Burning Attraction (15 page)

Read Burning Attraction Online

Authors: Ashley Beale

"I was nervous about you coming over, so I took a few sips of wine. A few sips turned into more as the time passed by. I probably look like an idiot, I just couldn't tame my nerves," I admit sheepishly.

Carson smiles, clearly amused by me. "You're just the right amount of crazy. One of the things I love you about you." I have to bite down my smile. He admitted he still loved me and that makes me happier than I imagined it would make me. There is still hope after everything. This conversation will test that though, and that makes me nervous all over again, even after all the wine I've just drank.

I sigh before talking again, "I'm just going to ask this while I have the courage. What do you want Carson? Did you plan on leaving me for good or did you eventually want to get back together? What? I just need to know."

He looks down at his hands before looking me in the eyes. "I love you Cassandra. I'm sure I always will, you changed me. You've made me happier than I thought possible. But I don't know if I can be with you while you love someone else. I know you're in love with Avery, even if you don't know it yet. I just need to know there are no feelings towards him before I can call you mine again. I want to be with you so bad, I've been missing you, but if we're together, and you wake up one day realizing that you do love Avery, where will that leave me? Either you're going to stay but always wonder if you'll be happier with Avery, or you'll leave me for him. It isn't fair, not to me, not to you, not to Avery."

It all makes sense and I finally see why he has been keeping his distance the way he has. Pierce had him pinned right down to a T. I nod my head in understanding, "I understand Carson, I really do. This is hard for me to say, especially to you, but yeah, I've finally realized how much I do love Avery. And I do love you too. I can't lose either of you, I don't want to lose either of you. But I know I can't have you both, and I'd never ask for that. This may sound cliché, but is there any way we can be friends? Like real friends, that hang out, and talk, and do things together? And maybe in time, we can figure out if it works. If it doesn't work, at least we know we tried. We know it wasn't meant to be. I can't give up on you, because what I had with you was perfect, it was special, and I miss it. I know it won't be the same, I know there won't be kissing or having sex, or any of that. I just need you in my life Carson, you have no idea."

Tears start running down my face, but I'm not meaning to cry. I thought I could say it all, but the emotions are too high. I see the pain in Carson's face as I say that I do love Avery. He already knew, but I can only imagine that felt like a punch to the stomach hearing me say it. I just want to be honest with him, about my feelings. About it all.

He closes his eyes for a moment before looking back into my watering eyes. "It hurts but yes, I think we can do that. But Cassie," he rubs his hands over his face, "this is harder than you think. It's going to take time to be around you and not kiss you or show my love towards to you. So please, don't expect me to jump right back into old habits. We're going to have to take this all slow, okay?"

"Okay. I get it. I know what you mean, because there is nothing more I want right now then to press my lips to yours." All the words come rushing out with my liquid courage before I realize what I've just said. His eyes enlarge, looking from my own down to my mouth and back up to my eyes. He stands up and clears his throat. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

Carson walks over and pulls me up, enveloping in a hug. It feels so nice having my head against his chest again. His heart is beating rapidly, causing me to feel even guiltier about everything. "Don't be sorry beautiful. I was thinking the same thing." I look up at Carson as he leans down and presses his lips to mine, just for a moment. A moment that sends goosebumps down my arms. "I'll see you later."

"Okay," I say breathless. I walk Carson to the door and smile at him as we say our goodbyes.

I go into my bedroom and am so frustrated with everything. This didn't help as much as I was hoping. In fact, if anything, I'm even more frustrated. I wanted to rip his clothes off and have my way with him. A light bulb dings and I grab my phone, texting the one person I know that can help me with this situation.

Twenty minutes later I'm pulling into a condo complex that I've never seen before. I close the door to my car and look for the door labeled 203. When I see it, I knock, and my heart skips a beat when Pierce answers the door. He welcomes me into his place and I enter, unsure if this is a good idea or not.

"So Rosie, what brings you here?" He smiles knowingly.

"Stop with the cockiness," I tell him, pulling my shirt over my head. "I think you know."

