Captured Miracle (21 page)

Read Captured Miracle Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

“I was thinking about you.” I answered truthfully.

Surprise flittered through his blue eyes and he was silent. Obviously he hadn’t been expecting my answer. But why? I mean, was it so odd that the man who had taken me against my will be on my thoughts?

No. It wasn’t odd. Anyone would think about their captor if they were in my shoes. Thinking about him wasn’t what was odd. No, what was odd was the context in which I thought of him. I wanted him. I wanted to mean something to him - my captor. I wanted to please him and entice him. I wanted to consume him in the exact same way he had consumed me.

His tone was rough. The sound of it grated against my nerves, causing shivers to push through my body. “What about me?”

I was pressed against the wall now and Calix was caging me. My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour as I lifted my chin in a move of defiance. There was no way I was answering that question and I couldn’t think of a lie to tell under such short notice. I’d never been an expert liar and had never successfully been one to think up one off the top of my head. Besides, Calix always knew when I was lying.

Instead, I said. “You can punish me.”

“You want to be punished?” He asked carefully.

“No.” I answered truthfully. “But I’m unwilling to share my thoughts with you. I figured we could just skip ahead to punishment for my defiance rather than dancing around threats.”

His eyes burned and I knew I’d just woken the beast from his lair. What on earth had I asked for?

“Very well,” his tone was uncanny. I fought my chills. “Get on your knees.”


“On. Your. Knees.” His eyes were cold and hard. I knew then, that I had angered him. My refusal to comply with an answer had poked him the wrong way, but my goading for punishment had been the act to flip the switch. And I knew, that if I didn’t comply now, I would meet another side of Calix. A harsher side. I didn’t want to meet that Calix.

Slowly, I slid down the wall to my knees. He hadn’t been soft before, but he hadn’t been rock hard as he was the night before. As I slowly lowered myself to my knees, his cock swelled. The head was pulsing and magnificent. I had never been so close to a penis before, and although it was immensely threatening it was also captivating. I couldn’t look away.

“Suck it.” Calix commanded and I flinched.

This was
not how I imagined my first blowjob occurring. But even as I had the thought, I knew no other way would have the same affect on me. Despite the fact that I felt debased, I couldn’t stop my core from clenching and growing hot and wet from his words.

What was wrong with me?

When I didn’t move - because I couldn’t - I felt Calix’s hand in my hair at the back of my head. Slowly, he brought my face closer. I watched as he clenched his fist around the base of his cock, guiding the tip to my lips. Slowly, he pressed the tip to the crease of my lips, begging for entrance, but not quite demanding it. Rather than forcing his way inside, Calix traced the crease of my lips with the warm head. It was smooth against my mouth and I found myself wanting to taste him. I wanted to wrap my mouth around his long hard length and pleasure him.

At the thought of small sounds of pleasure coming from his throat, I felt warmth swell within me and I knew this was anything but punishment. I was so wet, one would think he was the one pleasuring me rather than demanding I give him pleasure.

But I had no freaking clue how.

Finally, on pure instinct, I parted my lips. Granting him access, I took him deep in my mouth. Feeling him in the back of my throat my gag reflexes kicked in and Calix pulled back a fraction.

His voice was deep. Husky. “Take it slow, love.” He urged. “Feel me.”

I complied and soon found a rhythm I liked. Pulling back, I swirled my tongue around his head before taking him deep. He slid easily against my tongue, letting me do all the work. I could feel his struggle to remain still as I worked him, sucking him, fucking him in such a wanton way, and I liked it. Feeling bold, I let my teeth slide over his tip before taking him all the way to the back of my throat.

Calix hissed in deep and I didn’t know if it was the feel of my teeth against his sensitive flesh or the way my throat closed tight around him that elicited the sensitive sound. But I loved it. And I wanted more. Holding him deep, I let my throat constrict, pulsing around him. The sensation was foreign and slightly uncomfortable, but it was also highly erotic. Feeling the urge to swallow and unable to stop it, I did. My throat tightened even more around his cock and Calix grunted low.

