Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1) (25 page)

We wash each other tenderly then fall into bed. Both of us are asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.





I wake the next morning, forgetting where I am for a minute. When I shake the sleepy fog from my brain and remember, I jump out of bed and put on my bikini, leaving Doug sleeping soundly in the bed. Heading out of our back door that leads right out onto the beach, I run, splashing into the sea and falling, fully submerging myself in the warm, turquoise water. I swim a little way before resurfacing and sitting in the water, just looking at where I am. I feel like I am in a dream, it is so breathtakingly beautiful.

There is only the sound of the gentle waves and the birds. No cars, no horns, nothing. It is glorious. Kicking myself that I forgot to grab my snorkel, I swim out a little way looking down, able to see the fishes swimming below me. I’m not sure how long he has been there, but when I swim to the shore, Doug is sitting in the shallow water watching me. As I swim up to him he opens his legs and I swim right on up to him. Pushing myself up onto my hands I place a wet salty kiss on his lips.

“Good morning, angel.” he murmurs against my lips.

“Good morning.” I smile

“How did you sleep?” I settle myself in-between his legs, my back to his chest.

“Incredibly. You?” his arms wrap around my waist and settle on either side of my hips.

“Very well. But now I am hungry. I need breakfast.”

“Then up with you! Let’s go eat!” He rolls me off him and into the water and stand up, looking down at me expectantly.

“Can I swim there?” I raise my eyebrows,

“No, you need to wear...
.” he looks over my body and his eyes darken, “I cannot walk around with an erection in my swim shorts, you have to cover up.”

“You’re no fun.” I pout getting up and walking back to our room. He smacks my bottom firmly making me yelp.

“I’ll give you no fun... put something on or I’ll ravish you in that bed and we’ll never get any food!”

“Gotcha! I’ll put something on...” I slip a kaftan over me and put on my flip flops.

“Let’s go.” Doug has put a t-shirt on along with his cap and sunglasses. I grab my hat and sunglasses and we head out.

“Just so you know...” he says over his shoulder as he locks the door. “The white bikini... I’ll be hard all day.”

Chapter Twenty-Four



In the next six days, we snorkel, we cycle the island on rickety bikes and we make passionate love every opportunity we get - it is perfect. One night during our stay, there is a disco in the main bar. After begging Doug to go and dance with me, I find myself on the dance-floor dancing with him to
Take Back the Night
. Doug has his hands on my waist, and is moving us to the sexy beat.

“You are so sexy when you dance.” I lean in, speaking into his ear. He grins, exaggerating his hip movement.

“You’re a cocky git too, you know that?” he nods, taking my hand and spinning me out, causing others on the dance-floor to cheer.

“But you love me anyway.” he dips me, making me squeal. Feeling my face heat when everyone claps, I hide my face in Doug’s shoulder.

“You wanted to come dancing....” he shrugs his shoulder spinning me around again.

We lose ourselves to the rhythm when the song changes. The beginning of
starts and I lock eyes with Doug. I know he is remembering Abigail dancing. He pulls me into his arms and leans down to speak into my ear.

“Think you can do a better job than Abigail?” I pull back and he smiles.

“I have other certain...
comes to dancing. I think I can manage.”

I move back a little, placing my hand on Doug’s chest while he stands there watching me, slowly, keeping eye contact, I open a couple of buttons on my sleeveless purple checked shirt and tie it into a knot above my belly button. I’m wearing a floaty, short white skirt and heels; there is a lot of leg on show, and now my tummy too. I grind my hips, sinking lower and lower then raising myself back up.

Doug’s eyes heat and he grabs my hand, tugging me to him and slides his leg in-between mine. Squatting down so we are nose to nose, he rotates his hips, holding on to mine. We are moving in a small circle, eyes locked on each other. I can feel his erection pressing into my stomach and I groan.

“You like this song, huh?”