His eyes light up with amusement, then he pulls his own shirt off. Now that it's light, I can see all the muscles he hides under his cotton shirts and I'm instantly turned on. Between the tattoos and muscles, this man is uber sexy. He strides over to me, picking me up by my hips as I wrap my legs around his waist. He walks us into what I assume to be his bedroom, as I kiss and suck on his neck.

Pierce then lays me down on a bed and proceeds to undo his jeans, pulling them down with his briefs. His cock springs to life before me and my eyes don't leave it. I want it inside me right now. He bends down and unsnaps my jeans, pulling them down slowly, my underwear joining them on floor seconds later. The moment he unsnaps my bra, his mouth is on one breast while his hand is on the other. I feel so much pleasure as his tongue flickers over a nipple, his fingers pinching and pulling the other.

His mouth moves from my breast, down my stomach, to my burning hot core. He kisses my clit so softly that it's the biggest tease, as he slides two of his fingers with force inside me. My back arches in reaction. "Piiierce," I moan out. His fingers remain inside me, pumping in and out, fast and hard, while his tongue starts licking me with the same amount of force. I put my hands into his hair, gripping my fingers into his gelled locks, and shove his face harder into me. "Oh my God, I'm going to come Pierce, fuck."

I can feel the vibrations of his moan against me, causing more pleasure all over. I start shaking uncontrollably as I release onto Pierce's face. When I'm done riding out my waves of ecstasy, I let go of Pierce's hair and he pulls back, grinning ear to ear. "Holy shit Cassie, that was fuckin' hot."

He crawls up until his face is over mine, his legs separating mine more. I can't help but stare into his desire filled grey eyes. I lick my lips and I see his eyes flicker down to them before he leans down and kisses me. I push my tongue into his mouth, tasting myself on his, then I suck on his tongue, getting all my juices off him. He growls into my mouth, turning me on a second time.

My hips start grinding into him, wanting him, needing him inside me, now. He gets the hint as his rubs his rock hard cock against my entrance, teasing me insanely. With a powerful thrust he pumps into me hard, then before I can react, he pulls out and pumps into me even harder. I wrap my legs around him tight as he continues to thrust into me. I can't contain myself, running my fingernails down his back. I know he likes it because every time I do, he moans out in approval.

Sweat covers me as Pierce fucks me, never slowing down. "Holy shit, I'm going to come again," I moan.

"I want you to come Cassie. Come on my dick just like you did on my face. Let me feel you come around my hard dick." His words are the end of me. My heels dig into his lower back, my back arching, and my nails digging harder into him. I feel myself black out momentarily from the orgasm releasing.

Pierce doesn't slow down as he keeps going in and out of me. Minutes later I can feel myself already building up again. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. "Fuck," I whisper breathlessly.

In reaction, Pierce bites down on my ear lobe then whispers in my ear between breaths, "it's so hot. When you call. My name. Say my name baby."

"Pierce," I moan, "fuck me Pierce. Holy shit. Like that. Ohhh, Pierce." I release another explosion, and as I pulsate around his cock, I feel my insides fill up with his warm liquid release. It feels amazing inside me. "Shiiit," I say in pleasure.

After a couple more small thrusts, Pierce finally falls down on top of me. He takes a few deep breathes before he pulls out, making me squirm in delight. He smiles down at me, then rolls over, staring at me from my side. His hand brushes my matted down hair away from my face. I take a deep breath before I look over to him. "That. Was. Amazing," I say, still out of breath.

His smiles grows ever wider, making him look handsome as ever. I love that I give him that expression. "You could say that again," he says, leaning in to kiss my nose. "I'm glad you texted me."

"I'm glad you answered," I said, smiling in return.

We both lay here for a few minutes before I decide it's starting to get awkward. I sit up and start grabbing my clothes. Pierce grabs at my hand, causing me to drop the clothes I've started picking up. "You okay Cassie?"

I look over my shoulder at him. "Yes. No. I don't know." I just shrug, not really in the mood talk about it.

