliver asks, I lean back in my chair she isn't here. She
didn't look sick last night, although she still could be sick.

"She texted me saying something about
seeing a te-"

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Oliver, I had Paige
with me. We were discussing some stuff for class, I've kept her away from class
this whole time." Mr. Parker opens a door from the back, and he and Paige
appear. Paige's face is flushed, and her hair is slightly messed up. Mr. Parker
is smiling and seems to be in a good mood. What happened?

"Alright well, I need her now."
she replies, and Mr. Parker salutes. Paige send him a quick glare and then
walks down towards the stage. She hopes up on the stage and the musical
continues as if it hadn't stopped. Once Paige's scene is done she comes down
and starts brushing through her hair with her fingers, trying to calm it down.
I wonder what got it so wild to begin with. She eventually gives up, and puts
it up into a messy bun. 

"Paige why were you late." Robbie
asks, sitting next to her. I'm sitting three chairs down from them and I can
hear everything they are saying. Mrs. Oliver is taking a quick break to talk to
the five gospel goddess girls about their songs.

"Nothing important." She replies,
pulling a pop tart from her book bag. "What?" She asks. "Nothing
bad, we just walked into each other when I got here, and he had to show me this
model cannon he finished last night.  It blows a puff of air out and it's

"He couldn't have waited?" Robbie

"I don't know Robbie." she sighs,
and I see she is tired of his questions. I shake my head at him. He is pushing
the friend boundaries. If he was her boyfriend then yeah his question would be
okay, but he isn't.

"I'm sorry okay.. It's none of my
business." He says, looking down at his play script.

"It's fine.." She replies, and
her eyes wonder around the auditorium. I look away, not wanting her to catch me
looking. Once Mrs. Oliver starts up the practice again, it starts at the scene
where Hades tell Meg to find Hercules weakness. Paige, is a good actress. Or
maybe the part is just her. They both have good snappy comes backs that's for
sure.  Mark the guy playing Hades, seems a bit out of it though, tired and
sleepy. Paige is trying to get him more involved but, this is just not his
morning apparently.  Once the bell rings for first period, I'm the first
one out of the room. I'm just a light person and we don't have to do anything
yet, so I just got to sit and watch. I stop at my locker and I decide to take
my time I want to talk to Paige. Wyatt beats Paige here though, and he immediately
jumps in a plan for a party tonight.

"Besides dude... let's face it. You
need to get a girl. What's in been now two three weeks?" He says, and I shrug
somewhere around there. I used to always have at least one girl a week maybe
two. But since I found out about my grade and tutor thing I haven't really
thought about it. Well and since last Wednesday I haven't thought about any
other girls other then Paige.

"I don't know. I have a lot going
on.." I sigh, closing my locker.

"Jake, we can invite all your little
play girls, that Georgia chick..." He says smirks. Paige.. she is in the
play. "You just need to get Easton out of your head. You're going soft.
That's not something you known for doing."

"I'm not going soft!" I say to
him, and I see Paige out of the corner of my eye she is coming. I shouldn't
even notice her walking this way! I close my eyes, think Jake think. "Okay
fine, party at the dorm tonight!" I say, and Wyatt smirks.

"I'll get everything set up, you just
worry about a target." He says, walking away. I role my eyes. A target. I
don't want a party tonight. I lean against my locker just as she gets to hers.
She doesn't even say hi.

"Okay... now what?" I sigh, what
happened that made her not talk to me now.

"Now what..?" she asks, and I
look at her, she is  focusing on something in her locker. I peek around
the door, and se she is trying to finish eating her food.

"What happened yesterday?" I ask,
wanting her opinion. I still haven't figured it out myself, I know things got
serious, and I was feeling lust for her. The tension in the room was thick. I
flirted. Something I rarely ever do and actually mean it. Normal it's just a
decoy for me to get the girl.

