Dice (A Righteous Outlaws Novel #3) (13 page)

His hand moved across my waist and he squeezed my ass, hoisting me on top of him. Still naked from our earlier tryst, I moved back and forth, rubbing my slick pussy against his growing erection.

Every guy I had ever been with would roll over and go to sleep after sex. Wouldn’t wake up for at least eight hours. Not Eugene. He was ready every time I looked at him. It was like he couldn’t get enough of me, and that made me feel more beautiful than any words could ever do.

He held on to my hips, his eyes closing, as I continued to slide against him.

“You haven’t had enough?” I asked.

“Of you? Not possible. Now, let me in.”

I positioned myself over his length, and slowly eased myself down, allowing myself to adjust to his size. My teeth slid over my lip as he filled me completely. A tiny moan rose in my throat, and I let my head fall back, as the sweet pleasure consumed me.

My hands rested on his hard chest, splaying across the defined lines of his muscles. Everything about him was hard except his touch. It was soft, tender and sweet. This bad boy, full of danger and darkness, handled me with care, and treated me with more love and affection than I deserved.

And I was falling in love with him.

He mounded my breasts in his strong hands, making all the negative thoughts leave me. All I could focus on was the tiny sparks ignited in my body, the mix of pain and pleasure when he pinched my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and the way he filled me, mind body and soul.

I rocked harder, greedy for more, needing to show him just how much he affected me. How crazy I was about him.

“That’s right, baby. Fuck me just like that.”

I slowed my pace, grinding and sliding, dragging out my movements. His grip tightened on my hips and a groan rumbled up his throat. He thrust into me, holding me still, as he continued to pound relentlessly.

My body couldn’t keep up with all the sensations spiraling and exploding inside of me. I slumped forward, nuzzling my head into his neck, taking in his musky scent of tobacco and man. He wrapped his arms around me, and sat up, resting against the headboard. He held me to him continuing his delicious assault.

Hot and slick, our bodies slid against each other. The hair on his chest was rough against my skin, scraping and scratching and feeling so amazingly good.

I laced my fingers through his hair, tugging and yanking the short strands. His head dipped, taking my nipple between his teeth, and made me cry his name out with a hiss.

“You taste so fucking good,” he said against my skin before moving to my other nipple.

Whimpers fell freely from my lips as he moved back and forth nipping, sucking and licking. “Come for me, baby,” he said slipping his hands between our bodies and finding my swollen nub. He rubbed circles, and any self-control I had vanished.

I arched against his touch, as a million fireworks exploded inside of me, wracking my body.

“That’s right baby just like that.” His breath hot against my ear caused another set of explosions to detonate.

Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, he lay me on the bed and thrust into me harder and faster. I mustered the energy to spread my legs wide, opening myself up to him completely. His hands rested on my thighs as he pounded into me and, just as he was about to come, he lowered his head and kissed me with so much passion that stars appeared behind my eyes.

Heat rushed through me as he emptied himself inside me, pushing me over the edge into another mind-numbing orgasm. He collapsed on top of me, our breaths coming in short heavy gasps.

I ran my fingers up and down his back, knowing that I could never get enough of him either.

“Fuck,” he muttered into my neck.

“What’s the matter?”

“I got so caught up in the moment that I forgot the condom.”

“I’m on the pill.” A realization settled over me as the words came out. Even if I wasn’t, I’d be okay with the possibility of carrying Eugene’s child. As an only child, I always wanted kids, and thinking of how he was with his godson, I couldn’t imagine a better father for my children.

He kissed my forehead, and brushed the matted hair off my cheek. “Good to know,” he said with a wicked smile. His phone rang, and he let out an annoyed sigh. “I guess I should be happy they waited until we finished.”

I laughed and he went to get his phone while I cleaned myself up. The phone stopped ringing, but beeped seconds later. He looked down at the screen, and a smile touched his face.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Either Miles is too drunk to remember he’s pissed at me, or he’s forgiven me.”