"Wanna talk?"

I snort out a laugh, "that’s the last thing I want. Thank you though."

"Come here," Pierce says, pulling me towards him. He gives me a sweet hug, one that two friends would give one another. We hold on to each other for a few moments before he speaks again. "Let’s get you showered first, you're hair looks like you've been having sex for hours. You probably don't want to run into someone looking like that." There is amusement in his voice, so I know he is just being kind.

I pull away and look at him, "only if you join me." I wink before standing up.

Pierce stands and together we walk into his bathroom, taking a shower together and having at it one more time.

I find myself waking up on Pierce's couch hours later. The moon is shining through the windows, the TV is on but the volume is low. I'm butt naked still, from our third round of sex in the living room, but I have a blanket over me. I look over at Pierce and he is passed out as well. I'm glad the sex didn't just wear me out.

Pierce has on a pair of draw string sweatpants but nothing else. This is the first time I've really had a chance to look at him, look at his tattoos, his face, all of it. He looks peaceful and happy, something I've never really noticed about him before. My fingers lightly trace all his tattoos on his arm closest to me, then trace down his rock hard stomach. I hear a small moan deep inside Pierce's throat, indicating he is enjoying me touching him. My finger goes to his thick lips next, tracing his swollen mouth, knowing I caused it to look so puffy. It looks good so I lean up and press my lips to them.

Since he doesn't actually wake up, I decide I need to get home and do some homework. I gather my clothes and leave his house, writing out a quick thank you on a scrap piece of paper. When I arrive home I'm still too tired to do anything, so I grab a quick snack before laying back down in my own bed.










































Chapter 11: Thanksgiving

Almost two weeks go by before school lets out for Thanksgiving break. I see both Avery and Carson around school several times. Each time I run into one of them, we will have a normal conversation, but it doesn't last long. Just the basic '
how's it going?'
you'd give any friend. I've been with Pierce three more times since I showed up at his place, and it feels amazing each time. It's the best release in the world, because in those moments I'm with him, I think of nothing and no one but myself. It's a release from stress, from frustration, from it all. And Pierce and I have defined our relationship as strictly friends with benefits.

This afternoon I'm heading over to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving and I'm dragging ass. Aubrey and her family usually joins us, but today she is meeting Mason's parents, so things have changed. Now I'm going to be bored out of my mind with just my parents and myself.

I arrive and see there are several cars here but I don't question it. There is always colleagues of my dads showing up randomly, holidays included. When I get in the house I hear Aubrey's mom talking with mine in the kitchen, so I make my way in that direction. I hadn't realized she was going to be here even though Aubrey wasn't. I guess it makes sense though, she wouldn't just drop everything because her daughter wasn't joining. But that also means I have to deal with Stella today, and I do my very best at ignoring her in school. It isn't as easy when she is in my home, eating at my dinner table.

When I walk into my parent's kitchen I'm taken back by the guests in our home. The first one I spot is Trish, Avery's mom, then Margo, which is Aubrey's mom, Stella, and two other older women I don't recognize. I smile at everyone and walk to my mom, giving her a hug. "Hi mom, happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving love. You know Trish, Margo and Stella," my mom says, pointing at the three people I do know, "then this is Isabella and Janielle. Ladies, this is my daughter, Cassandra. She attends school with Stella here, as well as Margo's daughter, Aubrey." Everyone says their hellos as do I in return.

I stay out of the conversation as everyone talks about boring crap that I have no interest in, but I don't want to be rude and walk off. Our housekeeper, Ellen, pops in, "dinner is about to be served Mrs. McKnight."

"Oh, wonderful Ellen, thank you so much." We all follow my mom into the dining room, where she has actually set out name tags in front of the place settings. She can be so weird sometimes. I walk around the table until I see mine, and sit. I look at the name tags on either side of mine, the first one reading
Isabella Jacobs
the second reading
Avery Manning
. Shit, I didn't know he was going to be here! I look over past his setting and see the name
Stella Hughes
and I'm annoyingly pissed off.