"I was thinking the same thing."
She replies, then pops the last bit of pop tart into her mouth and rubs her
hands together getting rid of the crumbs. "I don't know when you're serious
and when you're not. And I don't know if I should believe you... ever."
she looks up at me, grabbing her locker door.

"I was serious last night. You should
get to know me." I say, and what Wyatt has been saying rings in my head. I
need to get her out of my head, but thinking about getting her out just makes
me think about her more!

"Yes, but in what way are you referring
to." She asks closing her locker and looking at me expectantly.

"I'm not gonna lie I want you in that
way too, but there is something about you... I don't know. You seem to be the
only person who sees and likes me without all the rich guy crap. I like
that." I say, revealing a little of what I feel towards her.

"Because I don't see you as the guy
who has money Jake." She replies. " I see you as a guy who is scared
to be his real self."

"Go out with me tonight." I
blurt, standing in front of her.  No way can I let her get away now. I
don't do dates, and I'm assuming she knows that. I did just ask her out on one,
I'm going soft.

"Huh?" She almost laughs.

"I'm serious. After our session... let's
do something." I say. Then her phone buzzes and she pulls it out, she
looks down at it and stuffs it back in her pocket. She sends me a cold look and
turns walking towards her first class which is French. "What just
happened?" I ask, walking next to her. Mood swings in girls man!

"Your version of doing something would
be getting me drunk and having me in your bed tonight." she replies.
"I'm not gonna go to your party with you." She says, "I know
what you do at those parties, you choose a  girl as a target and you sleep
with her. I'm not going to just be another knotch on your head board
Jake." Then she is in the class room and ignoring me again! I growl in
frustration, Wyatt must've sent out a mass text about the stupid party! I walk
down the hall, know where close to happy. I head to my first period, which is
history, and I slide into my seat. Wyatt is in the seat across from me, and he
seems oddly happy.

"What's up with you?" He asks.

"I just need to let off some
steam." I say, and he pats my back the way friends do.

"You can do that tonight, man! Just
think all the girls, you'll have a nice pick tonight!" He leans back in
his chair as the bell rings. How can he talk like this when he has a girlfriend?
It's not like he can  have a girl tonight other then Carmen. He makes no
sense! The class goes quickly, and I stuff the homework assignment into my book
bag, I actually worked on it and have half of it done. I just don't know if
it's right. Paige will check it for me. Mr. Parker keeps me after class, and
asks me about what I'm doing with spring break. I tell him Paige and I agreed
to have it tonight.

"I need to tell you something...
somewhat off record for a minute." He says, and I nod what on Earth could
it be. If a teacher wants to talk to you and it's off record or anything around
those lines, you better listen. Multiple things could go down, in the next
couple minutes. I'm not in trouble, at least I shouldn't be. I don't have any
idea what for if I am.  "Paige has a bright future ahead of her Jake.
And she has been distracted lately, and I hope you have nothing to do with it.
So take it as a teacherly warning, leave her alone. She is your tutor nothing

"How is it your business?" I ask
standing up from my desk. Why do I get the feeling he is trying to claim his

"I'm just looking out for her best
interest. Something you never do when it comes to girls. Her brother asked me
too, and I told him I would. You aren't looking for what's in her best
interest, but yours. Remember I can always give you a different tutor." He
says. His is eyeing me like a hawk, and I get what he is saying. Paige has a
path set for herself, I've known that. I don't want to ruin it either, but damn
is it tempting.

"I'm not trying to hurt her." I
say, looking away. I look out the door, and see other people scurrying around
trying to get to class.

"Just leave her alone Jake, and we won't
have any problems." He says and then gestures for me to leave, which I do.
Doesn't he know that when adults tell kids something is off limits it just
makes them want it more? I want her. In every way I can have her. It's going to
happen, I'll make sure of it.

Chapter 10- Cliché


Paige's POV


 "Carmen... don't you think
you're moving a bit fast with Wyatt?" I sigh, getting annoyed listen how
happy they are. I'm happy she is happy, but still it all seems rushed to me.
She quits talking a minute and looks at me, trying to figure out my mood.

