Bad Boy's Secret: Enemies with Benefits Book One (4 page)

Chapter 6- Friendzoned


Paige's POV


Walking into the auditorium, I yawn,
snuggling into my blanket some more. I'm so tired, I was up all night thinking
about multiple different things. For one the play parts are supposed to given
out today, second was that the real Jake last night or just him trying to get
me talking. Also did I imagine that little remark I heard him say? I shake my
head, now isn't the time to dive into Jake drama. I've had only one tutoring
session with him and there is already drama that isn't a good sign. I take the
seat next to Robbie, and apologizes for falling asleep right away.

"Nah it's fine, I barely was awake
when I left." I smile, laying my head back. All I need is a pillow right
now! "Have any parts been given out yet?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. I
blink a couple times getting the rest of my tiredness out, and the door opens.
Revealing Jake, and he is with Georgia. She is totally sucked into his whole
persona. I sit up, totally pissed off Everything from last night was fake. Just
a play of his thought of. I fell for it there for a minute too, never again.

"Nothing yet. Are you worried?"
He asks, stealing some of my blanket. I lay my head on his shoulder, feeling
like an idiot and not wanting to be here. I'm worried about the part yes, but
right now I can't focus on anything but Jake. I must've imagined his comment,
as I was walking out the door.  "You really that tired?" He

"No." I sigh "Pissed
off." I admit.

"About?" He questions, and I feel
him move. I take my head from his shoulder, and see he is looking at me.

"Not with you!" I assure him, he
nods aging me on. What do I say? I'm sure as hell not going to say Jake is on
my nerves. That will bring up more and more questions. Georgia leads Jake to
the stage, and they sit directing in front of Robbie and I. Which is directly
in the middle of the stage, it's Georgia's way of showing off. I role my eyes,
looking away. "Just... school stuff." I reply, closing my eyes.

"Alright everyone quiet down! Take a
seat, off my stage." Mrs. Oliver waltz in like she normally does. Holding
multiple play books in her hands.  Oh god, I sit on the edge my seat.
Georgia pull Jake into the seat next to me, and she sits next to him. Once Mrs.
Oliver is on stage, she shines with excitement. It's contagious. "Alright,
everyone! Our gospel girls will be Michelle, Jannette, Georgia, Larissa, and Angelique."
She pauses, and I lose my excitement. Damn, I didn't get any of them. Robbie
pats my knee, trying to cheer me up. "Francis will be playing Pain, and
Greg will play Panic." she says again. Everyone claps and I lean back.
What the hell? Neither of us got the parts we wanted!  I lean back, no
longer really listening. I thought I did good! She said I did good, I don't
know about Robbie, but I know he can sing, maybe she wants him in a part that
sings more?  "Phil will be playing Philoctetes." More claps.
"Paige will be playing Megera!" She smiles at me, and I turn scarlet
red. She is joking right? Robbie next to me smiles, clapping. I lean back, not
happy at all. I got the main girl part! Not cool!

"Aww come on Paige, you know you
deserve the part." Robbie whispers, and I don't reply. Even if I deserve
it, I don't want it! I've never had a lead before, why didn't Georgia get it?

"Mark will be playing Hades!"
Mrs. Olver goes on, more clapping. "Now... drum roll please!" She
says, getting ready to reveal Hercules. I panic. Oh god I have to kiss whoever
it is! That's why I don't want leads, they do all the kissing and lovely dovey
stuff. "Hercules, will be played by ...." She pauses for effect.
"Robbie Shroeder!" She finally reveals, and I turn red again. Robbie.
I have to kiss Robbie?! I bring my hands together clapping for him. Gosh it's
going to be so awkward, we're just friends. Friends shouldn't kiss. She hands
out play books then and highlighters.  I look at Robbie who hasn't said
anything, and I shake his knee.

"Hey you deserve it!" I say, it's
true he does.

"Yeah..." He sighs, opening the
book. "We better get highlighting." He begins, and I look down at my
book. He must realize we have to kiss. He isn't happy about his part at all!
Gosh I should switch. "At least you're Meg though. Now it won't be so
awkward doing some of the scenes." He says, and I turn pink. He knows he
has to kiss me? .. And he is okay with it?