“Fuck, Nova,” I felt the length of him pulsing in my mouth and then there was hot liquid shooting into the back of my throat. Not knowing what to do, I swallowed as Calix pulled back from the deep of my throat to slide against my tongue. Still pulsing and shooting salty warm liquid, I continued swallowing as he thrust himself over and over again into my mouth. It was so hot - so erotic - my lower belly ached with need for him.

When Calix pulled from my mouth, I couldn’t help but close my eyes and lean my head back against the wall. I’d just made a man come. I’d just made my captor come. And I wanted to do it again. And again. And again.


Chapter 20

I felt his hands around my ribs, and then I was being lifted from the floor. Peeling open my eyes, I looked up into Calix’s face. There was so much emotion clouding his blue eyes, I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around his neck and burry my face into his shoulder. I wanted to kiss him and - love him?

But I didn’t do any of those things. I simply stood there against the wall where he’d placed me on my feet. His hands were still positioned firmly on my waist and his eyes were warm, but uncertain as he stared into mine.

“That was amazing.” He spoke quietly. “Did you enjoy it?”

Blushing, I nodded. There really was no point in lying to the man when he knew every time whether I was being honest or not.

“Tell me what you liked?” He asked, sounding eager. The light in his eyes wasn’t something I could refuse. Seeing Calix like this - excited - was rare.

“I liked the sounds you made.” I answered quietly.

“Did sucking me make you wet?”

If I hadn’t have been wet already that question would have done the trick. The mans lack of humility in sexual situations was just -

“Yes,” I whispered. If my face got any hotter I would soon combust. There was only so much heat one body could take and mine had almost reached its cap.

“Do you want me to pleasure you?” He asked intimately.

My eyes widened and yes, I got hotter. Way hotter!

Did he seriously expect me to answer that pleasure? Of course I wanted him to pleasure me. But there was no way I was admitting such a humiliating thing aloud. Nope, no freaking way!

I didn’t say anything. Calix smiled, his hand moving from my ribs to caress my belly. I quivered as a shiver rolled through me. “Do you want me to pleasure you, Nova?”

“I,” I slowly closed my eyes, pulling in a deep breath. I had to regain my composure. As much as I wanted this - I knew it was wrong. I’d done as he’d asked. I’d taken my punishment, but I didn’t want to have to ask him to pleasure me. If he decided to do so of his own will, I wouldn’t stop him. But I couldn’t bring myself to ask him for his touch either. I just couldn’t. “No.”

Calix’s hands stilled against my belly and I knew he was surprised by my words. “You don’t want me?”

As I opened my eyes, I instantly regretted it. Calix was looking down on me with hurt in his expression. As soon as it came, it disappeared. A conniving smile curled his lips as he trailed his hand lower, to the V of my thighs. His touch was so light I could barely feel him. But at the same time I could feel it in my toes.

“What are you doing?” I asked. “I said I didn’t want it.”

“And I know you’re lying.” He growled. Then, he dipped his fingers between my lips, sliding through the silk of my juices. He sighed, “Ah, I was right. You were lying.”

“No,” I shook my head. “I wasn’t.”

“You’re wet, love. For me.” He leaned and when he spoke his breath was hot on my ear. “You’re wet from sucking my cock deep into your throat. From tasting me. From pleasuring me. You want this.”

Again, I shook my head. Hardening myself against him was harder than I ever thought it could be. “No, Calix, I’m horny. That doesn’t mean I want your touch.”

“You don’t?” He raised a brow, circling my clit expertly. I moaned. Yes, my body betrayed me in such an unforgivable way. “I think you do, love. I think you want it very much.”

I didn’t say anything as he continued to slide his fingers over my clit. When he moved lower, to the opening of my vagina, I felt fear and anticipation curl inside me. Was he planning on putting his fingers inside me? Could I handle that?

Slowly, Calix massaged my sopping opening as I panted against the wall. My knees were weak and his touch was so good it was almost painful. He continued the torturous massage without ever placing a finger inside me - and then he pressed his thumb to my clit. An orgasm was brewing, climbing, almost soaring - and then he pulled his hand away.

Wearing a smug smile, Calix spoke. “If you don’t want it, I’m not going to force you.”

Oh, holy hell! The horrible man that he was brought me to the brink of an earthshattering orgasm before taking it all away. I was so frustrated by the ache I felt in my core and the fire of my desire, that I felt tears prick my eyes. “I hate you.”