“Does he need you?”

He tossed his phone on the end table, and crawled back in bed, grabbing my waist and yanking me to him. “Not as much as I need you.”


e sat around the table
, waiting for Cash to start. There were a lot of subjects that needed to be discussed and, while I usually looked forward to shit like this, I couldn’t stop thinking about Allison. My head was still back at her place in her bed. My dick was still hard as a fucking rock, even though I came more times than I could remember over the past forty-eight hours.

“It’s time for another Paws for a Cause and good thing too since Willie and Kent are continuing to talk shit about the club and trying to taint our name in the community. It’s time to remind the good folks of Black Hills that we are here to help. We are on their side, and we are good people contributing to society.”

The Hill Foundation’s Paws for a Cause was a bi-yearly event the club ran as a way to show the town people that we meant well, that we were a part of their community, and we were just as concerned about giving back and doing good as they were. It’s worked for years, and had always been a great way to bridge any gaps we had with the town’s people.

“I swear to god if I come home with another fucking mutt after this event…” Phil started and we all laughed. Most people collected figurines or dishes. Phil’s old lady collected dogs. Last event, they went home with so many I couldn’t even count. Unfortunately for Phil, when it came to his old lady, he couldn’t say no and she knew that. But, dealing with all his shit through the years, the woman deserved the fucking dogs.

“The event will be in two weeks. It gives us enough time to get the word out. Aubree wants to set up a table to sell her…” Cash rubbed at his chin. “Her dog clothes. Shut up,” he said, pointing to Miles.

Miles raised his hands with a smirk. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

“Sure you weren’t.”

“What the fuck do dogs need clothes for?” Beast’s voice boomed across the room, a look of disgust on his face.

Cash shook his head. “You can ask Sunshine at Friday Night Dinner. I’m sure she’ll have a million answers for you.”

At that, we all laughed. Aubree could sell a painting to a blind man and, if Beast were smart, he wouldn’t approach the subject with her.

“Next order of business, and this may come as a shock to many of you. It sure as hell did to me. I had a meeting with Stanson the other day. Turns out the old bastard is getting ready to retire.”

Shock was evident on everyone’s face.

“It’s like the end of a fucking era,” Miles said, leaning back in his chair and staring across the room.

“What does that mean for the Outlaws?” Braxton asked.

“Supposedly, his kid is a cop and will be transferring here in a few months. He’s going to train and, hopefully, the kid will understand that in order to keep the town safe we need to work together. Stanson believes it’ll work out.”

Hudson rested his elbows on the table. “What about that fucking rookie? Without Stanson around, what’s to stop him from sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong?”

Cash scratched his head and took a moment before answering. “Reed is a bit of problem, and has been from day one, but we’ll deal with it. It wouldn’t be the first time we had an overeager cop trying to take us down and run us out of this town.”

“Cash is right,” Phil added. “The Outlaws always prevail, and we will again. We just have to play it safe around the nosy bastard.”

“So, does Stanson have a date for when he’s out?” Kade asked.

“Not yet, but he’s thinking within the year.”

“I knew he was getting up there in age, but I always thought he’d die in that uniform,” I said, remembering the days as a teenager when Stanson would find me walking the streets and give me a ride home. Or the time he caught me underage drinking and let me sober up in the back of his car before dropping me off at the house.

Miles was right. With Nick gone, Cash getting married, Kade and Sienna with a kid, and now Stanson retiring, it really was the end of an era. Things were changing, and the life that I’d been living for over a decade wasn’t the same. I never looked beyond the club. This was my life. All I had. But, now with Allison in my life, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe all these changes were a sign. Not that I ever really believed in that shit. But something in my gut told me to take notice.

“What about Gordita’s Army? Any news on that front?” Braxton asked.