"I guess so." I reply. We get to
highlighting, and before I know it the bell rings indicating first period.
"See ya later." I say to Robbie, getting up and grabbing my things. I
leave the room, and go to my locker. I stuff the play book in, making sure not
to crumple it.

"Congrates on the part. You're going
to do great." Jake says next to me also opening his locker.

"Thanks." I reply shortly,
grabbing my things for French class. I walk away, not wanting to stand there
and deal with him.

"Whoa!" He says, catching up.
"What's with the third degree?" He asks, walking next to me. I
refrain from rolling my eyes, I've been doing that a lot thanks to him lately.

"This is how I normally treat
you." I sigh.

"Paige last night-" He begins.

"Nothing happened." I stop
looking at him, nothing happened. "I told you I wouldn't tell people you
had daddy issues. And I won't. That's it." I begin walking again.

"I'm not talking about that!" He
grits through his teeth. His parents are a touchy subject I see. "I'm
trying to be friends with you. Not trying to hook up with you." He

"Oh really?" I say, and he
actually rolls his eyes at me. "I'll see you later Jake." and I go
into the French room. I l watch him through the door. He looks pissed, I'm
still not falling for his tricks. I look down at my book, what if he really is
trying to be my friend? I lay smack my head down on the desk. I'm crazy for
even thinking that! Even he did want to be friends, I wouldn't want to be
friends with him. Not with the way he treats girls.

The day goes by fast, and the next thing I
know it's studyhall in seventh period, and Carmen is telling me all about
Wyatt. I nod and do the whole entire Mhhhmmm trick as if I'm listening. 
she sighs, and she stops talking for a while, in aww from everything. From the
bits I did hear though it sounds like Wyatt is treating her good, although
everything seems slightly rushed. They're already getting to the nickname
stage. It's been three days only.

"Oh, I heard you and Robbie got the
main parts for the play!" She says, and I look at her. She is giving me
the boy look.

"No Carmen." I shake my head.
"Robbie and I are friends only. Nothing more." I say.

"Good, he isn't the right guy for you
anyway." She smiles, and there is something slightly off about the way she
says it. Jealousy maybe. I must really be crazy! Her jealous of Robbie and me?
No way. The rest of studyhall goes by, and I happily go to eighth hour. We
actually get class in today too. Once class is over though, I stay for a few
minutes and chat with Mr. Parker.

"So, Mrs. Oliver was talking about how
excited she is for the musical." He brings it up. "She thinks that
it's going to be one her best productions."

"Really?" I ask, drawing on his
white board. She has done a lot of good work, I can't believe she thinks it's
going to be her best.

"Yeah, she was talking about how
Robbie and you are going to do perfect playing Meg and Hercules." He says
glances at me, from the homework assignments he is checking. "She says you
two are good at hiding your feelings towards each other." He smirks at me,
and I shake my head.

"No, Robbie is a friend." I say,
looking at him. I used to have a crush on him, but yeah it never went anywhere
I got over it. "He is my best friend."  I add.

"Oh sure.." He says, and I chuck
the marker at him, nailing him in the face. He laughs, and holds his hands up
in defence.  "Robbie.. Schroeder right?" He says. I nod, walking
over and grabbing the marker. I need something to draw with.

"Yes." I say, colouring in the
flower I drew.

"He is a nice kid." He sighs, and
I turn looking at him.

"Oh, is he?" I ask.

"Yeah, he is smart and behaved. Good
sense of humour. I can picture you two." He looks up at me. I just shake my
head. "He isn't terrible looking either." He says.

"Are you telling me to go for
it?" I ask, looking back at the board. This conversation has taken a turn
towards awkward, he knows that when I was younger.. well when both of us were
younger I had a crush on him to. It's gone now, but still slightly awkward
since he is my teacher.

"No.. yes. I don't know." He
says. " I do know you haven't had a boyfriend.... I'm just
wondering." He says.