I'm about to excuse myself and say I don't feel good, but before I can speak, the door swings open and I hear Avery's husky voice behind my dad’s. If I get up, he is going to think I'm avoiding him, so I just sit here, looking in every direction but his. He sits down next to me, causing shivers to run down my spine. "Hey Cassie," he whispers.

I glance in his direction, "hi," then I look over to my dad. "Hey Dad! How have you been?"

"I've been wonderful Cassandra darling. How are you? Why do you look so pale?" He walks over and puts the back of his hand on my forehead. "You're burning up. You want to go rest and I can have Ellen bring you up a plate?"

"Actually dad, that would be wonderful. I don't feel good at all." I stand and excuse myself from everyone. I don't look in Avery's direction, but I can feel his gaze burning into the back of my head as I leave the room.

I'm in my room less than ten minutes when I hear Ellen knock on the door. "Come in Ellen." The door opens but it's not Ellen that enters, its Avery. "What are you doing in here?"

His smile is small but genuine, "you were ignoring me, so I thought I'd bring up your plate of food. I brought one up for myself too, so I can join you." He hands me a plate and takes a seat on the floor.

I sit up in my bed and look at him. "I ignore you, so you come join me for dinner? Makes sense," I state sarcastically.

Chuckling, Avery replies, "I'm assuming you haven't been laid in a while."

As soon as I understand his words, I start chocking on my food. I cannot believe he just said that to me. He laughs even harder at my reaction and once I'm able to breathe properly again, I take a scoop of mashed potatoes with my spoon and throw them at him. They land right in Avery's face, so now it's my turn to burst into laughter.

He gets up off the floor, takes my plate from me, placing on my night stand. "What are you doing Avery?" I ask in slight terror. I squeal out as he starts kissing me, the mashed potatoes smearing into my face. I don't stop him though, it feels good having his mouth pressing into mine. I slide my tongue across his lips, which causes him to open his mouth for me.

After a few minutes, I push his shoulders away from me, but instead of him backing off, he just pulls me with him. He lands his back on my bed, and I straddle over his waist, grinding into him. His hand goes to the back of my neck, keeping my mouth in place. When I need a breath, I back away from him and look down at his too serious of face. "Are you mad?" I ask him confused.

He smirks, "why would I be mad? I kissed you. I was hoping you weren't mad." I shake my head no, and Avery grabs the hem of my shirt, pulling it up over my head. He reaches around and undoes my bra that he throws to meet my shirt on the floor. Grabbing the back of my neck again, Avery pulls me back down, kissing me with much more passion. He rolls so that I'm on my back again, and only pulls away from my face when he pulls his own shirt off.

His hand massages one of my breast as his erection rubs into me. I can feel it through his jeans, and my panties are soaked, wanting him... now. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him as close as he can get to me. Avery pulls his face from my lips and stares down into my eyes again, this time he doesn't look serious, he looks turned on. His green eyes are filled with lust and desire, need and want, all of it meant just for me. "You sure about this?" he asks me, looking my face over, making sure he doesn't miss any reaction.

"Avery, I need you inside me," I pant out. Unlocking my legs from his waist, he stands up and rips his pants and boxer briefs off, then in no time has my jeans and underwear meeting his on the floor. He kisses from the instep of my right foot, all the way up to my inner thigh, drops my leg before doing it again with the left side. When he gets to the spot I'm craving him most, he looks up at me, grinning. He wastes no time in tasting me, using his tongue and teeth to pleasure me.

He uses his thumb to pleasure my clit as his mouth does the rest of the work. I grab a pillow and put it over my face to muffle my moans. I grind into Avery's face, enjoying the feel of his mouth on my pussy. As I start to pulsate deep inside, I know I'm about to come. I bite down on the pillow as the wave of ecstasy takes over my body, curling my toes. Avery doesn't stop, instead he shoves two fingers inside me and starts thrusting them deep, harder and harder. His tongue replaces his thumb, then as I tighten around his fingers, Avery starts to suck and nibble down my clit, causing another mind blowing orgasm. My entire body is shaking out of control and I can't hold back on the moans leaving my mouth. Thankful the pillow fades them out.