I glance down to his groin and wet my lips. We are so close to each other; it feels like we are the only two people on the dance-floor. As I lean in to kiss him, someone bumps into us bursting the bubble we were in. I shake my head, trying to clear it and take a step back. There are lots more people on the dance-floor now, all dancing like they are at a line dance. I nod over to the male and female lines and walk to take my spot next to a blonde wearing a floaty floral dress. Doug begrudgingly takes his place in the male line, opposite me and moves in time with the others. Right as
Swing your partner round and round
everyone finds a partner and begins to swing each other round by their arms.

I make a move to join Doug but am suddenly swept up into the arms of a tall blonde haired male who seems to be enjoying himself. I laugh as he swings me around grinning. I look over and Doug is scowling as Little Miss Floral dress grips his arm and tries to get him to move. ‘
I mouth to him. He shakes his head and points to Blondie. I shake my head and laugh. After another couple of spins, everyone finds another partner and Doug makes a beeline for me, almost knocking over a young guy wearing a

“Didn’t you want to swing your partner round and round?” I joke, gripping his arm and swinging round. I’m suddenly lifted up and spun around.

“The only
I am interested in swinging around is you.” he smashes his mouth to mine and grips my arse. I’m breathless when he pulls away.

“Noted.” I grin.Timber comes to an end and the DJ slows it down with

s One Day like This
. Doug smiles.

“This is more like it.” he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. “I love this song.” he says, moving our bodies to the music.

The DJ’s voice comes over the song and explains that this is a special song for a couple who are here tonight. A squeal alerts us to a man on one knee in front of a crying woman. I smile at Doug who smiles back. I can’t hear the response, but going by the reaction of the guy kneeling, she said yes. They embrace each other and start to dance.

“So soppy.” Doug leans in, wiping a tear from my face.

“I can’t help it. They look so happy.” I bring my hand up wiping a few more tears away.

“Would you look that happy, Sophie? If I asked you to marry me?” Doug’s face is full of emotion, his eyes sparkling.

“I’d be happier than anyone, anywhere in the world.” I smile. Knowing it’s the truth. He leans in, kissing me; he pulls away just enough to murmur against my lips.

“That isn’t me asking... Not here, not like this. But one day soon Sophie...” I look into his eyes and know, when he asks, I’ll have my answer ready.

We dance the night away and by the time it finishes, my feet are killing me and I am utterly exhausted.

“I don’t think I can walk to our room, Doug. Just leave me here. Pick me up in the morning.” I groan taking off my shoes and flopping onto one of the chairs in the reception.

“I’ll carry you back, come on.” he holds his hands out and picks me up. He lifts me like I weigh nothing.

“You can’t carry me all the way back. I’m too heavy.” he makes a noise like a snort and I grab hold of his neck a little tighter.

“Close your eyes, Sophie.” he says.

And I do.





Paradise, I am actually in paradise. I’m sitting in one of the most beautiful places on earth, watching Doug run along the sand. Sweaty, rippling muscles, cap on shading his beautiful face. He has stubble from not shaving for a few days. The memory of what that stubble feels like between my thighs floats into my brain, causing shivers to run down my spine. I raise my head a little, my sunglasses and hat shielding my eyes from the sun, savouring the feel of the sun on my body. Doug is coming closer, a smile spreading across his face when he spots me. Slowing down, he drops to his knees in front of me, panting. I gaze at his perfect body, not too bulky, just muscly enough and pure man. I groan inwardly, the man is sex on a stick. His skin is tanned from the sun he has been getting the last six days.

“Did you enjoy your run?” I ask, putting my kindle down on my towel.

“Yes. It’s too hot to run at this time though really, tomorrow I will run first thing.” he wipes his hand over his forehead and looks towards the water.

“Coming to cool off?” I remove my hat and sunglasses and stand up.

“I don’t need asking twice.”

After sitting in the sun for a while, the water is delightful on my heated skin. I submerge myself in the water, smiling. When I resurface, Doug is sitting a little way away from me grinning. The wonderful thing about swimming in the Maldives is that you can stand up for ages and still see your feet as the water is so clear. I swim over to Doug and sit in front of him.

“Can you believe we have to leave here in four days?” I pout, “Where has the time gone?”