“Their numbers are growing much quicker than when Gordita was at the helm. Stanson said the Feds are trying to catch them making these shipments of illegals, but they’ve been running the Feds on wild goose chases, and they can’t find where they’re working out of, which is why I have everyone taking shifts to follow their asses. Once they get caught, they’re out of our fucking hair, but until that happens we’ll be dealing with them.”

“They shot Stumpy. Why haven’t we gone after them? Fuck the authorities. Let’s take care of this ourselves,” Beast snarled.

“I know you’re frustrated,” Cash said. “But, like I’ve said before, we need to do this the smart way.”

“Sit around and wait for them to come back. Wait for them to get a better shot and knock one of us off. Fuck that! I’m not going to be target practice for those pieces of shit.” Anger darkened Beast’s eyes as he stared at Cash with annoyance. The desire for vengeance was high on everyone’s list, but Beast always made it a priority. He wasn’t a man of many words, but, when he did speak, especially on subjects like this, there was an unmistakable rage that poured out of him.

None of us knew his backstory, and we knew enough not to ask. Though it didn’t take an idiot to know he was a vet. I’d seen the Semper Fi tattoo on his back, and the eagle soaring above an American flag on his upper arm. He was no longer that guy, though. Whatever happened to him turned him into the rage fueled, heartless man he was today.

“I don’t like it either,” Kade spoke up. “Not when I have Sienna here every fucking day, and my kid at home without me, but Cash is right. If we go in guns blazing, we’ll only make this worse. I’d rather dodge a few bullets than start an all out war that puts my family in danger. So I’m asking you, brother to brother, to be patient. To help me do everything I can to keep my family safe.”

Beast’s hard stare didn’t soften or lighten. It stayed glued to Kade before finally he nodded and grunted an okay.

“They want to start a war,” Cash said. “That’s why they shot Stumpy. They expected us to attack them. Retaliate. And, if we do, then we’re stepping into their trap. Into exactly what they want. By holding off and refusing to play by their rules, we control the game. The minute I think we’re losing control, we’ll attack. But, until then, I’m holding the upper hand and I’m not fucking letting go. Those bastards will never take over our turf. Not as long as I’m president and not as long as the Outlaws are a part of this town.”

We all nodded our agreement.

“Now, if that’s it.” Cash looked from face to face then slammed the gavel down. “Let’s go drink.”

We all pushed out of our chairs and I looked at Miles, still not sure if we were good. Just because he texted a picture of him with two naked girls the other night didn’t mean shit. For all I knew, he had no recollection of sending it.

The two of us made our way to the door and he nudged my shoulder. “I’m thinking shots.”

A smile tugged at the corner of my lip. “Sounds like a good fucking plan.”

And, just like that, everything between us was good.

* * *

t was
a beautiful day for The Hill Foundation’s Paws for a Cause. Early morning overcast gave way to blue skies. There were fucking dogs everywhere, but watching DC get excited every time he noticed one made it all worth it.

I walked hand in hand with Allison as she held DC in her arms. I offered to hold the little man, but Allison insisted she was getting paid for the day, and didn’t feel right pawning off the little guy to me, even if I didn’t mind.

Though, it was nice to have both hands free, so I could grope her whenever the mood hit me. With DC in her arms, it was almost impossible for her to swat my hand away from her ass and I took advantage.

Aubree had Miles helping her set up her table and I watched, completely amused. The girl could drive a saint crazy when it came to her attention to detail, and Miles was no saint.

“Woman, you are nuts!” he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air and dropping the banner he was trying to hang on her table.

“But it’s crooked.”

“It’s not fucking crooked.”

“I think it is. Dice? Allison?” Aubree called out to us, and I laughed as we made our way over to the table covered in dog dresses, polo shirts and rhinestone collars. There was a lot of yellow and pink. “Can we get your opinion?”

“How do I get myself sucked into this shit?” Miles asked.