Avery pulls the pillow off my face and smiles down at me. I grab the back of his neck this time, because I want nothing more to taste the bitter sweetness of myself on Avery's lips. He moans as our lips collide, and I stick my tongue out, tasting myself. He separates my legs further with his own, and his exceptionally large cock slides into my wanting entrance. We both moan simultaneously into each other’s mouths as he fills me up.

"I've been waiting for this day for far too long Cassie." His breathing is erratic, his husky voice dripping in sex appeal, and I moan out his name in response. Avery sucks on my ear lobe, kisses and sucks along my jaw line and neck, as he pumps into me even harder. I'm so turned on right now, I can feel my juices sliding down my thighs. "Cassie," he breaths out into my ear.

The warmth of his breath makes me quiver. "Fuck," I moan, "Avery. Oh my God." I feel myself tighten around him, and Avery starts to shake. I know he is holding back until I come. "Make me come Avery, I want to come with you right now."

His release comes the same time as mine, and we press our lips into one another as we ride our orgasms together. There is something powerful about the way we got off together. I can't explain it, but I've never felt more connected or in love with someone than I do this moment. When Avery pulls back he stares down at me with such a fierce adoration. "I love you Cassandra."

I'm astound by his words, but I feel the same, so I don't fight it. "I love you, too, Avery."

He pulls out of me and lays on the bed next to me, both of us facing the ceiling. Our breath is slowly making its way back to normal, and it hits me that I'm in my parents’ home and we're both butt naked. I hop up and get dressed as fast as I can. "Get dressed Avery, I don't need my dad walking in."

His eyes bulge in fear. "Shit, I wasn't even thinking about that." He gets up and gets dressed incredibly fast. I walk over to the mirror and grab a hairbrush that is still in here to fix the snarls in my hair. It sort of looks normal, if anything, it just looks like I took a cat nap. Even though, I doubt anyone will believe I was sleeping while Avery is up here with me. Oh God, my parents are going to have heart attacks if they know what just happened under their roof. I'm a bad daughter!

I walk back over the bed, sit down and finish eating my food, not looking or talking with Avery. He finishes his food just as silent as me. When I'm done, I set my plate back down on the night stand and lay under the blankets, pulling the comforter up to my chin. I stare at the back of Avery's head, wondering what made me all of a sudden nervous around him. I honestly can’t figure it out.

As if he can sense I'm starring, he turns his head and glances at me. His eyes meet mine and he smiles at me. "Are you done hating me yet?"

"I don't hate you," I giggle out. "Why would you say that?"

He shrugs then turns his body so he is now on his knees facing me. "You tell me. You do an awful good job at ignoring me when you want to."

"Says the guy who went three weeks avoiding me."

"That would be because I found out you were with Carson. It hurt too much to see you two together."

I stare into his eyes that now look sad. "Avery, I didn't know how you felt. You are the one who told me that you never wanted a girlfriend again, because your heart got broken so badly. What was I supposed to think?"

He smirks softly, causing my heart to flutter. "You're not just a girl. You're my Angel." He brushes his lips against mine, "you're the love of my life."

My heart goes into overtime, thumping so hard I'm sure that Avery can hear it. I was supposed to be analyzing everything from a distance, and in the process I've made things more complicated. I can't be his girlfriend right now. It would break Carson's heart, and that isn't fair to him when I'm the one who made the suggestion for all of us to remain friends. What would I tell Pierce? That we just can't ever have sex again? Wait, when did Pierce become involved? When did I care if I hurt his feelings?

"Avery, I don't-"

He puts his finger over my lips to stop me from speaking. "Shh, don't say anything. I don't expect you to want to be my girlfriend because of what happened. I know you still need more time. Just don't say it, it hurts too much. But I'm going to tell you right now Cassandra McKnight, you are mine. No one else’s."

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