"I'm sorry I have a relationship and
you don't..." She sighs, and leans back in her chair indicating she is mad
at me. I let out a breath, she can be such a drama queen sometimes! I get back
to my homework, this is my only study hall I have, I hate wasting it. Which is
what she does. Once I finish with everything I contemplate talking to her and
trying to apologize. What she does bother me though. I'm not jealous she is in
a relationship. I'm just looking out for her best interest.  No I'm not
going to apologize, she needs to apologize! When the bell rings, I gather me
things and leave without even looking at her. I feel bad, but she needs to know
I'm not going to keep going through this shit with her. I slip into my desk in
Mr. Parker's room, and I look down at my phone. Robbie sent me text earlier
this morning, during first period.  Finally opening it now, I read his

Robbie: wanna run lines 2night? 8:58 A.M

I don't reply, I just find him when class
is over. Mr. Parker comes in late, like usual, he tosses a subway wrapper in
the trash and greets the class. After he takes role he gets to it, and the
lesson is done and we have the last 5 minutes to start the worksheet. I don't
bother with it, I'll just do it while I'm with Jake. Two birds one stone.
Pulling out my  free  reading book, I open it up and read a quick
chapter. When the bell does ring, I say goodbye to Mr. Parker after he hands me
a couple things he wants me to go over with Jake. I run towards Robbie's locker
and catch him just as he is closing it.

"Hey!" I say, and he smiles.
"I just now checked your text.. I can't  right now, but later I
can." I offer.

"Yeah that's cool!" He says,
"See ya then!" He points at me with a smirk. I shake my head laughing
at him, such a clown. I go back to my locker, and I realize I'm gonna be late
if I don't book it! Sorting through everything I finally get all the papers I
need, and I head to the library. I slip into the room, and I see he isn't even
here yet. I relax sitting down. I look up, and see I'm even ten minutes late.
Oh great where is he? I bet he doesn't want to see me. From this morning. He
asked me out on a date though! I'm not stupid. He doesn't do dates, so
obviously he had something planned. I wasn't going to fall for it. Including he
was just going to bring me to his party! I shake my head don't get all mad and
worked up, it's just going to make the session that much harder.

I sit for another thirty minutes, and I
know he isn't coming. At least I got my own work done waiting. Packing away all
of my things, I leave the library. I can't believe he didn't even show up! He
picked today out! Maybe he is done trying to pursue me. Although thinking of
the party tonight, and how that's probably what he is doing is getting ready
for that. I get in my car driving to my dorm, and throwing my stuff in my room.
I'm buzzing with anger, he is such a jerk! Why did I even bother? I grab my
phone, and leave for Robbie's place. I pull up, and I go inside seeing the
preparation for one of these dumb parties. They put a lot of work into it I'll
give them that. I go up the stairs, and I find the elusive condom bowl, I role
my eyes I didn't think they actually had one. I meet Carmen as I go up the
second flight of stairs, she is coming down. We don't say a word. Just walk
past each other like we've never talked before.

The anger inside me just gets stronger, why
is everyone around me at the moment acting like kids! Or am I the one acting
like a kid? Should I really be mad at Carmen? What she said was a little out of
line, but that's the way she is. She doesn't real think before she speaks, and
I don't have any idea where Jake and are at. We shouldn't be anywhere. I do
need the service hours though.  Once I'm at Robbie's room, I knock and he
opens it he is shirtless, with basketball shorts on and messy hair.

"Did I wake you up or something?"
I ask, looking back up at his face. The smirk on his face tells me he caught me
checking him out.

"No... just interrupted me
changing." He holds the door open to me. I come in, and make his bed real
quick for him. He must've not done it this morning. Or maybe he was napping...
now I feel like shit. He pulls a shirt on, and plops on his bed next to me.
"What did you have to do after school anyways?" he says, tossing a
baseball in the air. He is actually one of the main pitchers for the team. It's
about time for him to start actual practices, and not just pitching in the gym
on Sundays. He practices year round, and now that it's getting nice out again,
he'll be able to go to the field.