“Because you’re a good guy,” Aubree said, patting Miles on the back. She might as well have punched him in the face. Good and Miles did not go together. He loved being a bastard when it came to women, and the fact that Cash’s old lady thought he was a good guy looked like it physically hurt him.

“Where’s your soon-to-be husband?” I asked, wondering how the hell Cash got out of this and got Miles involved.

“He went to talk to Stanson.” She pointed across the way to where Stanson, Cash and Kade stood.

“Let’s get this fucking over with,” Miles growled, as he picked up the banner and held it in place. “It’s not crooked, right?”

“Looks good to me,” I said.

“No, it can go up a little on the right,” Allison said, and Miles rolled his eyes.

“She’s as bad as this one.”

“I’ll have Martha make some extra food for you to take home on Friday to make up for it,” Aubree offered.

Considering Miles lived in the clubhouse, and the only time he had home cooked meals was at Friday night dinner, he couldn’t say no to that offer. “I want extra chicken and extra pie.”

“Deal,” Aubree said, and shook his hand. “Now, go up a little on the right.”

“How’s it look?” Aubree asked, taking a step back while Miles tried to hold the sign steady in the exact place she wanted.

“Looks perfect,” Allison said, and DC let out a squeal.

“The kid thinks it looks good, so it looks fucking great,” Miles said, and pinned it into place. “I’m done.” He took out his comb from his back pocket, and ran it through his hair.

Allison went to check out all the crap on the table and Miles came to a stop beside me. “I’ve never met someone so fucking anal in my life,” he said, nodding toward Aubree as he took a drag from his cigarette.

“Don’t let Cash hear you say that.”

“Don’t let Cash hear what?” Cash walked up behind us with Kade.

“That your old lady is a pain in my fucking ass,” Miles said, and Cash smacked him on the back.

“Better you than me.” Cash watched Aubree as she held up a dog dress… a huge ass fucking grin spreading across his face. “But I’ll tell you what. That pain in the ass? She turned us into a real family.”

We all nodded. Friday Night Dinner was Aubree’s idea, and she made sure it happened every Friday no matter what. We were always brothers, but she turned us into a real fucking family that did more together than just double teaming some whore.

“Do love my home cooked meals,” Miles said with a smile as he stubbed out his cigarette.

“What did Stanson want?” I asked, looking across the lot to see him meet back up with Reed.

“He’s just making his rounds. We don’t want anyone from the army or Montamos showing up. Usually a police car or two is enough to deter them,” Cash said.

“Not last time,” I said, remembering how Gordita’s crew showed up last year, staking the place out. They left without incident, but it was enough to let us know their presence was not to be missed.

“A lot of shit has gone down since then. I doubt they’ll be around today,” Cash offered.

“I sure as hell hope not.” I glanced over to Allison, her smile big as she spoke with Aubree. Every time I looked at her, I was punched in the gut with how fucking beautiful she was. She glowed with a carefree air and I was afraid that being with me, living in my world would taint that part of her.

I hated to think that anything I did could put her on edge. Make those relaxed shoulders and easy smile tense in fear. Take away that smile that went right to my fucking heart or darken those pretty eyes.

Allison waved goodbye to Aubree, and Kade insisted on taking DC even if she was getting paid for the day. Between work and club business Kade didn’t spend nearly as much time with his son that he wanted to, so when he could he took advantage.

Allison came up to me and rested her hand on my bicep. “You okay? You look…off.”

I was fucking off. I didn’t deserve this amazing woman in front of me. I should’ve told her to get the hell out of my life before it was too late. Or told her to save herself before the dark cloud that followed me became a permanent fixture in her life too. I couldn’t do it though. I was too selfish to let her go, so I snaked my hand around her waist and buried my head into her neck, relishing in her sweet scent.

I kissed the sensitive skin in the crook, then trailed my lips along her collarbone. A laugh fell from her mouth and, damn if that wasn’t the sexiest fucking sound I’d ever heard. Her hands gripped my shoulders and softly urged me away.

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