“Maybe,” he shrugged. “But you won’t forever.”

“Why would you do this?” I squeezed my thighs together, aching for some sort of relief. There was none.

“Do what?” He asked pointedly. “Make you want me?”

“I don’t want you.” I rasped.

“Yes, you do.”

“Fine!” I yelled. “I want to orgasm. Are you happy now?”

“Tell me you want me and I’ll relieve you.” He bargained. “Beg me, Nova.”

Fuck that. Gritting my teeth, I pushed around him. Practically flying from the bathroom, I snapped over my shoulder. “I’ll do it myself!”

Nothing in my wildest imagination could have prepared me for what happened next. The blue of Calix’s eyes darkened to black and then the water was abruptly turned off. Oh shit.

Without thinking or even caring about my nakedness, I ran for the door of the bedroom. My heart was in my throat and my legs were running a thousand miles a minute - or that’s what it felt like. Just as my hand closed around the knob, Calix caught me around the waist. Pulling my wet body against his, he lifted me under one arm. He was carrying me as though I were a misbehaving child who weighed nothing more than a feather. With a grunt, he threw me down onto the bed face first.

Not wasting any time, I instantly clambered to my hands and knees ready to crawl away from him. I’d never seen anyone get so angry so fast. Even when I’d tried to kill him, the man had retained some semblance of calm. Now, he was raging. I could hear his heavy breaths behind me as he clutched my ankle, tugging me back toward him.

I screamed. “Don’t touch me! Let me go!”

This only seemed to anger him further. He tugged me harder and I fell forward, lying on my belly while frantically trying to clutch hold of the lip of the mattress on the opposite side of the bed. If only I could reach it, I could pull myself away from him. The thought was delusional, but inspiring.

Large, calloused hands grasped my hips and then I was flipped around to lay on my back. Staring up at him sparked a new kind of terror inside me and I wondered briefly what kind of monster I’d awakened.

“Please,” I tried to bargain, but I don’t think he heard me. “Stop this.”

I tried to sit up but Calix pressed a flat hand against my chest, knocking me back against the mattress. I bounced and on my descent back down, Calix dropped his body down to mine. Covering me completely, I felt caged. Trapped beneath him, Calix glared down at me.

“If you ever find pleasure, it will be by my hand.” He growled threateningly.

I didn’t respond. Instead, I tried to fight him. Pushing my hands against his shoulders, I strained to lift him from me. I knew I wouldn’t succeed, but I tried regardless. Panic settled in my chest as Calix used my wiggling against him to settle himself closer against my body. Fear provoked another spike of adrenaline and I screamed again.

“Get off me!”

Calix caught my face in his hand and his grip was tight - almost painful. “Enough.”

Tears were leaking from the corner of my eyes now. Streaming over my temples they slid into my hair. “Please, I didn’t mean it.”

“Stop crying.” Calix commanded. “You have no reason to be acting this way.”

“Are you going to rape me?” I asked shakily, blinking up at him.

“Do you really think I would do that?” I could hear the offense in his voice and it burned me. In truth, I really didn’t think he would ever do something so horrid to me. I didn’t think he would scar me in such a way.

“No,” I was still crying - unable to stop. “I don’t.”

“Then why are you crying?” He demanded roughly.

“You were so angry.”

“Damn right I was.” He growled. “If you want release you take it from me - or you don’t get it.”


“This isn’t up for discussion, Nova.” He was staring down at me through dark eyes. They weren’t the mesmeric blue I had grown to love so much. Instead, they were like the knight sky - and they were glittering with the light of a thousand stars. “Tell me you understand.”

“I understand.”

He sighed, looking almost lost. “Why do you fight me? Why do you insist on making this so difficult?”

“I,” I shook my head. “I’m afraid.”

“Of what?” He asked sincerely. With the weight of his body over mine, I should feel anything but secure - but that is exactly how I felt. I felt safe.


He frowned. “Have I hurt you?”

“Not physically.”

He flinched. “I’ve hurt you mentally?”

“You took me from my family, Calix.”

He sighed, ignoring my reply. “Why are you afraid of me.”

“I don’t understand why I want you.”

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