"Ahh, just extra work from Mr.
Parker." I say, which isn't technically lying. "I help grade
worksheets... for service hours." I try to make it sound more legit.

"Oh. Do you know any of my
scores?" He asks, sounding worried.

"No, I don't check our classes... he
doesn't trust me with our papers."  I say, hoping this sounds
truthful. I feel bad for lying but, I'd rather him not know about the whole
tutoring situation. "So we gonna run lines or what?" I sit up
grabbing my book that I set on the floor. I would like to change the subject.

"Oh yeah!" he stands and grabs
his book, and then we get down to the nitty gritty. After about two hours of
running lines, the two of us stray off topic again loosing focus. We play his
Playstation 3 for a while, I'm actually really bad at these dumb games but he
likes making fun of me while we play. We have a fun time for a good hour
playing each of his five different games. Once the music starts outside though,
we stop playing. I forgot about the stupid party.  "No!" He
panics standing up. "You're brownies are down there! I'm not gonna get any
of them!"  The two of us leave his room, and make our way through the
crowds to the kitchen. I stand outside the kitchen and wait for him to return,
and I look at everything going on. Another great party, I close my eyes taking
a deep breath. Jake is here somewhere. Finding his target. I run over to the
cooler across from me grabbing a wine cooler, might as well. Then Robbie comes
out carrying my pan of Sluttly Brownies.

"You saved them!" I laugh, and he
smiles nodding.  "Alright well.. now what?" I ask, opening my
drink. He narrows his eyes at me, I shrug my shoulders. "It's here.. might
as well."

"I'm gonna go stash these in my
room." He says, and I stay put again. He is gonna come back down, I don't
know what we're going to do, but we'll do something. I pull out my phone, and
send Carmen a quick text feeling slightly guilty for our little pow wow. I
don't go into detail, I just say that I'm sorry for being rude earlier. Stuffing
my phone back in my pocket, I look into the rec room that is in the room on the
wall I'm leaning against. I turn peeking in, and seeing what's all happening in

I see Carmen with Wyatt, they're in the
middle of the dance floor doing what I'm sure they think is dancing. I role my
eyes, she isn't thinking clearly. I wonder what she was doing earlier? I don't
think Wyatt's room on any of the upper floors. In fact I'm pretty sure that his
is right down this hall. Weird. Looking around some more, I spot a couple more
people I know. Rachel and Anne are talking with a couple guys, and I see Mark..
the guy playing Hades... he is the guy running the D.J system. After another
minute passes Robbie shows up, and he takes me to the other rec room where they
have Beer Pong set up. Robbie and I make a great team at this. With him being a
spot on pitcher, and me just having good aim for some odd reason. After two
games, which we won, I get bored. I'm not drunk yet, but a little more and I'll
be getting there, so no more drinking!

"Come on you have a whole cloud of
girls to choose from. You need to get out of the bog your in." I hear
Wyatt, and I know who he is talking to. "Where have you been

"I was busy." Jake answers. I
glance at Robbie who is engrossed in a conversation with another friend of his.
I keep listening.

"Busy..busy? or just busy?" Wyatt
says, and they are both quiet for a second. I tell Robbie I'm going back up to
his room. I don't want to here anymore, I knew I would eventually see him, I just
don't know what to say to him. If he even speaks to me. He probably won't.