“We’ll be back.” I lie back on my hands and raise my leg, pointing my foot like a ballerina.

“I like my skin this colour... what do you think?” Doug eyes my brown leg and smiles.

“Sophie, I’m happy whatever colour your skin is...”

He leans forward and takes my big toe in his mouth, sucking and biting the pad. I can feel it in my core. We sit there, looking at each other, not saying anything. Doug’s hand moves up and down my leg, caressing behind me knee.

“I think we should go to the sun down cafe, fancy it?” I put my leg back down and into the water, trying to cool it off.

“Sounds good. I’ll just grab a t-shirt and a dress for you.” I look down at my body, I am wearing Doug’s favourite white bikini, it hugs my hips and makes my breasts looks fabulous, even if I do say so myself.

“I can go like this, it’s on the beach.” I get up, going over to my towel and drying off.

“Sophie, I’ve seen how the males look at you when you wear that over there, I would rather you wear something over the top.” he is frowning, at me and I frown back.

“No one else, Doug. Only you.” I lean in to him and wrap my hands around his neck.

“I know that... Doesn’t mean I want men mentally undressing you in front of me, or having to go into the pool or the sea to cool off because they have a hard on from looking at you.”

I try not to laugh; I know Doug doesn’t find this the slightest bit funny.

“Doug, every woman on this island has been mentally undressing you since the minute you stepped foot on it. I deal with that, I don’t like it. It’s just not so obvious when a woman is looking at you...” I lean into his neck,

“We don’t have stuff to stick up. But I can assure you, their bikini bottoms are wet, and not from the sea.” He pulls away, looking at me.

“Still... Would you put on a dress,
?” his voice is pleading.

“Yes, for you, anything.” I press my lips to his trying to lighten the mood.

“Thank you.” he takes my hand and we go to get changed.





The sun is due to set soon and the most romantic place to be when that happens is the sun down cafe. We get a drink and a couple of little sandwiches and take a seat at one of the tables by the water’s edge.

“I have a surprise for you tonight, so after this, I’d like you to go back and get ready for dinner. Wear your white dress and then meet me in the bar, okay? I’ll walk back with you and get changed, then leave you to it.” I nod, not asking any questions.

We sit, watching as the sun goes down, a feeling of total contentment. We walk to our room and Doug heads into the bathroom. He emerges ten minutes later, showered and dressed in his khakis and white shirt.

“I’ll be waiting when you’re ready.” he presses a kiss to my forehead and leaves.

I take my time, showering and blow-drying my hair into soft waves down my back. I put on my makeup, keeping it minimal and slip into my white dress. I opt for the silver heels I packed rather than flip flops and make my way to the bar. I spot Doug as soon as I enter, sitting at the bar chatting with one of the barmen, Joseph. He throws his head back, laughing at something he says. Joseph leans over to say something and Doug looks in my direction. He gives me the most beautiful smile, getting to his feet to come meet me.

“You, Miss Bennett, are breathtaking,” he leans down and presses his lips to mine, “And everyone in this room is looking at you.” I blush, feeling eyes on me.

“Let’s go...” he takes my hand, turning to wave to Joseph who nods and winks at me.

“Where are we going?” I ask, holding his hand and following him.

“We have a dinner... on the beach... just the two of us.” Doug smiles.


“Really.” he nods. I follow him out of the bar and to the path that winds its way to the beach out the back of our room. After a few minutes we stop, Doug looks down to my feel and his lips come together.

“As lovely as they are Sophie, we’re headed onto the sand...” I look down and sigh.

“I’ll take them off.” I reach down, undoing the thin straps and take them in my hand.

“You can put them back on when I fuck you on the sand later...” he says, leaning in, eyes shining.

“Promises, promises...” I laugh.

Following him onto the sand, as we turn a corner, I spot the table, set for two, with candles surrounding it. They are on the sand, as we step closer, I see the table has been decorated with flowers in shades of red and pink.

“It’s beautiful, Doug. Thank you.”

A waiter comes into view and holds out our chairs, before opening a chilled bottle of champagne and pouring it into our glasses.

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