"I'm not lesbian if that's where
you're going with this." I say, and he laughs.

"No." He says calming down.
"Just wondering if you're talking to someone... or even interested in
someone." He says. 

"Hmm, no not really." I admit,
and he changes the subject. Thank god. Although he choose a subject I wouldn't
like to talk about still. Tutoring Jake.

"I'm really happy you're doing it you
know." He says leaning back in his chair. He must be done grading papers.
"Is he behaving correctly? I do know the type of kids he is." I put
the marker down, thinking. Of course Jake has made a bunch of passes at me, but
is that really something I should talk to him about? We already talked about
Robbie, one talk about a boy is enough for me!

"No, actually he is behaving. I think
he knows he needs to get his grade up." I reply, thinking about what his
father said to him. Gosh, he does need to get his grade up. He did do his
worksheet Wednesday too. God, I was a total bitch to him this morning. What if
he was telling the truth? Jake can't just be friends with girls though, there
is always some benefits thing going on then. I think at least. I shouldn't have
brought up his dad either that was crossing the line. Maybe he does have bad parent
problems! Worse then what I heard last night.  "Hey, I gotta get
going. I forgot I was a speech to do." I say, grabbing my things.

"Okay. Later." He says, packing
all of his stuff. He must be leaving too.  I sign my name on the board
next to my flower I drew, and wave leaving.  I stop by my locker putting
away my history book and grabbing my Speech notes. I do have a speech to
write.  I drive to my dorm, and go inside in a rush trying to get all my
things up to my room. Once I have everything on the ground I turn around
heading to the kitchen. I have a stash of Hershey's Cookies-in-cream bars. I'm
craving one at the moment. Stealing one, I rip open the package and break a
piece off. I hear the creaking of the front door opening and closing in the distance.
I get up, and stuff the boxes I have back into it's in a break in the
cupboards, it's a spot I only know about apparently.

"What are you doing?" Jake's
voice drifts into the kitchen. I jump up banging my head on the top of the
counter. I hold my head, muttering swear words.  "Sorry didn't mean
to scare you." He adds. I mumble more sitting back down in the chair and
breaking off more chocolate.  He stands across the table from me, just
watching me. What is he doing here? Anne's room is right down the hall if that
why he is here.

"What?" I finally ask, breaking
off another piece of chocolate and offering it to him. He takes it, and eats it
before he replies.

"Can we go somewhere more private
maybe?" He asks, and I shiver. He wants to go somewhere private with me?
That's not good.

"Like outside... not my room." I
say, and he smirks a second.

"Well, where ever. Just private."
He informs me. I stand up bringing my chocolate with, and I lead him outside to
the back patio that none of us ever use. It's for bonfires, but we never need
to have one because other dorms beat us to it.  "This is fine."
He sits in one of the chairs, I sit in the one next to him. I lean back trying
to not be so tense.

"Well...?" I say, looking at the
sky. It's quiet a second still, I look at him. He is looking at me. I sit up,
clearing my throat. "Hey.. I'm sorry about this morning.. I shouldn't have
said some of the stuff I did." I apologize.

"Apology accepted." He replies,
smiling. I give him another piece of chocolate. "I actually wanted to talk
to you about the whole tutoring thing." He says. "I was wondering if
next week we could have two sessions. I won't be around for spring break, and
Mr. Parker said I need do something about it."

"Depends what day." I say.
"Wednesday and either  Monday or Thursday will work for me. I'm busy
Tuesday and Friday."

"Oh?" He says, giving me a
questioning look. "Gotta date?"

"No. Tuesday after school I have a
dance thing, and Friday, I'm leaving to go home." I tell him, and he still
gives me a confusing look.

"Dance thing?" He raises an
eyebrow, and it makes me laugh.

"Yes," I say, but he wants more
information. "I've been in the dance club since I was little.. and now I'm
not as interested in it.. I'm doing my farewell recital." I say, looking
away. It's odd to be telling him this. No one at school knows about my dance
career other then Robbie and Mr. Parker. I have no idea why I actually told
him, I'm guessing it has something to do with me feeling bad for this morning.

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