"I'll let you decide." He
replies, and I hear Wyatt laugh. I can literally feel my face fall. I was
hoping he wasn't doing anything like that. He missed the stupid session to fuck
someone. I head up the stairs, after I grab a jello shot that was sitting a
tray full of them. I drink it down, but I just toss  the jello in the
trash up at the top of the stairs. I spot the condom bowl which is already half
empty. God, all the guys here are horrible. Well not all of them, Robbie isn't.
I also don't know enough guys here to really say that. Girls could've grabbed
some too. "Paige." Jake's voice  startles me, as I'm going up to
the third floor. I freeze, oh shit. I should've just kept going, pretended to
not here him. I set my foot down on the stair, and turn to face him. He looks
confused, and I can tell he is trying to think through something.

"Yes?" I say, leaning against the
railing. I'm still thinking straight, and he isn't holding drinks. Right now
everything looks clear. Although I'm surprised there isn't anyone up here
anymore. They must all be downstairs or in bedrooms. I don't know what he
wants, but he walks up the stairs closer to me. I stay where I am, trying to
not seem nervous, though I am. My anger with him at the moment now is a little
stronger then my nervousness.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. Right after
school, I wa-"

"No, Jake." I interrupt. I heard
him and Wyatt's conversation, I don't need to know what happened after school.
"I heard you and Wyatt's conversation. I can guess where you were." I
look at the ground, wishing I had more alcohol in me. This conversation
might've been easier.

"With my parents." He finishes,
and I turn my head to look at him again. Of course the first thing he says to
me is a lie.

"Why didn't you say that to him?"
I say, not believing him. He is feeding me lies.

"Because I'm trying to get him off my
back! He is the one who set up this whole party.." He says, trying to
convince me. Is he telling the truth? "He thinks I'm going through some
shit... and wants me to get over it. He thinks I need a girl to do that."

"Are you going through
something?" I ask him, and he shifts his eyes to mine. "What did your
parents want?"

"My mother wanted to talk to me about
my grades... and some family supper that they planned over spring break."
He leaves something out. Do I keep asking or just walk away?

"And...?" I say, maybe he was
with a girl, and his parents. He saw them first and then came back to the girl.
I hate the anticipation going on right now! I'm already gripping the railing as
tight as I can!

"Nothing." He says, and I 
know it's something. I let out a breath, and scratch my head. I'm not gonna sit
here and let him try to manipulate me. "Paige I wasn't with anyone. You've
got to believe me!" He says, following me up the stairs. "My parents
want you to come to the dinner. They want to meet you... and thank you... all
the works." He grabs my hand to stop me from walking away.  He is
nervous, I can feel the sweat on his hand.

"What? Why?" I ask, Mr. and Mrs.
Lincoln want to meet me? Holy shit, that's like a huge ass scary honour!

"To thank you... for tutoring
me." He lets go of my hand. I notice him wipe it on his jeans.

"Are you serious?" I raise an
eyebrow at him, I don't know what to think. "This isn't funny." I say
"I just want the truth."

"I'm telling you the truth!" He
says, stepping away. He turns away from me, thinking again. He has to be
telling the truth.. right?  He looks as if he is speechless. Like a kid
who doesn't know how to plain something that happened.

"I don't understand... we've only had
one session. You're grade hasn't even went up yet." I say trying to wrap
this around my brain. He doesn't say anything, and I take a deep breath.
"I believe you... It's just.. it makes no sense." I say trying to get
a better understanding.

 "I'm just as lost as you are!
They insisted though." He says still facing the other way. What's he
thinking about? Something else has to be going on, why won't he look at me?
Yeah it's weird his parents want to meet me, but it's not because I'm a
girlfriend or anything, so I guess it makes sense.. in a weird way.

"I won't go...I mean I don't think
that's quiet apro-" I say, shaking my head.

"You have to go!" He turns, panic
on his face. "I told them you would already." He informs me
scratching the back of his neck. He looks everywhere but at me.

"Jake!" I say, trying to figure
all of this out. Why would he tell them yes for me? It is really that
important. Why would his parents want to meet me anyways. I haven't raised his
grade at all, and I've only seen him once. "I'm not understanding..."
I say.

"And you're supposed to be the smart
one." He sighs. leaning against the wall, gaining his cocky bravodo back

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